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This paper explores issues surrounding the development of the ERIC dataset as it enters the 21st Century. The central theme that runs throughout the analysis is the need for the dataset and the rich, growing array of Clearinghouse services to be integrated to provide a single end-user window into ERIC.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(54):185-192
From September 1988 to October 1990, Houston Cole Library spent $4,852.00 for search fees for ERIC online. The popularity of the service was the stimulus to locate Cunds to purchase a workstation for ERIC on CD-ROM. The availability of a University faculty research grant provided the opportunity to fund the workstation and perform a research project dwing the transition. The author conducted a study comparing the ERIC print index, Resources in Education, to the ERIC index in CD-ROM format. The study contrasts the two formats in the areas of accwacy of results, time savings and user satisfaction.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(53):105-112
From September 1988 to October 1990, Houston Cole Library spent $4,852.00 for search fees for ERIC online. The popularity of the service was the stimulus to locate funds to purchase a workstation for ERIC on CD-ROM. The availability of a University faculty research grant provided the opportunity to fund the workstation and perform research aroiect durine: the transition. The author conducted a study comparing the ERIC print index, Resources in Education. to the ERIC index in CD-ROM format The study conlrasts the: two formats in the areas of accuracy of results, time savings and user satisfaction.  相似文献   

Presents findings on the state of ERIC user services and evaluation efforts performed so far. Recommends changes to strengthen ERIC’s competitive edge and identifies areas of user services critical to ERIC’s strategic goals. Offers an evaluation plan to produce benchmark data for future assessment and inform ERIC’s decision on its future direction.  相似文献   

At the same time that organizational communication and management scholars are focusing attention on trends of spirituality in the workplace, faith-based organizations are taking up the question of how they might maintain a distinct spiritual identity. For these institutions, communicating mission becomes the defining feature of institutional identity. Explicitly religious organizations provide a venue for understanding the implications of incorporating spirituality in organizational discourse. This empirical study explores a mission-building conference and examines the ways in which communicating a spiritual mission simultaneously enriches and constrains both the individual members and the organizations as a whole.  相似文献   

詹福瑞:中国图书馆事业发展的新起点 2009年9月9日下午,在我馆建馆100周年庆祝大会上,中共中央政治局常委李长春同志代表党中央、国务院出席并发表了重要讲话.李长春同志<在国家图书馆建馆100周年庆祝大会上的讲话>(以下简称<讲话>),对于国家图书馆乃至中国图书馆事业的发展建设,具有十分重要的现实意义和指导意义.  相似文献   

曹希平 《情报学报》2000,19(3):276-279
人类有大量活动离不开地理信息 ,故提高地理信息的利用效率有着重要的意义。数字地球是网络环境下高效利用地理信息的一种设想 ,也是未来地理信息系统的模式之一。作者介绍了地理信息系统在网络环境下的特点和趋势 ,并探讨了我国地理信息工作现代化的主要任务。  相似文献   

References indexed for the Australian Education Index (AEI) were sampled and compared where possible with the same references indexed for the ERIC and Australian Public Affairs Information Service (APAIS) database. An analysis of coverage of Australian references is presented. Indexing consistency figures for these references are shown to be 22% for ERIC/AEI and 18% for AEI/APAIS. In-depth searches for Australian material in education need to be run against both AEI and APAIS. A broad generic and free text approach is indicated for effective recall.  相似文献   

论文阐明当代图书馆哲学是世界哲学、服务哲学,是图书馆人安身立命之意识形态;作为图书馆哲学的灵魂,首次提出知识就是服务的命题;图书馆哲学同样面临着国际化和本土化的时代要求,提出了围绕服务哲学、接轨信息哲学的国际化思路,试图在文化层面为建构和谐社会论提供理论依据,并在社会心理层面为建构读者内心和谐论提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Continual changes in information technologies over the past three decades have wrought substantial changes in library services and in information-seeking behavior among the general public. Thus the necessity for libraries to utilize the internet to communicate with stakeholders is even more important for academic libraries, as the rate of internet usage among those with college degrees continues to outpace that of the general population. The online availability of a well-crafted mission statement is therefore crucial. This analysis of the web sites of 113 ARL academic libraries—an update of Kuchi's (2006) study—considers the inclusion (availability) and placement (accessibility) of mission statements on library web sites and provides insights into the academic library's use of such statements for communicating mission and purpose to different stakeholders.  相似文献   

年年谷雨,今又谷雨,谷雨是一个春耕和播种的时节。可是在一年一度的4.23世界读书日即将到来之际,我们却倍感在华夏大地上继承学习传统,弘扬书香理念,广播时代读书种子,积极推动全民阅读进程的文化教育重任,是那么的任重而道远。  相似文献   

As librarians are increasingly identified as rights experts on campus, it is essential that they understand rights issues and how best to communicate them to a multitude of users. While scholarly literature contains many examples of librarians working with faculty on copyright issues regarding course materials, reserves, e-reserves, and intellectual property, there is far less documentation of the need for students, especially undergraduates, to understand their rights as creators and consumers of information. This article reviews relevant literature on librarian copyright skills, the need for copyright instruction, and current case studies and examples of copyright instruction for undergraduates.  相似文献   

本文阐述了元数据的概念与类型划分,并在此基础上进一步论述了学术信息主题网关所应采用的元数据量及其所应具有的特色,分析了分类法、主题词表以及分类主题一体化词表的信息资源组织方式的优势。  相似文献   

Since the Monterey Bay Aquarium opened in 1984, its exhibit teams have been guided by an exhibit philosophy that is mission‐driven, message‐driven, and visitor‐driven. Balancing mission, message, and visitors over the years has meant that the exhibit philosophy has evolved as the aquarium learned about their visitors, changed their mission, and kept the focus on the Monterey Bay. Like many aquaria and zoos, MBA's mission has shifted from raising awareness about nature to advocating and inspiring conservation of nature. This article reviews the history of these changes from a developer's point of view and reports on how the aquarium is continuing to examine how mission, message, and visitors interrelate. The current challenge of inspiring visitors to care about the ocean and to take action on its behalf is proving to be the most difficult challenge yet.  相似文献   

从诸多侧面寻觅、审视20世纪上海社会的演变轨迹,已成为近十年来引起上海文化界、史学界格外关注的热点。一个城市短短百年的往事能引起当代人如此广泛持久的兴趣,这在国内似乎是独一无二的,在国外也属罕见。人们对这段即将逝去的上海百年史情有独钟,反映了对它未来的关注和临近选择的思考。20世纪的上海作为国际都会的新成员,它的崛起有哪些特点?它给中国留下什么遗产?它在国际都会系列中的定位如何?思考、理解这些问题也许需要经历比这段历史本身更长久的时间,但为此提供最初的基石,却理应成为当代上海史学界的责任之一。上海崛起于一块古…  相似文献   

文章借鉴比较教育学等学科理论,探讨中外图书馆学教育比较研究的问题、方法与使命等基本理论问题。在研究对象与问题方面,需要丰富比较国家选取的多样性,拓展比较的范畴和问题域,从现实困境中寻找研究课题,强化图书馆学教育史的比较研究,关注中外图书馆学教育中的共性问题、关涉“人”的问题。在研究方法与资料方面,除使用通用的社会科学研究方法外,亟待采用新方法,注重借鉴其他比较学科的理论与方法,加强社会与文化层面的考察,以及对于档案等原始资料和一手数据的使用。在研究使命与取向上,中外图书馆学教育比较研究的主要使命在于探索图书馆学教育中外融合的路径,因此要坚持本土关照的研究取向,将反思与“互鉴”贯穿其中,创新和丰富研究模式,从经验借鉴走向理论生成,以期获得对学科教育发展路径的深层认知,为探寻学科教育未来走向提供行动知识,从而促进其可持续发展。参考文献57。   相似文献   

文献分类学的研究对象、内容和任务新论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
俞君立 《图书馆杂志》2001,20(12):8-9,16
文献分类学的研究对象主要是文献分类法与网络信息分类法,同时也研究分类标引技术问题。研究内容主要包括学科理论、文献分类法与网络信息分类法的理论及编制实践、文献分类工作与文献分类标引方法,近期需要着重强调三个方面的任务:总结与研究20世纪特别是60年代以来国内外文献分类法发展道路/研究与具有方向性、前瞻性和可行性的我国分类法近期与长期发展目标,并采取相应的对策与措施,加以实施;加强文献分类学的学科建设。  相似文献   

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