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This chapter offers a critique of the latent variable modeling approach taken by Ransdell et al. Suggestions for improving the analytical strategy are described, including the use of confirmatory factor analysis in conjunction with structural equation modeling. The chapter concludes with some examples of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling from other data sets in order to demonstrate each technique's advantages and disadvantages. Finally, several directions for future research, including the use of longitudinal methods, are suggested in order to help constrain the direction of causative links between academic performance and its predictors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether, as a result of collaborative-online reading of a chapter from a book of an academic nature, the quality of the collaborative summary that the readers would write would be higher than that written by readers who would both read the same chapter and write a summary in a face-to-face setting. In this study we examined the difference between the summaries written by participants from two groups, each group was divided into subgroups of 3 participants who had read collaboratively a chapter of a book, and collaborated on writing a summary. The participants of the experimental group read the chapter as it appeared in a website for collaborative reading built especially for this study and the participants were asked to summarize the chapter on a shared online digital document. The participants of the control group were asked to read the chapter face-to-face and to collaboratively summarize it in hand writing. The quality of the summaries was evaluated with a tool developed by Rivard (2001). This tool was developed to measure the quality of the summaries. In our study the main and secondary ideas that were supposed to be included in the participants’ summaries were identified by three literature teachers using ten different criteria and the summaries were analyzed by two other judges based on these criteria. The findings indicated that there were significant differences in the majority of the writing indicators being measured with the tool. The findings indicated that collaborative-online reading and writing produce a summary of a higher quality than one read and hand written collaboratively face-to-face.  相似文献   

《天官书》记载天文星象,内容冷僻,文辞古奥;三家注征引各家之书,或不标出处,其标注者,今亦多已失传,且内容芜杂,难以一一稽考,是以校勘颇为不易.此文以景祐本、耿本、黄本、彭本、柯本、凌本、殿本诸本与金陵书局本对校,稽核《汉书》、《晋书》、《隋书》、《旧唐书》、《新唐书》、《宋史》及相关文献,参考前人研究成果,结合文字、音韵、训诂、词汇、文例、史实等,对《天官书》中50余处文字作了考辨.  相似文献   

唐五代联章词题材广泛,形式多样。有些联章词具备了完整的故事情节,有些具备了代言与表演的特征,实是戏曲之先声,有些联章词反映了唐代中下层民众的生活状态以及风俗人情,有些联章词甚至成了知识和思想传播的宣传性教材。唐代联章词直接影响了后代的联章词的创作,强化了诗歌的叙事性与表演性,为曲体的兴起奠定了基础。  相似文献   

《诗·小雅·北山》第二章前四句“浦天之下,莫非王土;率土之滨,莫非王臣”,在晚周的解说多异,见载于《盂子·万章上》《荀子·君子》《韩非子·忠孝》《吕氏春秋·慎人》《战国策·东周》等文籍。该章句解说之歧异成为晚周诸子《诗》说的焦点,也是比附《诗》说与本体《诗》说冲突沟合的诱因。中国诗学观念之激发,实得力于“普天之下”章句异解之推波助澜。  相似文献   

This chapter describes the available information about the prediction of college performance in Colombia (South America). Before graduating from high school, students must take a national examination which includes 400 questions grouped into four major areas: sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics), social sciences, language (verbal aptitude and Spanish), and mathematics (mathematical attitude and mathematical knowledge). ICFES scores are used as a major criterion for university admission. Existing research suggests that the correlations between ICFES scores and GPAs tend to be quite small and vary widely from one academic program to another. Other variables (e.g., high school grades) are better predictors of college GPA, quite likely because the same set of personal and socio-cultural variables are needed for both high school and college success.  相似文献   

以《孟子》与郭店简《性自命出》篇为文本基础,以《管子》内篇为参照材料,考察史上之心性关系,探索心、性是如何从哲学史、思想史的早期互不相干,到孟子之时一步步演变为一而二、二而一的对偶范畴。  相似文献   

Online Capella University wanted to sponsor an International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) chapter. Using social networking platforms, a new type of chapter was designed. The virtual chapter breaks new ground on more than the chapter's platform; it is also the first university‐sponsored chapter and has a unique approach to accomplishing chapter work. Service orientation, technological innovation, and alignment to the society's strategy helped the ISPI Capella University Virtual Chapter become a Chapter of Excellence.  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》十三篇研究取得很大成绩,但篇章结构却被长期忽视,成为短板。忽视篇章结构必然导致断章取义式的误读,使整个研究基础不牢。篇章结构总体研究大体遵循实际应用的理论重构、现代学术的理论解析和本体研究的理论回归三大范式进行深入探讨;各篇研究也积极运用精细阅读、框架理论、语篇研究、隐喻象征等方法认真分析,均取得显著成效;新理论和新方法的引入不仅解决了许多疑难,还以其创新精神和颠覆性成就突破传统,占领制高点;各篇分析的关键是明确理论框架、认清结构模式和注意表达方式等。构建《孙子兵法》篇章结构的良性解读系统,对于开启孙子研究新的篇章大有裨益。  相似文献   

在《水浒传》传播史上,我们现在只能读到100回本和120回本,那可是曾经淘汰的版本。300余年盛行的一直是金本《水浒》。要解决《水浒》研究中一大堆令人尴尬的问题,就得深入研究《水浒传》传播史,尊从图书传播规律,改变人为阻碍金本《水浒》传播的不正常现象。  相似文献   

作为中国近现代经典歌剧《白毛女》中的代表性唱段,《恨似高山仇似海》以其特定的故事背景、特殊的歌曲内容和特别的音乐表现手法,奠定了自己在中国民族声乐演唱与专业教学曲目中的经典地位。本文从歌曲演唱的情绪把握与技术处理角度,分析该作品音乐发展的层次与情绪发展的过程,提出相应的具体处理方式与方法,力图为演唱这首作品的表演者,尤其是为学习演唱这首作品的民族声乐专业学生,提供必要的理论与实践参考。  相似文献   

Homework gives students an opportunity to practice important college‐level physics skills. A switch to Web‐based homework alters the nature of feedback received, potentially changing the pedagogical benefit. Calculus‐ and algebra‐based introductory physics students enrolled in large paired lecture sections at a public university completed homework of standard end‐of‐the‐chapter exercises using either the Web or paper. Comparison of their performances on regular exams, conceptual exams, quizzes, laboratory, and homework showed no significant differences between groups; other measures were found to be strong predictors of performance. This indicates that the change in medium itself has limited effect on student learning. Ways in which Web‐based homework could enable exercises with greater pedagogical value are discussed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 1050–1071, 2003  相似文献   


This chapter examines the effects of the major policy and political trends in lower education during the 1980s. Specifically, it assesses the programmatic and fiscal effects of the Reagan administration's fiscal federalism, the excellence agenda and the emerging state activism on urban school districts. The focus is on California as an illustrative case study, as the state represents an inchoate national trend toward fiscal centralization. The chapter argues that centralization has created a new politics of school finance. Not only do schools compete for funding with higher education, health, welfare, criminal justice and transportation, but students also compete with teachers over categorical funding. The chapter concludes that policies of categorical funding have changed dramatically. While symbolically they are rooted in equity, in reality they represent a new political spoils system.


This chapter provides a cross-societal discussion of the findings of the Schooling for the future study, the case studies. It examines why senior educators and policy leaders in each of the six case study societies believe that bureaucratic school systems are the most likely scenario for future even though these are not the most desired. It examines some of the key factors that account for senior educators and policy leaders’ views, and the changes they argue are needed to achieve the desired scenario for the future. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the contribution and the implications of the study for the usefulness of the OECD scenarios as policy tools.  相似文献   

As the academic and professional honor society of counseling, Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) has been recognized in developing advocacy, leadership, and professional identity in student and professional members. A qualitative, grounded theory study was conducted to investigate experiences of 15 early career counselors who were CSI chapter leaders as graduate students. An emergent theory of CSI chapter leadership and professional identity development in early career counselors is presented. Implications are discussed for counselor educators, CSI leaders, and counseling students and professionals, with suggestions made for future research.  相似文献   

"传"体是在汉代经学潮流背景下兴盛的一种为阐释儒家经典而出现的文本,即经传。传统观念认为,司马迁《史记》是史传体裁的创立者。《伯夷列传》作为《史记》列传的第一篇,因为体例和写作方法迥异于《史记》其他列传,被视为《史记》列传之"变体"。然而通过对汉代经传向史传发展过程的基本梳理,及对《伯夷列传》文本进行细致研究,可以发现《伯夷列传》并非是后出列传的"变体",而是在经学背景下较多保留了经传的形态。并通过《伯夷列传》的经传形态,初步探视《史记》列传的文体特征深受经传影响的迹象。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》两个英译本中回目翻译的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古典文学四大名著之一《红楼梦》被喻为中国十八世纪社会百科全书。多年来,中外译者都不遗余力地通过翻译将其介绍给西方读者。其中的优秀作品首推杨宪益与霍克思(Hawkes)两位翻译家的《红楼梦》英译本。他们的译文各有特色与侧重点,充分为我们展示了翻译的艺术。本文选取《红楼梦》回目翻译作为对比研究的切入点是由于其别具特色,异彩纷呈,美不胜收,具有很高的艺术成就和审美价值。通过对这两个英译本的对比研究,我们可以对两位译者的翻译风格与翻译方法有一个大致的认识,这对于提高我们对翻译作品的鉴赏能力,加深我们对翻译理论的认识都是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

《人论》是恩思特.卡西尔著作中重要的一部作品。《人论》中的第七章是以神话与宗教为题而展开的研究。卡西尔第七章的神话理论十分有助于阐释民间故事中的民间信仰。本文拟从卡西尔神话理论的角度出发来解读伍家沟鬼神故事中的民间信仰观并通过这种解读寻找出故事里原始思维观念中的积极元素。这些元素对于现代人按规则办事、保护人类赖以生存的环境以及正确理解人与动物植物、人与自然之间的相互关系具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

木壮 《天津教育》2021,(3):89-90
《普通高中地理课程标准(人教版)》强调要重视学生地理学科核心素养的培养,培养学生自主发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。本文选择高中地理人教版第二册第四章《交通运输布局对区域发展的影响》为教学案例,试图将该章节的内容跟新版地理课程标准对接起来,研究怎样利用课外的地理素材进行课程设计,激发学生的自主探究思维,培育学生的地理核心素养。  相似文献   

This chapter reports on one strand in a large study that has taken a different strategy. The strategy is based on a hypothesis that group inclusion might function as a catalyst for a systemic transformation of the school, or at least be a step on the way to full inclusion. An analysis of the past 30 years of Danish efforts in inclusion shows that placement rather than inclusion has been the concern, as the included students have had to adapt to the principles of mainstream education. Identifying four dilemmas of these inclusive processes, the chapter reports on how teachers in a group inclusion class have found new and better ways of living with them.  相似文献   

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