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This study examines how high school students' information literacy (IL) skills prepare them for academic work in the digital age. The project included: (a) an audit of university IL practices; and (b) the administration of the James Madison University (JMU) Information Literacy Test (ILT) to 103 twelfth grade students in Alberta, Canada. Due to the low stakes of the test, there was concern about the reliability of the results. Rapid guessing, response time effort, and motivation filters were applied to confirm the reliability of the results. Results indicate a gap between expectations of high school students and their skills. Using a standardized test, potential incoming undergraduate IL proficiency was identified, including student strengths and weaknesses. The audit identified IL policies and practices at the university, indicating discrepancies in the IL instruction students may receive. Findings indicate that students lack the IL proficiency required to succeed in the post-secondary educational environment, and the libraries are not prepared to effectively address this gap.  相似文献   

As part of the ongoing debates over the best methods for teaching information literacy, some librarians have argued for a “teach the teachers” strategy. In this approach, librarians concentrate some of their instructional energies on teaching disciplinary faculty to teach information literacy. In this paper, multiple examples of “teach the teachers” efforts are reviewed, in order to provide insight into the impact that taking this approach might have on librarians, faculty, and students. Results indicate that the “teach the teachers” approach shows promise as one method by which librarians can support the integration of information literacy into the curriculum, but that more assessment is needed to determine the long-term impact of such initiatives on faculty teaching practices and students' information literacy development.  相似文献   

Rather than perpetuating the misunderstandings between public services and technical services librarians, a series of statements were written, setting forth the internal agreements, policies, and general procedures that existed within an academic library. The statements have also been a useful tool in the orientation of new staff members.  相似文献   

《Research Strategies》2001,18(3):181-190
Case-based, problem-based learning (CBPBL) is a student-centered approach that uses tightly focused minicases to help students demonstrate their ability to identify their information needs. It has been used successfully in science and medical learning, and lends itself easily to helping students develop the critical thinking skills that lead to information literacy. In this approach, after students are provided with a minicase, they control the chalkboard and direct their own learning by initiating the topics and setting the agenda that will lead to solving the case. The instructor's task is to serve as a facilitator, asking questions only when it serves to help clarify students' thinking, and guiding group processes when necessary.  相似文献   

信息联盟:高校图书馆与企业合作的战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国高校图书馆是传播信息与知识的重要基地之一.高校图书馆务须主动发挥主力军的作用,与广大企业结成战略伙伴关系,着力开展信息合作与服务.本篇着重建构高校图书馆与企业合作的方法和路径,开展信息合作的实务操作方法与步骤,并对实施的执行力进行原则性设计.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from 21 semi-structured interviews with museum information professionals who were asked about their experiences working with information resources, tools, and technologies in museums. The interviews were analyzed to develop an understanding of the information literacy skills of museum information professionals. This paper presents the results of this analysis, and discusses the state of information literacy in museums, and the increasing need for museum information professionals to possess information literacy skills. The results illustrate how information literacy is defined by information professionals in museums, and how perceptions of information literacy and its importance to museums have changed over time.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):131-135
Courses: Introductory Public Speaking, Introductory Small Group Communication

Objectives: Students will locate, analyze, evaluate, and utilize secondary sources through an in-depth research process. They will complete a comprehensive research portfolio. Students will practice effective group dynamics skills. They will demonstrate effective oral presentation skills in a panel presentation.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose information literacy as a soft applied discipline, of key importance in the information society. This is contrasted with the characterization of information literacy as a personal attribute in the U.S. and Australian Information Literacy standards. Vannevar Bush's vision of the technologically connected and enabled scientist is used to introduce a discussion of citizen's information needs and responsibilities in an age of “cheap complex devices.” The authors emphasize the key role of information literacy in this information society. Information literacy is identified as a soft applied discipline, with reference to disciplinary indicators that have been identified in the literature. Building on this concept of an information literacy discipline, the authors propose a mission for information literacy education focused around three elements: information literacy for citizenship, information literacy for economic growth, and information literacy for employability. The paper concludes by identifying that in terms of preparing citizens for managing and taking action in society, information literacy has much to contribute, and that it is vital to nurture this emergent discipline.  相似文献   

This article draws on the authors’ experiences in providing training for information seekers worldwide, from elementary school children to business professionals. Designed for the UNESCO Training the Trainers (TTT) in Information Literacy (IL) workshop in Wuhan, China in October 2008, the material offers a practical, structured framework for creating an information literacy program for trainers that is adaptable to changing learner needs and changing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. It includes examples and a case study using a basic course for paraprofessionals and beginning librarians. Based on input from participants at the Wuhan workshop, the article enhances the assessment portion of the presentation. The UNESCO program document listed a target audience of the less information literate ((UNESCO, 2008) Training the trainers in information literacy portal http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=25623&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. Accessed 14.02.10). This paper, and in general the approach of the Wuhan session, focused on information literacy at an institutional rather than community level (Zhang, X. (Julia) (2009). Report of the UNESCO training-the-trainers in information literacy workshop, October 20–22, 2008, Wuhan, China. International Information & Library Review, 41(4) 273–276).  相似文献   

This article draws on the authors’ experiences in providing training for information seekers worldwide, from elementary school children to business professionals. Designed for the UNESCO Training the Trainers (TTT) in Information Literacy (IL) workshop in Wuhan, China in October 2008, the material offers a practical, structured framework for creating an information literacy program for trainers that is adaptable to changing learner needs and changing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. It includes examples and a case study using a basic course for paraprofessionals and beginning librarians. Based on input from participants at the Wuhan workshop, the article enhances the assessment portion of the presentation. The UNESCO program document listed a target audience of the less information literate ((UNESCO, 2008) Training the trainers in information literacy portal http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=25623&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. Accessed 14.02.10). This paper, and in general the approach of the Wuhan session, focused on information literacy at an institutional rather than community level (Zhang, X. (Julia) (2009). Report of the UNESCO training-the-trainers in information literacy workshop, October 20–22, 2008, Wuhan, China. International Information & Library Review, 41(4) 273–276).  相似文献   

What problems does groupwork pose for information literacy, and how can the ACRL Framework help us to address them? This paper addresses gaps in the scholarly literature to examine how groupwork problematizes our understanding of information literacy. We explore ramifications of what it means to be information literate as a group versus as an individual. The ACRL Framework is explored for areas of potential opportunity.  相似文献   

中医院校教师信息素养提升策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了高校教师信息素养的内涵与构成,调查了当前中医院校教师的信息素养状况,提出了提升高等中医院校教师信息素养的策略。  相似文献   

This study explores how libraries can enhance information literacy in online undergraduate courses at Purdue University, a large Midwestern research university. The article investigates undergraduate students’ perception of the importance and their awareness of libraries’ services for online learning, challenges of using information to complete course assignments, and the ability to gather and evaluate information to complete online coursework. The findings contribute to four aspects of the Libraries’ programmatic efforts to support undergraduate students taking online courses. These include showing a need for IL, helping students stay connected to resources and support, pedagogic strategies, and strategically targeting courses.  相似文献   

信息素质教育模式重塑的前提是重新定位信息素质教育的认知视阈,明确信息素质教育的社会目标.推行个性化教育模式、打造全方位合作教育平台以及基于社交网络工具开展信息素质教育将是实现未来信息素质教育开放性、生动性、交互性和合作性平衡的必然之路.  相似文献   

Information behaviors of Latinos attending high school in East Los Angeles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The data on Latino school-aged youth with regard to their information and digital literacies are nascent, while this US population is growing explosively. An exploratory study investigated the information behaviors of Latinos attending high school in East Los Angeles. Information behaviors including library use and research skills were investigated through a series of focus groups and a questionnaire. Results challenge several assumptions regarding access to technology and first-generation Latinos.  相似文献   

The information literacy (IL) needs of people in the fourth age, a stage of increasing dependence and disability, have not been considered in the research literature. Based on the premise that there are relationships between information seeking and IL, this article begins to bridge this gap by focusing on the information-seeking behavior of the group in an attempt to identify IL needs. It does this through a literature review, particularly drawing on two pieces of human information behavior research, one a new study focused specifically on the group in question. It also examines existing definitions of IL in order to gauge how relevant they appear to be. The reasons for studying this group include that all stages of a person's lifespan deserve to be studied and that the population size of this group increases dramatically in the developed world. Although information needs and sources used are fewer in the fourth age, they are still important to the people involved, thus making IL a relevant concept. The researchers draw implications for IL from the particularities of the information context where disability and frailty impede purposeful information seeking. The resulting emphasis on incidental information acquisition increases the role for social networks and communication, again with implications for IL. Information grounds, where people congregate for purposes other than information sharing, including artificially created ones, will also be important for information dissemination. The role of the Internet, including assistive technology for its use, is also relevant. The conclusion is that IL is crucial to the well-being of people in the fourth age but that existing definitions need to be adjusted to the specific informational context.  相似文献   

This study used content analysis to examine job postings from advertising agencies to find how often information literacy (IL) skills were seen in the job posts and how these skills manifest themselves. Five out of the six IL skills were seen in at least 41% of the job postings, however the skill of synthesizing information was rarely mentioned. It was also found evaluating data and using data software is performed by advertisers. This study concludes with asking librarians to introduce marketing students to more data and calls on librarians to consider the context in which IL skills are used.  相似文献   

A Class Performance System (CPS) is applied as an assessment tool to assist in determining the level of information literacy knowledge already possessed by adult students enrolled in a graduate Educational Leadership and Technology program. The CPS data collected reveals that students possess varying degrees of technology expertise and information literacy skills. Study results suggest that clickers facilitate differentiated information literacy pedagogy and increase engagement for graduate students.  相似文献   

Scholarship has not undergone a paradigm shift in terms of argument and research with the introduction of the Web-based information world. Searching, on the other hand, has undergone a significant shift. In teaching students to find, use, and evaluate information, librarians and instructors need a useful model of the information world that enables them to teach students about information. A practical example of how this may be accomplished is presented.1  相似文献   

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