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Over the past two centuries, public education has gone through wave after wave of reform. Each succeeding wave was in response to changing social and technological conditions. We are now poised on the edge of another major reform effort. Whether this effort continues down the path of refining and fixing the existing educational system or results in genuine renewal depends on the perspectives we choose to guide the process. This chapter discusses needed perspectives and presents an organizational inquiry model that emphasizes systems design as the “missing” domain that can bring about the kind of human growth and development systems our society needs. A framework for exploring educational redesign options is presented.  相似文献   

所谓“文心雕龙”,是指作文的用心在于精雕细刘,以企及“刻画而自然”的至境。彦和把《文心雕龙》分为上、下两篇:上篇是文之“纲领”,包括“文之枢纽”五篇(从《原道》至《辨骚》)和“论文叙笔”二十篇;下篇是文之“毛目”,包括“剖情析采”二十四篇(从《神思》至《程器》)和“长怀《序志》”一篇。这是《文心雕龙》的原初框架。就《文心雕龙》性质而言,它是一部文章写作思想论著。  相似文献   

This paper provides insights into both the educational design of textbooks and interdisciplinary education. The author introduces two educational principles for textbook design – instructional alignment and balancing diversity and meaningful guidance for readers – and applies them to writing his own textbook chapter for being interdisciplinary. The two broad conclusions are: textbook design can be a new area of study in higher education, illuminated by curriculum design and reflective practice; and textbooks can provide a useful method of interdisciplinary education.  相似文献   

The major memory representations produced by reading a textbook chapter are described. These include (a) single propositions, (b) integrations and elaborations of two or more propositions, and (c) a chapter summary. Research that bears on each of these aspects of memory for textbook information is used to select 15 dimensions for evaluating a textbook's potential for facilitating representations in memory. These dimensions are then quantified for samples from three educational psychology textbooks. The dimensions appear to be useful for evaluating a text's strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

This chapter analyses current provision of early childhood education for the toddler children of Dutch itinerant bargees (that is, children who live with their parents on ships). That provision functions as a microcosm of continuing changes to educational systems and the broader socioeconomic milieu operating in the Netherlands. The argument is illustrated by the author's experience and knowledge gained as director of the National Foundation of Education for Children of Bargee Families, and by contemporary theories of early childhood education.  相似文献   

张謇借鉴西方的教育管理经验,与当时的实际相结合,创造性地提出了各级各类学校的课程设置;重视教师和学生管理,主张制定行之有效的管理制度;主张勤俭办学,节流开源,实现学校的可持续发展.这些思想对中国近代乃至现代教育的发展产生了积极的影响.  相似文献   

In October 2010 the government confirmed it would introduce a “pupil premium” payable to schools with disadvantaged pupils. This shift towards resourcing by group rather than area may mark the closing of another chapter in efforts to produce a more meritocratic education system utilising what might be termed intermediate institutions. Their predecessors opened more than 3500 Children’s Centres to develop new strategies for working with the families of preschool children in order to alter long-term educational trajectories. This paper reflects on an earlier chapter in public efforts to secure greater educational equality, the first three years of the Red House Education Centre in Denaby Main, a mining village in Yorkshire’s West Riding, in the period 1969 to 1972. Red House was the most significant development arising from the West Riding Educational Priority Area (WREPA) Project and was an example of area-based positive discrimination. The paper explores two key questions. Can schools be re-positioned so that they offer the community an opportunity to develop as active participants in reshaped democratic processes, or are new institutional forms required? Did Red House offer parents and professionals the opportunity to improve educational outcomes in a neutral space where both felt a sense of ownership?  相似文献   

《广东新语》的作者是屈大均。但该书中的端州山水章却标明是何磻所撰述,端溪砚石章则标明是高兆所撰述。无论从题目名称抑或从具体内容来看,此两章与全书的撰述体例及与屈大均谋篇设目的宗旨不相吻合。经分析可知,此两章文字原非《广东新语》所有,是屈大均受某些特殊原因所驱使或出于某种考虑,才将它们加插到《广东新语》中去的,添加时间是在康熙二十六年之后。由于此两章文字的撰写时间及其被收入《广东新语》中去的时间皆可考,故凭此能说明《广东新语》在康熙二十六年时已经刊刻成书的说法欠妥。  相似文献   

任鸿隽是近代自然科学家,但他在科学教育上的精辟见解及其实践活动,奠定了千土学教育家的地位。他批判传统化教育,把科学与教育联系起来,尤其重视科学方法与态度养成,并运用于教育。他领导的中国科学社及《科学》杂志在中国近代科学教育思潮演进中是一种不可忽视的力量,对中国近代学制、课程及教材的变革产生了举足轻重的影响。  相似文献   

In November 1989, there was a meeting of people who had been involved in helping to bring about fundamental restructuring in public schools. This chapter reports on one person's view of the results of that “Asilomar Conference.” It describes 15 activities that appear to enhance the success of systemic restructuring, but more importantly it describes principles or guidelines that appear to enhance the success of each activity. Hopefully, this tentative process model will contribute to building a knowledge base that will help practitioners and other stakeholders to attain a quantum improvement in the quality of their educational systems.  相似文献   

Chapter 5 of DETYA’s volume The Impact of Educational Research (Selby-Smith 2000) begins with an examination of the peculiarity of decision making in the VET sector, followed by an examination of the idiosyncratic consequences for the function of research in the sector. Having established the distinctiveness of VET in relation to these two key factors (decision making and research), the chapter then proceeds to explore the linkages between them. The study on which the chapter is founded identified a complex research culture, in which overt forms of impact are difficult to detect, yet where, it is concluded, research nonetheless plays its part. The research which is likely to impact most heavily is that which is conducted around the practical issues with which VET must deal, preferably with a heavy on-site component, and which is carried out by researchers who are prepared to engage most fruitfully with the VET culture, ideally with a long lead time and maximum follow-up to the actual research phase.Chapter 5 contributes to the overall Impact volume in a variety of ways. First, it offers an insight into the enigmatic nature of educational research in general, and especially as it relates to the VET sector. Second, it makes it clear that educational sectors like VET are likely to be affected by research only when its application to their practical needs is clear and it is carried out by people who are committed to working with their realities. Third, there are broader lessons to be taken from the chapter, especially for university researchers who are imputed by the chapter to be among the least likely to effect research that impacts on practical policy and decision making. While unrelated to the main body of The Impact of Educational Research project, Chapter 5 contributes to the overall work through exposing the real world of research impact in what is very likely the least understood of the educational sectors.  相似文献   

If we are to have a much better educational system, we need to have a vision of what such a system should be, and we need to have a strategy for attaining such a system. The present chapter considers a vision of a future educational system. This system is heavily based on the use of highly interactive learning technologies. This includes the computer and associated instruments such as the interactive videodisc and the CD-ROM, creating a true multimedia learning environment that is individualized to the needs of each student, and that provides a unique interactive learning environment for each student.We do not currently have experience to move directly towards such a system, so this chapter proposes a large scale experiment which will develop the necessary information, and provide the basis for securing the substantial funding needed for the new educational system.  相似文献   

长久以来,人们以为,教育学的基本问题是其科学性问题。陈桂生先生采用逻辑与历史的方法,通过对教育学现象的历史透视与分析,将教育学的科学性问题转换为什么样的教育知识为最高知识形式的问题,并把通过研究所获得的有关教育学理论的认识应用于教育学体系的建构,形成理论教育学和实践教育学两种理论体系。  相似文献   


This chapter concentrates on the nature and focus of education reform efforts in city school systems during the late 1980s and early 1990s. A thesis is developed that political, and closely related financial, support for continuing efforts to reform or restructure education depends on two primary factors. The degree of agreement about values and goals among stakeholders within and external to school systems appears to influence the likelihood of a given set of reforms. Adoption and implementation of reforms also depend on the level of intensity of action devoted by those groups. This framework is used to examine whether current reform activities in urban environments engender political and financial support that might be essential for future reform initiatives. The paper concludes that future reform initiatives will need to consider changes in the delivery of non‐educational services to garner sufficient political support for meaningful education reform. Yet there must be agreement among values and interests of diverse agencies and sufficient intensity of action of all groups to bring about meaningful change.  相似文献   

The two questions in this chapter are whether school restructuring promotes or constrains the professional development of teachers and which mechanisms for workplace learning appear to enhance the capacity of teachers to critically interpret educational reforms. To answer the first question, the implementation of structural changes and instructional innovations as part of the inclusion reform in Dutch elementary education was analyzed with special attention to the utilization of learning opportunities by the teachers. The second question is answered by analyzing the potential of two mechanisms, especially feedback and collaboration, to promote teacher workplace learning and systematic reflection. The study of communities of practice in schools will be put forward as a promising approach to extend our knowledge of teacher workplace learning and the interpretations of teachers of educational reforms.  相似文献   

This article presents the development of an online, student‐centered, introductory small‐business management course that uses an educational business novel, hypertext graphic‐design features, an interactive workbook, and a student‐authored final chapter. Student learning was assessed through the use of a pre‐ and posttest survey. Student reflection was incorporated to make students consider the impact of learning. Results showed that student learning and understanding increased in two separate courses.  相似文献   

“编辑与教育两轮一辙”的编辑思想,是编辑出版家叶圣陶先生提出来的,并一直贯穿着他的整个编辑生涯,他认为,编辑出版工作即是教育工作,具有强大的社会教育作用;出版工作者是教师,专门为广大读者服务;出版物是教育工具,也是培养园地,从而实现为社会主义文化建设服务的教育目的。  相似文献   

This chapter critically reviews alternative funding and control strategies and examines some of their policy implications. The early sections of the chapter address the nature and origin of some proposals for alternative strategies and reflect on their theoretical underpinnings. The next section summarizes the empirical findings from both historical and other comparative studies. The final section presents the policy implications of the different patterns of educational funding and control in a variety of contexts.  相似文献   

陈宝泉及其教育思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈宝泉是清末民初的教育家 ,他把爱国主义思想贯穿于教育实践中 ,积极引进国外的先进教育思想和教育制度 ,在国民教育、师范教育等方面都做出了突出贡献。他与李建勋、周学章曾被并称为河北省教育三杰。加强对这一类人物的思想的挖掘和研究 ,是教育史学界应该关注的一个课题。  相似文献   

Today, the influence of economic thought on educational theory is evident. It seems to weaken, however, the further we travel back in history. In this article, Tal Gilead examines the historical origins of this influence. He shows that it first emerged in French educational thought during the second half of the eighteenth century. Through analyzing a number of books on educational theory from this period, Gilead demonstrates the educational impact of two innovative economic ideas: first, the idea that wealth stems from the product of the land, and, second, the idea that the wealth of the nation is positively correlated with that of the individuals composing it. Gilead argues that these economic ideas contributed to the emergence and spread of progressive notions regarding the scope, nature, and aims of educational provision. He especially stresses the role that these economic ideas played in transforming contemporary attitudes toward the education of the poor.  相似文献   

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