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当前,边疆多民族地区建设和谐网络文化存在一些问题,坚持以构建社会主义和谐社会为契机,推动社会经济科学发展,加强民族和谐文化建设,依托民族院校为重要教育平台,积极探索边疆多民族地区和谐网络文化建设的基本路径,对于推动边疆多民族地区建设和谐网络文化具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

The proportion of individuals of foreign language and culture is increasing rapidly in Dutch society. This is creating problems, especially in large cities. These problems include the provision of good accommodations for foreign workers and others, suitable education, and permanent employment. But there is also a psychological task: namely, in our everyday lives, to practice the same tolerance we are accustomed to demand of others. The Royal Budget for the coming year is testimony to the priority the government attaches to its minorities policy.  相似文献   

段薇  李佳  林喻贤 《唐山学院学报》2019,32(5):65-69,98
综述了孟加拉国语言概况,运用Cooper的语言规划理论,从地位规划、本体规划和教育规划三个方面梳理了孟加拉国的语言政策,并分析其特点。研究发现:孟加拉国多民族的"熔炉"文化造就了语言的多元化特点;孟加拉政府立法规定孟加拉语的国语地位,但英语已渗透到社会各个领域;孟加拉国的语言政策仍不完善,忽视少数民族语言。孟加拉国的语言政策和规划特征,可为我国语言战略的制定和实施提供参考。  相似文献   

荷兰的少数民族教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
荷兰的少数民族指移民。其教育政策在1980年以前具有双向性,1980年前后是为了用荷兰化化解移民子女已有的化背景,把他们培养为荷兰社会的成员。在1985年,荷兰政府以改善处境不利儿童的学习机会为核心,把有关政策整合为EPP计划。90年代初开始实行的新政策的最大特点是分散、多样化和增加自治度,EPP计划发生了变化。但是变化所带来的结果不容乐观。  相似文献   

价值观教育是美国学校思想政治教育的核心。美国以一套行之有效的价值观教育体系成功解决了多民族国家的团结和多元文化社会的整合的难题,积累了许多价值观教育经验和教训,赢得了民族熔炉的美誉。面临着同样问题的中国也应当借鉴该国的价值观教育有益经验,为实现国民的国家认同、文化认同和强国强民强魂奠定坚实基础。总结美国价值观教育的特点,有利于提高我国青年学生社会主义核心价值观教育实效性。  相似文献   

The competition for efficiency that governs the production of goods and services throughout the world is in part determined by the structure of the non-man-made material world. Not all techniques are equally efficient. Formal education in complex societies is trying to stay attuned to the system of production and the labor market. The compulsory use of languages and the school curricula are powerful tools which regulate the distribution of culture and the hierarchy of ethnic groups in multi-ethnic societies. Most elements of immigrant culture which are not in harmony with the school culture or with the preferences of the labor market are eroded. What is emerging is not an egalitarian “multicultural society” in the true sense of the word but a stratified multi-ethnic society with a flourish of cultural ethnic markers.  相似文献   

作为世界上重要的多族群国家,中美两国在高等教育领域都推行基于族群的倾向性政策。本文对中美两国倾向性政策的实施背景、实施状况、问题及争论进行了比较分析,并就如何借鉴美国的经验,以完善中国高等教育领域少数民族优惠政策提出了对策。  相似文献   

In postcolonial multilingual societies, matters of education are deeply rooted in the discourse of ethnicity. In Malaysia, the interface between ethnicity and education is reflected in recent debates on the choice of medium of instruction (MOI). In 2002, the Malaysian government introduced English as MOI by replacing Malay, the national language, for teaching mathematics and science, at the school level. However, in 2009, the policy was reversed to Malay. This policy initiative has been actively contested in the Malaysian media. Through an analysis of news reports on the controversy published by the Malaysian Chinese newspaper, Nanyang Siang Pao, this paper aims to illustrate how a sizeable ethnic minority is able to position itself vis-à-vis a national policy. To explain the ethno-political construction of MOI debates in the newspaper, we use two concepts, namely, ‘plurality of struggles’ (Laclau, 2006a, 2006b; Laclau & Mouffe, 1985) and ‘transmission of the speech of others’ (Bakhtin, 1981). These notions are contextualized in the macro-context of a multi-ethnic polity in which Chinese society, Chinese press and Chinese education are seen to co-construct community interests.  相似文献   

Many physical education (PE) teachers have been challenged by the shift from teaching in primarily ethnic homogenous contexts to multi-ethnic (ME) classes. Teachers in secondary schools often experience difficulty in class management in such classes. This difficulty may limit their ability to create a positive student–teacher relationship and may result in practices of inclusion, exclusion and marginalisation. The purpose of this paper was to explore how Dutch PE teachers construct their relationship with their students and manage differences in ME classes. Using video stimulation, we interviewed 11 Dutch secondary school PE teachers about their teaching and managing of ME classes. Findings showed that these teachers tended to target a specific group of boys in their teaching and class management. In addition, their class management seemed to be based on an invisible norm about appropriate student behaviour.  相似文献   

西南多民族边疆地区和谐社会的构建事关我国社会主义和谐社会发展战略的全局,而高等教育区域均衡发展则是促进西南多民族边疆地区和谐社会建设的重要路径。高等教育区域均衡发展是区域高等教育与区域经济社会良性互动的演进状态,通过调控作为上层建筑重要组成部分的高等教育的区域均衡发展推进民族高等教育公平进程,从而促进西南多民族边疆地区社会的稳定和和谐。  相似文献   

The paper advances the view that the achievement of equity and the maintenance of cultural diversity in multi-ethnic societies are not only goals in their own right but are also important for political unity, social stability and sustained socio-economic development in these societies. It lists the various models of socio-cultural integration adopted by different multi-ethnic societies and indicates the roles which schools can play in the achievement of these stated goals. The paper also draws attention to the limitations of schooling and suggests the need for a more comprehensive policy if equity, national unity and socio-cultural integration are to be effectively achieved in these societies.  相似文献   

民族教育政策是多民族国家民族政策价值取向的具体表现,是妥善解决民族问题、发展民族教育、提高民族文化素质的重要手段。不同时期的民族政策直接影响着民族教育政策的变化和发展。苏联和俄罗斯时期的民族政策始终围绕着民族区域自治和民族文化自治政策而得以发展。在其推动下,俄罗斯的民族教育政策经历了从没有自主权的统一管理模式到扩大地方教育自主权、保护民族文化传统、体现民族教育优势、回归民族语言教学的发展过程。  相似文献   

在美国这个多民族、多种族的移民国家,存在盎格鲁主流文化和其他亚文化。长期以来,美国华裔一直在寻找自己在美国社会的位置。汤亭亭通过自己的作品,描述了美国华裔从文化冲突、文化调和到文化共存的内容,反映了她成长的多元文化环境和她倡导的和谐、融合、包容、和平的主题。  相似文献   

This article describes the Dutch Government's policy on equal opportunities in education. The Dutch policy is compared to the policy of the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA). The authors consider the extent to which the methods used by the Dutch Government and the ILEA reflect different conceptualisations of the problem of sex inequality and different implementation strategies. Special attention is paid to the aims of both policies in terms of the different feminist strategies of equality and difference, and in terms of different feminist positions: liberal versus radical feminism.  相似文献   

元朝是中国历史上第一个由少数民族建立的统一的多民族国家。元朝幅员辽阔,民族众多,各种宗教并存。为了维护统治,统治者既实行兼容并蓄的宗教政策,又设立专门机构对各种宗教进行管理。  相似文献   

西部民族地区社会和谐发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济增长日益受到强调和区域经济差距不断扩大的中国,西部民族地区社会的和谐发展应受到更大关注。选择联合国开发计划署(UNDP)提出的人文发展指数作为评价构建和谐社会指标体系的主要依据,针对国内外对西部民族地区人文社会发展研究不足的情况,从县域尺度出发,探讨西部民族地区社会人文发展状况及空间分布态势,在综合评价西部民族地区社会人文发展特征及形成原因的基础上,提出西部民族地区社会和谐发展的思路对策,必将会为构建我国西部民族地区和谐社会提供一种理论视角和实践依据。  相似文献   

当代我国心理问题的社会心理根源剖析与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着社会的快速发展 ,心理问题已逐渐成为全社会普遍关注的问题。心理问题的产生与蔓延 ,并非偶然 ,有一定的社会与心理基础。笔者着重探讨了当代我国心理问题的社会心理根源 ,并在此基础上论述了我们应采取的对策  相似文献   

This article focusses on the growth of higher education within the framework of preferential treatment and supportive measures for the benefit of different social groups, namely, the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, minorities and women. It also reviews the educational policy discourse which assigns several functions to higher education. Some of these are: equity for the Scheduled Castes and Tribes; mainstreaming for the minorities, and equality for women. It demonstrates that the educational policy fails to integrate these functions which remain sectoral aims even at the conceptual level. Further, in the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic Indian society, the parametres of gender, caste, class and region are crucial in determining access to higher education. Again, gender becomes the all inclusive negative parameter conferring cumulative and competing disadvantages on women. Lastly, the educational policies and programmes are unable to encompass the complex social reality within a single framework and are, therefore, unable to bridge the gap between policy and practice.First published inHigher Education Reform in India, eds. Philip G. Altbach and Suma Chitnis (New Delhi: Sage Publication India Pvt. Ltd.).  相似文献   

初次分配不能解决的以及初次分配带来的收入公平问题,要通过再分配来解决。收入再分配也要处理好效率和公平问题。针对收入再分配中存在的问题.一方面要完善税收制度、社会保障制度和转移支付制度,另一方面还要解决实际操作过程中存在的问题,加强监管,不断提高政策实施的效果,使每个社会成员都能享受到改革开放、经济发展的成果.建立一个充满生机活力的和谐社会。  相似文献   

社会政策是工业化时代社会问题的直接产物,它随着新的社会问题的出现和社会实践的发展不断地进行着相应的变化和调整。以社会政策及其发展理路为基本视角,对理解我国民族教育政策具有诸多启示。  相似文献   

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