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在学校教育中,话语权对教育和教学模式影响较大,话语者的意志力渗透到学校的各个领域中形成话语霸权,共同的期待行为是“利益”和“暴力”的语境生成,对教育教学环节进行话语形式的控制是“利益”与“暴力”的表现形式,制定教育活动中的话语权是实现话语者意志力需求的最好途径。  相似文献   

A discourse of marketisation prevails in recent publications on higher education in Ireland. Higher education is urged to heed the call to the markets and to become the driver of Ireland's future economic success, as Ireland seeks to build a knowledge-based economy. This article questions the dominant marketisation discourse in higher education. It explores the arguments for and against a market-led approach to education and argues that there can be no pure markets in education. It suggests that the real discourse is one of urging universities to follow government- or corporate-led agendas. It proposes a wider-encompassing discourse on higher education's role in society rather than one confined to the socially constructed language of performativity.  相似文献   

中小学道德教育低效是一个难以破解的教育与社会问题。西方文化研究中斯图亚特.霍尔的"编码""解码"理论为我们洞悉德育过程提供了有效工具。以此理论分析,德育过程可以分为3个阶段":德育编码""、德育话语形成"和"德育解码"。其中德育解码的正当与否直接关涉到道德教育的效果,德育解码的具体意义生产是由德育话语与学生的先行经验及两者之间的匹配性所决定的。为了提高道德教育的有效性,教师应该更多地了解学生的生活世界,教师所进行的德育编码需要从价值内容上进行实质性反思,而且德育编码所形成的德育话语要对学生具有亲和性,从而减少道德教育中事实存在的抵制现象。  相似文献   

The discourse on internationalisation has undergone a transformation in recent years, particularly in the sphere of education, where the term's centrality has long been undeniable. This discourse has evolved from a focus on internationalisation's increasing importance in education to a mounting critique regarding the process's utility and incorrect interpretation of its meaning by countries and higher education institutions. This critique attributes to internationalisation many negative implications linked to neoliberalism within the socio-economic discourse and thus raising the need for novel theoretical conceptualisation of the term that will allow further development of empirical research and academic discourse. The present article discusses the need to redefine the concept of internationalisation, and proposes a new definition for internationalisation. The article argues that negative by-products should not be a reason to dismiss a concept that has significance for learners and the education system.  相似文献   

There have been changes in the political economy since the 1980s, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has changed as well. Scholars have noted shifts in OECD discourse in some policy fields since that time: shifts away from what might be called classic neoliberal perspectives. This paper reflects on the changes in the political economy and in OECD and explores how they might be related to changes in OECD discourse in higher education. Specifically, it examines country reviews of higher education systems conducted by OECD in the mid-1990s and the late-2000s for evidence of shifts in its higher education discourse. Instead of a softening of neoliberal perspectives, it finds a further entrenchment of assumptions associated with neoliberalization. It also describes what appears to be a deepening contradiction in the discourse concerning the private and public benefits of higher education. Finally, it reflects on how the contexts of the political economy as framed by OECDs discourse, affects its proposed goals and strategies for higher education.  相似文献   

Since Michelle Fine's writing on the missing discourse of desire in sex education, there has been considerable prompting among sexuality educators and feminist scholars to incorporate talk of pleasure into sex education curricula. While the calls for inclusion continue, few have actually examined the curricula for a pleasure discourse or explored how it is contextualised within sex education curricula. In this paper, we analysed curricula used in the USA in the past decade. A qualitative thematic analysis revealed that the discourse around pleasurable sex was often linked to a range of dangerous or negative outcomes including not using condoms, rushing into sex without thinking, regretted sex, and pregnancy or STDs. When the discourse around pleasure was included in sections on ‘knowing one's body’, this discourse took a medicalised, scientific tone. Pleasurable sex was also presented in more positive ways, either linked to marriage in Abstinence Only Until Marriage curricula, or within a more feminist discourse about female pleasure in comprehensive sex education curricula. Our research indicates that a discourse of desire is not missing, but that this discourse was often situated as part of a discourse on safe practice and there, continues to equate pleasure with danger.  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of competing public discourses on schooling. In particular, it investigates one newspaper's coverage of the release of an educational report. The paper combines interview data with a critical discourse analysis of newspaper texts to show how media reporting of Queensland schools constructed a preferred discourse on education that represented schools as being in crisis, 'in trouble'. The analysis describes how the paper shaped popular opinion on educational policy through the construction of public discourses of crisis in education. Further, the analysis shows how this discourse positioned particular groups as the authoritative voice on standards in Queensland schools. It shows how, at a time when teacher quality was under question, the media constructed a public discourse that diminished the authority of teachers to speak about education policy, granting that authority to the newspaper's editor, who assumed the people's voice on educational issues. This analysis of the construction of public discourses about education policy gives insights into the media's place in educational policy-making. In so doing, the paper adds to the small body of literature that investigates the relationships between the media and education.  相似文献   

Public education discourse in the USA has been characterized by messages of crisis shaping education policies across national contexts. Education policy solutions target a lack of qualified teachers and insufficient oversight of teacher practice as central factors in the crisis, placing teacher identity as knowledgeable, authoritative professionals at the center of educational reform debates. Mainstream news media is a key site for education policy debate. I employ critical discourse analysis of education news published in a major US newspaper, uncovering how grammar patterns in news discourse situate teacher identity in relation to knowledge and authority. I demonstrate how the paper's discourse frames teacher identity in terms of Accountability and Caring and discuss how, in the context of larger economic and social policy debates, Accountability gains authority over caring to shape education policy. I call for teachers to integrate critical participation in public education debates as key element of professional identity.  相似文献   

Jacques Rancière's work has had significant impact in philosophy and literary theory, but remains largely undiscussed in the field of education. This article is a review of the relevance of Rancière's work to education research. Rancière's argument about education emerges from his critique of Bourdieu, which states that Bourdieu reinforces inequality by presuming it as the starting point of his analysis. What is at stake is the question of performativity, and the means by which discourse has effects. This debate has implications for considering the basis of claims to truth in literary and social science discourse. Parallels are drawn between Judith Butler's and Rancière's portrayal of the relationship between discourse and subjection, as well as their attention to discursive ‘imitation’ in making inequality representable. The article concludes with a discussion of the problematic which Rancière's work suggests for education research.  相似文献   

习近平关于高等教育的论述是其中国特色社会主义教育理论体系的重要组成部分。习近平主政浙江时期关于高等教育发展的论述是其高等教育论述体系的重要构成和最初形态。习近平精准地把握完善社会主义市场经济体制这一宏观背景,从高等教育体制改革切入,揭示高等教育与经济社会发展、高等教育数量与质量“两个基本关系”,进而创造性提出文化基因、创新活力、高教品牌等“三大关键要素”,同时明晰了从内源式到跨越式发展、从高教体制改革到现代大学制度建设、从浙江特点到中国特色的三个行动路向,凸显了区域高等教育跨越式发展的主线和脉博。研究习近平在浙江关于高等教育发展论述,具有深远的历史意义和强烈的现实意义。  相似文献   

In this review of three recent books on higher education, Alexander Sidorkin shows how the disinterested discourse that appears to be anticapitalist and anticommercial is actually a way of obtaining income from state subsidies. What links the books under review—Cary Nelson's No University Is an Island: Saving Academic Freedom, Frank Donoghue's The Last Professors: The Corporate University and the Fate of the Humanities, and Jennifer Washburn's University, Inc.: The Corporate Corruption of Higher Education—is their critical evaluation of the corporatization and commercialization of higher education. In his analysis of this common theme, Sidorkin considers discourse as a means of production, and he maintains that the semiotic fields produced by discourse may create inflationary bubbles unless they engage in innovative discursive practices. Higher education is shaped by the trend toward massification, which makes the innovative discourse essential. Sidorkin concludes that the discursive energy of proponents of higher education should be focused on solving the numerous problems that arise from the massification of higher education rather than trying to reverse the trend and return to some golden age of academia.  相似文献   

阅读教学是高职英语教学研究中的重要课题。文章简要探讨了“语篇”及“语篇分析法”的概念和内涵,通过例文采理解“语篇分析法”在高职英语阅读教学中的应用,进而培养学生自主建构语篇意义、体会语篇深层含义的能力。  相似文献   

The swift nature of school reform enacted by the new Conservative-led coalition government has sparked debate over the future of state education in Britain. While the government rhetoric suggests a decisive break with past policies, there is evidence to suggest that these reforms constitute the next stage of a long revolution in education reform, centred around neoliberal market discourse. In the following paper, I examine the current government’s education policy discourse and, by employing techniques of post-structuralist discourse analysis, reveal the government’s attempts to rearticulate education around the logics of market, responsibilisation and self-esteem, which act to shift responsibility for social problems from the state to the individual. Furthermore, I shall argue that such rearticulation has been coupled with an ideological fantasy of ‘empowerment’, which conceals the subordination of actors to these neoliberal logics by constituting the parent and, more recently, the teacher as powerful actors who have been freed from legal and bureaucratic constraints forced upon them by central government.  相似文献   

刘新华 《闽江学院学报》2013,34(1):111-113,133
潘新和对写作学的贡献,重在对中国写作史的研究;对语文学及语文教育学的贡献,重在批判旧的范式。创建以言语生命动力学为核心的语文学及语文教育学。言语人生的本质是存在本位的,而以写作为核心的语文教育则是表现本位的。  相似文献   


The focus of this article is the discourse of entrepreneurship education in Sweden. Drawing on a genealogical approach, the analysis draws attention to how this discourse is shaped in the curriculum today, and how it has come to emerge. Focusing on two key events that constitute this discourse, responsibility and problem-solving, and tracing these events back in time, the analysis illustrates how the discourse on entrepreneurship education today shapes a specific kind of citizen, one who is responsible for themselves and who has developed a constant will and desire for learning, thus being able to adapt to the constant changing future. Such a citizen is distinctly different from the one emerging in the 1960s and 1980s, where a citizen that shows solidarity with others, and especially the weak, and who develops problem-solving skills in order to actively engage in the development of society, emerges. These results can be related to wider trends in education policy, where neo-liberal rationalities have become more central, in Sweden as well as in other countries, where there has been a shift of focus, from an understanding of education as a common good, to an understanding of education as a private good.  相似文献   

This article examines Western and Chinese discourses of education, sustainable growth and development. Education is increasingly considered as a means to fuel economic growth, especially since the 1980s, when conservative economic values became predominant in Western development thought. Despite a discourse on sustainability favouring ecologically sound and equitable growth, education is increasingly economy-centred. Through analysis of China’s market-based socialism, its development path, and the expansion of its Africa cooperation, this article seeks to demonstrate that the China-proposed development and education models are very similar to the Western growth-based development paradigm, although the discourse is different.  相似文献   

Erin Connell 《Sex education》2013,13(3):253-268
Danger and pleasure are terms commonly employed to describe women's sexual experiences, including those of young women. This paper explores how young women's sexual danger and pleasure are represented and characterized in official discourses, specifically those of school‐based sexuality education. Drawing on Michelle Fine's four major discourses of sexuality education, this paper uses the Ontario Curriculum and its companion Course Profiles to analyze school‐based sexuality education in Ontario, Canada. This paper describes how the discourses of victimization and individual morality dominate in the curriculum while the discourse of desire is largely absent. Because there is considerable emphasis on danger/victimization and insufficient attention paid to pleasure/desire, the paper concludes by describing how a discourse of desire might be included in sexuality education curriculum.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to depict the historical development of American adult education planning theory. We argue that adult education planning theory represents a ‘selective tradition’ promoting a dominant ‘discourse’ that privileges ‘technical rationality’. Using discourse analysis, we demonstrate how technical rationality emerged in the professionalization movement in the 1930s to dominate planning theory discourse, how technical rational planning theory became codified by 1950, and how little it has varied since. Using relational analysis, we juxtapose this dominant tradition of technical rational planning theory with historical examples of adult education to begin expanding our notions of what could count as legitimate planning practice and theory.  相似文献   

Although the discourse system of China’s educational economics has a short history of only 20 years, it has gained an important position in the discourse system of pedagogy. This system consists of rich discourse branches including the relations between education and economy, educational investment and educational finance, educational cost and educational benefit, changes and innovation in education system and utilization and efficiency of educational resources. All the above discourse branches show various characteristics in different stages. From their development and changes, the following features of discourse system of educational economics can be drawn: the specialty of discourse, the trend of time of discourse themes, the positivism of discourse expressions and the applicability of discourse nature and contention of Chinese perspectives. To further improve the quality of the discourse system, the emphasis of educational economic studies should be laid upon the improvement of research attitude, theoretical basis, content and methodology. Translated from Educational Research, 2004:12  相似文献   


Within the EU, answers and responses to detected issues and problems facing young people are regularly searched for within and through education and learning. The EU’s Structured Dialogue on youth is one of the consultation-based policy processes where education is often suggested as a solution and a highly relevant field of action helping to improve youth’s status and life. Using Foucauldian discourse analysis, this paper examines discourse about education present in selected policy texts and statements of various stakeholders and individuals active within the EU’s Structured Dialogue on youth. As an example, the first two phases of the fifth cycle of that dialogue are considered and examined, exploring perceptions of the dialogue and education and their role. The paper aims to explore the underlying political rationalities of education via which the field is governed and programmable realities created, while young people’s specific role and conduct is suggested and framed.  相似文献   

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