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美国地处北美洲中部,东临哥。美国的居民中白人占80%以上有墨西哥人、阿拉伯人、波多黎著居民,保存着自己的文化习俗传统的音乐体裁大致有:民歌、它乐器,所以其音乐全部都是歌竞赛游戏。  相似文献   

一、课文导读 I.Read the text,and finish the following cloze. Ever since the Civil War, the South has struggled to find ways to deal with its troubled past. The history of the South is __ of suffering. The wounds are slow to __ and the scars __ deep. Even today, the South is __ the rest of the USA.  相似文献   

This performance analysis case study examines the migration of Custom Software Solutions, Inc. software development and maintenance, according to Gilbert's (1996) human performance theory, from teams in the United States to teams in India. Findings reveal the need for changes in project management guidelines, cross‐team communication, resources, and organizational clarity. Suggested interventions include improving project management and organizational communication practices and establishing new protocols such as Web‐based project forums and interactive learning modules.  相似文献   

《独立宣言》的发表,标志着美利坚合众国的成立。但在从《独立宣言》发表的1776年7月到基于1787年宪法建立强有力的联邦中央政府带领合众国走上发展正轨的这一时期,美国实际上是面临着严重的内忧外患--由13个松散的邦联组成的合众国内部团结不足,动荡不安;对外面临着强大敌人大英帝国恼羞成怒般的报复——合众国宣称独立,在大英帝国看来就是反叛,实际上就是向大英帝国宣战。即使在战争结束英国承认美国独立后,在美国西部边界外及北面的加拿大境内,仍然驻有大量的英军。因而,1776年至1787年这一时期实际上是合众国发展史上一个艰难而又显得尤为关键的阶段。  相似文献   

Teacher education in the United States, and undoubtedly in other countries as well, is more profoundly affected by shifts and developments in the wider intellectual and social world than by any changes, no matter what their magnitude, in educational theory and teaching techniques. Current practices in the preparation of teachers, therefore, cannot be understood without references to such external influences as, to cite only a few, the teacher shortage of the fifties and early sixties, the post-sputnik anxiety about how well our schools were doing, the efflorescence in the behavioural sciences, the so-called explosion of knowledge in all fields, and the concentration of educationally disadvantaged children in the central cities. Once it is assumed that teacher preparation reflects changes in the broader world, any attempt to outline recent trends and developments inevitably becomes arbitrary and partial. However, the factors enumerated and discussed below are, at least, germane to the problem. Dr. Schaefer has been Dean of the Teachers' College at Columbia University in New York since 1963. This article consists of extracts from a paper presented by the author before an expert committee which met at Unesco to consider problems of general primary and secondary education.  相似文献   

文章从社会理念、制度设计和社会现状三个方面对美国的制度文明进行了研究。作者认为,形成美国制度的理念有人本主义、天赋人权主权在民、人本理性假设;实现美国制度理念的方式有以社会契约理论为基础的国家权力委托代理制度、以人在法律规范内追求利益最大化为假设的权力分设与制衡制度、以卢梭天赋人权主权在民为基础的通过宪法法律保障公民基本权利的制度。文章对美国社会现状中的法律陪审团制度、总统与州长关系、民主与平民政治、自由与市场经济、法律宗教与社会诚信等五个方面进行了研究;并对美国现代制度文明带来的多数人暴政、社会效率低下、人性淡漠等问题进行了简述。  相似文献   

美国教师教育具有关注社会正义的传统,其核心是认为教师教育的本质是政治的、学校再生产了社会不平等、课程体现着统治阶层的政治和文化霸权.基于社会重建理论和批判理论,社会正义取向教师教育的倡导者将教师教育作为实现社会正义的主要路径:重建教师教育的公共领域职能,将社会学理论引入教师教育,关注语言和文本分析.社会正义取向教师教育对当前美国教师教育产生了重要影响,不但拓展了教师教育研究的视野,也促使大学在教师教育实践中不断关注与种族和权力有关的社会正义问题.  相似文献   

This paper considers two examples of recent policies affecting teachers' work, Performance Threshold Assessment in England and Chartered Teacher status in Scotland. Through tracing their origins and motivations, a comparative analysis is offered, which seeks to explore the extent of the influence of national contexts on developments in the restructuring process. Both policies purport to meet the professional needs of teachers who are a few years into their careers, yet the Scottish example is strongly oriented towards professional development, while the English example is oriented towards performativity and teacher assessment.  相似文献   

Faculty development in the United States   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This report gives an overview of faculty development in the United States during the past 30 years and suggests what remains to be done before this movement becomes fully institutionalized in American higher education.Jerry G. Gaff is Vice President at the Association of American Colleges. His degrees are at DePauw University (A.B.) and Syracuse University (Ph.D.) with specialization in psychology. He helped pioneer the establishment of campus-based faculty development programs in the 1970s, has worked on improving undergraduate general education programs, and currently directs a new project to prepare future faculty members for their roles in teaching and service, as well as research. Ronald D. Simpson is Director of the Office of Instructional Development at The University of Georgia, where he also is professor of Higher Education and Science Education. He holds degrees from The University of Tennessee and The University of Georgia.  相似文献   

美国的校企合作教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结美国合作教育的基本模式、特征及其影响,从经济、文化、政府及合作教育自身运行体系四个方面分析美国校企合作进行合作教育成功的原因,可以从加强法律保障、完善国家制度、转变人才培养目标等方面得到启示。  相似文献   

第一天1.证明:对任何正整数n ,存在一个各位数码都是奇数且能被5 n 整除的n位数.2 .平面上的一个凸多边形P ,被它的所有对角线分割成小凸多边形.若多边形P的所有边和对角线的长度都是有理数,证明:分割而成的所有小多边形的边长也都是有理数.3.设n≠0 ,对任何整数数列A ={ai} ,0 ≤ai≤i,i=0 ,1,2 ,…,n ,定义另一个数列t(A) ={t(ai) } .这里t(ai)表示数列A中,在ai 之前且不同于ai 的项数.证明:从任何给定的数列A出发,经过少于n次t变换,就可得到一个数列B ,使得t(B) =B .第二天4 .一个圆通过△ABC的顶点A、B ,分别交线段AC、BC于点D…  相似文献   

孙中山从1878至1910年共六次到檀香山。在檀接受西方教育。1894年11月24日创立中国资产阶级第一个革命团体兴中会,揭开了中国资产阶级革命的序幕。檀岛成为孙中山领导革命的摇篮和策源地。1896年,孙中山首次踏上美国本土,对华侨(含客家)进行反清宣传,旋又于1904年、1909年、1911年三次到美,联络华侨组织洪门(致公堂),建立同盟会,策动致公堂加入革命,并促使致公堂与同盟会实行大联合,成立洪门筹饷局,为革命筹款,直到辛亥武昌首义成功,孙中山方于1911年12月25日回国,抵上海。本文提出两个观点,即:孙中山领导的革命,是美国革命的继续;客家与美国的关系,是互动的。  相似文献   

1787年美利坚合众国联邦宪法,既是近代资本主义国家第一部比较完整的成文法,又是近代世界史上相对稳定的一部宪法。该宪法为美国迅速将落后的殖民地经济转变为发达的近代资本主义经济奠定了坚实的基础。它开创了资产阶级法制与民主的先例,同时也推动了欧美资产阶级民主运动的发展,为资产阶级政权的建设提供了新的经验。  相似文献   

Dennie Briggs 《Prospects》1995,25(3):373-390
A long carrer as a teacher at the school and university level and with disturbed and delinquent youth. He is a consultant in youth development, criminal justice, and substance abuse as well as being a freelance writer. Author ofFermer les prisons (Paris, Seuil, 1977); co-author ofDealing with deviants (London, Hogarth, 1972); co-editor ofAn open life: Michael Toms in conversation with Joseph Campbell (New York, Harper and Row, 1990).  相似文献   

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