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What do they do?     
Four friends live in a small town. Their names are:Cook, Miller, Smith and Garter.They have different jobs. One is a policeman; one is a worker;one is a farmer; one is a doctor.One day Cook's son breaks(摔断) his leg, and Cook takes him to the doctor. The doctor's sister is Smith's wife. The farmer isn't married (结婚). He has a lot of chicks. Miller often buys eggs from Garter. The policeman's house is near Smith's, so he sees Smith every day.  相似文献   

This article describes some of the different roles or functions a consultant may fill, and discusses some of their implications for both clients and consultants. The focus is on the differences between consultants as generalists vs. specialist, and between consultants as advisors to others vs. direct providers of products or services.  相似文献   

一、So do I该结构主要用来说明前面所说的情况也同样适用于后面的人或物,意为“……也一样”。该结构中的助动词do根据前文的情况也可换成is,am,are,was,were,does,did,can,could等。如:He passed the exam.and so did I.  相似文献   

do,to do和doing是中学英语中十分重要且使用极其广泛的语法项目,也是中考中重要的考点。其运用正确与否常常难以把握。对于初学者来说,更是模糊不清。本文仅就其使用及其相互之间的对比问题作如下归纳,以供参考。  相似文献   

So do I、I do so和So I do三个结构看上去非常相似,但用法和含义却不一样,现浅析如下。 A.So do I。用于自己讲自己的情况,表示别人做过的事,我也做过。可用于各种时态。类似的用法还有So be 主语和So 情态动词 主语。例如: 1.He likes tea。So do I。他喜欢喝茶,我也是这样。 2.They went home。So did John。他们回家  相似文献   

“so I do”.“so do I”和“I do so”是英语课本中出现的比较常用的三个句型。本文将其用法作简要区别如下: so是用来代替上文的一个分句式或一个部分,一方面用于表示做了自己打算或承诺要做的事,前后句子的主语指同  相似文献   

动词do可作为助动词,也可作为实义动词。do有五种基本形式:do,does,did,doing,done。现在就来说说动词do的这两种用法。  相似文献   

王江 《文科爱好者》2004,(9):1-5,72,75
能就休闲时间的一些活动话题进行交谈,能准确地使用相关的副词对所从事的活动进行频度描述。复习巩固行为动词的一般现在时,掌握使用what,how often,how many等疑问词引导的特殊疑问句的构成及其应答。  相似文献   

在动词家族中,do虽是一个不起眼的小不点,但它的作用可大了,忽略了它便会受到惩罚。同学们可千万别走入do的误区哟![误区一]多用do或其相应的变化形式1.当句子中的谓语动词含有be的相应形式(如am,is,are)时,应在其后直接加上not构成否定句,或将be的相应形式(如am,is,are)移到句首构成疑问句,不可再用do。例如:乔治没在和他的朋友玩。误:George doesn1t is playing with his friends.正:George isn1t playing with his friends.你是澳大利亚人吗?误:Do you are from Australia?正:Are you from Australia?正:Do you come from Australia?…  相似文献   

Dear friends,“我”是do,可不要小瞧我,“我”的“职责”还不少呢!请听“我”细细道来。 一、“我”可以用作实义动词,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。人们给我的绰号是“做、干”。例如:  相似文献   

A few issues earlier (Resonance, November, 1997) I had written an article titled ‘Is Psychology a Science?’ In it, I described some aspects of psychological research that I felt were related to the question of what constitutes scientific enquiry. In this article, I’d like to give you a feel for the kinds of questions psychologists ask, and how they attempt to answer them. I’ve chosen the broad area ofcognitive psychology- the study of how people acquire, organise, remember and use knowledge to guide their behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper asks “after what” and situates qualitative research in the present moment in the midst of various “deaths” and “returns.” With a focus on fleshing out post-qualitative research, it first sketches efforts to discipline qualitative research via standards and rubrics as a part of neoliberal govenmentality and then elaborates what post-qualitative might mean via four exemplars. The first is from Sweden, a focus on relational entangled data analysis in the feminist classroom; the next two exemplars are collaborative studies from Australia at the intersection of Western and Aboriginal knowledge systems; the final exemplar is from Egypt, a feminist post-colonial study of the women’s mosque movement. The paper concludes with a call to “imagine forward” out of troubling a narrow scientificity and enacting an “after” of neoliberalism.  相似文献   

What are you crying for?Teacher kept me in for something I didn't do.Something you didn't do?What was it?M-m-my lessons!学多点Cry哭,呼叫She started to cry when she heard the sad news.当听到这个悲痛的消息时,她开始哭了。They heard a cry for help.他们听见了呼救声。句子“teacher kept me in for something I didn’t do.”意思是:为了一些我没做的事情,老师把我留下来了。Kept是keep的过去式,意思是“留,保存”。Something I didn't do@王璐怡~~…  相似文献   

do(does)既可以作实义动词,意为"做",也可以作为助动词来用。作助动词时,do(does)本身无词义,主要用法有:1.构成一般现在时的疑问句(后接动词原形)。例如:  相似文献   

在动词家族中,do虽是一个不起眼的小不点,可是它的作用可大了,而且许多同学因为忽略了它而受到了惩罚。这里提醒大家可要注意别走人do的误区哟!  相似文献   

点击 do+v-ing     
在英语学习中,我们常会见到“do v-ing”形式的动词短语,如do some shopping,do somereading,do some washing等。这类短语表示的是某种活动或行为爱好,它往往需要花费一定的时间或需要重复进行。请看例句: I often watch TV,but sometimesI like to do some reading.我经常看  相似文献   

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