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The digital divide is severe in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The prevailing digital divide will continue to exist and define the characteristics of the digital information environment of the sub-region as it influences, along with other concerns, the information needs of end-users in the sub-region. The model of information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment and observations and theories from the literature of Library and Information Science (LIS) show that the information needs of end-users in SSA are for information content that is relevant for day-to-day tasks and that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of the information and communications technology (ICTs) that they possess and their level of skill in manipulating the ICTs. The model of the information needs of end-users in the electronic information environment presents the nature of user tasks, the state of electronic resources in use, and user experience in using the electronic resources as factors giving rise to information needs of end-users in a digital information environment. The principles of least effort, satisficing, utility and accessibility particularly give support to the argument of the paper: that end-users need information content that is adequately accessible and effectively usable within the capabilities of ICTs currently in use by the end-users concerned. Recognizing the nature of the information needs of the end-users of SSA will help in meeting their needs as well as in selecting appropriate interventions in addressing the digital divide in the sub-region.  相似文献   

To assess the quality and usefulness of one health sciences library's mediated computer search service, a survey was undertaken to determine satisfaction rates, why users do or do not use the service, and how useful the service is perceived to be in comparison to instructional service. Satisfaction rates were high, with users indicating librarian expertise and time/cost savings as the main reasons for using the service. Non-users indicated that they preferred to do their own searching, and many were unaware of the service. Though a majority of respondents do not currently use the service, surprisingly a majority of respondents placed significant value on the mediated search service in relation to instruction.  相似文献   

The formal creation of an Integrated Academic Information Management System (IAIMS) at the University of Utah began in the fall of 1983. The keystone of the IAIMS effort is the HELP hospital information system. IAIMS at the University of Utah is a broad-based program extending across the Health Sciences Center and beyond to health professionals throughout the inter-mountain area. This paper describes the background that led to IAIMS, the IAIMS planning process, and the library's participation in this effort.  相似文献   

高校图书馆对科研资料的管理与开发   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
科研资料保留了专家们在学科前沿进行创造性研究时的宝贵信息,对于高校的教学科研及其管理工作都有重要的参考价值.文章从科研资料的收集、分类、存贮和开发等方面阐述了高校图书馆对科研资料进行有效管理的方法.  相似文献   

In March/April 1986, the medical library at McGill University in Montreal, Canada signed a cooperative agreement with the China Medical University (CMU) Library in Shenyang, China. This paper analyzes the operations of the CMU library within the context of the Chinese system of medical education, health care delivery, and medical librarianship. The CMU library is described in terms of collections, cataloging procedures, filing, public services (reference, bibliographic instruction, circulation, copy service), interlibrary loans, networking, conservation of materials, and personnel. Some interesting comparisons are made between the two libraries with respect to holdings, services provided, and training of staff. The plans for future cooperation are outlined.  相似文献   

This research aims to examine whether faculty's perceptions of the importance of the library's resources and services for their teaching, clinical practice or research were different based on disciplines, and to explore the degree that faculty's perceptions of the library's importance and its role have changed over time. The findings revealed that online journals, databases, and Interlibrary loan (ILL) were considered by the majority of faculty as the most important for faculty's research. Another key finding indicated that faculty from social sciences perceived assistance from a subject specialist librarian as more important than faculty members from physical sciences. The top three strategies faculty use to obtain articles not available through the university include searching for a freely available online version, using ILL, and obtaining it from Google Scholar. These findings assist the library to better understand our user community's needs. As this survey is regularly deployed, it also allows us to observe potential changes over time, and as necessary, make strategic changes to library resources and services.  相似文献   

互联网上有许多具有较高学术价值的免费资源,高校图书馆早已开始了免费的网络学术资源建设。以“211工程”高校为调查对象,从是否有免费学术资源建设、是否明确标出免费资源条目、建设方式、建设内容四个方面进行调查,对调查结果进行统计与分析。  相似文献   



How can an existing library instruction program be reconfigured to reach basic sciences graduate students and other patrons missed by curriculum-based instruction?


The setting is an academic health sciences library that serves both the university and its affiliated teaching hospital.


The existing program was redesigned to incorporate a series of seven workshops that encompassed the range of information literacy skills that graduate students in the basic sciences need. In developing the new model, the teaching librarians made changes in pedagogy, technology, marketing, and assessment strategies.


Total attendance at the sessions increased substantially in the first 2 years of the new model, increasing from an average of 20 per semester to an average of 124. Survey results provided insight about what patrons wanted to learn and how best to teach it.


Modifying the program''s content and structure resulted in a program that appealed to the target audience.  相似文献   

外文期刊是教学、科研必不可少的信息源,但是往往利用率不高。文章针对作者所在图书馆外文期刊推送实践服务活动中先后所采取的方式进行比对,提出可行的方案,并结合教师反馈信息设想了下一步开展的工作,以期能够最大化地满足教师科研基础性需求。  相似文献   

This study engages public services librarians and librarians in administrative or managerial positions in a conversation about LGBTQ student needs. Using a sample from the Campus Pride Index’s Best 25 LGBTQ-friendly colleges and universities, the researchers gathered information regarding outreach, collections, facilities, services, and policies for LGBTQ students. The results of this survey suggest that, while there is a great deal of support for LGBTQ students among librarians, the Campus Pride criteria is not entirely being met. There is an unclear delineation between the role of the library in promoting LGBTQ friendliness, and the role of the larger university, which may be related to the uncertain position of the library in the campus environment. However, the empathy that librarians in both decision and non-decision making roles have towards LGBTQ students opens up the possibility of deeper conversations and proactive, innovative support services in the future.  相似文献   

In 2016, ProQuest started advertising their new Access to Own (ATO) model for ebooks as an alternative to their other Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) models. The ATO model was touted as applying the cost of loans toward title ownership to balance costs of purchasing and loans. This article shares the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries' history of ebook DDA and the process of transition to a DDA ATO model.  相似文献   

通过对长江师范学院校园服务网、图书馆局域网和本校教学科研信息服务的结构、流程、功能模式进行分析,探索建立本校教学与科研信息资源和信息服务的集成化服务平台,该平台是以主动“推”式为特征的集约型知识服务和一站式集成服务以及以个性化信息集成服务与社会化知识服务的信息服务平台。  相似文献   

文章对我国7所国防研究型大学数字图书馆信息资源建设情况进行了调研,研究了这几所高校图书馆信息资源建设的特点,探讨了我国国防研究型大学数字图书馆信息资源建设应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

国内高校图书馆对开放存取资源开发利用情况调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章调查了国内高校图书馆对开放存取资源的开发利用情况,总结了当前该项工作的主要内容,提出了高校图书馆对开放存取资源开发利用工作存在的问题及对策.  相似文献   

In 1998 Thomas Jefferson University offered its first entirely online course. Librarians and library staff were integral in the development, support, evaluation, and refinement of this course. While staff members may have taken non-traditional roles in this effort, their roles generally fell within the broad guidelines of assisting University faculty with information and knowledge management. The development and support of distance course offerings will continue to be a focus at Scott Memorial Library.  相似文献   

The process is described and the basic models are distinguished of a university library’s acquisition policy. The parameters of evaluation and structured scheme of requirements to subscribed resources are considered.  相似文献   

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