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Michael Crossley 《Compare》1999,29(3):249-267
It is argued that the field of comparative and international education must be fundamentally reconceptualised and redeveloped in ways that better demonstrate its potential to contribute to: (I) the improvement of educational policy and practice world‐wide; and (2) advances in theoretical work relating specifically to education and to the social sciences more generally. Traditional strengths of the field upon which we can build are identified, but the discussion focuses upon the nature, significance and potential of emergent trends and new possibilities. This meta‐analysis is presented to stimulate and widen discussion and to help generate further avenues for future research and development. Particular attention is given to the research orientation and potential of our multidisciplinary field; to the implications of globalisation; to the challenges of post‐modern and post‐colonial perspectives; to new frames of reference and units of analysis; to the significance of culture and context; to new forms of discourse; and to the importance of forging stronger linkages between theory and practice, insiders and outsiders and the comparative and international dimensions of our field.  相似文献   

Finding the balance between adequately describing the uniqueness of the context of studied phenomena and maintaining sufficient common ground for comparability and analytical generalisation has widely been recognised as a key challenge in international comparative research. Methodological reflections on how to adequately cover context and comparability have extensively been discussed for quantitative survey or secondary data research. In addition, most recently, promising methodological considerations for qualitative comparative research have been suggested in comparative fields related to higher education. The article’s aim is to connect this discussion to comparative higher education research. Thus, the article discusses recent advancements in the methodology of qualitative international comparative research, connects them to older analytical methods that have been used within the field in the 1960s and 1970s, and demonstrates their analytical value based on their application to a qualitative small‐N case study on research groups in diverse organisational contexts in three country contexts.  相似文献   

民族国家是当代世界最基本的组织形态,是国际关系的基本主体,而比较教育和国际教育又是以民族国家为基本单元开展研究的。本文着重指出了国际教育的双重性,并重点探讨了民族国家的生存方式如何决定或影响着比较教育和国际教育研究模式,最后强调民族国家对于比较教育和国际教育的重要性。  相似文献   

试论国际商务人才能力培养的树型模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国际商务专业是随着经济社会的发展,对外商务活动的增加,以及商务人才的质量和数量欠缺等现状应运而生的;国际商务专业的教学既是人们关注的热点,也成为人才培养争论的焦点.本文通过论述国际商务人才培养的需求和要求,反驳了对国际商务专业功利性教学的质疑,提出基于国际商务教学的树型人才能力培养模式的构想,指出高校在国际商务人才培养过程中出现的同题主要是对人才能力培养认识不够深入,因此在实施课程设王以及具体的教学操作时与教学目标偏离,导致培养的人才与社会需求脱节.  相似文献   

Complex cultural and historical forces are often neglected when the development of inclusive education in international comparative research projects are discussed. The purpose of this study was to analyse teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education by examining the ways in which cultural-historical factors in South Africa and Finland may impact on teachers’ attitudes. Data collection methods included the analysis of education policy documents and other relevant documents in countries, an open-ended question on teachers’ own definition of inclusive education and the results of the initial study on teachers’ attitudes to and concerns about inclusive education. A sample of 310 South African and 833 Finnish primary and secondary education teachers in mainstream and special education settings took part. An analysis of the data within a cultural-historical framework indicated that each country’s historical commitment to inclusive education and its attendant legacies about diversity in education have clearly mediated teachers’ views in both countries. As a result, we have been able to develop a deeper understanding of the complex local conditions, and the similarities and differences across national contexts in which inclusive education is implemented that could benefit both countries.  相似文献   

对比较教育学研究方法展开讨论有利于比较教育学学科研究方法理论的建设,促使比较教育学学科方法论走向成熟。文章从比较教育学的史前期、奠基期、形成期、发展及繁荣期的研究方法的应用与演进进行探讨,从而得到启示为比较教育学的学科研究方法理论的建设略出绵薄之力。  相似文献   

This article explores two distinct strategies suggested by academics in Tanzania for publishing and disseminating their research amidst immense higher education expansion. It draws on Arjun Appadurai’s notions of ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ internationalisation to analyse the perceived binary between ‘international’ and ‘local’ academic journals and their concomitant differences in status. In an attempt to examine critically how the status quo regarding knowledge production in higher education is maintained and reproduced, the article explores interactions between a Tanzanian academic and an educational researcher from the global North, including the ways in which research collaborations between academics from different contexts and material conditions in their institutions may both advance and inhibit professional development of academics and comparative education research, writ large. The article concludes with a call for comparative education researchers to carefully consider the future of educational research in sub-Saharan Africa and the complexities of continued involvement in knowledge production processes.  相似文献   

This paper argues for an increase in the application of empirical evidence to the task of improving the quality and impact of environmental education. Whilst the global scene in environmental education appears to portray optimism and great endeavour, there remain key issues to resolve. Such issues include the apparent lack of impact of formal educational programmes on individual's environmental awareness and concern. The paper argues that an empirical research base can illuminate significant findings relating to human motivation and cognition which may help to resolve such issues. It provides an overview and discussion of some of the findings of one particular substantial international research project in order to illustrate the underpinning case for using research to inform both policy and practice and gives some examples of how the evidence generated from this research programme is being used to shape educational policy and practice.  相似文献   

Much of VET policy internationally draws on a toolkit that has been seriously questioned for its logic, international relevance and effectiveness by considerable amounts of academic research. Reflecting primarily on our experiences of leading a complex, multi-country policy study, we develop an account that seeks to explore ways in which the apparent incommensurability between academic and policy knowledge can be addressed. This leads on to a broader discussion of key issues of contestation in the debates about knowledge for policy as they relate to international education and development more generally. We consider three key turns in the discourse of international education policy and research: to “governing by numbers”, “what works” and policy learning, and ask what happens when these discursive trends travel to Southern and VET contexts. We suggest that this analysis implies that policymakers need both to be more modest and reflexive in their expectations of what knowledge can be mobilised for policy purposes and more serious in their commitment to supporting the generation of the types of knowledge that they claim to value. For international and comparative educators, we stress the importance of being clearer in seeking to shape research agendas; more rigorous in our approaches to research; and better in our external communication of our findings. Given the particular focus of this special issue on VET, we end by reiterating the particular challenge of reawakening research on VET-for-development from twenty years of slumber.  相似文献   

In many countries today, public higher education operates within some form of market framework, typically a government‐regulated quasi‐market. However, having created a market environment, how should the government agencies involved act when they wish to use higher education to achieve a particular policy goal? This paper considers the impact on the English higher education market of an initiative by the national funding agency to expand Chinese studies. It is argued that, in an already competitive market, this intervention led to the misallocation of resources because it encouraged universities to expand provision in ways that they would not otherwise have done. As a result, although some effective new provision resulted, excess capacity was created overall. It can be argued that the collective understanding of the universities about this specific market was more accurate than that of an expert committee advising on national provision. The paper suggests how intervention might have been more effectively arranged.  相似文献   

本文从比较教育科学研究的方法论困境出发,以"比较课程与教学论"为切入点拓展一个新的研究视域,在研究方法论层面对"课程与教学论"在中国的发轫、现状和未来走向进行了回顾与展望,试图构建一个与国际接轨的课程学术共同体,并通过课程理论研究的突破,在世界课程界形成一定影响,旨在为了中国课程学派的崛起.  相似文献   

Karen Ashton 《Compare》2016,46(3):414-434
This paper reflects on the methodology used in international comparative education surveys by conducting a systematic review of the European Survey on Language Competences (ESLC). The ESLC was administered from February to March 2011, with final results released in June 2012. The survey tested approximately 55,000 students across 14 European countries with the goals of (1) providing comparative data on foreign language competence and (2) informing policy on language learning and teaching. The paper argues that there is a gap between the purpose of international comparative education surveys such as the ESLC and the methodology used, and thus also the ability of the data to feed into and inform policy. It is suggested that further methodological advances and improvements are needed if surveys are to produce data that give a clearer and more in-depth understanding of what actually goes on in classrooms and positively impact on learning and teaching.  相似文献   

Addressing the central theme of the XIII World Congress, the paper explores a number of contemporary theoretical, methodological and organisational developments in the field of comparative education. In doing so it draws upon the author’s recent work and a selection of studies carried out in the South Pacific, the Caribbean and Africa. It is argued that disciplined comparative and international research can contribute much to the development of theory and methodology – as well as to the improvement of policy and practice in education world-wide. For this to be realised it is maintained that ongoing efforts to challenge and ‘reconceptualise’ the field deserve sustained support – and increased attention to a more effective ‘bridging of cultures and traditions’. This ‘bridging’ thesis is examined in greater depth, pointing to possible ways forward for those engaged in advancing the future of comparative research in education and in the social sciences more generally.  相似文献   

"焦点小组访谈"作为一种研究方法,是对研究者拟定的特定话题,通过组员间交流对话,而进行的材料收集的方法。它以西方解释学理论及交往行为理论为依据,根据不同的研究目的,可分为"成员主体型"和"专家小组型"两类,强调成功开展访谈的相关要素及研究的问题设计。作为定性研究的一种模式,该方法拓展了国际教育比较的研究方法,在复杂的教育比较研究中,对于收集和掌握第一手材料,开展跨文化的比较教育研究,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文主要以概览的视角回顾了在教育政策借鉴与传播(policy borrowing and lending)研究中的主要议题和趋势。政策借鉴与传播是一个在学术上依托于比较教育学和公共政策学的研究领域。在比较教育学中,针对“旅行式改革”(travelling reforms)、全球化教育政策的探索是一个经久不衰的研究课题。本文主要描述了政策借鉴与传播研究领域的历史,并讨论了四个新的研究趋势:第一,由双边框架向国际标准框架的转变;第二,学者们开始关注各国系统与个案背后的逻辑;第三,政策图景(policyscapes)概念对研究方法论的启示;第四,政策映射研究,即借鉴他国教育政策时的本土解读。  相似文献   

博士生教育是国际上公认的正规高等教育的最高层次,导师的指导在博士生培养过程中起着举足轻重的作用。本文对澳大利亚昆士兰大学关于博士生导师指导情况的调查进行了分析和研究,并通过国际比较,从博士生的角度,阐述了导师指导频率这一影响博士生培养质量的关键因素。最后对提高我国博士生导师的指导频率提出了若干建议。  相似文献   


This paper contributes to discussions about the nature and scope of higher education (HE) business in light of some of the emerging ways in which countries seem to be reframing the impact of globalism. In particular, it develops a discussion about spatialities and temporalities of HE policy by drawing on the Kingdom of Bahrain’s distinctive approach to free markets, transnational capitalism, trade of international services and foreign influence. The paper draws on key HE policy documents and regulatory frameworks issued by the Higher Education Council in Bahrain. In the paper, we ask about priorities that drive HE investment in Bahrain, as well as their impact on the role of international input in HE policy building. We find that policymaking in Bahrain is driven by ‘nationalisation’ as a pragmatic strategy at the time of transition to a knowledge economy. We also find that these goals are transient, thus providing suggestions for policy analysis from the perspective of time intervals in a space.  相似文献   

This article introduces a specific concept of consumer culture into the international and European discussion about new concepts and categories in comparative education. Basic meanings of consumer culture are presented in reference to consumer research, consumer culture theory, and a revisited concept of world polity. In addition to general reflexions, two educational programs from UNESCO—on sustainable consumption and lifestyles, and on cultural diversity and national cultural heritage—are analyzed to show how education and educational research can benefit from the concept of consumer culture. The article proposes to conceive consumer culture as the educational space of global cultural capitalism.  相似文献   

大多数教育政策研究仍然把教育政策主要放在国内政治而非国际政治的舞台中进行研究。本文吸收了政治科学、国际关系和公共管理领域最近的研究成果,指出国际的、地区的和跨国的行为主体及其政策过程的影响力正在增长,理应得到教育政策研究界的高度重视。政治科学中的全球治理研究或许能为关于跨国和国际的行为主体及其政策过程的教育政策研究提供新的方法,同时,提醒我们更多地关注新的国际行为体和新的组织与协调方式,更加深入地思考规范化的过程在多大程度上塑造了民族国家对教育中的共同国际利益的认同方式。  相似文献   

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