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In Australian schools, "inclusion" is a term that is used to challenge a previously narrow focus on students with disabilities and their integration within and distribution amongst "mainstream" schools and classrooms. Nevertheless, this article argues that, as a concept, "inclusion" requires further broadening and deepening, particularly in arenas of practice, if it is to serve the interests of all students. Informed by notions of recognitive justice, the paper advocates rethinking inclusion to accommodate student differences in more socially just ways - emphasising students' contributions rather than their disabilities - and what this means for the organisation of classrooms and schools. Within the article, research data are focused primarily on students with learning disabilities and draw on twenty semi-structured interviews conducted with parents and teachers across six Australian state primary and secondary schools. Three sets of conditions are proposed as necessary for inclusive classroom and school processes: specifically, those that promote self-identity and respect, self expression and development and selfdetermination and decision-making.  相似文献   

The growing number of high‐functioning adults seeking accommodations from testing agencies and postsecondary institutions presents an urgent need to ensure reliable and valid diagnostic decision making. The potential for this population to make significant contributions to society will be greater if we provide the learning and testing accommodations to allow them access to knowledge, as well as the means to demonstrate their extraordinary abilities. The criteria and decision making used to identify high‐functioning adults with learning disabilities (LD) must be robust yet flexible enough to account for individual differences, measurement fallibility, and examiner expertise. The purpose of this article is to explore legal, measurement, and clinical issues surrounding the provision of accommodations to high‐functioning individuals with LD.  相似文献   

This article establishes the importance of “context”, a concept that underpins the academic contributions that John Falk and Lynn Dierking have made in building the field of informal/free-choice learning in science education. I consider, in turn, the individual contributions made by each of them prior to their seminal co-authored work, entitled The Museum Experience. I then document their joint contributions to the field, pointing out that although their interests and skills overlap in complementary ways to produce their jointly authored works, both have continued to make their individual contributions; Falk in his work on identity and impact, and Dierking in her work on community, youth, family and equity. Finally I come to the present, describing how they each continue their research and publication in lifelong, life-wide, and life-deep learning, with a particular focus on free-choice learning and the role it can play in addressing critical issues in the world.  相似文献   

This article discusses psycholinguistic (experimental) and anthropological studies of gesture-speech relations pertinent to learning and development. Two case studies of gesture-speech relations "in the wild" exemplify the way gestures link person and setting. Results of prior studies are discussed in terms of contributions that research on gesture-speech performances can make to modern situated aptitude theory.  相似文献   



This study was originally prepared for the African Inter-Ministerial Conference on Literacy (September 2007) with the objective of analysing the costs of successful adult literacy programmes run both by government ministries, as well as international and national non-governmental organisations.


This study aims to increase the evidence base available on costs by examining adult literacy programme costs in the context of operational details and budgeting processes. It was intended to add to the limited amount of data currently available, and to provide broad recommendations regarding the calculation of costs.


In addition to estimates relating to costing currently available in the published literature, details of nine successful adult literacy programmes were obtained through a combination of web-searches, documentation received from organisers in response to an open-ended e-mail questionnaire and telephone calls. These are described, together with a presentation of their cost structure and our calculation of their unit costs. Particular attention was paid to ‘hidden’ costs in terms of central or provincial government costs, to contributions by NGOs and other partners and to in-kind contributions in examining the new empirical data.


Information from this study suggests that a realistic estimate of the costs of making an adult literate would be a minimum of US$100, the maximum estimate currently stated in LIFE documents. Despite an up to fivefold variation in unit costs with little obvious reason for this, the large diversity in modalities, objectives and target audience of the programmes explains much of the wide range in unit costs remarked upon by other authors.


We believe that it would be premature for any country to pre-define the appropriate costing structures, and what is an allowable range of unit costs, based on this information. Recommendations are made for what factors should be taken into account when calculating unit costs. Each country should consider making an inventory of the large scale programmes that exist or are being developed as a preliminary step to deciding whether or not it is appropriate to impose a costing framework or proposing a specific range of unit costs. However, there is a demonstrable need for more general agreement about the components that should be considered in any costing of an adult literacy programme.


This study contributes to the evidence base for developing a framework for analysing and allocating the costs of non-formal adult education projects in a manner to facilitate future planning.  相似文献   

林纾的“口译者”考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林纾的“口译”往往为人们所忽视,其实他们也是“林译”作品的重要参与,王寿晶,魏易,陈家麟,普宗巩等精通西,并有着一定的学修养,与林纾合作默契,为林纾能翻译出这些多优秀作品作出了重要贡献,还有其他一些“无名英雄”,我们也要肯定其在中国近代翻译史上应有的地位,当然,他们对林译作品的失误也负有一定的责任。  相似文献   

米德:美国传播学的鼻祖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
米德是一位拥有许多桂冠的学者。在传播学领域他的重要见解和贡献是:对人的行动或姿态的分析、深和拓展了传播的研究层面;对“主我”与“客我”的辨析,丰富、深化了自我传播的内容;意义和符号是个人社会化的中介者和代理人;传播是影响人类行为的重要过程。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate associations between students' perceptions of their biology teachers' interpersonal behavior and their laboratory learning environments and their attitudinal, achievement, and performance outcomes. A sample of 489 students from 28 senior biology classes in eight schools in Tasmania, Australia completed the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) and the Science Laboratory Environment Inventory (SLEI). Responses to two attitude questionnaires, achievement on an external written examination, and performance in laboratory practical tests were used as student outcome measures. Statistical analyses supported the reliability and validity of the QTI and the SLEI when used with senior secondary biology students. We investigated associations between students' perceptions of teacher behavior and their laboratory learning environment with student outcomes, including the unique and common contributions of the QTI and SLEI to variance in student outcomes. Associations with students' perceptions of the learning environment were stronger for the attitudinal outcomes than for the cognitive or practical skills outcomes. Some commonality between the QTI and SLEI scales was found in their contributions to the variance in attitudinal outcomes, but not in their contributions to variance in cognitive and practical skill outcomes. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 26–43, 2000  相似文献   

"边缘群体"的社会心理与社会歧视探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文所谓的"边缘群体"是指生活于城市社会底层各角落的农民工群体.他们为城市的繁荣与发展做出了巨大的贡献和牺牲,但却没有得到相应的回报.相反,在二元结构体制的特殊社会背景下,农民工在城市中受到了诸多的不公正的待遇,无法真正融入城市,并遭遇着市民的偏见与歧视.他们已成为一种独特的"弱势群体".要正确解决"边缘群体"的弱势地位问题,就必须对其现状和和社会心理有深刻的了解.本文拟就对"边缘群体"的现状及其社会心理问题与社会歧视现象做一番探析.  相似文献   

As part of a teacher training project, 16 future chemistry teachers participated in a dramatisation activity (a mock trial of the Fritz Haber case), in which they discussed a controversy concerning an event from the history of science: the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Fritz Haber in 1918. Preparations for the role-play activity, the dramatisation of the mock trial, and the subsequent discussions were video-recorded. We also collected the written material produced by the pre-service teachers and the reflective journals they produced during their involvement with the activity. This article discusses the contributions of such an experience to future teachers’ knowledge on aspects related to both nature of science and argumentation, as well as to their views on their future actions related to authentic teaching of and about science. The results show that such contributions were meaningful.  相似文献   

Financing higher education in India has been a complicated problem due to theoretical and practical problems. It has been largely a state funded activity with about three-quarters of the total expenditure being borne by government. The shares of non-governmental sources such as fees and voluntary contributions have been declining. At the same time the needs of the higher education system have been growing rapidly. It is being increasingly realized that public budgets cannot adequately fund higher education, particularly when sectors of mass education are starved of even bare needs. Hence of late several policy proposals are made, including privatization. This article critically reviews these proposals, and argues that the Indian higher education system is not yet ready for privatization. At the same time the need for experimentation with several alternatives, including student fees, students loans, graduate tax, and privatization in general is emphasized.  相似文献   

In the service of educational accountability, student achievement tests are being used to measure constructs quite unlike those envisioned by test developers. Scores are compared to cut points to create classifications like “proficient”; scores are combined over time to measure growth; student scores are aggregated to measure the effectiveness of teachers, schools, and school districts; indices are created to measure college and career readiness. These and other new uses rely on derived scores created to measure new constructs. The field of educational and psychological measurement has largely ignored these significant, consequential measurement applications. The conceptual frameworks and analytical tools of educational and psychological measurement should be used to study such derived scores and the validity of their uses and interpretations.  相似文献   

Although historians of psychological and educational sciences have not completely neglected early research in the field of morality testing, European contributions to the measurement of ethical judgement and moral feeling have not received much historical attention. In this paper, two principal, experimental paradigms that emerged in early European research are described and framed within their sociopolitical contexts. From 1910 to 1930, European researchers administered the justification test, wherein deviant youngsters were asked to justify fictitious moral decisions; and the ranking test, wherein subjects were asked to arrange moral transgressions by order of their seriousness. Both tests sought to contribute to the contemporary fight against juvenile delinquency. The justification test was devised to support political pleas for upping the age of legal responsibility. The ranking test sought to introduce a scientifically based selection and classification system for difficult youths.  相似文献   

Faced with economic constraints, the governments of Western industrial countries are subjecting higher education to sharper scrutiny, and are looking for new guides to difficult policy choices. In many countries, the expectations of higher education held by specific groups have come to carry greater weight in policy-making as a proxy for analysis of national needs. This article draws on evidence from Austria, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States and West Germany to review the changing expectations of the major groups affected by higher education - the increasingly influential employers of graduates, the consumers of research, young people and their families, new groups such as women and adult students, and others; compares these expectations with broader political interpretations of the needs of the community - for equality, investment and other functions; and describes the responses of government and of institutions of higher education.An earlier version of this article was commissioned by OECD to provide a synthesis of a Conference on Expectations of Higher Education, held at Hatfield Polytechnic in January 1982, organised by the UK Department of Education and Science for an OECD/CERI programme on Innovations in Higher Education. My thanks are due to all the participants in that conference, and especially to the authors of papers, some of whose contributions are quoted extensively in this article.  相似文献   

The present research evaluated a conceptual model that links temperament, emotional knowledge, and family expressiveness to preschoolers' emotion regulation ability. The emotional understanding of 82 preschoolers was assessed with 2 separate tasks. After the second emotional knowledge task, the children were presented a "disappointing" prize, and their facial displays of positive and negative affect were recorded. The children and their mothers also participated in a game designed to elicit maternal expressive behavior. Mothers provided information about the preschoolers' temperament and about the frequency of positive and negative affect expressed within their families Results indicated that children's positive displays when presented the "disappointing" prize were inversely related to the temperamental dimension of emotional intensity and positively associated with children's understanding of emotion. Maternal reports of sadness within the family were inversely related to children's positive affective displays. Children's negative emotional displays in the disappointment situation were inversely related to observed maternal positive emotion. The findings from this study give greater specification to the unique and joint contributions of temperament, emotional knowledge, and family expressiveness in predicting preschoolers' expressive control of emotion.  相似文献   

A course for nonchemistry majors has been developed at Florida Atlantic University using a distance-education format. Chemistry in Modern Life surveys the chemistry relevant to environmental and consumer issues. The class lectures are on videotape, providing the maximum flexibility in scheduling options. In order to enhance instructor-student contact, a web-page and electronic communication are used to handle questions and class assignments. Student performance is primarily evaluated using thematic research assignments. In addition, take-home lab projects are included to provide practical exposure to experimental methods. The objective of the assigned work is for each student to observe how chemical issues affect their local community and to evaluate individual contributions to environmental problems and personal exposure to chemicals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine which emergent literacy skills contribute to preschool children's emergent writing (name-writing, letter-writing, and spelling) skills. Emergent reading and writing tasks were administered to 296 preschool children aged 4-5 years. Print knowledge and letter-writing skills made positive contributions to name writing; whereas alphabet knowledge, print knowledge, and name writing made positive contributions to letter writing. Both name-writing and letter-writing skills made significant contributions to the prediction of spelling after controlling for age, parental education, print knowledge, phonological awareness, and letter-name and letter-sound knowledge; however, only letter-writing abilities made a significant unique contribution to the prediction of spelling when both letter-writing and name-writing skills were considered together. Name writing reflects knowledge of some letters rather than a broader knowledge of letters that may be needed to support early spelling. Children's letter-writing skills may be a better indicator of children's emergent literacy and developing spelling skills than are their name-writing skills at the end of the preschool year. Spelling is a developmentally complex skill beginning in preschool and includes letter writing and blending skills, print knowledge, and letter-name and letter-sound knowledge.  相似文献   

The community of educational measurement researchers and practitioners has made many positive contributions to education, but has also become complacent and lost the public trust. In this article, reasons for the lack of public trust in educational testing are described, and core values for educational measurement are proposed. Reasons for distrust of educational measurement include hypocritical practices that conflict with our professional standards, a biased and selected presentation of the history of testing, and inattention to social problems associated with educational measurement. The five core values proposed to help educational measurement serve education are: (a) everyone is capable of learning; (b) there are no differences in the capacity to learn across groups defined by race, ethnicity, or sex; (c) all educational tests are fallible to some degree; (d) educational tests can provide valuable information to improve student learning and certify competence; and (e) all uses of educational test scores must be sufficiently justified by validity evidence. The importance of these core values for improving the science and practice of educational measurement to benefit society is discussed.  相似文献   

论江泽民对马克思主义理论的历史性贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江泽民对马克思主义理论的历史性贡献是:提出并确立了邓小平理论在我党的历史地位;提出并阐述了法治与德治并举的治国理论和以“三个代表”为标志的建党理论,这三大历史性贡献是相互影响、相辅相成的一个统一整体。  相似文献   

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