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This study employed the semantic differential technique to investigate the consistency of differences in perceptions of the institutional climate among humanities, social science, and natural science majors in two colleges of arts and sciences. Significant differences were obtained on two of four factors. Humanities majors at one institution rated the institutional climate significantly higher on an Aestheticism/Idealism factor than their peers in the social sciences. A more significant finding was that social science majors at both universities rated the climate of their institution significantly higher on a Bureaucracy factor than either humanities or natural science majors. A possible explanation for this latter finding as the interaction of initial student dispositions and subsequent major field experiences is outlined.  相似文献   

大学文科实验教学研究   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
主要介绍了目前大学文科实验教学中普遍存在的问题,并针对这些问题,从对文科实验教学模式的探索和加强文科实验室建设两方面提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

现代人的交流方式越来越多,但是最原始的言语交流还是最为普遍的。它在社会交际中处于一个非常重要的位置,不仅是在我们日常的生活中需要应用到,而且在一些重要的场合比首先言语交际有两个原则即合作原则和礼貌原则。而在言语方面是要做到言语的真诚,言语的得体以及言语的委婉。而且,我们也需要在言语交际的情况之下注意即兴交际,言语拒绝以及跨文化交际的智慧和艺术。  相似文献   

语言艺术在流通服务中发挥着特殊的作用,本文着重从两个方面进行论述。从而拉近馆员与读者的之间距离,提高流通服务水平。  相似文献   

应用技术大学创业教育要立足于区域经济社会发展需要,并应针对当前存在的认知偏差等问题,积极探寻解决路径,既要紧密结合学科专业特点,又要把握工程、生产实践需求,开展对外交流,走出一条以深化理念认知为先导,优化人才培养方案,强化师资培养,完善创业实践平台,为区域经济建设和社会发展培养应用型、复合型、创新型人才的有别于研究型大学的创业教育之路。  相似文献   

An ethnographic case study of issues related to research performance and promotion of research was conducted within the Creative and Performing Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) disciplines of a regional university. The purpose of the study was to explore a variety of ways in which the research work of those disciplines could be made more visible to others, both within and outside the university. In reviewing the research performance, concerns and orientation of academics in AHSS disciplines, this paper addresses the issue of disciplinary variations in research activity and research focus, with implications both for future programs of research performance assessment, and for the promotion of research activity among currently disenfranchised AHSS academics. In the context of current Australian debates about a research quality framework, the data considered address issues of impact, rather than quality.  相似文献   

中华武术文化是中华民族文化中的瑰宝。中华武术文化是具有完整哲学体系的文化。在全球化的进程中,文化多元化的现实作用下,中华武术文化表现出了自身的多元性和包容性。而中华武术的国际传播不仅促进中国民族文化的传播,也对国际间文化交流和国外文化产生了积极的影响。因此,中华武术的国际传播是多方受益的。本文就从中华武术国际传播的现状及其价值两方面进行论述。  相似文献   

西方民族-国家、大学和社会科学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,西方民族-国家与社会科学之间是一种共生共缘的关系。民族-国家是大学兴起的动力因素,大学是民族-国家建设的手段,大学是在现代民族-国家中取得合法化地位的;大学自身存在一个民族化过程,大学进行着社会科学的民族化研究。作者认为,大学在社会科学制度化形成中起着重要的作用。大学是对社会科学结构产生影响的因素,各社会科学在大学中得到建立,大学在当代社会科学的重建中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

在提出教育、管理及思想政治工作遇到态度转变中的沟通问题的基础上,从主体与客体之间的身份、提供的信息和心理差异等方面分析二者的沟通关联艺术,可为从事教育、管理及思想政治工作者参考。  相似文献   

In this paper the question of just who constitutes the membership of the university is explored. The paper canvasses the obvious answers: the students, the faculty, or both; the various administrators and staff above a certain level or with special responsibilities; and finally those who have passed through and out of the university doors—its old members. If to be a member is to have rights and obligations, then what if any are the obligations of the old members? This turns out to be a complex question. The analysis in the paper suggests that old members should be a third concern in our time for the universities and the pursuance of such a concern may offer many genuinely democratic supports for the university. The practical problem of how to extend the university's embrance to include its old members remains.  相似文献   

为了促进武术教学改革,丰富评价手段,拓宽评价范围,增加评价的客观性,本研究以普通高校公共体育武术课程为研究对象进行课程评价的可行性分析。  相似文献   

Many organizational functions, such as institutional research, assume that organizations make decisions rationally. The assumption is largely unjustified by empirical accounts of actual decision making. Higher education institutions are usually seen as political, collegial, or anarchic in their decision patterns. This study tests the participants' claim that the budget decision making process at Stanford University during the 1970s was rational. Although the study tends to support the claim, the results are neither conclusive nor comprehensive. The study provides (1) a rigorous and replicable procedure for testing the rational model, (2) evidence that rational decision making is feasible in higher education, and (3) grounds for refusing to assume pure rationality without abandoning hope of any rationality.  相似文献   

着重从绘画专业角度讨论如何指导学生外出写生,并针对写生中出现的问题进行分析、探讨,提出自己的一些观点,对策及解决办法。  相似文献   

The greater articulation of scientific fields with well-developed paradigms — in Kuhn's sense of the term — is viewed as facilitating scientific activities within those fields. Contrasting two physical science with two social science fields, earlier research reported greater consensus in the physical sciences, greater willingness to work with graduate students, and large advantages in research support and funding as compared to the social sciences.Data on influence in decision-making indicate that physical science departments enjoy greater autonomy from their central administrations, although physicists in lower-quality departments report some administrative pressures over choices of research areas. While social science departments feel less autonomous from their central administrations, they grant more autonomy to individual members. Decisions related to teaching processes are made differently across fields, with the physical sciences relying more heavily on committees, and the social sciences relying on individual-chairman negotiations.Across all four fields (physics, chemistry, sociology, and political science), departments with relatively high reputations exhibit collegial structures, while departments with lower reputations show marked tendencies toward bureaucratization. These findings hold when size of department or university is controlled, although departments in smaller universities report more administrative influence than those in extremely large ones.It is argued: (1) Departmental autonomy in the physical sciences is enhanced by the visibility of consequences made possible by greater paradigm development. (2) Maintenance of individual autonomy in the social sciences is necessitated by the lower visibility of consequences and the uncertainty of outcomes of those fields. (3) The maintenance of collegiality within universities may depend on visibility of favorable consequences relative to socially approved goals.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations; of the Science, Technology, and Society Group at Cornell; and of Cornell University. Requests for reprints should be sent to Janice B. Lodahl, School of Management, Crosby Hall, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y. 14214.  相似文献   

目的:探讨某高校文科与理科生的心功能状况及其因素。方法:利用文献资料法、实验测试法对某校部分文科与理科生进行调查和心血管功能的测试。结果:从所测试的安静脉搏、布兰奇心功能指数(BI值)、30秒30次起蹲指数(HF值)、K指数和1000米跑(男)、800米跑(女)成绩的结果提示理科男生的心血管功能优于文科男生,而文科女生的心功能优于理科女生。结论:心血管功能是影响身体健康的重要因素,旨在通过测试,了解文理科生的心功能状况,以期为大学生的体育锻炼提供实验参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study reported here was to analyse the ways in which unversity entrant science students carry out and communicate experimental activities and to identify a model to explain characteristic communication practices. The study was prompted by a need to inform the development of an introductory laboratory course. The students studied shared an educational background characterised by a lack of experience with laboratory work and scientific writing. Seven groups of three students were studied. The investigative strategies of these groups were observed. Laboratory reports were used to identify the ways in which students communicated these strategies. Data are presented that show a discrepancy between the strategies used and those reported. The results suggest that: (i) students' perceptions of the purpose of a laboratory task influence their decisions on what to report; (ii) understandings of laboratory procedures greatly influence their decision on what to report and on how much detail to include in a report and; (iii) knowledge of discourse rules contributes to effective reporting. It is concluded that students' communication of an investigation results from the differential operation of various perceptual filters that determine both the procedural and discourse elements of their reports. It is recommended that the communication of science should be taught explicitly and alongside the procedures and concepts of science. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 839–853, 2000  相似文献   

现阶段,社会对财务会计人才的需求越来越多,素质要求也越来越高,这就要求高校在培养财务会计人才时加大培养力度,提高财务会计课程教学质量,势在必行。本文通过对文理学院财务会计课程教学质量的影响因素加以分析,提出了一些具体办法。  相似文献   

20世纪生命科学取得了巨大进展,使生命科学的内涵远远超出了传统生物学的范畴,形成了以生物学为核心,融合数学、物理、化学、信息科学及工程技术科学等多学科的理论、技术与方法的综合性学科。本文对现代生命科学的发展趋势进行了论述。  相似文献   

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