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As we approach the second decade of the new millennium, there is a renaissance of innovation in education, a resurgence of interest and experimentation that begs for analysis and review. To that end, the League for Innovation in the Community College proposed to conduct a national study on the nature of innovation in the community college using recipients of its Innovation of the Year award from 1999 through 2008 as a data set. With funding from MetLife Foundation, researchers examined these innovations and explored the perspectives of the winners of these awards. In September 2009, a survey created by the researchers with assistance from a focus group—field-tested on a sample of winners not included in the project and vetted by a national advisory committee—was distributed electronically to the 400 award winners; 117 respondents returned surveys for a return rate of 29%. In addition to the survey, more than 40 of the award winners were interviewed using interview questions created by the researchers and vetted by the national advisory committee. The full report and all project findings can be accessed at www.league.org/natureofinnovation. Based on the findings from this national study on the nature of innovation, this article addresses the challenge of creating a culture of innovation in the community college. The characteristics of a culture that support and encourage innovation and the role of leaders in shaping that culture are featured in the article.  相似文献   

大众文化以强势的姿态迅速占领着传统文化阵地,强烈地改变了人们的传统风俗、习惯、思维。壮欢传承了壮族人民优秀文化的传统民歌,它是壮族人民智慧的结晶。探究大众文化对壮欢文化的侵袭和影响,对确立壮欢文化的发展方向和定位具有特殊意义。  相似文献   

Reflecting through the Indian experiences, a brief attempt is made to explore how disability as a noun takes shape in popular common sense “call names” (adjectives) and how does the popular common sense legitimise and normalise the oppressive language and the oppressed reality of the persons with disabilities? In the Indian context, the contempt for persons with disabilities is writ large in the language used to address them. However, to be conscious of this contempt, one needs to be conscious of the hegemonic nature of the popular common sense which normalises an oppressive reality as a natural social reality. The discussion on disability and popular common sense in India through the framework of “noun vs. adjective” might be helpful in gauging the challenges to the disability rights movement and the socio-cultural specificities to be reckon with for any meaningful intervention in the field of disability.  相似文献   

无论是对后现代主义本身,还是对后现代主义的特征,人们都有着不尽相同的看法或者主张:苏珊.桑塔格等人认为后现代主义是一种新感性,安吉拉.默克罗比等人认为后现代主义是一种新的历史时刻,弗里德里克.杰姆逊等人认为后现代主义是一种新的文化样式。尽管如此,被后现代主义耦合在一起的人,仍不失共通之处,即他们的认同于后现代主义与大众文化之间的交织与纠缠。为此,本文拟借助一系列大众文化文本,探讨后现代主义与大众文化的关系,力图证明后现代主义已然改变了人们赖以思考大众文化的理论与文化根基,旨在指出后现代时代的大众文化仅仅表示受众人青睐的文化。  相似文献   

While rejecting modernist philosophical aesthetics, the author argues for the use in art education of a current, ordinary‐language definition of aesthetics as visual appearance and effect, and its widespread use in many diverse cultural sites is demonstrated. Employing such a site‐specific use of aesthetics enables art education to more clearly address the realities of everyday life under designer capitalism, a socio‐economy based on the drive to create evermore desire. Aesthetic manipulation is viewed as a primary means to facilitate the smooth operation of this system. The recent craze for Bratz dolls is used to illustrate the centrality of aesthetics to designer capitalism. Finally, the author offers suggestions as to how art education can view consumer products like Bratz as pedagogic opportunities.  相似文献   

论民族文化的雅与俗   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
文化可以划分为三个层次:表层文化、中层文化和深层文化。民族文化有雅俗之别,而礼则是传统雅文化的核心,是俗文化的升华。礼是不断演变和外向辐射的;礼与俗之间是相互影响的。礼不断外向辐射影响俗的变迁,俗则部分地不断上升为礼。雅与俗如果隔绝,就是民族文化衰败的前兆。在现代中国社会,任何时候都要自觉地为雅文化与俗文化按照其自身固有的互动规律进行沟通创造条件,并积极促进之,从而达成民族文化的"自觉",来回应全球文化一体化带来的冲击,这是一个极其重大而重要的命题。  相似文献   

文章根据大众文化的特点,分析了大众文化对高校学生产生的影响及其对高校图书馆职能产生的影响,探讨了高校图书馆在克服大众文化消极影响方面的对策。  相似文献   

韩寒及"韩寒现象"在文艺界和教育界一直争论不休.但无论那一方对韩寒都存在着误读,如果从文化学的角度来看,韩寒及"韩寒现象"也只是表征着当下多元文化趋向类型的一种-流行文化.  相似文献   

This project reflects on the way in which students in a situation of social risk construct their identity. Based on the reflections and theories originating from research conducted on individuals and collective groups in a situation of social exclusion due to disability, social class or ethnicity, this paper will analyse the conflicts these students have to deal with when constructing their identity. It also examines the challenge that education has to face to turn those conflicts into opportunities that will help to build life projects with which they can freely identify. For this reason, from a critical perspective, the school’s role in constructing identity will be analysed, as will the way in which it affects children and adolescents from minority groups. In the same way, we will study and put forward some different channels aimed at providing more equal educational attention to those identities that are depreciated in neoliberal society.  相似文献   

先秦儒墨两种文化是两个有着不同特征的价值体系:儒家文化是一种精英文化,墨家则更具有大众文化的意味.在思维方式上,儒家重理性,墨家重感性;在价值标准上,儒家重人文,墨家重实用;在价值取向上,儒家致和,墨家尚同;在社会基础上,儒家代表着社会新贵,墨家则立足于平民.  相似文献   

Popular Culture and Sophisticated Reading: Men in Black   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Young people learn about processing texts in different media from popular culture. Films are released accompanied by a huge variety of back-up and satellite texts. This article explores a set of associated texts linked with the film Men in Black. Different materials offer varying reading invitations. A schema of such reading invitations, developed from the Men in Black texts, involves seven categories: immersion, recapitulation, second-level engagement, technical analysis, commentary, spin-off, and parody.  相似文献   

流行语作为大众文化、大众语言的一种重要代表与典型表现,具有颠覆与建构的双重属性,受其自身的特质以及文化、语言的规律的制约,要求我们客观、科学地应对它所表现的语言规范问题。流行语的产生、嬗变与社会文化背景、历史语境因素有着密切的关联。从心理和文化因素来探讨种种流行语现象何以产生,又如何面对时代条件、历史语境而不断地发生变迁,产生新的面貌,具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

流行歌曲与校园文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流行歌曲是深受大学生喜爱的通俗文艺形式之一,但其中有一些内容庸俗、格调低下的作品在校园里传播,对大学生的身心健康产生了一些消极影响,形成校园文化建设的不利因素。因此,必须通过加强音乐审美教育等多种途径进行综合治理,以培养高素质的跨世纪人才  相似文献   

自进入20世纪90年代以来,由于中国政治、经济、文化等诸方面的急剧变化,当代文化出版出现了媚俗化的倾向,媚俗出版物几近泛滥,突出表现在其内容媚俗、书名媚俗、选题策划物媚俗与宣传媚俗。伴随着出版爆炸现象而愈演愈烈的种种媚俗表现,对大众文化产生了危害,期望新世纪的出版业能够沿着健康、正确的方向蓬勃发展,进而丰富大众文化的人文内涵,提高国民的精神素质和文化品位。  相似文献   

大众文化是文化的重要组成部分 ,也是外语教学中不可忽视的内容。大众文化还可为外语教学提供新的语料 ;有助于激发学生的学习兴趣 ,实施有效的互动性教学  相似文献   

大学校园文化:大众文化扬弃与人文精神培育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
当前大学校园文化建设中,由于受到大众文化的负面影响,存在着重视感官娱乐、忽视审美趣味,重视商家赞助、忽视学生参与,重视复制模仿、缺少意义追寻等问题。大学校园文化建设要以人文精神传承弘扬为重要使命,并以传承弘扬大学精神和促进大学生“精神成人”为着力点,同时提出了校园文化传承人文精神的路径选择。  相似文献   

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