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目前,实践性教学是远程开放教育的薄弱环节,虚拟现实技术的出现和深入发展为我们解决这一难题提供了一种有效的途径。利用虚拟现实技术建设各种虚拟实验室,为学生提供生动、逼真的实验情境和方便、自然的实验手段,更好的帮助学生理解知识、加深记忆。本文从介绍虚拟实验室的特点入手,分析了虚拟实验室建设的重要性、具体应用以及建设的难点和解决对策。  相似文献   

虚拟实验室在大学创新实践教学中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会对人才需求的改变,培养高素质的创新型人才是新时期高等教育的重要使命,大学创新实践教学是实现这一目标的重要环节.论文提出了运用虚拟实验室进行大学创新实践教学的新方法,从实践教学体系、内容和方法等方面探索创新实践教学,培养具有创新精神、创新意识和创新能力满足社会需求的高素质创新型人才.  相似文献   


This study compared efficiency of desktop virtual reality with a conventional classroom learning practice for the teaching and learning of electrical/electronics technology. This was measured through academic achievement, learning interest, and engagement. A quasi-experimental design was employed for this study. Four universities were used for the study. The students were within the ages of 17 to 24?years. Students were assigned to either an experimental or comparison group based on intact classes. A total of 149 students participated in this experiment; however, only 142 samples could be analyzed. Seven samples were not analyzed due to incomplete instruments answered and absenteeism. Seventy-four students were in the virtual reality group while 68 students were in the non virtual reality group. The sample was 78.52% and 21.48% in males and females, respectively. Analysis of covariance was used to test three formulated hypotheses on effects of desktop virtual reality on the learning effectiveness of the students. There was a significant difference in academic achievement, learning interest, and learning engagement between the two groups. It was established that desktop virtual reality positively affected students’ academic achievement, learning interest, and engagement of students in electronics technology. It was suggested that virtual reality should be adopted to augment laboratory practices for the teaching and learning of electrical/electronics technology in Nigerian universities.  相似文献   

从当前比较流行的远程教育出发,根据残疾人自身特点和社会要求,分析残疾人远程教育的发展状况,探讨了目前残疾人远程教育中存在的一些问题和问题存在的原因.提出基于Web的虚拟现实技术应用于残疾人远程教育的具体做法。  相似文献   

简述虚拟现实技术的特点,指出虚拟现实技术在机械创新教学中的优势,对虚拟现实在机械创新实验教学中的应用进行分析.虚拟现实技术对促进机械创新教育的发展,为全面推进素质教育提供一条创新之路.  相似文献   

从Sloodle看三维虚拟学习环境的发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前教育领域涌现了很多使用基于网络的多用户虚拟环境进行教学的实例,如Active Worlds、Second Life、Wonderland等,这些平台有很好的三维模拟环境,在教学中使用得越来越广泛,但缺乏学习过程记录与支持的功能,有必要将其与现有的教学系统尤其是基于Web的虚拟学习系统整合起来。本文首先简要回顾了教育领域中三维虚拟学习环境的研究现状,然后介绍了当前国际上流行的一个开源三维虚拟学习环境——Sloodle。通过介绍Sloodle中的Web-Intercom、MetaGloss、Choicer、Translator等工具,讨论了使用这种三维虚拟环境与Web技术整合给学习系统带来的挑战和潜力。最后,总结并探讨了三维虚拟学习环境的发展趋势。  相似文献   

In order to improve learning efficiency and memory retention in medical teaching, furthering active learning seems to be an effective alternative to classical teaching. One option to make active exploration of the subject matter possible is the use of virtual reality (VR) technology. The authors developed an immersive anatomy atlas which allows users to explore human anatomical structures interactively through virtual dissection. Thirty-two senior-class students from two German high schools with no prior formal medical training were separated into two groups and tasked with answering an anatomical questionnaire. One group used traditional anatomical textbooks and the other used the immersive virtual reality atlas. The time needed to answer the questions was measured. Several weeks later, the participants answered a similar questionnaire with different anatomical questions in order to test memory retention. The VR group took significantly less time to answer the questionnaire, and participants from the VR group had significantly better results over both tests. Based on the results of this study, VR learning seems to be more efficient and to have better long-term effects for the study of anatomy. The reason for that could lie in the VR environment's high immersion, and the possibility to freely and interactively explore a realistic representation of human anatomy. Immersive VR technology offers many possibilities for medical teaching and training, especially as a support for cadaver dissection courses.  相似文献   

增强现实环境中的学习注重虚拟与现实的结合,通过在现实环境之中叠映虚拟三维场景信息,让学习者使用电脑或移动终端在虚实融合的学习环境中交互学习。文章在精要阐述增强现实技术可为儿童构建四种类型的虚实结合的交互学习环境的基础上,以交互式儿童多媒体科普电子书为例,论述基于增强现实的儿童虚拟交互学习环境的结构功能、开发工具、三维模型和标志物的设计及制作、增强现实引擎的实现,以及阅读机理与流程。  相似文献   

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder with different levels of severity. Although the exact causes of ASD is not yet known, nor is there a medical cure for ASD to date, special facilities and schools have been established to help individuals coping better and becoming more independent. With the advancement in Virtual Reality (VR) technology, there has been a greater depth of development of technology-enhanced game-based learning for children with ASD. This paper will describe our effort on virtual pink dolphins to assist children with ASD in their learning, at the same time, to avoid the use of physical pink dolphins which is a species endangered. A study on the use of a low-cost VR enabled pink dolphins game for children with ASD to learn direction following, psychomotor skills and hand-eye coordination will be reported.  相似文献   

学习型组织理论是21世纪全球管理的新方向,虚拟现实则是21世纪管理中的主要技术。本文论述了虚拟现实技术的概念和特征,介绍了学习型团队理论中的虚拟团队和虚拟企业,提出学习型组织理论中虚拟现实技术对管理培训的价值有以下三个方面:虚拟现实体现了组织中教育培训的主体价值;虚拟现实为学习型组织提供了良好的学习环境;虚拟现实对知识性和技能性学习具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Educational technology research has passed through a number of stages, focusing, in turn, on the content to be learned, the format of instructional messages, and the interaction between computers and students. The field is now concerned with the study of learning in complete, complex, and interactive learning environments. These environments allow both the simulation of experiences that students might have in the real world and also the creation of compelling experiences that cannot normally be experienced directly. Learning environments also often allow students to communicate their own ideas with the use of a variety of symbol systems. These environments are also frequently inhabited by more than one person, making learning within them a social activity where learning is distributed among both people and artifacts. Finally, these learning environments are complex. Studying how they contribute to learning therefore requires research methods other than controlled experiments. This paper reviews research on learning environments to give both an historical perspective on educational technology research and a selective view of the current state of the discipline. It concludes by identifying implications for both practice and future research.  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术是一种综合性的技术门类,在三维图形技术、模拟传感技术、显示伺服技术等的工作作用下,该技术能够生成一个逼真的三维视觉、触觉和嗅觉等感觉世界,用户可以在这一虚拟世界中进行浏览与交互式考察。本文以此为基础,对建构主义视角下虚拟现实技术对大学生的道德教化问题进行了系统研究,首先,本文对虚拟现实和建构主义进行了阐述,其次以此为基础,对虚拟现实技术在大学生道德教化中的应用和障碍进行了统计分析,再次,从多个不同的侧面,给出了基于虚拟现实技术的大学生道德教化的实现途径。旨在通过本文的工作,为大学生的道德教化寻找一个新的途径,以更好地促进高校人才培养质量的提升。  相似文献   

To help prepare students for the rigors of an online master’s degree in technical and professional communication, I created a course-embedded online student orientation (OSO) structured by the community of inquiry theory of online learning. The study researched the effect of the OSO on student satisfaction, student perceptions of online learning, and students’ program retention. The OSO was effective in helping students to reflect on their learning and demonstrated students’ interest in peer collaboration.  相似文献   

Research at the University of Nottingham has been carried out to investigate the potential of Virtual Reality (VR) for teaching secondary school science. This paper describes the evaluation of VR to teach radioactivity at secondary school level. Evaluation was carried out in a local school and compared directly to the traditional teaching methods currently used in the school to teach radioactivity. Computer experience, computer attitudes, general attitudes and knowledge gained were measured to allow comparisons to be drawn. Individual differences of gender, ability and home computer use were also looked at in relation to the above measures. Results indicated that both ability level and the order in which the conditions were completed significantly affected the attitude scores. High ability students reported higher attitude scores, both overall and for the VR class in particular. As a result of the evaluation study, the Virtual Laboratory has been heavily modified and further evaluation studies were then carried out.  相似文献   

采用虚实结合的思想搭建了基于MatLab的机器人实验教学平台,配套制作了详细的机器人学实验教程等教学资源,并将此平台应用于机器人技术基础和高级实验教学中.通过把书本上冗繁的公式转化为可以编程实验的代码,并将算法在虚实结合的实验平台实现,学生不仅提高了兴趣,同时也培养了学生理论联系实际的能力,为新工科背景下提高机器人工程...  相似文献   

虚拟学习语境,简称虚拟语境,是指依托三维虚拟学习平台,建构仿真的三、四维学习情境,使学习者沉浸在虚拟现实环境里,实现多感官同步交互,获得"身临其境"的感受与体会,从而顺利实现意义构建,习得知识。在二语习得语境中,将三维虚拟学习环境与二语习得进行前瞻性地整合,对虚拟语境的模式和分类进行细化,由此为解决我国二语习得环境缺乏之问题提供现实、可行的方案。该模式分类中主要分为课堂内虚拟语境和课堂外虚拟语境。这两大类虚拟语境又细分为四类,分别为观看式虚拟语境、任务型虚拟语境、互助式虚拟语境和实践型虚拟语境。  相似文献   

Game-based learning can have a positive impact on medical education, and virtual worlds have great potential for supporting immersive online games. It is necessary to reinforce current medical students' knowledge about radiological anatomy and radiological signs. To meet this need, the objectives of this study were: to design a competition-based game in the virtual world, Second Life and to analyze the students' perceptions of Second Life and the game, as well as to analyze the medium-term retention of knowledge and the potential impact on the final grades. Ninety out of 197 (45.6%) third-year medical students voluntarily participated in an online game based on self-guided presentations and multiple-choice tests over six 6-day stages. Participants and non-participants were invited to perform an evaluation questionnaire about the experience and a post-exposure knowledge test. Participants rated the experience with mean scores equal to or higher than 8.1 on a 10-point scale, highlighting the professor (9.5 ± 1.1; mean ± SD) and the virtual environment (8.9 ± 1.1). Participants had better results in the post-exposure test than non-participants (59.0 ± 13.5 versus 45.3 ± 11.5; P < 0.001) and a lower percentage of answers left blank (6.7 ± 8.4 versus 13.1 ± 12.9; P = 0.014). Competitive game-based learning within Second Life is an effective and well-accepted means of teaching core radiological anatomy and radiological signs content to medical students. The higher medium-term outcomes obtained by participants may indicate effective learning with the game. Additionally, valuable positive perceptions about the game, the educational contents, and the potential benefit for their education were discovered among non-participants.  相似文献   

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