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系统阐述了近年来中山大学图书馆在全球收集的多种不同出版时期、不同语种的《共产党宣言》的情况,重点论述了19世纪早期重要的三种版本、20世纪前半叶两种重要的英译本和中国本土首个中文节译本的收藏情况、内容与版本特色等,认为中山大学图书馆经过长期的马克思主义馆藏建设,形成了独特的《共产党宣言》版本收藏,真实地反映了《共产党宣言》在欧美、在世界和在中国传播的历史,具有极其重要的历史价值、文献价值和学术价值,对推动马克思主义理论研究与传承具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的迅速发展,我国文化事业建设得到更加广泛的关注。信息化时代,文创产品开发已成为传承优秀传统文化的重要方式。公共图书馆作为文化资源的重要载体,其文创产品的设计开发是对图书馆特色文献的充分挖掘、提取相关文化元素、融入审美特征、突显创意创新的整个过程。文化IP的出现,为公共图书馆文创产品的设计提供了新思路,带来了更多的创意表达。本文基于我国公共图书馆文创产品开发现状,分析了文化IP和文创产品之间的关系,提出当前公共图书馆文创产品开发中存在的问题,指出了文化IP在公共图书馆文创产品开发中重要作用,论述了文化IP视域下公共图书馆文创产品开发的几点策略,旨在推动我国公共图书馆文创产业的创新发展。  相似文献   

图书馆读者权利与人的权利有共通之处。因此,从人权角度出发,图书馆读者权利应在社会和历史的范畴之内提出,且可分为实有权利、应有权利和法定权利。为实现图书馆读者权利的"三权统一",可以在以下几方面加强工作:图书馆立法、管理制度、图书馆协会及学会、图书馆规章制度、图书馆教育职能和图书馆读者。  相似文献   

图书馆专业性是保证图书馆事业可持续发展的关键因素。随着新时代图书馆事业的发展和转型,新的图书馆专业性亟待构建。文章以新冠肺炎疫情防控期间图书馆的行动实践为切入点,从图书馆体系、图书馆服务和图书馆资源三个方面考察了武汉地区公共图书馆在抗疫工作中的专业表现。在此基础上,又进一步将观察视域拓宽到中国和世界各地图书馆的抗疫工作之中,从图书馆行业在响应速度、资源供给、长远布局和应变思维等方面呈现了图书馆的专业面相。通过抗疫实践中的追问与思考,作者对新时代图书馆的专业性问题做出了回答,认为图书馆员职业应该拥有一个更积极、主动的内核,成为重大社会事件的积极反应者、图书馆生态系统的方向引领者、培育阅读习惯的专业推广者、弥合社会鸿沟的信息赋能者和服务创新与终身学习的坚定践行者。参考文献27。  相似文献   

张玉祥 《档案学研究》2017,31(2):111-119
巴里坤地处新疆天山北路东部地区,被誉为“新疆咽喉”。巴里坤是清代新疆地震多发区。其中,清代道光二十二年五月初三至初五巴里坤爆发了7.5级大地震。中国第一历史档案馆的宫中朱批奏折档、台北故宫博物院的宫中朱批奏折档、道光朝上谕档、军机处录副奏折等至少14份清宫藏地震档案极为翔实地记载了此次大地震的相关事宜。这在清代新疆地震史乃至清代全国地震史上堪称罕见。笔者据以上档案等概述了新疆巴里坤大地震的情况,论述了清廷采取的抚恤灾民、官员捐廉、借贷银两、捐款修城、派拨兵遣、起用废员、提拔官员等赈灾对策,进而剖析这些对策的利弊,从而使我们借鉴其合理对策且警惕其不妥对策,这对当今的防灾减灾工作有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

生命科学专业期刊引文分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用生命科学的二级学科诸如生态学、生理学、生物化学与生物物理学、形态学、分类学、细胞遗传学为样本,选择了14种具有代表性的中文核心期刊,收集其引用文献进行研究。统计分析了这六个学科文献使用情况、老化速度、中值引文年龄、普赖斯指数等量度指标。其中普赖斯指数最大、中值引文年龄最短的是生物化学与生物物理学,并且这门学科的外文期刊引用比例也是最大的;普赖斯指数最小、中值引文年龄最长的是分类学。这表明这六个领域中最活跃、发展速度最快的是生物化学与生物物理学,生理学、形态学、细胞遗传学以及生态学正处于稳定成熟阶段,发展速度较为缓慢,至于分类学,由于其学科的特殊性,不能简单地认为其发展速度最慢,而应做进一步的研究。  相似文献   

图书馆2.0:构建新的图书馆服务   总被引:286,自引:1,他引:286  
web2.0是一种以用户为中心的网络技术与服务,图书馆2.0是web2.0在图书馆的应用。该文通过对国内外网络媒体关于web2.0和图书馆2.0的调研,介绍了图书馆2.0的起源与发展。Talis公司的白皮书和“高等教育博客会议筹备网”提出了图书馆2.0的基本理论。目前图书馆2.0的应用包括维基、博客、RSS、开源软件、应用集成和用户参与资源建设等方面,存在着信息技术应用的适用性、数据资源建设与利用的扩展性、图书馆员的适应性和研发方向的目标性等问题。  相似文献   

全媒体时代跨文化传播的信息安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在媒介网络的空前开放性和共享化特征下,跨文化传播作为信息交流沟通的分享活动,其也存在安全隐患,主要为信息的失窃、信息的失真、虚假的信息和信息的失衡等。为消除跨文化传播的安全隐患,保证跨文化传播活动的顺利开展,建立高效的预防和整治机制势在必行。  相似文献   

Chinese Studies Librarianship in North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although American libraries had begun collecting Chinese language materials in the 19th century, notably the United States Library of Congress in 1869, Yale in 1878, Harvard in 1879, and Berkeley in 1896, East Asian studies librarianship in North America, including China studies librarianship, was not fully developed until the 1960s. There was no formal organization that represented the interest of Chinese studies librarians because there were few of them and most of them were China scholars rather than trained librarians. More than 100 years later, the number of Chinese studies librarians in North America has increased considerably, primarily in response to the demand in the field of China studies and more recently to the needs of immigrant population and the general public who has an interest in China.This paper traces the history and growth of Chinese studies librarianship in North America, documents the development of the professional organization that represents Chinese studies librarians, and exami.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been growing interest in the discipline of computing in relation to cultural heritage, parallel with developments in greater user participation in archives and advances in documentation work. These trends are reflected in the case of a documentation project of an old Chinese cemetery in Singapore, Bukit Brown Cemetery. This case was characterised by tensions among the ‘wild’ array of emerging individual participants and archivists that took the momentum away from both more formal NGOs and government institutions in documenting, archiving and raising awareness of the heritage of the site when part of it was announced to be set aside for a new highway. The case presents a compelling need for participatory archives, facilitated by computing interventions encouraging public engagement and visits to the site. Being actively involved in the documentation process, the authors reflect on how conceptual frameworks of records may assist in designing new media innovations and informing the ways by which a cemetery may be documented. Through these reflections, the authors argue for the active participation of archivists and records professionals in documentation work, and demonstrate how, in the creation and keeping of records, they shape the collective imagination of the public and other stakeholders in heritage sites.  相似文献   

Not Good Enough?     
An increasing flow of amateur images of global crises presents challenges and opportunities for mainstream news media. Furthermore, many news organizations now solicit eyewitness reports for near-instant upload to Web editions. Yet, there is a lack of empirical research on amateur images in the regular news flow, in particular in newspapers. Thus, this case study examines the general frequency of amateur content, the gatekeeping process and the opinions of editors making decisions about images for publication in the online and print editions of four Swedish newspapers. Our findings, based on quantitative content analyses and interviews, indicate that a majority of the content falls in the hard-news category in contrast to findings in previous research about user-generated text content. Moreover, it appears regularly but in small numbers in a tabloid-content daily and a regional paper but hardly ever in broadsheet-content papers, and that opinions in the newsroom about amateur images vary from a lack of interest to a stated need for them in the regular news coverage. The low impact of amateur content may be due to the gatekeeping process and professional standards of photography, as well as a lack of audience interest and difficulties in implementing new structures in the newsrooms. In sum, the findings disprove predictions in the literature of a near-paradigmatic rise of amateur content in the mainstream news media.  相似文献   

The paper describes the role of information and Information Technology (IT) and discusses the infrastructure, human resources, telecommunications, and research and development in IT within the Indian context. It highlights the features of the liberalization of the Indian government software policy of 1986, including developments in networking and the growth of the IT industry in the country, and documents the proliferation and application of IT in India in various fields. It provides a detailed look at the socio-human dimensions of IT in terms of its impact on the socioeconomic conditions of the people, especially in the countryside. The paper describes the limitations of the Indian digital revolution in reaching out to the general masses and the various factors responsible for the lopsided character of the information revolution.  相似文献   

李坤坪 《图书馆》2021,(4):103-106,111
刘康,字春禧,湖南宁乡人,清代末年知名藏书家,好收藏历代名人墨迹书本,编纂有《红豆山房法帖》。但由于年代久远及藏书多毁,刘康事迹已久不为人所知。文章通过对刘康藏书、刻帖、刻书活动的发掘、考证及参考湖湘近代名人对其评价,较为详细地介绍了刘康的藏书其事。从目前的资料来看,刘氏广于收藏,勤于校勘,其收藏曾获近代省内外达宦名流赞许,故研究刘康对完善湖南近代私人藏书史和保存传播文献古籍有着重要而积极的作用。  相似文献   


Survey works, carried out by 15 MSc (Information Science) students of the School of Information Studies for Africa (SISA) in the course of their dissertation work, reveal some important facts related to information systems and services in the countries studied. This paper analyses the student dissertations in order to present an overview of the library and information systems and services available in seven eastern and southern African countries—Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. It is noted that the state of library and information services needs to be improved in all respects; and there is a trend towards introduction of IT, albeit quite slow, in university, special and research, and national libraries and documentation centres. The condition of public, school and college libraries is very poor in all the countries concerned. Lack of a national policy on information systems and services in the countries concerned results in the inconsistent and insufficient growth of information services in different sectors. Major problems in the area are: lack of resources, particularly foreign currencies, lack of awareness on the part of planners and policy makers, lack of trained manpower, lack of adequate servicing facilities for IT equipment, and the continuing political, social, and natural problems that prevail in most African countries.  相似文献   

英国数字图书馆建设的最新动态与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志毅 《图书情报工作》2005,49(3):133-135,139
介绍英国数字图书馆的发展概况、主要建设工程项目以及牛津大学图书馆和大英图书馆数字图书馆的最新发展动态,认为世界图书馆的发展趋势是数字图书馆呈现出国际化发展态势,跨国界、跨地区、跨部门之间的合作与协作将成为数字图书馆建设的主要模式。  相似文献   

国际学术合作能够提高科研效率,推动知识创新,探讨国际合著论文中的国家贡献度,对反映国家领域影响力,提升国际合作态势具有重要意义.从数值和内容两个层面构建国际合著国家学术贡献度分析模型,以中国作为重点研究对象,以Web of Science为数据来源,通过构建国际合著网络,结合学术贡献度计算公式,分析近十年中国在Info...  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 针对大量民间力量参与公共文化服务的实践,试图从理论上总结民间力量在公共文化服务中的参与主体、参与方式和参与内容。[方法/过程] 以现有民间力量参与图书馆、博物馆等公共文化服务机构的实践为例,从理论上剖析现有民间力量参与公共文化服务的内容和方式。[结果/结论] 通过研究,认为目前民间力量在公共文化服务中的参与主体主要是公民个人、社会团体、非政府组织和企业,主要方式是兴办实体、资助项目、赞助活动和提供设施等,主要参与内容是公共文化产品的生产和运营,公共文化服务政策的制定、执行和考评,公共文化活动的举办、文化成果的创造以及公共文化基础设施的建设和维护等。  相似文献   

读者参与图书采购实践国内外比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义] 针对国内外在读者参与采购实践中表现出的差异进行比较分析,为国内改进读者参与采购模式提供参考。[方法/过程] 首先分析国内读者参与采购的研究与实践概况。从电子图书和纸质图书同步的DDA项目、馆际互借ILL DDA项目分析国外读者参与采购的模式。从读者参与采购的工作流程和效率、读者线上参与荐购方式、荐购知识库、读者参与采购线下模式、荐购经费比例等方面详细比较分析国内外读者参与采购的异同。[结果/结论] 国内在读者参与采购方面开展积极探索,荐购方式多样,功能模块齐全,在整合工作流程、提高荐购效率、线上线下相结合、完善荐购知识库、智能图书信息推送、完善荐购服务规则、建立激励措施等方面还需要做出进一步改进。  相似文献   

With the further advancement of China's e-government, enterprise architecture has become one of major topics in the e-government field. This paper attempts to examine the status and progress of e-government enterprise architecture research in China in a systematic approach and frame a research agenda. This paper conducts quantitative and qualitative analyses of research articles on this topic published in Chinese journals over the last six years. For each paper the study examines author's institutional association and department, published journal names and issues, paper length, research themes, research methods, level of analysis, and geographical focus in order to take a multi-faceted perspective. Findings suggest that EA are receiving more and more attention by Chinese scholars over time with the continuing development of e-government in China. However, the research themes covered by a paper in EA are found to be unbalanced and unfocused, most studies on EA in China focus on architecture frameworks and methodologies, advocate of EA and multi-themes. In terms of research methods, papers in the research field lack academic rigorousness in general.  相似文献   

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