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我国高校学科建设研究:现状、问题与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用维普数据库资料统计了1989~2006年我国高校学科建设研究的相关文献,分析了发表年份、研究主题和研究方法等方面的现状及其原因,指出了目前研究存在的问题,同时对我国高校学科建设的研究进行了展望,提出了研究应加强的四个方面,即理论研究、队伍研究、交叉研究和评估研究。  相似文献   

对当前我国关于县域义务教育均衡发展的内涵研究、资源配置研究、相关对策研究、评价指标体系研究等作了综合阐述,并指出了研究中存在的不足,分析了研究发展趋势。  相似文献   

手机依赖研究是20世纪的一个研究热点。论文思考了手机依赖研究的背景、研究方向、基本概念的界定、研究的基本内容、研究方法等问题,理清了手机依赖研究的思路。  相似文献   

总结了近20年来标题语法研究的主要内容:特殊词语和语法格式的研究、标题语言性质和功能的研究、标题语法的综合研究;分析了标题语法研究的特点:范围广、挖掘深、方法多样;预测了标题语法的研究趋势:历时研究和解释研究.  相似文献   

新时期以来,浙江省的茅盾研究从创作研究、文艺思想与批评研究、传记和史料研究、专题研究、论茅盾研究等方面对茅盾作了全方位的研究,并取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

走向政策范式的课程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从课程、知识、政策这些基本概念入手 ,研究了课程政策的本质 ,明确了政策视野中课程研究的基本问题、研究思路与研究方法 ,建立了课程政策研究的范式。  相似文献   

了解我国目前职业教育制度的研究现状,有利于我国职业教育制度的改革与完善。文章首先从职业教育的历史研究、内涵及构成要素研究、关系论研究、比较研究、不同视角研究等五个方面分析了我国职业教育制度的现状,接着从研究目标、研究内容、研究方法等三个层次论述了我国当前职业教育制度研究所取得的成果,最后从研究目标、研究内容、研究方法等三个方面对职业教育制度研究的不足与展望进行了说明。  相似文献   

文章从成人学习的可行性研究、特殊性研究、有效性研究和多学科研究四个方面回顾了西方成人学习研究的发展历程.同时,从研究的理论取向、研究内容、研究方法以及研究对象四个方面展望了西方成人学习研究的发展趋势.  相似文献   

文化是大学核心竞争力的构成要素,大学文化研究构成了高等教育研究的重要领域。沙因教授曾对文化的本质、结构、要素、功能等提出了独创性见解,这有利于大学文化研究者明确研究重点、理清研究思路和掌握研究方法。以沙因的文化理论为基础,本研究提出了一个探索高校文化的地图,该地图包括文化层次、研究重点、研究视角、研究方法和研究手段等信息,统一了大学文化研究中的视角和方法之争。  相似文献   

本文根据对1979—2012年关于《西游记》英译研究的期刊和学位论文的统计,从7个方面论述了其研究现状:总括性介绍和译者研究、书名英译研究、翻译策略研究、译文研究和译文对比、儒道释等文化研究、语言学视角研究、基于语料库的研究,并对重点论文进行了述评。最后还对《西游记》英译的进一步研究提出了建议和展望。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION A large number of Lachnum species have been reported from diverse regions of the world (Dennis, 1949; 1961; Galán and Raitviir, 1994; Haines, 1980; 1992; Haines and Dumont, 1984; Haines and Kaneko, 1984; Sharma, 1986; Singh, 1975; Spooner, 1987; Tai, 1979; Teng, 1934; 1963; Wu et al., 1998; Wu and Haines, 1999; Zhuang and Hyde, 2001). The earliest records of Lachnum in China dated back to 1934 when the Chinese mycologist Teng (1934) reported two species from Zhejian…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The hop plant (Humulus lupulus L., Cannabi- naceae) is a dioecious twining perennial widely cul- tivated throughout the temperate zones of the world. The inflorescences (hops or hop cones) are used in breweries to give beer its characteristics such as fla- vor and aroma. In this respect, the bitter acids and essential oils have received much attention. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is currently the most accepted solvent for the manufacture of hops extracts by breweries. Its extracts…  相似文献   

Boardman, Gail, Oral Communication of Literature, 1953, N. Y.: Prentice‐Hall, pp. 472, $4.95.

Gassner, John, Producing The Play, (rev. ed.), 1953, N. Y.: Dryden Press, pp. 915, $5.75.

Gottlober, A. B., Understanding Stuttering, 1952, N. Y.: Grune and Stratton. pp. 288, $5.50.

Harding, H. F., The Age of Danger, 1952, N. Y.: Random House, pp. 561, $3.25.

Haut, Lillian, Speak Correctly, 1952, N. Y.: Speech Handbooks, pp. 56, $1.50.

Huston, A. D., and Sandberg, R. A., Everyday Business Speech, 1952, N. Y.: Prentice‐Hall, pp. 302, $4.00.

Johnson, W., et al, Diagnostic Manual In Speech Correction, 1953, N. Y.: Harper, pp. 221, $2.50.

Lee, C. I., Oral Interpretation, 1952, N. Y.: Houghton‐Mifflin. pp. 596, $3.50.

Lee, I. J., How To Talk With People, 1952, N. Y.: Harper, pp. 176, $2.00.

O'Brien, J. F., Parliamentary Law for The Layman, 1952, N. Y.: Harper, pp. 248, $3.00.

Van Dusen, C. R., Training The Voice For Speech, sec. ed., 1952, N. Y.: McGraw Hill. pp. 232, $3.50.

Van Riper, C., A Case Book In Speech Therapy, 1953, N. Y.: Prentice‐Hall, pp. 144, $2.75.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Classroom Management: Principles to Practice , Shirley L. Ball, Jonathan E. Solity
Responding to Adolescent Needs , Polly Lowe
Outside the Mainstream , J.S. Hurt
Supporting Ordinary Schools: LEA initiatives , D. Moses, S. Hegarty, S. Jowett
Radical Analysis of Special Education , Scott B. Sigmon
Personal and Social Education: Choices and Challenges , A. Hargreaves, E. Baling, P. Henderson, P. Leeson, T. Tossell
Community Care for Mentally Handicapped Children , P. Abbott, R. Sapsford
Problem Behaviour in People with Severe Learning Disabilities , E. Zarkowska, J. Clements
Diagnosis and Remediation of Handwriting Problems , D. Stott, F. Moyes, S. Henderson  相似文献   

Barbara, Dominick A., Stuttering: A Psychodynamic Approach To Its Understanding and Treatment, New York: The Julian Press, Inc., pp. 304, $5.00.

Braden, W. W. and Brandenburg, E., Oral Decision‐Making, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955, pp. 572, $4.75.

Henneke, Ben G., Reading Aloud Effectively, New York: Reinhart and Co., Inc., 1954, pp. 481, $5.00

Huston, A. D., Sandberg, R. A., rev. by Mills, Jack, Effective Speaking in Business, New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1955, pp. 399, $6.35.

Moses, Paul J., The Voice of Neurosis, New York: Grune and Stratton, 1954, pp. 131, $4.00.

Mulgrave, Dorothy I., Speech for the Classroom Teacher, 3rd. ed., New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1955, pp. 470, $5.75.

Painter, Margaret, Ease in Speech, 3rd. ed., Boston: D. C. Heath and Co., 1954, pp. 456, $3.00.

Sisson, Charles J., ed., William Shakespeare: The Complete Works, New York: Haprer and Brothers, 1953, pp. 1376, $4.50.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Urban School, L. F. Claydon (ed.)
Children in Conflict, H. R. Reinert
Charting Intellectual Development, Ruth Formanek, Anita Gurian
Language and Communication in the Mentally Handicapped, Paul Berry (ed.)
Language, Learning and Remedial Teaching, Roger Gurney
Children and Psychologists, Philip Williams
Therapy Through Play, Ivonny Lindquist
Psychology and Education of Slow Learners, Roy Brown
Medical Care in Schools, M. Willis, M. E. McLachlan
Teaching Slow Learners, Gerald Haigh
The Early Identification of Educationally 'At Risk' Children, K. Wedell, E. C. Raybould
Detection of Development Problems fn Children, Marilyn J. Krajicak, Alice I. Teamey
Listen—Let's Make Music, Ann Hunt
For the Classroom: Steps 1, Marianne Parry
For the Classroom: Headlines, John L. Foster & others
For the Classroom: Monsters of Myth and Legend, Paul Groves, Nigel Grimshaw  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
S. Power, T. Edwards, G. Whitty and V. Wigfall, Education and the Middle Class
Peter Blatchford, with Paul Bassett, Harvey Goldstein and Claire Martin, also Gemma Catchpole, Suzanne Edmonds and Viv Moriarty, The Class Size Debate: is small better?
L. Cruddas and L. Haddock, Girls' Voices: Supporting girls' learning and emotional development
Jagdish S. Gundara, Interculturalism, Education and Inclusion
J. Satterwaite, E. Atkinson and K. Gale (eds), Discourse, Resistance and Power: Challenging the rhetoric of contemporary education
Walter McMahon, Education and Development: Measuring the social benefits
G.A. Valverde, L.J. Bianchi, R.G. Wolfe, W.H. Schmidt and R.T. Houng, According to the Book: Using TIMSS to investigate the translation of policy into practice through the world of textbooks
Martyn Hammersley, Educational Research, Policymaking and Practice
José Antonio, Ibaňez-Martin and Gonzale Jovar, Education and Europe: Policies and Politics
Maggie MacLure, Discourse in Educational and Social Research
Jill Williams, Promoting Independent Learning in the Primary Classroom
Pat Thomson, Schooling the Rustbelt Kids
Bob Jeffrey and Peter Woods, The Creative School: A framework for success, quality and effectiveness
Gill Evans, Academics and the Real World  相似文献   

四川岷江流域常见养殖经济鱼类外寄生车轮虫的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在对四川岷江地区淡水车轮虫的调查研究过程中,于几大重要经济养殖鱼类大口鲶、鲫、泥鳅、黄颡鱼、鲢、鲤及乌鳢鳃上获得12种外寄生车轮虫:其中车轮虫属10种,即杜氏车轮虫Trichodina domerguei(Wallengren,1897)、易变车轮虫T.mutabilis Kazubski & Migala,1968、适度车轮虫Zmodesta Lom,1970、急尖车轮虫T.acuta Lom,1961、重寄生车轮虫T.hyperparasitis Chen & Hsish,1984、喙状车轮虫T.rostrata Kulemina,1968、卡氏车轮虫T.kazubski VanAs & Basson,1989、网状车轮虫T.reticulata Hirschman & Partsch,1955、显著车轮虫T.nobilis Chen,1963、单型车轮虫T.uniforma Van As & Basson,1989;小车轮虫属1种,即周从小车轮虫Trichodinella epizootica Sramek & Husek,1953;三分虫属1种,即大型三分虫Tripartiella macrosoma Basson & Van As,1987.采用活体观察及干银染色法,运用国际间统一特定方法及齿体定位描述方法对12种车轮虫进行了详细的形态学重描述;讨论了不同车轮虫种群的形态学特征.本研究中的杜氏车轮虫为四川地区新记录种;寄主鱼一鲢是喙状车轮虫的宿主新记录.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Special Educational Needs: Towards a Whole School Approach , Mel Ainscow, Anton Florek (eds.)
Deafness, Development and Literacy , Alec Webster Methuen
Encouraging Classroom Success , Mel Ainscow, David Tweddle
Children with Profound Handicaps Parents' View and Integration , Philip Seed Falmer
A Teacher's Guide to Special Needs: A Positive Response to the 1981 Education Act , J. Solity, E. Raybould
The Consultant Teacher: Special Educational Needs , Ken Jones
Special Education: Research and the Teacher , Bob Hogg (ed.)
Developing Mathematical and Scientific Thinking in Young Children , David Womack
Foundations of Communication and Language , C. Kiernan, B. Reid, J. Goldbart Manchester
Classroom Responses to Learning Difficulties , B. Raban
Classroom Responses to Disruptive Behaviour , J. Gray
Organising a School's Response , K. Postlethwaite
Cognitive Control Therapy with Children and Adolescents , Sebastiano Santostefano
Vocational Evaluation in Special Education , N.C. Hursh, A.F. Kerns
Getting Employed, Staying Employed , S. McLoughlin, J. Garner, M. Callahan
Supported Employment G. Bellamy, L.E. Rhodes, D.M. Monk, J.M. Albin
Integration of Developmentally Disabled Individuals into the Community (2nd ed), I.W. Heal, J.I. Haney, A.R.N. Amado
Management and the Psychology of Schooling , N. Jones, J. Sayer (eds.)
Staff Training in Mental Handicap , J. Hogg, P. Mittler (eds.)
Portage: Pre-Schoolers, Parents and Professionals , R. J. Cameron (ed.)
Extending and Developing Portage , R. Hedderley, K. Jennings (ed.)
Severe Learning Disability and Psychological Handicap , John Clements  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the small sample (N = 1, 3, 5, 10, 15) performance of a Bayesian multivariate vector autoregressive (BVAR-SEM) time series model relative to frequentist power and parameter estimation bias. A multivariate autoregressive model was developed based on correlated autoregressive time series vectors of varying lengths (T = 25, 50, 75, 100, 125) using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) version 9.2. Autoregressive components for the 5 series vectors included coefficients of .80, .70, .65, .50 and .40. Error variance components included values of .20, .20, .10, .15, and .15, with cross-lagged coefficients of .10, .10, .15, .10, and .10. A Monte Carlo study revealed that in comparison to frequentist methods, the Bayesian approach provided increased sensitivity for hypothesis testing and detecting Type I error.  相似文献   

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