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越来越多的国家开始学习汉语,就连摩尔多瓦这样的欧洲小国,也建立了已有五年历史的孔子学院。由于深处内陆,摩国学生进行汉语学习确实存在着很多的困难,因此,研究和破解学生在非目的语环境下学习汉语的困难就成为对外汉语教学的一个重要课题。  相似文献   


This study aimed to explore the features of mobile learning behaviors among Chinese elementary school students, and relationships between mobile learning behaviors and personal characteristics in mobile learning environment. The current study designed and developed a game-based educational mobile environment and conducted an experimental research. Eighty-three elementary students participated in this study. The results revealed the features of elementary school students’ mobile learning behavior including: 1) the students had reasonable login frequencies and learning time duration with appropriate guidance from the teachers, and satisfying learning performance by self-learning; 2) higher grade, learning style with active information processing and higher test scores in the conventional Chinese subject course had positive impacts on the mobile learning behaviors, but no gender difference was found. Regrettably, students showed more digital consuming than digital creating in the current study. The results could provide necessary suggestions on mobile learning for young learners.  相似文献   

陈君 《平原大学学报》2006,23(3):98-100
建构主义学习理论已成为多媒体辅助英语教学模式的主导理论,建构主义教学观是在批判和发展传统教学观的基础上形成的,它在教育领域引发了教学观念的变革。本文以该理论为基础,讨论了在多媒体教学环境下如何设计出高效实用的英语教学模式。  相似文献   

本研究重点关注英语专业基础阶段差生的学习策略。研究采用了定性研究的方法,通过访谈采集研究数据,并对数据进行分析,从学习观念和学习方法等方面研究了差生在学习英语时所采用的学习策略,并指出了策略运用中存在的问题。研究结果对指导差生适应大学英语学习,提高学习效率具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

计算机辅助语言教学已成为英语教学手段中必不可少的一部分,本文从计算机辅助语言教学的本身出发,旨在为如何在少数民族班英语教学中运用计算机辅助语言教学模式提出建议,以此更好地指导教师英语教学,提高少数民族学生英语水平。  相似文献   

The study investigated the usefulness of blogs in evaluating English-as-a-Foreign-Language learners' oral performance and explored their reactions toward using blogs as a learning and assessment tool for English-speaking performance. Fifty-one college students participated in a semester-long blog project, and each uploaded five audio entries to their individual blogs. The results indicated that the scores on the speaking blogs served as a significant predictor of students' oral presentation performance. Moreover, more than half of the participants considered their blogging experience positive. Close to half believed that the speaking blog constituted a good tool to showcase their learning process and help them reflect on their learning progress in the blog-based environment. However, only a few welcomed the idea of employing blogs as an assessment tool, while most still preferred the more conventional assessment methods, such as on-site speeches and presentations. These results carry pedagogical implications for foreign language instruction and assessment.  相似文献   

针对新疆职业院校预科汉语教学部学生的基本情况、学习汉语态度和动机、汉语水平、民族汉考、课外时间安排方面进行了一次深入的调查和分析。发现新疆职业院校少数民族学生学习汉语积极性很高,汉语水平提高很快,但存在"汉语教学"还不能完全顺应"民族汉考"发展趋势等问题,文章就存在问题提出解决方案。  相似文献   

Cooperative learning refers to instructional methods in which students work in small groups to help each other learn. Although cooperative learning methods are used for different age groups, they are particularly popular in elementary (primary) schools. This article discusses methods and theoretical perspectives on cooperative learning for the elementary grades. The article acknowledges the contributions from each of the major theoretical perspectives and places them in a model that depicts the likely role each plays in cooperative learning outcomes. This work explores conditions under which each perspective may operate, and suggests further research needed to advance cooperative learning scholarship.  相似文献   

语文素质与语文学科中的素质教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语文素质由先天成分、发展中形成的成分和习得成分三个部分构成,其中的习得成分是学习的结果.语文学科中实施素质教育应该把着眼点放在学生语文素质中的习得成分之上,要根据语文学习结果制定教学目标、编制语文教材、选用教学方法和评价教学结果.  相似文献   

The cross‐cultural experiences of Chinese international students in Western countries have been subject to intensive research, but only a very small number of studies have considered how these students adapt to learning in an online flexible delivery environment. Guided by Berry’s acculturation framework (1980 Berry, J.W. 1980. “Acculturation as varieties of adaptation”. In Acculturation, theory, models, and some new findings, Edited by: Padilla, A. 925. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.  [Google Scholar], 2005 Berry, J.W. 2005. Acculturation: Living successfully in two cultures. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 29(6): 697712.  [Google Scholar]), the investigation discussed in this article aimed to address this gap by exploring the adaptation processes of Chinese international students to online learning at an Australian university. This article reports on the challenges perceived by two students from Mainland China, their coping strategies, changes in their opinions of online learning, and their respective patterns of adaptation. By presenting two indicative case studies drawn from a wider study, this article aims to demonstrate the use of Berry’s concepts as a means to frame such studies.  相似文献   

兴趣是指人力求认识某种事物或进行某种活动的心理倾向。兴趣在学习活动中有着重要的意义,孔子曾经说过,"善知者不如好知者,好知者不如乐知者"。一旦引起了学习者学习的兴趣,他就会产生强烈的求知欲望,明显地表现出对所学内容必须理解,必须掌握的心理倾向,因而就学得十分积极主动,也很有成效,可见在学习中,浓厚的学习兴趣是与良好学习效果之间存在着必然的联系。在军队卫生士官中医教学过程中,我们发现,由于中医不是学生今后的主要任职方向,因此大多数学生对于中医课程的学习存在走过场的心理,在如何调动学生的学习兴趣方面我们进行了积极地探索。  相似文献   

The authors' aim was to examine the relation between two-digit mental multiplication and working memory. In Study 1, involving 30 fifth-grade students, we used digit span backward as an abbreviated measure of working memory. In Study 2, involving 41 fourth-grade students, working memory comprised measures of phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and central executive (i.e., updating) based on A. Miyake et al. (2000 Miyake, A., Friedman, N. P., Emerson, M. J., Witzki, A. H., Howerter, A., &; Wager, T. D. (2000). The unity and diversity of executive functions and their contributions to complex “frontal lobe” tasks: A latent variable analysis. Cognitive Psychology, 41, 49100.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). In Study 1, working memory measured through the use of digit span backward explained unique variance in response time. In Study 2, participants' accuracy and response time were most susceptible to phonological loop influence. The findings support the argument that multiplication facts are stored in a verbal form and the retrieval of multiplication facts relies more on verbal modality. Unique features of Chinese mathematics instruction of mental multiplication were discussed. The findings suggested that the involvement of different subcomponents of working memory in mental arithmetic may be subject to instructional, contextual, and linguistic factors.  相似文献   

In this study, students’ perceptions of the classroom learning environment in Arab elementary schools were investigated. The sample included 261 students from Grades 5 and 6. The questionnaire was developed at an Arab college of teacher education by 16 fourth-year student teachers who were completing their studies toward a BEd degree. Articles on classroom learning environment were distributed to the students, who then wrote items to assess learning environment. The items were evaluated for content validity in relation to the Arab school culture, language, teachers’ teaching, students’ learning styles, teacher–student relations, order and organisation, discipline and behaviours. The Classroom Learning Environment of Elementary Students (CLEES) questionnaire consists of 32 items in four scales: Teacher’s Image, Group Work, Students’ Participation, and Order and Organisation. The CLEES was used in a pilot study in two Grade 5 and 6 classes in order to validate it. The student teachers administered the questionnaire to students in elementary schools. Data were analysed using SPSS (e.g. factor analysis and one-way ANOVA) to validate the CLEES. No significant differences were found between boys and girls in classroom learning environment. However, significant differences in CLEES perceptions were found between students from different grades (Grade 5 vs. Grade 6), age groups and schools. The results are explained in the discussion section in relation to the characteristics of their schools.  相似文献   

英语是高考的重要科目,所以很多家长都很重视孩子的英语学习,但是英语学习要掌握正确的方式方法,方能达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

Today various types of tablet computers are used, including iPad and Android Tablets. These individual portable digital devices can be used as e-book readers to support mobile personalized learning. Though many studies have investigated e-books by targeting undergraduate students, yet less attention has been paid to children. Therefore, an Interactive E-book Learning System (IELS) was developed for elementary school students in this study. The interactive principles in multimedia learning were adopted to empower students?? personalized learning experiences with e-books. Meanwhile, in order to meet student??s learning needs, a group of in-service teachers were consulted for acquiring their domain expertise. Personalized learning functions, such as e-annotation and bookmarks, content searching, and learning process tracking, were designed to reinforce student learning. Two investigations were conducted for evaluation of the developed system. The first investigation was conducted with 166 elementary school students to evaluate the usability and functionality of the developed system and the feedback from the students. It was found that the usability and functionality of the developed system were well-suited for most of the students. The second investigation was to evaluate the learning effect of the developed system. The results showed that using an e-book or printed book made no significant difference to the students?? reading accuracy; however, the learning process tracking technique of IELS can provide detailed logs about the actual learning processes which can be used by the system to provide further assistance to individual learner. This study concludes that such a tailor-made e-book learning system could achieve a better personalized learning experience for elementary school students.  相似文献   

培养和发展小学生的创造力是我国当前基础教育改革的重点,也是我国经济发展、社会发展的迫切需要。在相关的理论指导和实践探索的过程中,我们总结出了将学生的发散性思维培养与语文日常课堂教学相结合的训练模式,大大促进了学生创造力的发展,取得了较好的教育效果。  相似文献   

陈义 《黄山学院学报》2004,6(5):119-120
随着社会的发展、教育观念的转变以及课程的改革,“接受性学习“一统天下的局面被彻底打破了,旨在培养学生创新精神和实践能力的研究性学习,也成了教育改革的热点、亮点和难点.这种新型的学习方式,要求我们树立新型的学生观.  相似文献   

The addition of animated pedagogical agents (APAs) in computer-assisted learning (CAL) systems could successfully enhance students' learning motivation and engagement in learning activities. Conventionally, the APA incorporated multimedia materials are constructed through the cooperation of teachers and software programmers. However, the thinking and technical gap between two roles, a concept/content provider (teacher) and an implementer (software programmer), may lead to the concept distortion and loss in the final teaching material implementations. This often results in preventing a teacher from preparing his or her own APA-based multimedia learning systems. This study aims to develop a courseware to facilitate the CAL through the combination of the two roles into a single one and then teachers can use it freely by themselves. The courseware can help teachers to develop appropriate multimedia instructional materials incorporating APAs, which attracts students' attention and enhances their interest in learning. Furthermore, in this study two separate trial experiments were conducted to measure the teachers' satisfaction with the courseware and students' learning motivation after using APA-based multimedia learning systems. The results show that the participating teachers were satisfied with the courseware and would like to apply it in their instruction. Moreover, the participating students were strongly motivated by the customized APA-based multimedia learning systems. Therefore, the proposed courseware could give teachers a good opportunity to add pedagogical value to the curriculum, so that students' learning interest and motivation could be enhanced.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the children’s capabilities of utilizing analytic strategies in Chinese character learning using an associative pseudocharacter learning paradigm. The participants were 54 Chinese primary school children (26?second graders and 28 fifth graders) who completed a pseudocharacter learning task that was followed by a generalization test. Repeated measures ANOVA results showed a significant main effect of block and grade in pseudocharacter learning. One-sample t-test results indicated that generalization performance was significantly better than chance level in both grade levels. Findings from this study suggested that Chinese primary school children were able to identify print–sound–meaning regularities that were not explicitly taught and apply those rules to learning new pseudocharacters. They contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the character learning processes in Chinese children when encountering new characters.  相似文献   

This study reports a quasi-experiment in collaborative blended learning (CBL) with undergraduate students who, despite being in a world-leading, enriched digital environment, were new to collaboration and CBL. The mixed-methods research found that only small improvements to students’ CBL took place over time, and explanations for this are proffered. The study found that the students needed specific and intensive instruction, practice, and development in how to collaborate, both with and without blended learning. Students discovered and appreciated the benefits, pitfalls, and challenges to collaboration and CBL largely by doing it: learning from experience. Collaboration and CBL do not release teachers from their instructional and pedagogical roles; rather, they place teachers and face-to-face instruction and practice in collaboration and CBL in classrooms, at the heart of effective practice and improvements here. Implications for teaching are suggested.  相似文献   

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