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Objective setting and evaluation for learning in the affective domain are often neglected in educational programs, largely because affective learning is a poorly understood phenomenon. This is particularly problematic in nonformal science education facilities, which are uniquely suited to facilitate affective learning. To address this problem, a heuristic model of affective learning in nonformal educational facilities was developed. The model, referred to as the Meredith Model, displays a sequence of events occurring in the affective responses of learners in nonformal educational experiences and identifies factors which may influence individual events within this sequence. The model is proposed as a conceptual framework for gaining an increased understanding of affective learning and for making recommendations for practice of nonformal science education and for further research. J Res Sci Teach 34: 805–818, 1997.  相似文献   

Grandparent-headed households are increasing in the United States. Most caregivers believe their role will be permanent. The responsibilities are more difficult because previous parenting experiences do not apply to some current challenges, and there are no paradigms to provide guidance. Accordingly, caregivers want to know the goals that successful grandparents share to consider them as a source of direction. Identification of grandparent success is based on the separate and combined responses from three generations to 60 Likert-type items in the Grandparent Strengths and Needs Inventory. Results detect assets and knowledge gaps, and they are used to determine content for group interventions. This presentation unites findings drawn from three-generational studies, community program initiatives, and case studies. The purpose is to show how goals of successful grandparents can be used to inform a paradigm for caregivers so that they are able to establish suitable priorities, recognize the necessary adjustments in their thinking and behavior, and discover how to assess progress. Grandparents develop these strengths when they are willing to amend their dreams, get to know grandchildren by spending time together, and adopt a perspective that enables management of stress. Cooperation with a parent who shares an obligation for childcare is essential along with an understanding of family rights and benefits. Success also requires resilience to confront predictable setbacks and provide lessons for grandchildren about overcoming adversity.  相似文献   

People are living longer so expectations of grandparents should be redefined. Learning for them should focus on fulfilling family and community roles to retain a sense of purpose. Grandparent education requires a willingness to learn from the observations of younger family members. The intergenerational perceptions of American grandparents were examined to identify conditions for success in a technological environment. The 2,535 non-consanguineous participants were three generations of African-Americans (n = 777), Caucasian-Americans (n = 1,086), and Mexican-Americans (n = 672). Perceptions of the grandparents (n = 1,117), parents (n = 624), and grandchildren (n = 794) were compared within and between the cultures. Each generation completed a separate version of the Grandparent Strengths and Needs Inventory. The six subscales of this instrument assess grandparent Satisfaction, Success, Teaching, Difficulty, Frustration, and Information Needs. All generations and cultures identified favorable aspects of grandparent behavior as well as contexts for further learning. Significant differences were found in observations of grandparent attitudes and behavior across cultures and between generations within cultures. The most significant demographic variable was amount of time a grandparent spent with a grandchild. Lesson themes that represent the uniqueness of cultures and the observations of three generations are recommended as a framework for a differentiated curriculum in grandparent education.  相似文献   

试探陶行知的生活德育思想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陶行知的生活德育思想内涵丰富。从时代的现实生活出发,他确立了符合社会和人的发展的德育目标、“明民德”的德育内容、“共修养”的德育过程、“爱满天下”的德育情感、“集体生活”与“学生自治”相结合的德育途径等。陶行知的生活德育思想对于当前我国的德育理论与实践具有重要的启迪作用。  相似文献   

农村学校体育设施资源开发研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新课程标准的实行使学校对教学内容有了更多的选择权利.在农村中小学因地制宜、因时制宜,充分利用现有条件,创造性地开发校本体育设施资源,以开展丰富多彩的体育活动是贯彻"以人为本,健康第一"指导思想,培养学生终身体育的意识和行为习惯的有效途径.  相似文献   

一、"隔代监护"产生的负面效应 1.对心理性格方面的影响 由于孩子长时间不能与自己的父母面对面的语言交流,缺少父母的关爱,会使他们自我封闭、沉默寡言、产生自卑感,缺少同龄人本该具有的天真、活泼、可爱的品性.如果代理管教较严,就会使他们形成胆小、内向、孤僻的性格,表现出过于敏感、脆弱等;如果管教过松,特别是祖父母(或外祖父母)过于溺爱和放纵,就会使他们娇惯,以自我为中心,品格低下,胆大妄为,导致不遵守学校纪律,与教师顶撞,欺负其他同学,甚至有损坏、偷盗学校财物和其他学生学习生活用品等不良行为,最终走向违法的道路.  相似文献   

The Internet has gained much importance as a resource for older adults during recent years, for example, as a resource for maintaining lifelong learning. However, available studies targeting the adoption of the Internet have mostly focused on young-old, healthy, and community-dwelling adults. To our knowledge, no study has yet examined Internet use among individuals living in residential care facilities (RCF), that is, old–old adults with a range of functional impairments. We provide data on the Internet use in a large sample of 1,212 residents (mean age, 87.9 years) living in 24 RCFs in Zurich, Switzerland. We found that 14% of residents used the Internet, a very similar proportion as previously reported in a Swiss survey of older adults in private households. However, when stratified according to age, individuals aged 65–84 years in RCFs had lower Internet use compared with community-dwelling older adults (21% versus 65%, respectively). No difference was observed among individuals aged ≥85 years. Compared with non-users, Internet users were more likely to be younger, male, living for a shorter duration in RCF, not living alone in the institution, and healthier and functionally unimpaired. Internet users also described themselves as having higher autonomy and satisfaction with life. In conclusion, Internet use has reached (at least in Switzerland) the long-term care sector and appears to play a significant role in the lives of a considerable portion of RCF residents.  相似文献   

邓小平教育思想是指导当前我国教育改革和发展的重要思想,其中德育观在他的教育思想中占据着极其重要的地位和发挥着不可取代的作用,是推进当前学校德育工作,增强思想政治教育的强大思想武器.  相似文献   

转变教学观念 ,培养学生学习兴趣 ,培养学生的自我实现意识 ,培养学生的学习主动性 ,培养学生的自主学习 ,培养学生的整体认识能力 ,情商教育在C语言教学中的多方面应用。  相似文献   

加强未成年人德育生活化具有非常重大的现实的意义,我们要充分认识到未成年人德育的重要性、长期性、系统性.建立家庭、学校、社会三者密切联系的有效途径,使未成年人健康向上的成长.  相似文献   

学前教育回归生活课程的教育理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着对教育民主化、回归生活教育、可持续发展教育等的强调,现代课程发展的基本理念呈现出了许多新的特点,回归生活课程的教育理念被越来越多地受到关注。“生”,其意义在于生长、生命,其他的意义如“生活”等都是由其本义引申出来的。“《说文》说:‘生,进也’,……生之本义为进,故人类生活应为进步的、创造的;但现代的社会组织复杂,原始的本能,决不足以应付,于是学为必要。”犤1犦从中可知生活指教育源于生活,又要促进生活的发展,以生活为目标。《现代汉语词典》对生活的定义是:其一,人或生物为了生存和发展而进行的各种…  相似文献   

远离学生现实生活的传统德育已暴露出较大的局限性,不能很好适应社会及人的发展需要。德育本应源于社会生活,丰富的现实生活世界应是建构德育大厦的基石。道德教育只有与生活完全融为一体,才具有无限生命力。要提高德育的实效性,让道德教育回归生活是顺应历史潮流的举措。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨老龄化背景下成年初期孙辈与祖父母的关系结构并编制祖孙关系问卷。【方法】对调查数据进行了探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,修正问卷的理论构想,检验问卷的信度和效度。【结果】成年初期祖孙关系共包括教育影响、祖孙冲突、亲密共享、关注投资和祖孙疏远五个因子,且问卷具有良好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

祖辈主要教养人的特点与隔代教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
◆上海中小学生和幼儿家庭中的隔代教育比率并不高◆祖辈主要教养人教育观念比较传统,而孩子发展却比较好◆其原因及两者之间的中介环节值得进一步研究  相似文献   

邓小平教育思想是指导当前我国教育改革和发展的重要思想,其中德育观在他的教育思想中占据着极其重要的地位和发挥着不可取代的作用,是推进当前学校德育工作,增强思想政治教育的强大思想武器。  相似文献   

生命教育是现代性生命与生活实践"问题意识"的产物。生命教育既是现代生命危机的表征,也被视为现代生命问题的解决之道。生命教育最有价值的启示之处在于它批判性地认为现代生命观的反生命性,建设性地认为生命的质量可以通过某种合乎生命原则的教育得到提升。然而生命教育对生命价值的诉求并未超越现代性。一种对生命教育的改进方案在于,生命教育是有生命的教育、有生活的教育,是一种走向生活的生命教育。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of grandparents in the communication development of children who are deafblind. The two-tiered study was conducted through State Projects for Deafblind Children in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee with 143 parents and 80 grandparents. The grandparents identified as “most involved” provided information about factors that influence their levels of involvement. The results suggest that maternal grandparents are the most involved. A needs analysis in areas of communication, nurturing, and school indicated the need for grandparents to be included as participants in developing communication plans.  相似文献   

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