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For older adults, participating in leisure activities has psychosocial benefits, increases social interactions, and promotes well-being. Among various leisure activities, pickleball is an activity that fosters positive social interaction and health benefits in older adults. Pickleball is regarded as one of the fastest growing sports in the USA, and it is reported to be popular among people of all ages, especially among older adults. The purpose of this study was to gather demographic details of older pickleball participants and elucidate the psychosocial benefits of playing the sport, such as life satisfaction, optimism, and social integration. To this end, we gathered information from 153 older adults who competed in pickleball tournaments. Multivariate analysis of variance and Hotelling’s T2 test were used to compare the differences that emerged in experiential factors such as life satisfaction, optimism, and social integration among the different demographic characteristics. The results showed that life satisfaction was significantly different among the following three age groups: 50–59 years, 60–69 years, and ≥70 years. Results of Hotelling’s T2 test showed a significant difference in social integration between male and female participants. The test also revealed a significant difference in terms of life satisfaction between retired and employed participants. The results suggest that playing pickleball can be an enriching leisure activity for retirees and may help them cope with the transition that retirement typically entails.  相似文献   

Community-based health and human services professionals can play an important role in bolstering wellness through offering education to elderly residents and healthcare providers on how to address the unique needs of this population. The purpose of this study was to examine the healthcare needs of the elderly living in two metropolitan counties in Georgia that have experienced an increase in the number of elderly residents. Utilizing qualitative data garnered through focus groups, two main themes were identified: the role of exercise as a means of personal power and feelings of powerlessness. Participants’ narratives reflected opportunities and situations fostering good health through exerting their personal power to alter or improve individual health. On the other hand, negative pathways leading away from optimal health were realized when participants felt powerless to change their health status. For health and human services professionals working with the elderly, these findings should be considered as population, personal well-being, and power changes overtime.  相似文献   

闲暇·闲暇教育与素质教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着社会的进步,生产力的飞速发展,导致人的劳动工作时间缩短,人们生活方式和价值观念的改变,闲暇时间的占有和利用日益引起人们的关注,闲暇教育也就应运而生,这为提高人的素质,全面推进素质教育提供了良好的条件,因此,闲暇教育、素质教育已成为人们关注和研究的重要课题之一。本拟就以马克思关于人的全面发展及教育价值观为理论基础,对闲暇、闲暇教育在促进学生整体素质的提高和发展方面作些探讨。  相似文献   

Higher education is commonly described as offering combinations of work and leisure, but the implied relationship is often limited. Different conceptions of leisure, especially leisure as pleasurable experience, raise new possibilities for seeing academic activity itself as leisure in several important senses. The importance of identifying pleasure as a necessary component of work and politics is discussed. Several more specific approaches to try to understand such pleasures are reviewed: Cultural Studies approaches, the work of Bourdieu on taste, and some recent work in the Sociology of Leisure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to consider the unique cognitive and intellectual factors that influence the learning and education of older adults. With this objective in mind, the paper reviews the empirical literature on patterns of intellectual and cognitive aging, and ends by discussing the implications and applications of these patterns for the practical and effective education of our elderly citizenry. When we consider the aging of intellectual abilities we are concerned with studying the development of fluid, crystallized and practical intelligence and variations in these abilities from adulthood into advanced old age. We are also concerned with looking at changes in cognitive functions such as attention, memory, information retrieval and tolerance for interference in learning capacity. Much recent work has been successful in showing that intellectual and cognitive decline in old age is not necessarily irreversible. While many elderly persons are very able learners, are highly self-directed, and have ample educational and intellectual resources available, others may benefit from assistance or suggestions about how to compensate for some of the cognitive declines in old age. With this objective the implications are discussed for educators and practitioners who must formulate cognitive training programs for older adults.
Zusammenfassung Ziel dieses Artikels ist eine Untersuchung der einzigartigen kognitiven und intellektuellen Faktoren, die Bildung und Lernen für Ältere beeinflussen. Unter Berücksichtigung dieses Ziels wird die empirische Literatur über intellektuelle und kognitive Altersmuster neu ausgewertet. Der Schlußteil umfaßt eine Diskussion über Auswirkungen und Anwendungen dieser Muster zur praktischen und effektiven Bildung unserer älteren Mitbürger. Angesichts des Alterns unserer intellektuellen Fähigkeiten befassen wir uns mit der Entwicklung von fließender, komprimierter und praktischer Intelligenz und Variationen dieser Fähigkeiten vom Erwachsenenalter bis zum fortgeschrittenen Altern. Themen sind außerdem die Veränderungen der kognitiven Funktionen wie z.B. Aufmerksamkeit, Gedächtnis, Informationsabruf und Toleranz für die Interferenz in der Lernkapazität. Ein großer Teil der Untersuchungen zu diesem Thema bewies erfolgreich, daß intellektueller und kognitiver Verfall im Alter nicht unbedingt irreversibel sein muß. Während viele Ältere fähige Schüler sind, gut autonom lernen können und freie Bildungs- und Lernkapazitäten zur Verfügung haben, könnten andere von Vorschlägen und Hilfsprogrammen zur Kompensierung der Alterserscheinungen profitieren. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Faktoren werden die Folgen für Ausbilder und Praktiker, die kognitive Programme und Fortbildungen für Ältere erstellen müssen, erörtert.

Résumé L'objet du présent article est d'étudier les facteurs cognitifs et intellectuels uniques qui influencent l'apprentissage et l'éducation des personnes âgées. C'est en suivant cet objectif qu'on examine la littérature empirique sur les structures du vieillissement intellectuel et cognitif avant de se tourner vers l'analyse des implications et applications desdites structures pour l'éducation pratique et efficace de l'ensemble des citoyens âgés. Lorsqu'on envisage l'affaiblissement des facultés intellectuelles, on s'intéresse à l'étude du développement de l'intelligence fluide, cristallisée et pratique et aux variations de ces aptitudes de l'âge adulte jusqu'à un âge avancé. On observe également les changements qui interviennent dans les fonctions cognitives telles l'attention, la mémoire, la recherche documentaire et la tolérance de l'interférence dans l'aptitude à l'étude. De récents travaux ont réussi à montrer que le déclin intellectuel et cognitif dans la vieillesse n'est pas nécessairement irréversible. Tandis que de nombreuses personnes âgées sont des apprenants très capables et hautement auto-dirigés qui possèdent de grandes ressources éducatives et intellectuelles, il se peut que d'autres aient besoin d'assistance ou de suggestions quant à la manière de compenser certaines carences cognitives survenant avec l'âge. Eu égard à cet objectif, on discute des implications pour les éducateurs et les enseignants qui doivent formuler les programmes de formation cognitive destinés aux personnes âgées.

This article presents results from an innovative social work field education program, which prepares BSW and MSW students to work in interdisciplinary teams with congregational nurses as they serve persons age 55+ or older. The Congregational Social Work Education Initiative is a field education project based on an applied interdisciplinary model, whereby social work students at the graduate and undergraduate level partner with congregational nurses to serve at-risk members of congregations and religious affiliated organizations (RAOs). Students and nurses provide free health, mental health, and wellness services to address individual, family, group, and community health, mental health, and housing issues. Funded by community health foundations, it trains BSW and MSW students for professional practice in congregational and community religious affiliated settings through interdisciplinary and collaborative methods. Information on the development of the model and case illustrations are provided so other social work educational programs and congregational nurse programs might duplicate its success.  相似文献   

With European demographic developments causing a decline of the available workforce in the foreseeable future and the unsustainability of dominant pay-as-you-go pension systems (where contributions from the current workforce sustain pensioners), governments need to come up with strategies to deal with this upcoming challenge and to adjust their policies. Based on a study carried out between September 2009 and May 2010, this article evaluates the policies guiding late-life education in Malta, as well as the local plethora of learning opportunities for older adult education, and participation rates. The Maltese government is committed to supporting the inclusion of older persons (aged 60+) in lifelong education policies and programmes, to the extent that local studies have uncovered a recent rise in the overall participation of older adults in formal, non-formal and informal areas of learning. While the present and future prospects for late-life education in Malta seem promising, a critical scrutiny of present ideologies and trends finds the field to be no more than seductive rhetoric. Though the coordination of late-life education in Malta does result in various social benefits to older learners and Maltese society in general, it also occurs within five intersecting lines of inequality ?C namely an economic rationale, elitism, gender bias, the urban-rural divide and third ageism. This article ends by proposing policy recommendations for the future of late-life education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the preferred sexuality education sources of older Australian adults in later life. Drawing on findings from qualitative interviews with 30 men and 23 women aged 60 years and older, we consider the sources that participants currently use, or would like to use, in seeking information about sex. Where relevant, we examine participants’ experiences of learning about sex in later life using different sources, and the impact these had on their sexual expression, pleasure and well-being. Preferred sources of information include the Internet, the media, health care providers, books and workshops or discussion groups. A substantial number of participants did not actively seek information on sex. For those who had, these educational endeavours could profoundly shape their sexual practices. As such, learning about sex should be viewed as a lifelong endeavour. Our findings carry important implications for the development and delivery of sexuality education for older adults.  相似文献   

针对职中生闲暇活动内容单调、形式单一的现状,探讨如何对职中生进行闲暇教育与指导活动休闲。  相似文献   

关于我国实施闲暇教育的初步构想   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着现代技术的广泛运用,人们劳动时间的不断缩短,闲暇时间不断增加,闲暇教育日益成为我国关注的一个课题。本从迫切性,可能性以及目标与策略几方面对我国实施闲暇教育作了一些初步的构想。  相似文献   

This article examines and describes the responses of higher education institutions in meeting the needs of older people. Specifically, the article describes the concern of the Federal Council on the Aging for increased educational offerings for older people at American universities and colleges. It provides an overview of the demographic factors creating a graying society, discusses the challenge that aging presents to higher education, and cites, with examples, steps to be taken by higher education institutions to directly or indirectly benefit older persons.  相似文献   


By 2029, 20% of the U.S. population will be ≥65-years-old. American demographics are changing, understanding of the ≥65-year-old demographic has not. We investigated expectation variables of participants born between 1946 and 1964 in the United States, and identified how expectation trends have changed over time also describing gender differences. We used secondary data from a motivation study published in 2015 to identify the expectations of active older adults. Four years of data were used (n = 71) in a self-selection of four adventure activities (rock climbing, flat-water canoeing, white water kayaking and sea kayaking). Older adults expected experiences in the natural environment, with social factors, and where they were either starting a new activity, or honing acquired skills. They were not focused on danger or the use of personal gear. We recommend programming that caters to an aging population, as well as considerations for gender.  相似文献   

休闲文化是一个世界性的潮流,当代中国随着经济建设的发展也逐渐开始了休闲的历程。休闲文化的本质是追求自由和生命活力,休闲教育需要在全社会分阶段、分层次开展。休闲文化及其教育需要建立在经济基础上,也需要伦理规范和法律监督。  相似文献   

通过高校具有特色的体育课程,以及阅读书籍的类型来分析其中的休闲知识和休闲技能对大学生休闲教育是否产生影响,以及产生怎样的影响加以论述,提出大学生社团建设、大学生社会实践中的有关教育时大学生休闲意识的培养,及一系列志愿活动可以通过创造性的休闲方式来完善休闲教育.  相似文献   

素质教育视野下的大学休闲教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
素质教育的目的在于促进学生的全面发展,学会健康、文明的休闲乃素质教育题中应有之义。休闲是需要教育和引导的,国外的休闲教育已有100多年的历史,我国高校的休闲教育尚处于起步阶段,存在很多亟待解决的问题,应从促进学生素质的和谐发展出发,开展我国的大学休闲教育。  相似文献   

Do educators know what children need? Most of the school curriculum is supported by the assumption that educators and policymakers do indeed know what children need, and the curriculum is designed to satisfy these inferred needs. In trying to meet inferred needs, however, we often neglect the expressed needs of our students. Sometimes, of course, we rightly fear that expressed needs are mere momentary desires and that they should be curbed and replaced by the important needs we have already identified. But often, by ignoring expressed needs, we sacrifice opportunities to develop individual talents, intrinsic motivation, and the joys of learning. In this article, I explore the nature of needs and ways in which schools might better identify and respond to them. I start with a brief discussion of care ethics because it, in contrast to the dominant ethics of justice, gives attention to needs before moving on to matters of justice.  相似文献   

篮球作为一项具有独特魅力的体育项目,在世界范围内都受到广泛欢迎,也是人们运动休闲的首选。篮球经历了由一项普通的休闲运动走向职业化的竞技运动,又从职业化的竞技运动走向街头巷尾的休闲运动的过程,在这一过程中,篮球运动得到了进一步的完善与普及。  相似文献   

休闲体育对培养学生终身体育的理念具有十分重要的影响,然而由于一直以来受传统教育理念的影响,高校体育教学亟待渗入休闲体育。内容首先阐述了休闲体育的特性,其次研究了基于休闲体育的高校体育教学改革。  相似文献   

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