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建立以社区为基础的0~3岁早期教育服务网络,是我国学前教育发展的必然走向和总体目标。但在我国社区构建与发展刚起步阶段,社区这一"基础"还很不完善,建立和运行这一基础的学前教育服务网络需要理顺关系、规范各种行为。在建设和运行以社区为基础的0~3岁儿童早期教育服务中,可以将示范性幼儿园培育成为核心的实体单位、重要的推动力量,以发挥其研究基地、社区早教服务枢纽和示范辐射作用。  相似文献   

This article examines the way in which some of the most discriminated against, disadvantaged and marginalised groups on the African continent, are re-defining education through strategies aimed at recognition of rights and social justice. It uses Fraser's analysis of social justice – distribution, recognition and participation – to examine the demands of the indigenous movement in Africa for rights to education. Over the past 10 years the concept of ‘indigenous’ has become embedded in African regional resolutions and reports while communities self-identifying as indigenous have been shaping new political and educational spaces for their participation and decision making about their development and their education. Taking the example of the East African pastoralists and the Maasai of Ngorongoro District in Tanzania, it looks at indigenous communities’ initiatives to define and achieve a qualitative education which is relevant and meaningful for their lives today. It concludes with a discussion of the potential for the indigenous movement in Africa to ‘reframe’ education for the benefit of not only indigenous communities but for all learners.  相似文献   

This paper introduces some of the core ideas of an Open Source Educational Processes approach. Based in part on the practices of the Open Source communities of the late 20th and early 21st centuries such as the Linux community, along with the idea that human activity should be held as primary in human-Internet interactions, open source educational processes suggest that individuals will require new types of skills and self-efficacies in order to realize the potential of their Internet activities. Education for these skills is at least in part dependent on development of curricula that recognizes the dialectical relationship between individual agency and goal driven, online communities. It is the communities which drive individual motivations to search for new problem solving possibilities, create well-functioning communities that are capable of organizing and differentiating distributed sources of information, and act as inflection points in the flow of information, recognizing that knowledge is not an object but an ongoing activity. These types of communities are currently relatively rare, especially for distributed populations who do share an initial stake in its goals. One of the few places many students might be able to experience these types of communities and build their Internet skills and self-efficacies are in consciously designed communities provided in traditional education contexts. 21st century education should move (quickly) towards embracing the new types of thinking and intelligence made possible by the Internet through open source educative processes influenced curricula.  相似文献   

回族语言、回族教坊与回族社区幼儿教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回族特定的社区化,对每个社区成员施加影响,对社区内的学校教育系统地产生一定的正面或负面影响。要发展回族幼儿教育事业,必须协同家庭、社区、幼儿园的力量共同提高办学质量。其中,重视社区教育的力量,求得其支持,对回族社区居民进行宣传,改变其幼教观念,是十分重要的一方面。回族语言的特点和功能提供了现代幼儿教育与回族本土化相融的可能性。  相似文献   

Many ‘alternative primary education’ programmes operating in the developing parts of the world use children’s first language as the medium of instruction. Programme sponsors often base their vernacular language policy on literature that highlights the cognitive and other benefits that accrue from using children’s first languages as the medium of instruction during their early stages in school. Working within a postcolonial discursive framework the paper examines the attitudes of community members, parents, school authorities and schoolchildren toward the use of the vernacular as a medium of instruction in the Shepherd School Programme, an alternative primary education programme, that has been implemented to provide improved educational access for schoolchildren in seven rural northern Ghanaian agri‐pastoral communities.  相似文献   

Globalisation is often viewed as a threat to cultural and linguistic diversity and therefore is a central concern of educational practices and policy. The present study challenges this common view by demonstrating that local communities can use global means to support and enhance their specific practices and policies. An historical exploration of education policy in Mexico reveals that there has been a continuing struggle by indigenous peoples to maintain locally relevant modes of teaching. Indigenous peoples have increasingly used technology to maintain their languages and local cultural practices. Such accentuation of the local in a global context is exemplified by the people of Chiapas: They live in subsistence-type communities, yet their recent education movements and appeals to international solidarity (such as in the Zapatista rebellion) have employed computer-aided technologies.  相似文献   

Effective dissemination of new, applied technologies through ruralvocational education and training has the potential to change thetypes of economic activities and economic performance levels of ruralpopulations, so contributing to improving their quality of life andlevel of community development. However, ways to effectively bringabout such change at the grassroots level in rural communities have notas yet been widely documented in either practical or theoretical terms.Using an agro-technical school as a case study, the research reported uponhere identifies key factors that are crucial for achieving successfulchange in rural China. Contributing factors were found to include: thelevel of government commitment to empowering rural villagers with newknowledge and expertise; the ability to effectively disseminate informationon best practice to promote the entrepreneurial capacities of ruralcommunities; and adoption of an approach that incrementally exposes targetgroups to appropriate strategies for sustainable change. It was foundthat in order to be effective in facilitating the desired sustainablechange, the intervention process needs to achieve capacity buildingwith regard to both the individuals and communities involved. In thecase study referred to here, the communities were successful in developingnew expertise through strengthening and upgrading vocational education andtraining to create more productive means for income generation. Theeducation institution involved also acquired additional roles, withregard to formal training programs, in preparing villagers for moreeffective technology-based production. In this case, vocational educationserved as a successful empowering agent for rural change.  相似文献   

Globalisation is often viewed as a threat to cultural and linguistic diversity and therefore is a central concern of educational practices and policy. The present study challenges this common view by demonstrating that local communities can use global means to support and enhance their specific practices and policies. An historical exploration of education policy in Mexico reveals that there has been a continuing struggle by indigenous peoples to maintain locally relevant modes of teaching. Indigenous peoples have increasingly used technology to maintain their languages and local cultural practices. Such accentuation of the local in a global context is exemplified by the people of Chiapas: They live in subsistence-type communities, yet their recent education movements and appeals to international solidarity (such as in the Zapatista rebellion) have employed computer-aided technologies.  相似文献   

丁海珍 《成人教育》2012,32(8):24-26
社区教育教学点是社区教育三级网络的基础,根据上海社区教育统计平台数据,目前上海市已建成5000多个教学点,为社区居民就近参与社区教育提供了方便条件,同时一些瓶颈问题也日益突出,制约了教学点的健康发展。文章从教学点的现状分析入手,深入探讨了教学点建设中的问题并提出了初步的对策,为社区教育工作者加强教学点建设提供一些借鉴和建议。  相似文献   

This article shows how interventions to provide Universal Primary Education (UPE) from the 1970s into the twenty-first century affected efforts to improve the quality of primary education in Kenya and Tanzania. While the interventions have made significant differences in the lives of many communities by increasing access to education of children who would have been denied schooling, quality indicators (including attrition and completion rates and examination scores) have stagnated at best or declined. Efforts to ensure and maintain quality in primary education in the two countries are reported to face serious challenges, including mainly inadequate funding to ensure the provision of essential teaching and learning materials, appropriate infrastructure as well as a sufficient number of competent teachers.  相似文献   

MyScience is a primary science education initiative in which being in a community of practice is integral to the learning process. One component of this initiative involves professional scientists interacting with primary school communities which are navigating their way towards sustainable ‘communities of practice’ around the ‘domain’ of ‘investigating scientifically’. This paper describes the ongoing journey to date of eleven scientists (six astronomers and five engineers) who actively participated in MyScience over an extended period. Their views of interactions with teachers and students were analysed using attributes associated with both ‘communities of practice’ and the ‘nature of science’. Findings reveal new understandings about the evolving characteristics associated with the development of such school-community collaborations as well as affordances and barriers that may influence their further growth. The influence of these scientists’ own ‘community of science practices’ may account for some of the findings. Implications for science teaching and learning in primary school community of practice settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Lifelong learning has come to be internationally recognized as a framework in the development of sustainable education. However, in spite of rhetoric and its endorsement in some nations’ policy documents, lifelong learning is not operationalized and Africa continues to be plagued by social maladies such as HIV/AIDS, capacity poverty, low quality education, global marginalization and ineffective governance. The article argues that post‐colonial Africa transited from concern with service delivery, went through structural adjustment policies to focusing on African renaissance. It indicates that some countries have embraced lifelong learning as policy framework but have not made sufficient efforts to translate that in their teaching and learning. It contents that lifelong learning in Africa can only be effective if African communities are encouraged to make concerted efforts to embrace principles such as deliberative democracy, multiculturalism, decentralization of decision‐making and helping to redirect the agenda of civil society as a way to use lifelong learning to enhance public participation in Africa.  相似文献   

审美教育是国家推行素质教育、实现学生全面发展的重要环节。当前中小学审美教育普遍存在认知偏误、情感虚空、行为失范等现象,致使中小学生身心发展处于失衡状态。究其原因与中小学教师审美能力分裂片面、中小学校审美教育实践应付、中小学生家庭审美教育环境薄弱无力等有着重要关系。为提升中小学审美教育质量,培养拥有美好心灵和丰富精神世界的学生对象,需要:中小学校突显美育地位,加强美育师资素质培训;中小学教师转变教育观念,重视教育过程人本化;家庭和社区加强美育资源开发利用,构建合力互助的美育机制。  相似文献   

Beginning with a reflection on the Participation and Equity Program (PEP) in Australia in the 1980s, this response describes the distinctive ideological shift from a social democratic to a market conception of equity in education over the past three decades. This shift has been accompanied by changes in the techniques of educational governance, from the collaborative approach of the PEP, which emphasised the importance of trust in teachers as professionals, to new managerialism focused on efficiency and accountability. Market reforms in education have continued to use such traditionally socially democratic notions as equity, but have been enormously successful in re-articulating their meaning. A commentary is provided on the papers in this Special Issue and their collective analysis of governmental strategies that have led to this re-articulation of equity; the extent to which these strategies have been successful; the consequences they have had on students and school communities, and for the work of teachers and schools; and possibilities for creating new approaches in education that undermine the seemingly hegemonic neo-liberal imaginary and work towards a more progressive democratic view of educational equity.  相似文献   

在东南亚各国存在语言多样性,由于政策法规和实践措施的差异,东南亚各国在教育中不同程度地使用地方语言,该地区语言教育的得失可供我国使用地方语言发展基础教育参考。  相似文献   

It is a common assumption that economically disadvantaged and ethnic‐minority families are unlikely to share similar educational aims, beliefs and values to those of teachers. Such families are assumed to participate in very different home literacy practices from those of the school and children’s early reading difficulties have been attributed to such cultural differences. However, such dissonance is not always found. This paper explores the reciprocity of beliefs and literacy practices between two schools and their respective communities in London’s East End. The literacy practices, both in school and out of school, of Bangladeshi British and Anglo‐British primary school children were monitored and play activities between siblings recorded and analysed. The results showed older siblings reflecting the values of both community and school as they blended practices from each domain in their play with their younger brothers and sisters.  相似文献   

In this age of new media, children are exposed to media messages at an early age. What can we do when the mass media exert such a great influence on children? One proposal has been for the introduction of a new school subject: media education. Though media education has not been part of the official curriculum in Hong Kong, some schools, both primary and secondary, have tried it out. This paper argues for the desirability of introducing media education in primary schools in Hong Kong, with regard to social change, recent education reform and learning initiatives of primary pupils. It then draws on the findings of a study conducted in a local primary school to examine the views of pupils, parents, and teachers on the effects on pupils of the implementation of media education lessons and campus radio projects in this age of new media.  相似文献   

Summary The Cross River State of Nigeria is rich, open, and to some extent its virgin fields of industrialization, its agricultural lands, the petroleum industry and allied business have not only provided employment opportunities for its citizens, but have also helped to boost its economy.At the same time, varied educational institutions have been opened for the education of young people. In 1976, many school age children were enrolled in the primary school because the universal primary education scheme was formally launched throughout the country. Although education in the secondary school level depends on one's ability to pay rather than on one's ability to learn, more parents are today able to pay for their son's and daughters' education than it was the case twenty years ago.While the cost of educating young people in recent times has been increasing substantially, the bad fit of schooling at almost every level has become one of the explosive issues in both the state and the national levels (Abdulatif, 1977). Today there has been an increasing concern about the future implications of: (i) the universal primary education scheme on local communities, state, and national governments, (ii) young adults leaving secondary schools for the world of work with the type of orientation that they have in the secondary schools. This concern is aggravated as school intake is outpacing the growth and the opportunities in the small, capital intensive modern sector of the state's economy to absorb the bulk of the increased in the labour force. This concern is felt more because more students are completing secondary education each year and about 70 percent of those attending some kind of formal secondary institution terminate their education at that level and start looking for some jobs.This report is strictly based on an unpublished doctoral dissertation written by the author at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 1977, the title, Secondary School Education and Employment in Nigeria-Implications for Career Guidance: A Study in the Cross River State. This study was conducted in the Cross River State of Nigeria which until February 4, 1976 bore the name South Eastern State.Ahmadu Bello University  相似文献   

Free primary education was introduced to Malawi in 1994, and it led to an increase in enrolment of one million pupils. The present contribution gathers case studies of 10 schools which sought information on the general conditions of communities and schools as well as on enrolment, resources, staffing, absenteeism etc. The results highlight the difficulties of implementing Education for All (EFA). Generally speaking, schools have been poorly supplied by the state. Effectively, many pupils have been marshaled into schools not properly equipped in terms of material and human resources. As a result, EFA in Malawi has been undermined by a persistently large number of pupils who drop out before attaining permanent literacy. Yet providing quality education is more than just a question of resources. From the points of view of parents and pupils, quality education requires relevance to local needs; adaptability to local conditions; and flexibility in addressing cultural obstacles. Overall, as is shown here, it appears that increased access to schooling has been achieved at the expense of the quality of education offered.  相似文献   

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