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作者通过对幼儿声音的细腻观察与分析,发现幼儿的声音是一种“原声音”,不仅在教育学、心理学的层面上有意义,而且常常蕴涵着浓厚的理性味道。捕捉儿童的声音、了解儿童的意愿、发现儿童的哲学、关注儿童的成长是本文的目的所在。  相似文献   

作者通过对幼儿声音的细腻观察与分析,发现幼儿的声音是一种“原声音”,不仅在教育学、心理学的层面上有意义,而且常常蕴涵着浓厚的理性味道。捕捉儿童的声音、了解儿童的意愿、发现儿童的哲学、关注儿童的成长是本文的目的所在。  相似文献   

王蒙在《在伊犁》系列小说中营造了一个复杂的声音世界。其中,人物言语声音的设置对于文本的整体建构有更重要的作用。王蒙利用人物言语声音营建了民间声音世界和暴政声音世界,不仅传达了他对伊犁的温情回忆以及返观苦难时的节制表述,而且也折射出了他谅解的历史观和文化心态。  相似文献   

儿童是什么——关于儿童观的隐喻分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从中国文化中选出四种关于"儿童是什么"的回答--儿童是花朵、儿童是太阳、儿童是小天使、儿童是小猫小狗,并从隐喻的角度分析了当代中国的儿童观.结果发现,当代中国儿童观处于一种矛盾的境地.  相似文献   

声音是学术语篇的基本特征,是作者在学术界实现身份认可、交流的重要渠道.文章以Hyland的"voice"互动模型为基础,以学术语篇中声音构建的语言手段为切入点,分析了学术语篇中作者的声音和读者的声音内在的关系及功能.研究发现:作者的声音与读者的声音在语篇层面存在互动并相互制约,且以作者的声音为主导,进而形成学术语篇的论点.  相似文献   

今天傍晚,我突然听见"喵呜喵呜"的猫叫声,那声音听起来让人有点害怕.我急忙走到门外,发现两只野猫正在紧追我家的黄猫.  相似文献   

萧乾的小说多采取儿童视角作为叙事策略,本文拟从儿童视角的角度观照萧乾的小说,借用巴赫金的复调理论探究儿童声音和成年人声音在对话中形成的复调,尤其在儿童和成年人、隐含的成年作者和作品中人物两个层面对话的复调中探究小说独特的审美意味。  相似文献   

<正>2012年,浙江卫视倾力打造《中国好声音》节目唱响全国,那些风格各异的"好声音"可谓High翻全场,震撼人心。"逆天口播"华少更是一鸣惊人,出尽风头,以一段"史上最拗口、最逆天语速的广告串词"爆红,获封"中国好舌头"。"好声音",让人有"不虚生此耳"之感,"声音好",让人有出人头地之感。走进声音的世界,大家会发现:风声、雨声、鸟啼声……声声入耳;掌声、笑声、叮咛声……声声温馨;书声、歌声、抚琴声……声声醉人。那么,我们在写作时如何将"声音"描绘出来,让你笔下的文字有声有色呢?下面请大家跟随我一起步入声音的世界,赏析精彩的"声音"描写的范例,剖析其写作手法与技巧,从而抒写出属于你的"好声音"!  相似文献   

杜亦林 《时代教育》2010,(5):114-114
音乐是听觉的艺术,歌唱更是听觉的艺术.声乐教学就是要时歌唱者的声音进行训练,标准就是凭借听觉判断正确的声音概念,是"音乐的耳朵",是教师凭借听觉协助学生凭借听觉在歌唱发声训练中不断"铸造"自己这种"特殊乐器"的过程,在声乐教学中有着不可替代的作用.  相似文献   

儿童观决定儿童文学观,并进而决定儿童文学翻译观。在中国,现代儿童文学始于清末民初"儿童的发现",并随着儿童观的进步而发展。儿童观和儿童文学观共同作用下的儿童文学翻译,在不同阶段呈现出不同的特点。随着儿童观从"成人本位"走向"儿童本位",儿童文学翻译观亦随之发生了改变。新时期"儿童本位"的确立形成了"为儿童而译"的儿童文学翻译观。  相似文献   

曾国藩一生为我们留下诗歌三百多首,他提出"天籁人籁凑泊而成"的诗学思想,对前人关于"天籁"、"人籁"的意义作了拓展,不仅对清代"性灵派"诗歌创作有所继承和发展,还为我们诗歌创作总结了一条规律,这一诗学思想在中国诗论思想上具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

历代以来,一提起“郑声”,人们往往把它和“淫”联系起来,这是不对的,应该全面真实地认识“郑声”。首先,“郑声”是郑地的俗乐;其次,“郑声”是音乐新声的代表。  相似文献   

音韵铿锵神威赫赫 --谈布莱克《老虎》的音义同构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
威廉·布莱克(William Blake)是英国前浪漫主义时期一个重要诗人,他的名篇<老虎>中贯穿全诗的"大型扩展隐喻"老虎意象和铿锵有力的节奏"铁砧乐音(anvil music)"交相辉映,音义有机结合,同构了一个"铸造老虎"的宏伟场面.本文从音义同构的心理基础谈起,试分析<老虎>中音韵、节奏的表义功能.  相似文献   

Although infantile colic has long been defined by a perceived excessive amount of crying, acoustic attributes of the cry sound may also contribute to perceptions that this early social behavior is excessive or problematic. From an original sample of 76 infants (38 infants referred to physicians for problematic crying, or "colic," and 38 pair-matched comparison infants), 48 infants who produced naturally occurring cry bouts both before and after an evening feeding were studied: 11 infants with Wessel's colic, 15 infants with non-Wessel's colic, and 22 comparison infants. Standard and vociferous cry segments were selected from up to 2 min of tape-recorded crying for spectrum analysis. Vociferous cry segments had a longer duration, a higher fundamental frequency, and a greater percentage of dysphonation than did standard segments. No differences between infant groups were found in cries before feeding. After feeding, infants who were problematic criers, independent of Wessel's criteria, showed a greater percentage of dysphonation in the vociferous cry segment than did comparison infants. This finding resulted from a decrease in dysphonation in the cries of comparison infants after feeding and an increase in those of infants with non-Wessel's colic. The dominant frequency also increased after feeding in the vociferous cries of infants with Wessel's colic, resulting in these infants having higher-pitched cries after feeding than infants in the other 2 groups. Results indicate that infants who are perceived to have problematic crying have objectively different acoustic features in their cry sounds that are particularly aversive, and that complaints about excessive crying cannot be accounted for simply on the basis of reporting bias in overly concerned or emotionally labile parents.  相似文献   

通过歌唱中声音"高"、"低"位置的特点和比较,提出获得声音"高位置"歌唱器官的结合使用以及歌唱中获得声音"高位置"的方法。  相似文献   

张爱玲在其学作品中成功地运用拟声和绘声等技巧,创造了一个生动传神的声响世界,这对增强其作品的艺术魅力起到了很重要的作用。其成功的主要原因是感悟力强,语言素养较高。  相似文献   

The early noncry vocalizations of infants are salient social signals. Caregivers spontaneously respond to 30%–50% of these sounds, and their responsiveness to infants’ prelinguistic noncry vocalizations facilitates the development of phonology and speech. Have infants learned that their vocalizations influence the behavior of social partners? If they have, infants should show an extinction burst in vocalizing when adults temporarily stop responding to infant vocalizations. Thirty‐eight 5‐month‐olds were tested in the still‐face paradigm with an unfamiliar adult. When the adult assumed a still face, infants showed an extinction burst. Thus, 5‐month‐olds have learned the social efficacy of their vocalizations on caregivers’ behavior. Furthermore, the magnitude of 5‐month infants’ extinction bursts predicted their language comprehension at 13 months.  相似文献   

“复义”是英美“新批评”的核心术语,复义现象不仅存在于文学语言之中,也存在于生活语言之中.《老子》“音声相和”就是一个复义语.“音声相和”的所指可从音乐实践中诸多“乐从和”的文化事象和言语应答的生活情景作多层次的阐释,由此对作为中国音乐美学重要命题的“音声相和”的丰富意蕴将有全面深刻的理解.  相似文献   

幼儿各阶段绘画能力的培养与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿学习绘画的出发点,应建立在有利于其身心健康发展的基础上,以培养幼儿的观察力、想象力、对美的感受力和表现美的能力,让幼儿发挥想象力,学会运用笔及色彩表现自己的情感世界。  相似文献   

Throughout their 1st year, infants adeptly detect statistical structure in their environment. However, little is known about whether statistical learning is a primary mechanism for event segmentation. This study directly tests whether statistical learning alone is sufficient to segment continuous events. Twenty‐eight 7‐ to 9‐month‐old infants viewed a sequence of continuous actions performed by a novel agent in which there were no transitional movements that could have constrained the possible upcoming actions. At test, infants distinguished statistically intact units from less predictable ones. The ability to segment events using statistical structure may help infants discover other cues to event boundaries, such as intentions, and carve up the world of continuous motion in meaningful ways.  相似文献   

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