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宋慧乔是一个总让人流泪的女孩,为她精彩的表演高兴得流泪,为她清纯优雅的气质激动得流泪,为她谦虚随和的人品感动得流泪。让我们走进下文去欣赏她精湛的演艺、纯朴的人品和高雅的气质。  相似文献   

A hundred years ago, the game we now call football did not exist (存在). American football started during a game between two colleges. The teams had gotten together to play what called “football”, but each team played by different rules. One team played what we now call soccer.The other played what we now call rugby (橄榄球).  相似文献   

Being too thin or too fat is unhealthy,but good health is about much more than just your welght,It depends on many thlngs,lncluding your famlly's medlcal hlstory,your genes,whether you smoke,  相似文献   

高颖 《中学生英语》2005,(12):18-18
雅典奥运会已降下帷幕,北京奥运会也为期不远。北京该如何超越雅典,中学生各有各的看法.  相似文献   

“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,Ling种下了诚实,所以收获了国王的信赖,并成为国王的继承人。“Honesty is the bestpolicy.”(诚实至上)应成为人人所遵奉的基本原则。[编者按]  相似文献   

I graduated from an unusual high school. There were only four students and two teachers, all of whom had the same last name. I was always the best-and the worst-student in my class.  相似文献   

Since september 11,2001,many of you have sent cards,letters,and drawings to express your love for our great nation and for the families of the victims thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas with me(与我交流思想)。  相似文献   

Hound-Pup was a very little pup(小狗),There was one big thing about him,It was his ears,His ears looked very big on a pup that was so little.  相似文献   

Teachers' Day     
“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡烛成灰泪始干。”这脍炙人口的诗句歌颂了人类灵魂的工程师——教师甘当人梯、无私奉献的高贵品质。藉此一年一度的教师节来临之际,向全国所有辛勤耕耘的园丁表示最崇高的警意!并祝愿全体教师节日快乐!  相似文献   

Though I‘ve lived in the United States for almost two decades, I still think like a European when it comes to vacations. “It‘s not just the yearning for Alpine and Mediterranean destinations but the fact that in Europe, for the most part, four weeks of “paid vacation a year is mandatory and six weeks customary.  相似文献   

Since high school I have always wanted to study in a country other than my own. However my parents always informed me that it was too expensive. This was until luck turned my way one day while I was at university. My advisor called me and asked me to go and see him as soon as possible. I just knew it had to be good news. I could barely stand the suspense and went to his office with a nervous happiness in my tummy My advisor told me that I had been offered a scholarship to study at Central W…  相似文献   

目前,政府尽最大努力进行教育改革,大力提倡素质教育。但在高考中考出高分仍是学校和学生追逐的目标。在高中阶段,教师和学生仍然很累很累,因为各个学校都不得不“轰轰烈烈搞素质教育,踏踏实实搞应试教育。”下面这篇文章让广大读者领略和对比一下澳大利亚的高中学生的学习状态。  相似文献   

印度洋海啸夺走了165,000人的生命,许多美丽的城市在顷刻间严重被毁。痛定思痛,人们不禁要问,海啸到底是什么样的妖魔鬼怪?为何会有这么大的杀伤力?  相似文献   

The e-book has many advantages over a paperbased product. You can store lots of books on one computer—in fact your entire library could be stored on the top of your desk. E-books also allow you to mark your page with an electronic bookmark and jump straight to it when you open the book.  相似文献   

Maria,a postulont (见习修女) in a Salzburg Abbey(萨尔茨保修道院),is distracted(分散) from her religious duties by the majestic(雄伟的) Alpine landscape and her restless,passionate(热情的) spirit.The Mother Abbess, Believing that Maria‘s buoyant(快活的) personality may be incompatible(不相容的)with monastic(修道院的) life,wisely sends her away to discover her true calling.  相似文献   

在巨大的浩劫面前,智慧与勇气给予了人类最重要的支撑。靠知识,靠技能,他们在此次海啸灾难中幸免遇难。  相似文献   

Koalas aren‘t bears.They belong to the same family as kangaroos.Animals of this family are called pouch animals.That‘s because the mother carries her baby around in a pouch in the front of her stomach.lt‘s like a built-in papoose basket, only it‘s in the front instead of the back.  相似文献   

Out behind the big red barn at the edge of the walnut grove(胡桃林) is a most magnificent(华丽的) pond shaded by an old oak tree(橡树).I‘ll tell you right now,before it‘s too late.It belongs to McFeeglebee.  相似文献   

The education system(教育体制) in the United States is controlled by state and local governments.So the Federal Government(联邦政府) has no power to establish a national educational system.Federal agencies(机构) do not make education policies.These decisions are made at the state or local levels.  相似文献   

Teachers' Day     
“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”这脍灸人口的诗针叶树歌颂了人类灵魂的工程师——教师甘当人梯、无私奉献的高贵品质,籍此一年一度的教师节来临之际,我刊全体工作人员向全国所有辛勤耕耘的园丁表示我们最崇高的敬意!并祝愿全体教师节日快乐!  相似文献   

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