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在基础教育课程改革全面推进的今天,“教师成为研究运动”使我们中小学教师敢于揭开教育研究头上神秘的面纱,教师们拉着教育研究之手把她从高高的学术殿堂领进了广阔的学校课堂,使学校的方方面面都发生了可喜的变化。但我们应该清醒地认识到目前中小学的教育科研有些“操作”很有激进之嫌,许多地区的中小学教育科研甚至有搞“大跃进”的现象。  相似文献   

3月15日刊发的《生死攸关——高校科研面面观》一文引起教育界的强烈反响,许多院校教师纷纷致电本刊:这篇报道触到了高校教育教学工作中的一根敏感神经。连日来,由“科研”引发的相关问题成了热门话题,对此,本刊记者采访了上海交通大学、同济大学、华东师范大学、东华大学、上海电力学院等5所高校领导,面对这根“敏感神经”,他们都表示“有话要说”。当然在我们的采访过程中,也有几所名牌高校的领导表示出无奈或有意回避,这使我们感到高校科研的确是一个“牵一发而动全身”的工程,要让它走向良性发展的轨道,还真急不得。  相似文献   

减负不只在于减分量,还在于加责任。不但教师要“加责”,也要给学生“加责”─—让他们切实对自己的学习负起责任,给他们创设独立思考、自主学习的机会和环境。  相似文献   

“求则得之,舍则失之”。我们都充满了热情。但把热情化为理性,在更为广阔的领域,用发展的眼光,用真正满足我们时代需要的要求,冷静和辩证地对实践进行全面审视时  相似文献   

时代的变革要求校长成为"专家型"校长,只有持续地展开教育研究才能做到按照教育规律办学,以研究促学校的整体发展,这就要求校长必须具备科研领导力。校长的科研领导力是指校长能够在合理科研观的指导下,以扎实的科研功底,带领全体教师树立恰当的科研观,制订学校科研规划,持续有效地推进学校教育科研工作,并在此基础上不断提升学校整体办学品质的能力。本文从科研观、科研规划能力、科研示范引领能力和科研管理能力四个方面对校长的科研领导力的内涵进行了具体探讨。  相似文献   

随着中小学教育改革的深化,中小学教育质量在内涵上有了新的突破和质的跨越。教研科研是提高教学质量的支点,是教育改革和发展的"第一推动力",强化教育科研与教育质量建设的有效融合是实现中小学教育质量可持续发展的有效路径。  相似文献   

春节在祝福声中款款而来,随之而来的还有诸多新春话题。把大家议论纷纷的话题收集起来,排在前三位均是:今年春晚,你期望看到哪些明星?今年除夕夜,要不要燃放烟花爆竹?春节大假,邀同学还是陪家人?同学们踊跃参与,通过热线.QQ、  相似文献   

随着新课程改革和教育科学的不断发展,中小学教育科研问题逐步被提到了中小学的议事日程,然而,尽管有的中小学确实从不同侧面开展了一系列教育科学研究,但大多数中小学,特别是地处我国边疆和少数民族地区的中小学,往往是将科研作为一种口号,并没有真正落实到实处.  相似文献   

中小学教育科研对转变教育观念,促进教师专业化发展和教育改革具有重要意义,中小学教育科研具有自身的特点,行动研究应成为中小学教育科研的主要形式;理论指导,科研氛围的形成以及人员合作是促进中小学教育科研发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

当前教育观念的解构与泛化倾向,致使人们在教育实践中常常出现观念的空白与迷茫。我们只能以已有的教育观念为逻辑起点建构新的教育观念。重新思考教育培养什么样的人;为什么要培养这样的人;怎样看待教育中的人;如何看待学校在个体发展中的文化使命以及如何审视教育的时空形式等。  相似文献   

This article summarizes and contrasts the three standard-setting methods described in this special issue: judgmental policy capturing, the extended Angoff method, and the dominant profile method. An integrative summary of findings is presented, followed by conclusions concerning the relative efficacy and utility of the three methods. The article concludes with recommendations for modifying the methods and for further investigations of their psychometric properties.  相似文献   

Online education has grown over the last ten years and with it has been an increase in diverse learners. In an effort to understand how online teachers meet the needs of diverse learners, researchers surveyed teachers in two cyber schools. 118 participants were asked their definition of differentiation and how differentiation is seen in their practice. After the survey was collected, NVivo qualitative software was used to continually reduce the data through constant comparison. The results from the survey data revealed that online teachers defined differentiation from two distinct perspectives: a) why a student needs differentiation, and b) what a student needs differentiated. Online teachers stated learning styles as their primary reason for differentiation. This result was not only different from findings in face-to-face classrooms, but does not support research on what impacts student achievement. Online teachers also cited when they differentiate, they adjust content, product, and process (63% coverage). Finally, noticeably absent from the data were references to using assessments in the classroom to inform differentiation. Future research should consider how online teachers differentiate in their learning environments and how they make day-to-day decisions as they adjust instruction to meet the needs of their learners.  相似文献   

Teacher education students sometimes question the value of educational psychology courses even though educational psychology textbooks are primarily concerned with understanding and improving classroom teaching and learning. A survey of current educational psychology textbooks and instructors reveals that (a) most texts cover a wide variety of topics, (b) instructors rate most of these topics as important, (c) there are large variations in depth of coverage among texts, and (d) all texts contain numerous classroom applications. The questionable reputation of the educational psychology course may stem from its broad coverage. A dozen or more topics in one semester may decrease the probability that most students will achieve a solid grasp of any one topic, leaving students uncertain about the course's meaning and applicability. A proposed solution is to offer the introductory course as a two-semester sequence, with the second course offered as an elective.  相似文献   

教育机制是教育现象各部分之间的相互关系及其运行方式,包括教育的层次机制、形式机制和功能机制三种基本类型。我国当前在层次机制上,要建立一种以中观和微观机制为主,以宏观机制为辅的层次机制的动态结构;在形式机制上,应建立一种以指导——服务式的机制为主,以行政——计划式的机制为辅的服务——监督式的机制;在功能机制上,要建立一种以激励机制和保障机制为主,以制约机制为辅的功能机制的动态结构。  相似文献   

This article presents the starting case for applying the elements of trauma-informed care (TIC) to education and outlines the authors’ initial efforts to develop guidelines for what they call trauma-informed educational practice. To this end, the article starts with a literature review related to the potential for vicarious traumatization and retraumatization among students in clinical training, followed by a discussion of the TIC framework and past efforts to be trauma sensitive in social work education. The authors then describe what drew them to this perspective and inspired them to apply it to educational practice. They then present guidelines for implementing the trauma-informed principle of safety in the classroom in several domains.  相似文献   

说课是连接教育理论与实践的桥梁,说课能够帮助教师转变与深化课程理念,把握课标,驾驭教材,有效地实施课堂教学。说课主要说学习目标、教材、学情、重点难点、教法学法、教学过程、学习结果。  相似文献   

一、中小学教科研现存问题透视1.教科研定位不准在中小学,一些学校的管理者和教师认为教科研不能快速提高升学率,花大量的人力物力财力去搞教科研实属得不偿失之举,教科研只是专家学者的事情,认为教师只管教好课就行。因此缺乏教科研热情,参与度大大降低,甚至产生心理阻抗,排斥教科研。  相似文献   

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