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成人高等教育办学水平自我评估的“本质”应定位为“成人高等教育办学质量控制体系”,自我评估具有“四性”,即:有限目的性、目标的层次分解性、全员参与性和动态循环性。成教自我评估体系的主要架构可分为四个层次。设计自我评估指标时应坚持科学性与可行性相结合、通用性与提高性相结合以及定性评估与定量评估相结合的原则。  相似文献   

This paper identifies the key factors that contribute to the Open School in India students' satisfaction, considering student support elements at pre‐entry, start up, learning, evaluation and certification and after certification phases. The study adapted Rekkedal and Eriksen's importance‐satisfaction model to recognise areas that are important to students as well as their degree of satisfaction with each attribute. It is found that the student group considered is generally satisfied with the support elements that they perceive to be important and there is a strong positive linear relationship (r =0.83) between importance and satisfaction. However, according to the group, priority needs to be given to personal contact programmes in the study centres, online tutorials and feedback on assignments, which are three prime support elements in the learning phase.  相似文献   

湘西公民的宪法意识整体较强 ,但有三成人没读过宪法 ;宪法意识与学历、职业、年龄有直接关系 ,高学历者、教师、干部、中年人的宪法意识较强 ,低学历者、农民、学生、年青人、老年人的宪法意识较差 ;对宪法经济性规范和权力性规范的认识率高 ,对政治性规范和义务性规范的认识率低  相似文献   

积极“入世”是中国传统儒家知识分子的普遍的草根情怀,“新基础教育”研究者秉承了这种文化传统,以平凡事叙说着草根人的追求,从容不迫地书写着自己的历史,于平淡中彰显出中国知识分子的风格和气度。“新基础”人是“普通”的,“日常”的,“坚韧”的,于中国当代普通学校的现实生活之上,知难而上,执著追求,不断迎接困难与挑战。  相似文献   

The empirical literature on education and crime suggests that both criminal behavior and educational attainment are transferred from parents to children. However, the impact of criminal behavior of parents on educational outcomes of children is generally ignored, even though the entailed social costs may be substantial. This study examines the effect of parents’ criminal involvement on the educational attainment of their children. To identify this effect, we combine a multinomial logit model with a Mahalanobis matching approach. The findings suggest that having criminally involved parents (1) increases the probability of finishing primary education as the highest education level attained (7–9 percentage points), and (2) decreases the probability of attaining higher education (2–6 percentage points). These results are robust to various specifications and are unlikely to be fully driven by differences in unobservables.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the democratization of secondary education in Malaysia beginning in the 1990s, many students who do not have academic credentials are allowed to progress to upper secondary education. This study examines the attitudes of these students towards two important aspects of schooling – namely, learning and examinations, as well as their educational aspirations – to assess the extent to which they have fulfilled the aims of the democratization of secondary education, among which is to produce more highly trained and well-educated manpower. A questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews were conducted in five sampled schools to explore the issues from various perspectives. The attitudes of the students towards learning and examinations as well as their levels of educational aspirations were generally found to be wanting regardless of their background. This study has revealed the internal contradiction of the democratization of secondary education in Malaysia. The democratization of secondary education within the ambit of a highly academic and examination-oriented education system has not served the needs of academically weak students. This study has also revealed the lack of alternative educational opportunities available to these students. The lack of resolve among teachers to handle these students and enough counsellors to guide them through the schooling process further complicate their problems.  相似文献   

From 1996 to 1999, an inclusive early special educational model was studied in 13 ordinary kindergartens in Finland. The kindergartens received an additional staff member (a special teacher) to handle special educational issues. The work of these special teachers and the views of the staff were studied. The special teachers' duties consisted of six main tasks, the most often mentioned being general and special educational work and consultation with adults. The staff were generally satisfied with the new system. They received assistance and learnt new ways of working. However, the special teacher did not have enough time to meet all the needs that existed in kindergartens. This experimental model is now a permanent system.  相似文献   

学龄人口年龄结构的变化对整个学龄人口的平均受教育年数会产生重要的影响.以与学制和年龄相对应的“标准(或适龄)受教育年数”为基本参数,以受教育程度构成的年龄变化为依据考虑学龄段内的错龄上学,对学龄人口的分龄及整体平均受教育年数的探索性研究结果显示,我国学龄人口的分龄及整体平均受教育年数普遍提高,总体受教育程度高移化趋势显...  相似文献   

试论美国高校招生考试与学校教育的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章探讨了美国高校现行招生政策及制度的形成原因,分析总结了美国高校招生考试与学校教育的关系,在此基础上提出了可供我国高考改革借鉴的三个理念:1)精英高等教育与大众高等教育分类发展;2)加强统一能力考查;3)高校用综合选拔标准与特殊录取标准引导教育教学。  相似文献   

This paper engages with current educational literature in Australia and internationally, in exploring the implications of the hidden curriculum for Indigenous students. It argues that in schools, most of the learning rules or guidelines reflect the ‘white’ dominant culture values and practices, and that it is generally those who don't have the cultural match-ups that schooling requires for success, such as Indigenous and minority students, who face the most educational disadvantage. Howard and Perry argue that Indigenous students ‘… need to feel that schools belong to them as much as any child’ and that to ‘… move towards the achievement of potential of Aboriginal students, it is important that Aboriginal culture and language are accepted in the classroom’. This paper will also provide a discussion into school-based strategies that are considered effective for engaging Indigenous students with school.  相似文献   

对1999年至2011年全国优秀博士学位论文获得者的学习年限进行统计分析,结果显示:硕博连读获奖者的学习年限均值为5-10年,单独攻读博士学位获奖者的学习年限为3.27年;对于不同年龄段的获奖者,年龄小的其学习年限也相对较短;对于不同学科获奖者,工学硕博连读获奖者学习年限最短,而单独攻读博士学位的最长,医学硕博连读获奖者的学习年限最长,而单独攻读博士学位的最短。  相似文献   


What may be called ‘the comprehensive ideal’ is still powerful both in theory and practice. To put this ideal into a respectable shape requires attention to some basic logical/conceptual points, and awareness of the underlying feelings which inspire it. It is then possible to face questions about how to retain equality whilst catering for individual differences, how to establish a potent and fraternal community in schools and elsewhere, and how to give individuals a sense of worth whilst fully acknowledging criteria of expertise ‐ in virtue of which many people will never shine as performers or achievers.  相似文献   

学校制度亟待研究改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国现行学制还是1951年制定的,虽然中间经过几次变动,但基本上没有什么变化。60年来我国经济社会有了极大的发展,教育也得到普及和提高。1951年制定的学制已经不适合现实的要求,亟须重新研究制定新的学制。新学制应该结合我国的国情,具有时代性、发展性、多样性、灵活性,体现终身教育的理念。  相似文献   

Home schooling has become increasingly widespread over recent decades in the western world. Since the choice to educate children at home in effect signifies abandonment of the educational system, one may assume that parents’ childhood experiences within the educational system play a significant part in their decision to opt for home schooling. The present study takes a hermeneutic phenomenological approach to investigating the choice in favour of home schooling and compares the childhood memories of school reported by 28 mothers of home-schooled and regular-schooled children. Data were analysed in three stages – determining the nature of the experience; performing a thematic analysis; and arranging the themes into groups of meta-themes. Six interviewees reported an entirely positive experience; 6 reported an entirely negative experience; and 16 reported a mixed experience. Analysis of the text revealed 30 themes, which were grouped into five meta-themes: treatment, attributes, teachers, studies and social relations.  相似文献   

Improving educational outcomes for Indigenous Australian students is a key strategy to helping Indigenous people reach their full potential. This has resulted in well-intentioned efforts by Australian educators and governments to ensure Indigenous children have positive school experiences. However, Indigenous students still lag behind their non-Indigenous counterparts in educational outcomes. This is particularly so for Indigenous students living in rural and remote parts of Australia where educational opportunities are limited, especially in high school. One solution to this problem has been to enrol these students in boarding schools in urban and metropolitan centres. While research on the success of boarding schools for Indigenous students is scarce, what little that does exist is not encouraging. The focus of this research was to examine the effects of boarding for Indigenous (= 11) and non-Indigenous students’ (= 158) wellbeing (= 1423) in two large private boys’ schools. Participating students aged 12–18 years old completed a survey measuring wellbeing constructs on two occasions, 12 months apart. Non-Indigenous boys were generally higher in wellbeing compared with Indigenous boys. There was also evidence of improved social wellbeing beyond that of non-Indigenous boarders over time. Overall, while evidence of merit was weak, boarding schools may benefit their Indigenous students’ development in social wellbeing.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Social justice is a key concept in current education policy and practice. It is, however, a problematic one in its application to schooling. This paper begins with a critique of the account of social justice offered by Gewirtz followed by an alternative philosophical notion based on the perfect world argument and the just society where equality is to the fore. This leads on to an exploration of what it is to be an educated citizen, consideration of the just school and discussion of the place of the school as an instrument for attaining social justice. The conclusion draws attention to the importance of the policy web as a way of developing coherent and unified policy designed to achieve social justice for all.  相似文献   

对现代学校教育的一种历史分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校教育一直是教育史研究的核心问题.许多教育史学家注重历史的连续性,认为教育史就是学校从小到大,从"萌芽"到参天大树的过程.实际上,19世纪以来,学校教育已经发生了断裂性变化.现代学校决不是以往学校在规模上的扩大,它是一种全新的教育.在现代学校中,教育已经渗透在学校生活的方方面面,无论是教师的课堂教学、学校日常生活管理,还是学校建筑本身,都承载着某种教育功能,对学生的心理、身体以及行为进行塑造.  相似文献   

当今美国移民儿童的学校教育在受教育机会的平等性、移民儿童的学校适应性、学校的教育质量等方面存在一些问题,这既与移民的文化适应模式及受教育程度有关,也与社会环境外部因素有直接关系。  相似文献   

The Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, where images of magical splendor obscure its challenges, provides a viewpoint from which to understand the contradictions that emerging economies face as they move towards mass education. Isolated from the outside world in every sense except for the mythologies that surround it, Bhutan is attempting to move from a basic agrarian societal framework as found in the feudal 1800s into the whirl of a technologically savvy twenty-first century. The demands for such a transition require educators and politicians at all levels to rethink the role of schooling and what it means to be educated in this country at this point in time. To provide guidance, the government set up a special task force, the Royal Education Council, to devise a curriculum and pedagogy that would equip young people with the skills to move into the future without forsaking their past. This ethnographic piece of research explores the challenges faced by teachers and principals in nine designated Beacon schools as they grapple within a historical context which views teachers as labourers, working under difficult conditions with minimal support. The work ends with the question of whether mass education might in fact move this country away from the traditional values that are perceived as making Bhutan special, if not unique.  相似文献   

This study surveys 200 Malay students enrolled in three Chinese primary schools in relation to three issues, i.e., parental choice of schooling, learning processes and inter-ethnic friendship patterns. The three issues are explored through a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Parental expectations for their children's learning and academic outcomes emerge as the dominant factor influencing Malay enrollment in Chinese primary schools. Unfortunately, the Malay students are unable to meet these high expectations due to learning difficulties that stem from the lack of proficiency in the Chinese-medium of instruction, despite intervening measures by the school authorities. Their learning difficulties are also compounded by the lack of parental inputs as well as the limited use of code-switching by teachers. Meanwhile, the fostering of inter-ethnic friendships is impeded by ethnic differences, the rise of Islamic awareness and the increased numerical size of Malay students. However, there is a willingness among the Malay students to interact with the Chinese students through task-related activities, indicating that the fostering of inter-ethnic friendships needs to be guided by a convergence of interests.  相似文献   

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