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1991年,科伊(AnnaCouey)提出新范畴“赛伯艺术”(cyberart),作为对伴随当代信息科技发展起来的多姿多彩的艺术类型的总称。它至少具备三重含义:一是体现赛伯主体性的艺术,二是将电子人当成描写对象的艺术,三是基于赛伯媒体的艺术。对于赛伯艺术的考察,有助于丰富当代文论体系。  相似文献   

网络协作学习中的人际交互策略   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
人际交互是网络协作学习中最重要的组成部分之一,人际交互的质量直接影响网络协作学习效果。本文在论述网络协作学习、人际交互概念的基础上,分析了网络协作学习中人际交互的优点与局限,根据影响网络交互的几大因素,分别从教师、学生、学习氛围、学习任务、评价等维度探讨了网络协作学习中的人际交互策略。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速发展,知识以数倍于以前的速度进行着积累,现代学习者所面临的是一个高度数字化了的赛伯空间.自主学习能力和协作学习能力是数字化生存中学习者必须具备的两项核心学习能力.如何在专题学习网站环境下培养和开发上述两种能力,正日益受到人们的关注.  相似文献   

高职院校学生的人际关系在其学习生活中具有重要的作用。本文在调查了解的基础上,分析了高职生人际冲突产生的原因,并提出内部与外部相结合的人际冲突管理办法,以期为高职生和谐人际关系提供参考。  相似文献   

作为网络时代的特殊文化形态,赛伯空间文化是现代社会的亚文化系统,其基于现代通信及互联网等信息技术手段,所创造的虚拟网络空间(即赛伯空间)文化,以“虚拟世界”和“现实世界”的文化互动,深刻影响着人们的生存方式,特别是为生活其中的广大青少年提供了一个狂欢的舞台,同时,也对青少年的发展产生着巨大负面影响。面对赛伯空间文化“泛娱乐化”倾向的挑战,学校教育需要进行深刻反思。并给予积极的应答。  相似文献   

网络学习的出现产生了网络学习群体。学习者以信息技术为中介进行人际交互,并在人际交互中进行知识意义的建构。网络学习中的人际交互具有积极主动和交互层面广等特点。这种积极、广泛的人际交互对于掌握网络学习方法及对传统课堂教学都有不少有益的启示。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的文化教育景观   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、赛伯空间文化扑面而来知识经济给我们带来了太多的新概念。一个新的名词“赛伯空间”———不仅是我们的教育工作者,甚至包括有的教育文化学者都不太熟悉的概念,在各种媒体上不断出现,它引出了一种新的文化,一种将对教育产生重大影响的文化景观。1984年,移居...  相似文献   

洪蓉 《高教论坛》2002,(6):76-77,107
当代大学生在“赛伯空间”中不仅要接受高科技本身的挑战,而且还要不可避免地接受以高科技为载体的“思想病毒”的挑战。新世纪高校思想政治教育工作者必须研究“赛伯空间”,接受挑战。  相似文献   

学习环境是翻转课堂高效学习的保障,翻转课堂学习环境功能框架应包括学习目标管理、人际交流合作、微课程学习资源及学习反思和评价等方面。利用QQ平台进行学习环境的构建,可以促进翻转课堂发挥功效。  相似文献   

学习环境是翻转课堂高效学习的保障,翻转课堂学习环境功能框架应包括学习目标管理、人际交流合作、微课程学习资源及学习反思和评价等方面。利用QQ平台进行学习环境的构建,可以促进翻转课堂发挥功效。  相似文献   

论文等待发表时间的长短即发表时滞不仅与论文的质量有关,还与投稿技巧有关。要缩短论文的发表时滞,提高论文的录用率,除要了解所要投向的期刊及其对稿件的要求外,还应遵守法律法规,提供有效的联系方式等。  相似文献   

通过对2001年化学高考试题(广东卷)系统分析,得出2001年高考题的特点是注重考察学生的素质和选拔能力强的新生;对中学化学教学的启示是需要培养综合型的和有创造能力的人才.  相似文献   

The paper contributes to design discourse by drawing on Educational Design Research (EDR) that has been conducted into what we call a Zone of Possibility (ZoP) over the past seven years. We define a ZoP as a place where individuals can overcome the constraints of expectations and power structures to effect desired change. Specifically, this paper presents details of how our initial research question (RQ1) has evolved to the one presented in the conclusions (RQ2); both RQs are summarised below in the section “Research Questions.” To describe this evolution, the paper is presented as 3 cases (Confer, ZoP Stokes Croft and Google Lens in HE) that have provided insights to explore the concept of the ZoP and its implications for EDR. Specifically, one of the main conclusions is the importance of bridging positioning practices as “successful communication” and an understanding of social context in hybrid contexts (ie, the ZoP).  相似文献   


This paper attempts to contextualise the issue of skills and particularly writing for public relations as a business discipline within a broader debate about the key graduate skills. The paper raises themes for discussion on professionalisation and professionalism, which link to course structure and curriculum content. The paper considers writing skills as a key graduate (and public relations vocational) skill, debates surrounding theory and practice within the curriculum and aligning the curriculum to the work setting as proposed by Dearing. The paper analyses literature and reports from three stakeholder perspectives to evaluate their contribution to the skills debate, with particular focus on communication and writing as a core skill within public relations education and practise. The paper focuses on ideological and political issues that influence the skills debate in the post-Dearing era and assesses the impact of stakeholders on the presentation of evidence, argument and recommendations for higher education.  相似文献   

Assessment,and the literacy practices of trainee PCET teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drawing on concepts of learning as socially situated within communities of practice and of literacy as social practice (the New Literacy Studies), this paper seeks to explore the assessment practices of a part-time teacher training course for teachers working in the post-compulsory education and training sector. This paper argues that the ways in which student teachers make sense of the assessment requirements of their course is not related to their prior experiences as students or as teachers, contradicting notions of transferable study skills. This paper also posits a conceptual framework for exploring the assessment process that seeks to reconcile assessment and pedagogy with the community of practice model.  相似文献   

This paper offers a critical analysis of the education policy move towards teacher professional standards. Drawing on Lacan’s three registers of the psyche (real, imaginary and symbolic), the paper argues that moves towards codification (and domestication) of teachers’ work and identities in standardized (and sanitized) forms, such as the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership professional standards recently adopted in Australia, can be read as a colonization of the Real and the imaginary by (a rather static, mortified form of) the symbolic. The paper argues that in response to such normalizing moves, we need to consider how we might conceptualize the reanimation of what it means to teach and be a teacher, something we attempt in terms of enabling each of the psyche’s registers to inter-animate each other, as a means of engendering teacher identities characterized by criticality, creativity and passion – that is, by an ethics of singularity rather than by standardization.  相似文献   

A collaborative research project between Sheffield Hallam University and Nottingham Trent University in the UK investigated the use of blogs with trainee teachers as an alternative to reflective paper‐based diaries. An action research case study, involving focus groups of post‐graduate (secondary) trainee teachers (one group from each University) was undertaken to determine attitudes and perceptions of blogging as an appropriate tool to support reflective professional development. The findings indicate that the use of blogs by the trainee teachers had a positive impact overall, and provide concrete evidence of their development as emerging professional teachers. Unlike traditional paper‐based systems, blogs provided ongoing opportunities for the tutor to assist the trainees in their development as reflective practitioners. This paper seeks to share the findings of this research which the authors believe could be applicable to other areas of Higher Education.  相似文献   

This paper addresses conceptual issues concerning values in teaching and the professional education of teachers. Proceeding from rejection of a common (empiricist) account of values as subjective tastes, the paper distinguishes three common (more and less restrictive) concepts or senses of value, here referred to under the labels ‘principled preference’, ‘principled commitment’ and ‘principled disposition’. The paper proceeds to argue that, in light of certain distinctive features of teaching as a profession, the key values of teaching should be regarded as ‘principled dispositions’ (or, in another term, virtues). It is further argued that such professional teacher values are best appreciated under the three aspects of ‘intellectual virtues’, ‘procedural virtues’ and ‘moral virtues’ and the paper concludes with a brief exploration of the implications of this analysis for professional teacher education.  相似文献   

This paper considers an alternative teacher certification pathway known as Teach for Australia (TFA) that is currently operating in the Australian state of Victoria. A discursive approach informed by critical theory is used in the paper to critically examine the specific case of TFA as an alternative teacher certification pathway charged with improving student learning outcomes and reducing educational disadvantage. The problematization of educational programmes such as TFA, including specific terms and statements found in TFA documentation, features prominently in the paper alongside the political and economic policy context of public education. The argument and central contention of the paper is that TFA will not overcome educational disadvantage; nor will it over time improve student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the work of four early radical educators: the cultural nationalist Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941), Asia’s first Nobel Laureate; Bertrand Russell (1872–1970), Cambridge mathematician and philosopher; the Irish educationalist and insurgent Patrick Pearse (1879–1916) and Leonard Elmhirst (1893–1975), co-founder of Dartington Hall school in England. Each represents a type of radicalism that is particular to his own era but resonates in twentieth-century educational provision and policy. Each articulated his political vision through the establishment of a school and all contributed to modern pedagogical practice. The paper argues that ideological and methodological similarities not only compel us to consider them as radical founders, whose ideas are in many ways identical, but to identify them as pivotal theorists in early conceptualisations of education as dissent and disengagement, as a means of decoupling thought and habit from the mainstream of educational practice, colonial imposition or curricular conservatism. In particular, the paper concentrates upon the work of the Irish educationalist and political radical Patrick Pearse and, employing his educational writings and practice as a template for dissension, demonstrates that it was both typical of and reflected the wider tone of early formulations of education as dissent.  相似文献   

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