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miss A HUSH     
时隔一年两个月带着风格完全不同,但性感依然的正规专辑《HUSH》回归的missA让人眼前一亮。当下最吸睛的舞蹈之一——Bar Dance,你有感受过了吗?  相似文献   

在YG这个藏龙卧虎的家族里,有着—群在荧幕中发散着光亮的演员们,他们青春活力的演绎表现更是让这个大家庭显得蓬荜生辉,让Easy带领你一览这般熠熠星光的魅力,,LET'S SAY:”HOW DRAMATIC YOU ARE!”  相似文献   

陈老师是个有三十年教龄的老教师 ,长期担任高中语文课教学 ,自我感觉一直良好。可近几年 ,学生对他的课堂教学不满之声四起 ,多次向校领导反映情况 ,认为陈老师教育思想落后、知识结构老化、教学方法古板、教学手段陈旧。言辞颇为激烈。对同学们的意见 ,陈老师很不以为然。他感到自己辛勤工作几十年 ,丝毫不敢懈怠。说到教学效果 ,陈老师更是满腹委屈 ,觉得自己所教的学生考试成绩始终处在年段的中上水平 ,并“理直气壮”地说“学生考分高 ,不正说明我教得好吗 ?”学生较好的考试成绩 ,成了陈老师拒绝转变教学观念、改进教学方法的“充分”…  相似文献   

Low blood sugar level resulting from fasting has been shown to reduce performance on a number of cognitive tasks. In this study, 80 non-diabetic A-level students missed breakfast. They completed a version of Daneman and Carpenter's Listening Span Test at 9.00 a.m. Half were then given a drink containing glucose, while the other half received a saccharine drink matched for taste. After 20 minutes, both groups completed another form of the Listening Span Test. A subset of the sample had their blood glucose levels determined immediately before the drink and again before the second application of the test. Blood glucose levels did not change, but listening span performance significantly improved after a glucose drink yet not after a saccharine drink. It is concluded that missing breakfast does not seriously affect blood sugar levels in healthy young students, but listening span performance which is a good predictor of listening comprehension is improved when fasting individuals imbibe a glucose-rich drink, although not when a saccharine drink is drunk. Ideally students should eat breakfast, but if this is omitted, then a glucose snack or drink before the first class may reverse any adverse effects.  相似文献   

稻子熟了,妈妈,我来看您了。妈妈,您在安江,我在长沙,隔得很远很远。我在梦里总是想着您,想着安江这个地方。人事难料啊,您这样一位习惯了繁华都市的大家闺秀,最后竟会永远留在这么一个偏远的小山村。还记得吗?1957年,我要从重庆的大学分配到这  相似文献   

The desire to establish international links between two departments of adult education and to experiment with new technologies led us to establish a listserv—a computer based community in cyberspace. This article describes the experience and attempts to articulate some of the problems that emerged. The main problem was the failure in developing a sense of community among the participants. This failure had its origins in some of the assumptions about groups in cyberspace and their similarity to groups in face to face settings.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence from a nationally representative sample of early career teachers about those likely to miss out on formal support, and the employment conditions associated with this absence of support. It uses survey data from the Staff in Australia’s Schools Survey. Consistent with existing research, our results suggest a relationship between early career teachers with insecure employment and a lack of support. The findings suggest that, for early career teachers, being unsupported is associated with dissatisfaction with professional relationships and career opportunities; and that this dissatisfaction is associated with an intention to leave the profession.  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - High-stakes testing pressures schools to raise test scores, but schools respond to pressure in different ways. Some responses produce real,...  相似文献   

美国教师生成有多种途径,其中一种是为非师范类的大学毕业生提供培训,鼓励他们从事教学,这当中"为美国而教"计划最为突出。介绍"为美国而教"计划的发展历程,志愿者的招募和遴选,针对志愿者的培训和支持,以及整个计划所取得的成就及其面对的批评,对我国现行的教师培养体制及资格制度有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

都秋 《科技文萃》2013,(10):138-143
在中国传统文化礼俗中,金色寓有“吉祥如意”之意,因此格外令国人情有独钟:在古代,达官权贵们以黄金来彰显身份地位:到如今,黄金则作为金饰品,成为了彰显华贵气质的不二选择。而在金饰品中,尤以黄金手表,因其兼具计时与美观的双重“性格”,颇受各方人士的喜爱……随着金秋时节的来临,许多人愿意选择在此时『青定终生,而在定情物的选择中,更会不约而同的捋视线转移至黄金手表的身上,这不仅是因为黄金本身的动人色泽本就与这柔和的秋色颇为迎合,也是黄金手表本身给国人送来的美好愿景一一谁不愿自己的爱人能在这个人生的最重要时刻,向自己一“表”心中比“金”坚的浪漫爱意呢?  相似文献   

在一个大雪纷飞的日子,一个农夫砍完柴回家,在路上发现了一条蛇。 “哦,可怜的蛇,你怎么跑到外边来了呢?看把你冻成这个样子!”农夫自言自语道。  相似文献   

在量子理论中,当粒子的波函数给定后,粒子所有力学量的观测值和几率分布不一定确定,还与粒子所处的外界环境有关  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on one kind of self-repair self-repair issuing from self-initiation.It explains what repai is,and presents an observation analysis about a student’s self repair.It concludes that self-repair is an important part of student language learning.It should be encouraged under the superviso of teachers in foreign language classroom.  相似文献   

黄哲伦在《蝴蝶君》中巧妙地将一个真实的故事与明显带有东方主义色彩的歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》并置,颠覆了东西方权利关系,成为与东方主义对立的声音。由于伽利玛受东方主义的影响,以定势的思维方式和偏见看待东方人,最后成为东方主义的牺牲品;而宋俐玲利用西方人对东方人的偏见达到了她的目的。  相似文献   

文章运用Brauer特征标理论中的深刻结果,得到了Dolfi定理A的一个等价命题,可视为Brauer特征标之Clif-ford定理的直接推广。论文最后还把Dolfi定理A中的正规条件减弱为次正规条件,证明了该次正规条件仍能保持整除性结论成立。  相似文献   

你的孩子会写信吗?这可是帮助他们学会向亲人朋友表达自己感情的很好方式。一定要多多鼓励!如果你的孩子还不会写字,没有关系,图画同样可以达到这样的目的。下面是选自北京苹果树幼儿园小朋友写给亲人的一组信。小朋友们还特别把画的内容告诉老师,老师帮助记录下来。  相似文献   

刘福泉 《保定师专学报》2002,15(1):54-55,67
从传统文化的角度对生活在死巷中的人们的形象进行分析,解析精神胜利法的又一个版本——封闭的环境造就了人们封闭的性格,封闭的内心世界,和进行窝里斗的劣根性。  相似文献   

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