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大陆、台湾、香港(澳门)构成中国文学的三维空间,从文学自身的特性来说,是应该跨越意识形态和政治制度的。中国当代文学史,没有在正史篇章中提到台港文学,这一现象很值得深思。台港文学作为“五四”新文学的同源支系,有较高的社会价值和审美价值,应该在中国当代文学史中得到体现,此事关中华民族文化的完整性。  相似文献   

Historical fiction is a powerful way of transmitting national history to later generations. It emerged in the nineteenth century as a means of building identity and fostering solidarity. However, in the 1960s and 1970s, former representations of history were deconstructed. Instead of glorifying the nation, social evils were exposed. As a consequence of this, western European histories of children’s literature claim a shift in children’s books from an emphasis on political to social history. Historical heroes and triumphs were replaced by accounts of the lives of common people and how they were touched by great events. This article investigates the influence of this changed perception and representation of history on images of nationality in Dutch historical children’s books. Two groups are identified: a group of books that are critical of historical practices and events, focus on the lives of common people, and project emancipatory ideals on historical characters; and a group of books that transmit a conventional image of the past which was introduced in former periods, in which nation-building and the formulation of a national character reigned. However, images of nationality transgress these categories.  相似文献   

This article argues that most contemporary children’s environmental picture books and easy readers published in the United States focus overwhelmingly on individual environmentalist acts and lifestyle changes, overlook the connections between environmental degradation and systemic social problems such as class disparities, and ultimately over-simplify environmental crisis. They typically encourage children to adopt environmentalist behaviors such as recycling that can be performed by individuals or families in the home, school, and local community, but do little to encourage civic engagement that would call into attention the intertwined ideological, economic, and political factors preventing profound environmental change. The analysis then examines several books that notably do inform readers about the larger political and economic issues and place a strong emphasis on environmental justice, a type of environmentalism deeply concerned with issues of race, class, gender, and economic inequality. Such texts are more likely to encourage an environmentalism that combines lifestyle and consumer choices with political activism. We need more books like this, as children’s texts that resign environmental action almost completely to individual choices and behaviors and disassociate environmental crises from their larger constitutive contexts do little to prepare young people for the socio-environmental challenges we face now and in the future.  相似文献   

义务教育应该主要由国家投资,从而应是相对公平的教育。择校行为的出现说明我国义务教育权利分配是不公平的,这可以在历史和现实中找到原因;义务教育权利分配的不平等是社会收入分配不公平的反映,也是造成未来收入分配不公平的主要原因。  相似文献   

The recent emergence of new venture philanthropists, social entrepreneurs and neoliberal policy advocates and the new ways in which they configure and perform their political agendas have brought important changes in the way in which education policy is enacted. This study takes some of the ideas sketched in previous work further and develops what was termed there as ‘philanthropic governance’. The first section analyses the transition to a new political framework characterised by new forms of coordination or ‘heterarchies’. These transformations represent new forms of governmentality and power regimes and are deeply rooted within the political economy and political philosophy of neoliberalism. The second section of the study focuses on a set of new policy actors, the ‘new’ philanthropists and explores the organisational model of a group of these philanthropic individuals and enterprises, their discourses, connections, ideological influences and agendas on the ground. Finally, the study reflects on the new ways through which philanthropic activity has gained an increasingly important political dimension, becoming a central explanatory variable to understand the recent changes and directions of national and international political agendas in different parts of the world.  相似文献   

Educational reforms around the world are increasingly converging, and this is reflected in the concept of a global educational reform movement. Although several recent studies have looked at the conditions under which nation states borrow from global educational models, the political mechanisms underlying these processes are not well understood. On the basis of a case study from Switzerland, which has a system of direct democracy which appears to be particularly suitable for an analysis of political transfer processes, this article reconstructs the debate around a series of popular initiatives addressing school choice. The results of the study show that a neo-institutional approach can be useful for understanding the implementation of global educational models in a national context if it is supplemented by a theoretical analysis of the participant and takes the specific features of the local political system into account. Methodologically, the analysis of global harmonisation processes in education should consider four reference points, namely the state, the market, the general public and scientific research.  相似文献   

辛亥时期知识女性在20世纪初的中国政治舞台上演出了一场惊天动地的活剧,显示了中国妇女的政治觉醒和巨大力量。这种政治觉醒突出表现在三个方面:振笔墨,洒墨泪,唤醒女界参政意识;弃脂粉,事铁血,投身反帝反清斗争;结团体,争权利,启动近代参政生活。辛亥知识女性的政治觉醒,是先进女性面对创巨痛深的历史变局而产生的救亡图存的时代召唤与迅猛而来的近代西方文化在特定的时空点交叉碰撞的产物,它揭开了近代中国女权的先声,在近代中国妇女运动史上留下了不可磨灭的功绩。  相似文献   

今年三月中旬,南京大学中文系博士生导师、《中华大典·文学典·隋唐五代文学分典》主编卞孝萱教授因公来校,曾应邀作《文史互证的学术意义》的学术报告。《(戎幕闲谈)新探》一文,即报告内容的一部分。卞先生是著名的唐传奇研究专家,早有专著《唐代小说与政治》问世,饮誉海内外。本文结合中晚唐之际的政局及士人间的党派分野,以“正史”同“野史”相互参证,从而从荒诞不经的佚闻闲谈中,发掘出严肃的政治内容。不仅显示出作者文史兼通的博洽与精见卓识,亦可从中窥见其“文史互证”的治学思路与方法。本刊先期发表,以飨读者。  相似文献   

创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,也是思想政治工作的不竭动力。思想政治工作必须适应时代的发展和社会的变化,在继承和发展优良传统的基础上,根据不同行业开展思想政治工作的实际,在五个方面实现创新。  相似文献   

在东西方各民族中,中华民族是最早把战争纳入政治伦理道德视野中的民族 .中国古代战争小说深受以孔孟为代表的儒家伦理道德学说的影响,作品中充满了"仁道"与"霸道"、"忠君"与"信义"等矛盾关系问题的艺术演绎.近代中国西风东渐,儒教的独尊地位受到冲击,出现了像<洪秀全演义>这样杂采天主教义和资产阶级民主思想的战争小说.五四以后,马克思主义阶级斗争学说在给中国现当代战争小说带来新的政治境界的同时,也使几乎所有的战争小说都成为阶级斗争的一个工具.20 世纪80年代中期以后,战争小说创作才逐渐由单一社会政治伦理道德层面向"人学"的深层进军.  相似文献   

Same-sex marriage is part of a global civil rights struggle for LGBQ rights. How this movement is framed, advanced, and critiqued across the globe can be linked to how young people in schools are prepared to deliberate social issues in the political sphere. This article examines national history books as cultural artifacts that present what is possible and reasonable in the struggle for LGBQ rights. It examines how LGBQ rights are defined, situated, and understood within past social justice movements included in the texts. Insight into the narrative for rights in the U.S. is provided through comparison to Canada where LGBQ persons have great political protection and visibility. The comparison illuminates that integrating historical thinking and inquiry into textbooks and placing the struggle for rights within the national narrative may help U.S. teachers give reason and a social justice focus to sexuality inequity.  相似文献   

普兰查斯在分析资本主义国家与资本主义生产关系和劳动的社会分工之间的关系时,对民族、空间、时间问题的阐释更新了马克思主义对当代资本主义本质的理论分析,力图将马克思主义的分析重新指向对空间和时间的一种唯物主义阐释。他认为,马克思主义传统理论低估了民族问题。领土(空间)和传统(时间)在资本主义中具有崭新的意义。空间-时间母体特点的改变与劳动的社会分工的实质性变化有关,特别是与国家结构的实体性的变化有关,与资本主义经济、政治、意识形态的权力实践变化有关。空间-时间母体的基础在于资本主义的生产关系和劳动的社会分工。  相似文献   

《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》是毛泽东为强调“全新中国”政治构想所推出的“全新文学”构想,集中体现了毛泽东的乌托邦意识.从其乌托邦意识形成和表现来看,农民子弟身份和浪漫主义诗人情怀强化了毛泽东文化实践和革命生活中的乌托邦色彩,直接影响到《讲话》“政治文本的文学想象”品质形成;从新民主主义理论体系来看,《讲话》是对《新民主主义论》的一次文学艺术方面具体出演,演绎的是社会发展形态的构想与展望,服从于毛泽东关于社会发展的乌托邦想象;从20世纪文学与政治关系的角度来看,《讲话》所包含的乌托邦意识表现在对民族国家形象与文学形象的共鸣式叠合的理性诉求,是对历史的自行展开过程的一种高清度的把握.毛泽东借用乌托邦思想所显示的不满现存、指向未来的努力,使《讲话》文本和全新文学实践保持了理想与现实之间的巨大张力,体现了超越时代的历史性追求.  相似文献   

同世界各国一样,爱国主义历来是我中华民族的伟大光荣传统,是我们国家赖以生存和发展的重要支柱。列宁说,爱国主义是一个历史范畴,在社会发展的不同时期具有不同的内涵,也是与时俱进的。在今天,爱国主又是指对社会主义祖国的无限忠诚与热爱的思想感情,为祖国和民族生存发展的英勇献身精神和维护祖国团结统一的顽强努力。正因为如此,爱国主义教育也构成新时期高校思想政治工作的重要内容。  相似文献   

中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,是我国的一项基本政治制度,也是一项新型政党制度。它不仅植根于中华民族几千年来赖以生存发展的深厚土壤,也是我国现阶段经济、政治、文化和社会基础的现实要求。  相似文献   

Nearly four decades of instability and fragility have led to many changes in the status of women and girls in Afghanistan. Yet, little research focuses on these changes within the education system. To understand the country’s stance toward gender issues in formal practice, we examine gender representations in Afghan primary-level Dari language arts textbooks. Using a qualitative content analysis and longitudinal data, we examine how ideologies about gender have been politicised in Afghanistan and are reflected in school textbooks from 1980 to 2010. Findings suggest that tumultuous political events and power struggles in the recent history of Afghanistan have led to many changes in how the daily social and working lives of Afghan women and girls have been portrayed in textbooks. As seen in the textbooks, it appears that efforts are being made within the current regime to balance competing gender norms. We conclude with suggestions for policy-makers.  相似文献   

法语的历史变迁和语言地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高玲 《闽江学院学报》2008,29(4):107-110
法语和法兰西民族历史同步开始。法语的起源、发展和演变进程贯穿在民族发展史中。民族历史不同时期的政殆变革和社会文化对法语的变迁及其语言地位的兴衰产生深远的影响。今天,法国仍然为维护和发扬法语而不懈努力,体现了法语和法兰西民族源远流长、休戚与共的关系。  相似文献   

There is a great and longstanding divide in visions of the international arena. Some assert that states are the most relevant actors in international politics, and others emphasise the importance of non-state actors as vehicles through which shared ideas and identities are enacted. Typically, cross-national scholarship adopts one of these positions and seeks to support the attendant theoretical claims; our approach is entirely different. We treat these varied conceptions of the international arena not as antecedent explanatory frameworks, but rather as outcomes to be explained in their own right. To this end, we draw on data consisting of 539 high-school social science textbooks (history, civics, social studies, and geography) from 73 countries published between 1950 and 2011, coded to shed light on how the international arena is discussed in national education systems. We use multilevel modelling to determine how characteristics of textbooks and countries are linked to different visions of the international arena. Stronger national emphases in books promote a vision of the interstate system, as does a country’s level of democracy. Emphases on world society emerge particularly in recent decades and in books and countries most exposed to educational and social globalisation. Our findings provide initial support for arguments that world society and the interstate system are distinct, leading to multiple forms of inequality in the international arena.  相似文献   

前人曾以幻想、哲思和实证等方式,表达了人类史前社会的"平等"状态,那么,人类社会的文明时代是伴随着人际关系的不平等而产生的,"不平等"与人类文明互为因果。阶级和阶级剥削的产生使得社会剩余产品的出现成为可能,进而为创造更多的物质文明成果打下了基础,即物质文明产生于物质财富占有关系的不平等。政治文明的法理基础是在法律上确立人与人之间的平等关系,而其现实基础则是人与人之间的政治权利、政治地位的不平等,从而才使得人们有政治文明的诉求。精神文明是为解决人们道德、自由等领域的问题而出现的,具体到现实社会仍然关涉到人与人的不平等关系。无论是何种形式的文明,都是基于人们的现实需要而产生的。物质文明为其他形式文明的产生提供物质基础和保障,政治和精神领域的文明具有某种理想性和抽象性,也正因为如此,才引导人们为争取相互之间的平等和自由而做出不懈努力。  相似文献   

1920年代与1930年代之交上海的政治环境与媒体经济,为游离国家知识体制中心的胡适,提供了一个重构"知识权力"的社会场域,且亦成就了一段"知识权力"与"国家权力"抗衡的历史。从胡适的"言论冲动"中或可见证:自由人格,不仅是一种观念层面上的获得,亦是一种社会生态维度上的完成。  相似文献   

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