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New accreditation requirements for Australian initial teacher education programs require that universities and schools establish quality partnerships to ensure strong links between pre-service teachers’ university-based learning and school-based professional learning experiences. This paper focuses on the shifts of identity, thinking and practice that occurred for five school-based mentor teachers as they co-created new professional experience practices alongside university-based teacher educators in a Teaching Academies of Professional Practice (TAPP) project. Interview data was analysed through the theoretical framework of Dialogical Self Theory to examine how the repositioning of mentor teachers as fellow teacher educators allowed for expansion in the understanding and enactment of their role. The findings of this study suggest that partnerships between schools and universities can enhance learning opportunities for all participants when commitments are made to creating collaborative and dialogical spaces to support new approaches to teacher education.  相似文献   

21st century initial teacher education [ITE] requires teachers and teacher educators to work together in the design and delivery of innovative learning experiences for student teachers. This study investigates a partnership that enabled the co-construction of one core course within a graduate ITE programme in New Zealand. Our partnership aimed to help student teachers to make links between theory taught at the university, and day-to-day practices in classroom settings. Using case study methodology, data were generated from participants in three primary/intermediate schools and one university to identify strategies that supported their collaborative process. Seven affordances were identified to facilitate this school-university collaboration, which enabled the development of a learning community wherein professional values and expertise were made visible, power was shared, and relational trust and respect grew. The findings offer insights for teacher educators and teachers seeking to open up a boundary space between universities and schools within which they might co-design and deliver an ITE course.  相似文献   

Teacher educators are not satisfied with their relations with the schools. In Holland, student teachers go to schools for their teaching practice and obtain the topics of their research projects from their practical experiences. Cooperating teachers are trained to supervise the student teachers during their practice periods. In this paper three attempts to improve the relationship between schools and teacher education institutes are described, analysed and the advantages given for the different partners (student teachers, teacher education, schools). The conclusion is that for the professional development of prospective teachers well organised and complete partnerships between schools and teacher education institutes are crucial.  相似文献   

Predictions and preferences for teacher education in Australia in the year 2000 were identified by surveying teacher educators. The survey was undertaken in 1991, soon after dissolution of the binary system in Australian higher education and at a time of increasing government concern about teacher education. Respondents commented on the future research and teaching missions of teacher educators, the representation and status of teacher education within Australian universities, and relationships between teacher educators, schools and government. Forecasts concerning teacher education in the year 2000 were generally pessimistic, and they conveyed the sense that the training of teachers will be governed by an agenda over which teacher educators have limited direct control. The results of the survey are discussed with reference to the impact that recent changes in the Australian higher education system have had on teacher educators.  相似文献   

The nature of partnership between schools and higher education institutions is changing in many countries, with experienced teachers taking on more responsibility for teacher education whilst remaining in their school as teachers, rather than entering the higher education sector to become teacher educators. This research considers the perspectives of these school-based teacher educators (SBTEs) in England, exploring the impact that this role has on them, their student-teachers and their schools. Some benefits and challenges that they face in the dual role of teacher and teacher educator are revealed. The research takes an interpretive perspective, listening to the meanings being constructed by the participants through use of a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and a focus group of student-teachers who learned from these SBTEs. Possible impacts on student-teachers’ learning and implications for the development of high-quality teacher education are examined.  相似文献   

在全新的环境下,怎样更好地为社会培养出更多更优秀的教育人才是众多师范高等院校面临的难题。通过合并、结构调整、升格等方式生存下来的综合性大学往往不够重视教师教育,理论和实践严重脱节,职前培训不是特别到位,导致师范毕业生从教时很难迅速地进入教师角色,对教育是一种损失。借鉴英国教师教育的先进经验尤其是其教师教育的亮点——伙伴合作模式,充分发挥大学和中小学的优势来共同培养教师。我国综合性大学教师教育应该在以本校雄厚的学术实力为依托的基础上定位工作目标和重心,理顺理论与实践、教育机构与实习学校等的关系,共同实现教师教育的连贯性和一体化,使实习成为真正提升师范生作为未来教师的基本技能和素质的强有力的手段,来达到改进教师教育现状的目的。  相似文献   

Despite increasing demands for teachers to teach for equity, diversity and global interconnectedness, colleges of education are not producing teachers with such knowledge and skills. In this study the author identified teacher educators, who are recognized by their peers for their success in preparing teachers in both multicultural and global education and asked them to reflect upon the experiences that have most influenced their work in these fields. The 80 teacher educators in the study told of encounters with people different from themselves, experiences with discrimination, injustice or outsider status, and their felt contradictions in dealing with multiple realities. There are significant qualitative differences between those experiences identified by people of color and those who are white. Most of the people of color acquired an experiential understanding of discrimination and outsider status by the nature of growing up in a society characterized by white privilege and racism. However, many of the middle-class white teacher educators had their most profound experiences while living outside of their own country. Given the demographics of professors of education, the findings have implications for the ability of the nation's universities to prepare teachers in multicultural and global education.  相似文献   

This article is based on an educational innovation, the creation of a cadre of teacher educators, in the developing world. Professional development teachers (PDT) were trained in an in-service two-year teacher education programme leading to a Masters of Education (M.Ed.) degree. The PDTs were expected to play three roles in their home schools upon completion of the degree programme: (a) exemplary teachers; (b) teacher educators; and (c) change agents within their home schools to effect improvement.This article reviews education in Pakistan and the innovations that have come to inform the need to focus on teacher education as a primary area of investment and presents findings of a three-year longitudinal study of a selection of PDTs trained at the Aga Khan University’s Institute for Educational Development (AKU-IED). The main findings of the study indicate that teachers benefited significantly as individuals with enhanced career prospects, identified themselves more and preferred the role of teacher educators as opposed to classroom-based teachers, and sought opportunities outside their own schools but their role as change agents was more limited. Those teachers who maintained links with their schools beyond the three-year bonding period (a condition of being admitted to study for the M.Ed.) varied in the extent to which they managed to initiate and sustain school improvement efforts as indicated by changes in the structures and relationships within schools affecting the teaching–learning offered to pupils.  相似文献   


This article focuses on teacher educators’ role and how it was enacted and experienced by teachers and leaders in a school-based development project. The arena for the teachers’ professional development was the school, and teacher educators at one teacher-education institution and three schools took part in the research. Teacher educators, teachers and school leaders were interviewed two years and two months after they formally took part in the project, for one year in a pilot program and afterward for three semesters. The findings show that the teacher educators enacted their roles differently, and that they realise that they should have collaborated more and coordinated their experiences from collaborations with teachers and leaders to learn from their experiences in school. The leaders and teachers were satisfied with the teacher educators’ lectures, but the teachers wanted more dialogue with teacher educators and felt that teacher educators should have helped them transform their knowledge into teaching actions in practice. Teacher educators taking part as supporters in teachers’ practice truly could infiltrate instruction and learning. The study demonstrates that culture, structure and content need to be coordinated to enhance school-based development.  相似文献   

刘益春  李广  高夯 《教师教育研究》2013,25(1):61-64,54
师范大学、地方政府、中小学校在优秀教师与未来教育家培养方面肩负共同的责任与使命。东北师范大学在总结以往"校-府"合作经验基础上,以"教师教育创新东北实验区"建设为载体,提出并实施了"校-府-校"合作(即"U-G-S")教师教育新模式。三方遵循"目标一致、责任分担、利益共享、合作发展"的原则,在师范生培养、中小学教师培训和基础教育研究等方面协同创新,逐步形成了教师教育发展合作共同体。破解了长期困扰我国教师教育改革中的师范生教育实习、农村中小学教师培训和教师教育者专业发展难题,为我国新时期的教师教育改革探索出一条特色之路。  相似文献   

More than ever before, our nation needs teachers who are not only motivated to teach but who are also properly educated, trained, and prepared for the many challenges that are facing our nation's K-12 public schools. The education departments and schools at our colleges and universities cannot continue to do business as usual—they need to adjust their teacher preparation programs to effectively support the changing times, and to provide our future teachers with a realistic and rigorous education. There is little or no disagreement among educators, social scientists, or anyone else for that matter, that great schools are the product of great teachers. It makes sense, therefore, to create a world-class teacher education and training program.  相似文献   

师范大学、地方政府、中小学校在优秀教师与未来教育家培养方面肩负共同的责任与使命。东北师范大学在总结以往“校-府”合作经验基础上,以“教师教育创新东北实验区”建设为载体,提出并实施了“校-府-校”合作(即“U-G-S”)教师教育新模式。三方遵循“目标一致、责任分担、利益共享、合作发展”的原则,在师范生培养、中小学教师培训和基础教育研究等方面协同创新,逐步形成了教师教育发展合作共同体。破解了长期困扰我国教师教育改革中的师范生教育实习、农村中小学教师培训和教师教育者专业发展难题,为我国新时期的教师教育改革探索出一条特色之路。  相似文献   

Instructional practices in schools have been constantly changing over the years, and educators’ knowledge about these practices is an important factor that influences their effective use. This paper presents an examination of teachers’ knowledge and perception of 24 instructional practices commonly used in the field of education, especially in the field of technology-based teaching and learning. Data from 162 experienced teachers who had enrolled in teacher education courses in two universities were collected from 2005 to 2007. Consistent with the literature, findings suggest that teachers with higher degrees and more teaching experience are aware of and understand more about educational practices. A predictive model was developed from this study.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study, we developed a portrait of the challenges and strategic responses of secondary mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) in Chinese universities. The MTEs reported encountering more challenges when teaching pedagogical courses and supervising student teachers than when teaching college mathematics courses and teaching mathematical problem-solving courses. This finding reflects a key difference between the content, goals, and teaching demands of these 2 elements of mathematics teacher education programs (acting in the role of an MTE versus the role of a mathematics teacher). In this study, we also analyzed the strategies that MTEs use to deal with the challenges that arise in their work and the suggestions they have for the training of future MTEs.  相似文献   

师范生进入顶岗实习前应具备一些情景相依的基本的教学技能和基础性的教学知识,大学教师教育者和中小学指导教师按照"互惠共赢"的原则在真实的教学现场联合指导师范学生的学教实践。涉及顶岗实习的各方应协调建立有利于师范生学教的学教共同体,让师范生在他们生活的三维空间里生成和增长实践性知识。最后对高师顶岗实习工作有效性提出相关建议。  相似文献   

How student teachers experience their transformation into serving teachers in the liminal social spaces of the school-based practicum (teaching practice) is of key importance to them, their future students and their educators. The practicum is a challenging experience for student teachers, even with help from university and school-based mentors, as their knowledge of practice, power and culture in schools lacks sophistication. The practicum, an under-researched but important aspect of education, was investigated by this study by asking 480 student teachers in three universities in Turkey and England in 2010–2011 about how well their universities prepared them for the practicum, what made practicums successful and how practicums fostered their professional development. Participants generally thought the practicum helped them to develop skills in student and classroom management, in meeting students’ diverse learning needs, in recognising multiple students’ perspectives and in grounding their understanding of what it meant to be a teacher ‘for real’.  相似文献   

During the Australian National Professional Development Program (NPDP), 1994-1996, a large action-research project, Innovative Links between Universities and Schools for Teacher Professional Development, was undertaken. The project involved a consortium of 14 Australian universities working with over 100 schools (government and non-government) across all States and the Northern Territory. It was structured around the concept of Roundtables, whereby teachers engaged in school-based projects in conjunction with an academic associate from the partner university. The role of 'academic associate' demanded a rethinking of the role of university teacher educators in relation to teacher professional development. Six 'academic associates' and two teachers from the Murdoch University Roundtable formed a collaborative research group to investigate issues arising from their work with the project. The research was a self-reflective study of the work of the participants by those participants themselves. This paper relates the insights regarding collaborative work between academics and schoolteachers that emerged from the study.  相似文献   

教师教育U-S共生性合作的发生机制探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教师教育中的大学与中小学(U-S)合作本质上是一种协商性交易,合作需要基于双方的共同利益才能实现共生。教师教育大学化、一体化以及随之而产生的教师教育范式转变,都要求大学谋求中小学的支持;同时,中小学组织更新、教师改变以及学生学习成就提升也需要大学支持;这种相互需求为大学与中小学合作提供必要性。此外,大学与中小学各自在教师教育上的优势则为双方合作提供可能。这种必要性和可能性共同构成了教师教育U-S共生性合作的发生机制。  相似文献   

"高校走内涵式发展道路"这个战略目标已成为共识,但是对于选择怎样的路径去实现高等学校的内涵发展呢?笔者结合自己的工作体会,从师资队伍建设的角度,阐述了教师在实现大学的人才培养、科学研究、服务社会三大基本功能中的作用,探讨了通过职业生涯规划、师德建设、到企业挂实职等师资培养策略,来为高校的内涵发展提供根本保障。  相似文献   

Teacher educators everywhere experience, and are concerned about, strained university-school relations. As feelings of unease and uncertainty intensify, pressures increase to re-jig teacher education programmes. Consequently, variations on the theme of teachers and teacher educators working together have emerged recently in an attempt to bridge the gulf between campus and the schools. These revisions can easily delude teacher educators into thinking that criticisms of teacher education have been countered and that the future is secured. Another interpretation is that these developments are signals that the logic of the traditional model is out of step with the times. Such signals point to the transformation and redefinition of institutions for a new kind of society. Relationships with historic partners-schools, employers, parents and teachers' unions-take on new meanings as universities and teacher education undergo reorganisation. Under these conditions, the leadership role of teacher education loses its legitimacy. Claims that university-based teacher education generates definitive teaching-related research and is the clearing-house for powerful knowledge about teaching and curriculum are no longer credible beyond the university. Further, universities and school systems increasingly judge their success by participation in an expanded global market. The inevitable outcome is a high degree of competition between (and variety in) teacher education programmes. In that environment, and with few political allies, the university-based teacher education model cannot easily survive as the principal form of teacher pre-service preparation. The challenge for teacher educators is to engage the forces that drive institutional change rather than expecting existing practices to guarantee the future. This paper proposes some principles for new approaches to teacher education that lie beyond present models. The inexorability of change and the unpredictability of the future are ideal conditions for recreating teacher education rather than celebrating its demise.  相似文献   

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