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许多实际材料表明,安徒生可能是丹麦国王克里斯钦八世私生子。因政治原因,安徒生由穷鞋匠汉斯·安徒生和女佣人安娜·玛莉娅抚养长大,丹麦王室暗中关照着他。安徒生将特殊的身世对象化,把自我糅人童话人物之中,使其童话具有了浓烈的自传色彩。对安徒生童话不同时期的不同基调进行的分析及对安徒生特殊身世在其童话中的对应关系的合乎逻辑的推理论证表明,安徒生童话的自传色彩是其童话人道主义特色等许多特色的源头。  相似文献   

由于未能全面而正确地把握基督精神和人道主义的内涵及两者的关系,马弦对哈代的宗教思想所作的结论是难以成立的。哈代的绝大部分作品是在他放弃了对上帝信仰后创作的,其中既肯定人们对个人理想与权利的追求,又张扬仁爱、宽恕、牺牲、纯洁等价值观念,因此,哈代的宗教观是一种人道主义宗教观,体现了祛除宗教神秘成分后的世俗基督精神。  相似文献   

陶行知成长于一个基督教信徒家庭,在大学期间即受到基督教青年会的影响,并加入金陵大学的学校青年会.自是而后,直到逝世前夕,他一直与这种教会社会活动机构保持着一定的联系,而且他平生的知识体系的形成、教育思想的建构以及人生事业的成就,几乎都或多或少地得到过基督教青年会直接或间接的帮助.全方位地观照或剖析陶行知与基督教青年会之间的关系,人们可以从一个侧面了解这种教会青年组织对近代中国新型知识阶层的形成与成长产生过的历史影响.  相似文献   

陶行知作为中国现代教育的奠基人之一。他在金陵大学期间形成了学、教合一的共和教育思想和基督教现代教育家主体人格,到留美期间发展为道、教一体的国民教育思想;但在1917年—1927年陶行知开始现代转型,陶先是以基督教教育实现反中国传统教育,然后主要在1922—1917年非基运动中,实现了反西方传统。陶以民族主义实现了主体人格转型为民族本位主义的现代教育家,对于基督教教育思想的超越,其本质是基督世界主义与普世价值的民族适应。  相似文献   

Sources contemporary with Danish author Hans Christian Andersen claimed that he did not master the Danish language, which modern studies interpret as specific dyslexia. A systematic study of his diaries from age 20 to age 70 found a mean spelling error percentage of approximately 1.7 (SD = 1%, range = 0%-4%). A methodologically independent reliability study confirmed these figures. Andersen's error percentages in poems and letters from ages 11 to 19 show a typical initial part of a learning curve that, together with the results from the diaries, gives a life span curve of his spelling development. The diaries, letters, and poems contain only insignificant syntactic errors. Andersen's spelling in the above studies is compared with that of his contemporaries and with data from modern studies. His mean error percentages at different ages are equal to the figures from nondisabled participants, but between 2 and 15 times lower than the mean percentages in studies of individuals with dyslexia. A structural analysis of Andersen's spelling errors shows that they are mainly phonologically plausible from ages 11 to 70, and that the proportions of plausible/implausible errors match those of normal achievers, but not those of individuals with dyslexia.  相似文献   

One of the most popular Dutch educational enlightenment authors was Hieronymus van Alphen. His three volumes of Little Poems for Children published in 1778 and 1782 were extremely successful, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Inspired by the German poets Christian Felix Weisse and Gottlob Wilhelm Burmann, Van Alphen brought about an expansion of educational space based on the integration of moral education in the spirit of the educational ideas of Locke, Rousseau and the Philanthropinists with poetical ideas and the nature of the child in both the content and the form of his poems. His poems were translated almost immediately into English, French and, surprisingly, as many of his poems were more or less adaptations of poems by Weisse and Burmann, into German too. Van Alphen’s trump card was a reversal of former strategies of education: instead of pressing moral ideas upon the children from an adult point of view, he aimed at identification by (1) writing from the perspective of children, (2) situating the poems in the world of experience of children, (3) using a childlike style with a frolicking metre, rhyme scheme and prosody, and (4) combining text and images, so putting the moral message across visually and textually at the same time. In this paper, we follow the journey of poems for children as media for the cultural transmission of moral educational ideas from Germany to the Netherlands from the perspective of cultural transmission, moral literacy and educational space. We conclude that Van Alphen, with the combined power of text and image, successfully adopted and adapted former educational strategies, such as the moral poetics developed by his German predecessors Christian Felix Weisse and Gottlob Wilhelm Burmann. Taking their strategies on a poetic journey from Germany to the Netherlands, he not only transferred them, but transformed them as well. Van Alphen did so in a specific Dutch utilitarian way. His poems could be read for fun but were intended for learning. They were useful and entertaining at the same time, because he took the life and living environment of children into account, and particularly accounted for the concept of development as a distinguishing characteristic of the specific nature of the child with which child readers could identify.  相似文献   

For close to 170 years the general consensus from historians has been that Edmund Rice, who founded the Irish Christian Brothers in 1802, was an unenthusiastic applicant to the National Board of Education in Ireland in 1832 and later withdrew his schools because he believed his education was incompatible with the philosophy underpinning the conduct of Board schools. Three myths were created and have circulated over many years to uphold and sustain a pretence that this was the situation which prevailed. These myths are that the Christian Brothers were reluctant participants with the Board; that the Board’s system of education was inimical to the Brothers; and that the Christian Brothers left the Board as a matter of principle. This paper contests these myths and argues that they made virtue of an internal rift that dramatically divided the Christian Brothers politically for over a century. This was a rift that sidelined Edmund Rice and those who supported him.  相似文献   

老舍在青少年时期曾经与世界上的三大宗教——佛教、基督教和伊斯兰教都保持着密切的联系。在宗教信仰的选择上,老舍最终还是选择了基督教,并利用业余时间参加了教会的一些社会服务活动和改建工作;然而他又始终未能成为一位虔诚的基督徒。所有这些。都在老舍一生的思想发展和创作实践中留下了明显的痕迹。本文即是对老舍基督教情结的探讨。  相似文献   

1925年后郭沫若对基督教文化的态度由原先的汲取的姿态逐渐变为批判的态度。20世纪30年代之后,他的文学作品中,基督教文化色彩已鲜有痕迹。透过历史背景,我们发现,这与当时的文化、政治环境有密切联系。郭沫若作为一个善于把握时代风潮的文学家,对基督教文化的态度必然受到两者的影响,而后期他转变为彻底的马克思主义者,基督教文化只能作为其文学创作素材的源泉,而非精神的支持。  相似文献   

拜伦的死亡观与西方基督教文化背景之下乐死的传统认识相悖离:一方面他将死亡看作是客观存在,是对自然的回归,悖离了基督教文化中人的生死属于上帝的传统轨迹;另一方面,他视死亡为生命的最终归宿,生命只有短暂的存在,没有永恒,对抗着基督教文化中将人的归宿指向为上帝的天堂,从而获得生命的永恒的彼岸理想。这种死亡观指向性内含着积极抗死、追求生命意义的超越性认识。  相似文献   

C.S.路易斯所创作的奇幻儿童文学系列作品《纳尼亚传奇》风靡全世界。作为一个一生都在宣扬基督教思想的平教徒,他在这部作品里深深地渗入了其基督教思想。本文通过对书中与《圣经》相对应的八个孩童主人公的分析,试图认清作者寄予在这部作品中的基督教思想。  相似文献   

彼特拉克的作品中渗透着浓厚的基督教道德观,他对人与大自然的看法基本是基督教式的,他相信人类的堕落与人性的不完善是由于人没有遵照上帝的旨意行事的结果,同时他相信人性中有善的趋向,但是需要不断努力才能实现。基督教的道德观既影响着彼特拉克塑造人物和解说社会变化的方式,同时也制约着彼特拉克作品的价值观。  相似文献   

孙中山是一个信仰基督教的政治家、革命者,一生对基督教笃信不疑,他认为政治重于宗教,提倡政教分立,而“宗教富于道德”,故又主张“以教补政”,他制定的临时约法保障公民的宗教信仰自由,并且平等地对待其他宗教。孙中山还拿宗教和科学对比,认定“科学较优”。我们从孙中山身上看到了作为革命先行者的他有着宗教徒的高尚品德。  相似文献   

作为民主革命家和进化论者,孙中山之所以毕生信奉基督教,主要基于青年时期教会学校的熏陶,以及基督教救世思想、道德劝诫与资产阶级革命和建设的某种一致性。孙中山毕生信奉基督教,从一个侧面反映了他作为资产阶级革命家的不彻底性。  相似文献   

孙中山是一个信仰基督教的政治家、革命者,一生对基督教笃信不疑,他认为政治重于宗教,提倡政教分立,而“宗教富于道德”,故又主张“以教补政”,他制定的临时约法保障公民的宗教信仰自由,并且平等地对待其他宗教。孙中山还拿宗教和科学对比,认定“科学较优”。我们从孙中山身上看到了作为革命先行者的他有着宗教徒的高尚品德。  相似文献   

雨果是19世纪法国文坛的巨匠,其宗教观由于社会经历和个人追求呈现出一种复杂的面貌:从信仰基督教到抨击基督教,再到自然神论和泛神论,并以自由、民主、博爱的精神贯穿。  相似文献   

The provision of the most comprehensive funded statewide delivery of diagnostic, protective and treatment services to abused and neglected children and their families in the country has been made possible by the State of Louisiana and its concerned citizenry. The importance of obtaining a legislative mandate establishing and funding the statewide child protection concept by the Louisiana legislature was illustrated.We described how the medical and protective services components cooperate and coordinate at the state and local levels to provide the abused and neglected child and his family with the best possible services available. Throughout our presentation the use of the interdisciplinary team concept was emphasized as the best system known to enhance the reporting, investigation and diagnosis of child abuse and/or neglect cases as well as providing protective and treatment services to the child and his family.The Child Protection Center is the community agency serving as the “core” for the interdisciplinary approach to be successful. The role of each discipline employed by the center was reviewed and how interagency coordination is accomplished through their efforts.The interdisciplinary dispositional conference prior to a child's discharge from the hospital was considered as an excellent method to insure that several disciplines share in the definitive protective and treatment plans for the abused child.Several treatment modalities and their success rates for the child and his family were discussed. The accomplishments of the center were listed.Finally, a review of how the citizenry from the Baton Rouge Community responded overwhelmly by their involvement and commitments in an all out effort to combat a serious social symptom and disease — child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

殷海光晚年是否成为一个基督教徒?对此,殷的亲友与学界一直存在不同观点。从殷氏1950年代的言论看,他一方面坚持科学态度,另一方面坚持启蒙精神,对基督教持拒斥与批评态度。而在1960年代,在哈耶克思想的影响下,他对科学和理性的态度有所保留,开始相信冥冥之中有一至高无上的主宰,但他并未将这一主宰归于基督教的上帝,而且他也未完全否定理性的价值,他的信仰事实上止步于一种自然神论。自然神论不等于基督教信仰,因此,可以肯定殷海光晚年并未成为一个真正的基督教徒。  相似文献   

文章从基督教教义的角度分析了这部小说中的两住人物马耐特医生和德伐日夫人,从而探讨了马耐特医生一家的悲剧的根源和马耐特医生在拯救他的仇人后裔时的心理动机以及德伐日夫人欲“善”却成“恶”的心理变化。  相似文献   

文启 《今日中学生》2012,(10):23-24
Mr and Mrs Brown lived in a small house with their child. Sometimes Mr Brown came back from work very late,when his wife and the child were asleep,he opened the front door of his house with his key and came in very quietly. But one night when he was coming home late,he lost his key,so when he reached his house,he rang the bell. Nothing happened. He rang it again,and nothing happened-nobody moved inside the house. Mr Brown knocked at the bedroom window,he spoke to his wife,he shout- ed,but she did not wake up. At last,he stopped and thought for a few  相似文献   

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