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The concept of innovation paradoxes refers to a family of anomalous observations demonstrating that relatively high or outstanding innovation efforts lead to either insignificant or undesirable outcomes. While researchers have long been busy studying the nature and causes of innovation paradoxes, they have yet to assess the fruits of their research efforts. This paper addresses this neglect, in particular by identifying and reviewing the literature of two innovation paradoxes – the European innovation paradox and the Swedish innovation paradox. The findings show that research on both paradoxes has proceeded along similar lines, leading to the development of a working explanatory typology of innovation paradoxes. The paper ends with a discussion of key observations, findings and suggestions.  相似文献   

技术创新的悖论与开放式创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴先华  郭际 《科技与管理》2007,9(1):127-129
主要探讨了技术创新悖论的类型,深入研究了技术创新悖论的成因,并重点介绍了开放式的创新模式,最后对如何解决技术创新的悖论提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

宪法爱国主义经过哈贝马斯的阐发成为当下的重要理论。作为国家认同的新模式,宪法爱国主义直接与民族主义相反对,它在追求对特定国家的认同的同时带来了世界主义,因而宪法爱国主义存在不可避免的悖论。然而,这个矛盾的宪法爱国主义却前行于悖论之中。  相似文献   

反义务命令悖论与连锁店悖论分别是在道义逻辑和博弈论中产生的,两者看似毫不相关,但其产生的根本原因却是相同的,即都是因为规范的绝对化处理而导致的。正因为相同的构成原因,我们才可以借助二元道义逻辑系统解决反义务命令悖论的方法来解决连锁店悖论。  相似文献   


It is one of the paradoxes of our age that, while new information technologies have provided us with the ability to store, retrieve, manipulate and communicate more data, faster than ever before, at the same time many of our public institutions seem to be losing their memories. Many texts have been written about 'organizational learning', but few about organizational forgetting. The core contention of this paper is that the phenomenon of organizational amnesia deserves attention, from scholars and practitioners alike. My aim, therefore, is to set out the character, causes and likely consequences of institutional memory loss in the contemporary public sector.  相似文献   

知道者悖论是关于"知道"的严格意义的逻辑悖论,在当代悖论研究中占有重要地位,与"盖梯尔"问题、逻辑全能问题之间有着密切的联系,因而具有多层面的理论意义和实践价值,值得积极关注与深入探究。  相似文献   

谢卫红  常青青  李忠顺 《现代情报》2018,38(11):136-144
现有学者从多个视角出发,应用多个理论来研究网络隐私悖论。迄今为止关于隐私悖论的成因研究没有形成统一的研究框架,也缺乏对现有研究的系统梳理与理论整合,这有碍于隐私研究领域的进一步发展。为了弥补这一缺憾,本文检索和收集关于网络隐私悖论的国外文献成果,通过对文献系统性的回顾,对国外网络隐私悖论研究进行了梳理和述评,系统介绍了隐私悖论相关概念、隐私悖论成因相关理论的研究,并为进一步研究提出一个理论整合的框架。这一框架基于计划行为理论,将隐私悖论相关理论间的关系展示出来,让我们更好地了解隐私悖论的形成机理。最后,结合现有网络隐私悖论研究的不足为国内学者未来研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines how scientific and technological (S&T) human capital is transformed into financial capital through the creation of firms by scientists. The analysis is based on a database describing the positions held by 132 founders from 62 French biotech SMEs. It shows that star scientists engage in highly risky but also valuable firms. Less famous scientists must develop their human capital rather than valorising a stock. The paper concludes by pointing to three paradoxes concerning the commitment and compensation scheme of star scientists and the managerial position of less known scientists.  相似文献   

公众理解科学的宗旨是让公众掌握更多的科学知识和科学方法,增加公众对科学的了解和信任,促进国家的竞争力和繁荣。但在发展历程中,公众理解科学运动中出现了很多与其宗旨相矛盾的地方。对这些矛盾进行了总结,并对矛盾背后的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

在具有浓厚文化传统的社会中,相关制度条件会影响到组织治理之特定模式的有效性及主导逻辑.基于先秦“道理论”思想内涵及其传承轨迹的梳理,本文在区分制度制定与执行两个环节的有关制度不变性与响应性“悖论”问题的探讨中,对“德治”和“智治”两种不同组织治理模式各自适用的制度条件以及中国业界实践重塑的方向进行了案例分析与理论评述相糅合的研究,使“一(道)与多(理)”、“不变与变”关系命题获得重新审视.  相似文献   

After defining knowledge networks and the basic concepts of paradox and dilemmas, I analyze a sample of paradoxes/dilemmas commonly associated with them involving culture, structure, cognition, and actionable knowledge. In doing this I focus on how one side of the dilemmas is often associated with negative connotations that drive managers away from that choice. So, for example, hoarding, while it clearly benefits individuals in certain contexts, is typically viewed as a selfish act that hurts the collective. I conclude this essay with a discussion of the need for managers to deliberately confront dilemmas.  相似文献   

In this paper, I approach the question of mobiles in Asian countries by considering the case of Australia. I do so by way of a preliminary inquiry that seeks to explore the intersection between the emergence of mobiles in Australia with transformations in that country's sense of its relationship with Asia. First I discuss the history of the mobile phone in Australia, noting some important uses and representations that formed part of its social shaping. Second, I explore mobiles and the paradoxes of multiculturalism, and also how digital technologies became central to political culture and identity debates in Australia in the early to-mid 1990s. Third, I look at some important moments in the social shaping of text messaging, in which questions of cultural difference were decisive. Finally, I offer concluding remarks about future research on mobiles in Australia and how they are tied into Asian identities.  相似文献   

网络是一把双刃剑,它上为虚拟实践主体创造了前所未有的发展机遇的同时,又给他们带来思维和行为上的混乱和无序,使其面临主体性缺失的危机,造成了发展上的悖论与困境。因此,以哲学的眼光来审视虚拟实践主体的发展难题,思考和探寻可行的对策与措施就显得尤为必要了。我们必须从虚拟实践主体自身、国家和国际的三个角度出发,为虚拟实践主体的发展创造和提供良好的发展环境。  相似文献   

利益相关者管理:新经济时代的管理哲学   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
贾生华  陈宏辉 《软科学》2003,17(1):39-42,46
“股东至上主义”是盎格努-萨克逊体系公司治理模式的核心,但由于它忽略了相关者的利益要求,从而会给企业带来一系列的管理悖论。利益相关者管理理论则认为企业的生存和发展取决于它能否有效地处理与各种利益相关者的关系,而股东只是其中之一罢了。在以知识化、信息化和社会化为特征的新经济条件下,利益相关者的参与情况对企业经营的成败有着至关重要的影响。企业必须抛弃“一切为股东利益服务”的经营理念,而应充分重视培育和发掘员工的人力资本价值,恰当地满足企业众多利益相关者的利益要求。  相似文献   

张慧勇 《科教文汇》2020,(1):164-165
本文试图强调正念练习的悖论。正念是一种微妙的意识形态,它并不源于理性的认知思维,它的实践往往包含以超越逻辑的方式接受矛盾。我们首先界定了正念的定义,它包含三个方面内容:意图、注意力和态度。然后,我们强调了在该领域特别突出的四个矛盾:(1)接受与改变;(2)逃避与投入;(3)努力与不努力;(4)自我关注与非自我关注。最后,我们就这些矛盾进行了讨论,无论是对实践者还是对那些在临床环境中教授正念的人来说都是重要的。  相似文献   

Involving the Virtual Subject   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104396
We draw on information risk theory and paradox theory to examine the additive and combined effects of disclosing exploration and exploitation information on cost of equity capital. We build on theory that presupposes that the information disclosed by a firm about its innovation activities will reduce information risk of investors. However, we contend that disclosure of exploration and exploitation innovation activities could convey potentially paradoxical expectations about a firm's future value. Based on longitudinal data of the UK FTSE 350 firms from 2011–2016, we show that firms tend to disclose more information related to exploration than exploitation. However, the bulk of market benefits are driven by exploitation rather than exploration disclosures—except for R&D-active firms that are rewarded for exploration disclosure. We also find that the combined disclosure is negatively associated with cost of equity capital, with the sub-population of R&D-active firms particularly accruing synergies from combined disclosure of both exploration and exploitation. These findings suggest that the market differentiates between exploration and exploitation information in addressing information risk, more so than previously assumed. We discuss implications for information-type-dependency in information-risk theory, the outward projection of internal paradoxes, capital market valuations of disclosure by R&D-active firms, opportunity-seeking by large publicly listed corporations, and policy implications.  相似文献   

We argue for a discursive ethic of surveillancethat accounts for the paradoxes that thephenomenon presents to today's organisationalmembers. We first we develop a genealogy ofprivacy and illustrate its relation tosurveillance, focusing on the antinomianrelationship between the public and private. Then we review the common ethicaltensions that arise in today's technologicallyintensive workplace. Lastly, we develop acritical approach to the ethical status ofprivacy and surveillance – a micro-ethics – that remains open todiscursively-based negotiation by those whofind themselves at the verypoint of scrutiny.  相似文献   

曹元坤  熊立 《科研管理》2020,41(4):112-122
个体二元行为的心理认知基础一直学界期待解释的重要问题。基于“特质-环境-行为”交互作用框架,实证检验了研发创新人员的二元心智模式作为一种高阶变量构成在特定网络环境下对其二元创新行为的影响。采用结构方程模型和阶层分析法,对71家中高科技企业的463名研发人员进行了问卷调查,发现由自我效能、互惠信念和创新思维交互作用产生的二元心智模式正向激励员工二元创新行为。回归分析显示员工关系网络的知识异质性正向调节二元心智模式对探索式创新行为的影响、负向调节对开发式创新行为的影响。通过高阶因子模型印证了二元心智模式的理论价值;最后探讨了用心智模式解释个体二元性心理认知基础的充分意义。  相似文献   

本文采用探索性嵌入式单案例研究法,以漕河泾高新技术开发区作为研究对象,旨在从企业间合作网络以及创新生态的视角来阐释科技园区使能型创新生态的建构基础以及运行机制,指出信息时代科技园区内组织间关系发生重要变革。传统的契约关系正逐渐向使能、共生关系演进,并由此提出一套科技园区使能型创新生态的基本理论。通过质化研究以及扎根理论对资料进行分析,提炼出了嵌入式联盟网络与企业自身创新能力相互依存、互利共生、协同演化的使能型创新生态模型。通过对宏观产业层面,中观园区层面以及微观企业层面的多层次分析,揭示科技园区构建使能型创新生态的战略意义,为科技园区在非线性、复杂的协同创新过程中进行有效协调提供理论指引。  相似文献   

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