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When I first went to China to teach English I was at a rural school in the south. The closest city was Conghua, with about eighty-five thousand people. I liked to go there on my one day off each week to buy fruit and other things to have in my dorm at the school. Sometimes, I would go with one of the other foreign teachers but many times I would go alone and I would be the only westerner in the city, a minority of one.  相似文献   

When classmates meet again after school breaks , we would talk about our vacations, and share the beautiful places we have been and the interesting things we have done . But I think the qualityof the trip isn’t effected by the “been there ’s and done that’s” but ef- fected by whom you “been there and done that”with. “ Jinglebells,jinglebells, jingleallthe way ...” Happy songs were playingloudlyinthe van. It was a big family (the familiesof my Mom ’s four sisters and my grandpar - en…  相似文献   

刘欣 《海外英语》2007,(4):30-31
I haven't thought I would come back and sit at the desk, tapping out my mind in front of the computer. I was obsessed with the idea that I would not write any more.  相似文献   

My wife Shirley and I have gone on holidays to a quiet beach for most of our married life. If that beach could talk, it would tell of teenage newlyweds who sunned and wrote "I love you" on its sands. It would tell of a little girl with eyes the colour of the sea gathering seashells and of three wild boys leaping and diving into the surf. It would tell of  相似文献   

Dear human beings,I used to be a happy frog living carefreely in a beautiful pond.Every day my fellow frogs and I would enjoy ourselves by killing pests in the fields during the daytime,while at night we would sing sweet songs,with which the locals would go to sleep soundly.  相似文献   

Every Chinese-language textbook starts out with the standard phrases for greeting people;but as an American,I always found myself1to speak freely when it came to seeing guests off at the door.Just a good-bye would notdo,yet that was allI had ever learned from the2books.So I would smile and nod,bowing like a Japanese and searching madly for words that would3over the visitor’s leaving and make them feel they would be4to come again.In my unease,I often hid behind the skirts of my Chinese hus…  相似文献   

Life with Mom,Dad,and two sisters had always been peaceful.But then came a news that would change my world.We were moving,before the beginning of my sixth grade,leaving the only town I had ever known.Not only would I not be able to graduate elementary school with my friends,but I also would have to start middle school with a class full of kids who had known each other since 1)kindergarten.  相似文献   

For the need of work, my mother went to TianJin ten days ago. I will not see her for a month. At the beginning, I thought I was independent and that the pace of my life would not be upset(1) . But I was wrong. On the third day when my mother is away, began to collapse(2) . I had a fever, my head ached as if it would explode(3). I thought I would die if I didn't have my mother with me. I hate my cowardice(4) and uselessness, but I just couldn't control my missing heart. After one week…  相似文献   

袁立 《考试》2006,(12)
Isn't it amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your life's history? This is certainly what happened in ray life. When I was 14, I was hitchhiking from Houston, Texas, through El Paso on my way to California. I was following my dream, journeying with the sun. I was a high school dropout with learning disabilities and was set on surfing the biggest waves in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii, where I would later live.  相似文献   

Snowflakes are very beautiful. They look like stars, flowers, or crystals. People like them very much because they stand for beauty and purity.When it snows I often stand by the window, watching snowflakes floating with the gentle wind in the air. How happy I would be if I was one of the snowflakes, dancing happily with others in the air!  相似文献   

My wife, Shirley, and I have gone on vacations to a quiet beach in southwestern Florida for most of our married life. If that beach could talk, it would tell of teenage newlyweds(新婚夫妇) who sunned and wrote "I love you" on its sands. It would tell of a little girl with eyes the color of the sea gathering seashells  相似文献   

I arrived in the classroom, ready to share my knowledge and experience with 76 students who would be my English literature class. Having taught in the US for 17 years, I had no doubt about my ability to hold their attention and to impress on them my admiration for the literature of my mother tongue.  相似文献   

I sat on the plane and wondered if I would 1)end up hating Emily.That same part of me also wondered if I should have gone at all.What if I was 2)stuck for three days wearing a false smile and pretending I found her 3)halfway 4)tolerable? Or what if,instead,I was the one who ended up on the receiving end of the false smiles,being regarded with 5)minimum tolerability? What if we found each other so 6)unbearable we would never speak again? There were so many things that could go wrong.  相似文献   

Welcome to Bilingual Time's new Photo Time columnl
My interest in photography began around 10 years ago with me crawling around in my darkened attic, spilling chemicals on the bare floorboards in the days before digital photography had really made an impact. And ever since then, it has held me captivated and left me always on the lookout for interesting new scenes to capture. So when I first saw China, I was naturally very excited. The sheer size of the country - its varied scenery and peoples, had me snapping away the moment I stepped off the plane. Since then I have travelled to various parts of China, always taking photos; sometimes pleased with the results, sometimes nearly sobbing over sheets of ruined negatives. I have met Chinese photographers everywhere whilst out and about - from tour groups of young and old who want to pose with a westerner, to the Nikon jacketed professional with his big tripod and enormous lenses. The one thing I have missed is meeting with and learning from those Chinese photographers similar to me - those for whom taking pictures is a hobby, and those who know there's still a lot to learn but are having a lot of fun trying.  相似文献   

In August, before the semester began, I went to Beijing to visit some friends that had stopped in China on their way to Brisbane, Australia. My friends were about to spend the next three months on an overseas program in Australia. They suggested that when I had some time off this semester that I should come and visit them. I had always wanted to visit Australia. I figured that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would probably never get an-other chance in my life to visit Australia, and spend it with nine of my best friends.  相似文献   

A Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. I spent two months with an American family last year when I studied in America. It is said,"The best house is in America,the best wife is in Japan, and the best food is in China." So I was proud to(?)the best food" for my American family.Each day,though my cooking skill was poor,I would  相似文献   

I went to the woods when my daddy died,to a thicket of blackberry brambles shut off from the rest of the wortd.When the preacher came to find me, I pressed my face deep into the thorns and was still as a stone,Hid for long enough, I thought, and the world would return to normal. The preacher would stop calling my name, and my daddy would come home.  相似文献   

What if I were the headmaster? Let me tell you important something① about it.If I were the headmaster,I would ask the teachers to give the students less homework and reduce the students' pressure.I would give the students more time to do what they want.For example,I would make them to form② good study habits in learning all the subjects.I also want to train them to get over difficulties and how to learn very well.  相似文献   

I shall never forget going to school for the firsttime.I remembered____in the morning and starting to____while my mother began cooking my breakfast.Shekept on____me to hurry up or I would miss the bus,orI would not catch the bus.I soon finished____because Iwas too____to eat much.I was a very small child and I  相似文献   

Doves of Peace     
Nothing is more beautiful in the world than the picture in which animals and human beings get on well with each other. I believe every one of us would be deeply moved by such a picture.  相似文献   

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