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This column examines recent research that illustrates the varying perspectives of cesarean birth and vaginal birth.  相似文献   

出生性别比标准的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的出生性别比的正常范围102-107是建立在大样本上的,而实际样本都存在抽样误差,该文用x^2检验方法导出出生性别的0.95置信度的范围界限与样本量的关系,并对中国人口出生性别比的偏离程度进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   

梁《律》、《令》的修订在南齐立法的基础上完成,实为齐、梁两代的立法成果。梁《律》、《令》以晋《律》、《令》为蓝本制成,但在篇目上有一些改制,有关内容也较晋《律》、《令》完备。梁《律》、《令》对陈、北周、隋、唐《律》、《令》都有重要影响,是隋、唐《律》、《令》的重要渊源,其中梁《令》是隋、唐《令》的主要渊源。梁《律》、《令》是汉、魏、晋《律》、《令》向隋、唐《律》、《令》发展过程中极为重要的环节。  相似文献   

In spite of the efforts of numerous organizations and individuals to offer mother-friendly birth information and care in the United States, the nation remains a highly technical, low-touch birth culture with a decline in positive maternal-fetal outcomes. A number of organizations and individuals came together to form the Coalition for Improving Maternity Services and to create the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative (MFCI). The MFCI is a wellness model of maternity care that offers 10 evidence-based steps of care that will improve birth outcomes and reduce costs. Birth educators can use this self-assessment tool to provide the same evidence-based information.  相似文献   

Subjects typically show superior discriminative performance when a distinguishing feature appears on reinforced rather than nonreinforced trials. The phenomenon is usually attributed to the relative predictiveness of the reinforcer by different stimulus elements. However, stimulus addition may be more effective than stimulus deletion as a signal. By removing the standard intertriai intervals, we made addition and deletion equally predictive of the reinforcer in four operant experiments involving between- and within-subject comparisons. Pigeons consistently performed better on operant discriminations when the addition rather than deletion of an auditory or visual stimulus served as the cue for food. This general finding persisted despite manipulation of the relative duration and localizability of the signal. Thus mere presence as opposed to absence plays a role in the feature-positive superiority, an outcome that may reflect a fundamental, biologically based difference between addition and deletion as effective signals of reinforcement.  相似文献   

‘Choice’ and ‘freedom’ as measured by the ability of parents to select their children's schools are deeply embedded in the national ethos of the United States of America. Wealthy American parents have always exercised school choice but minority and lowincome students are often trapped in failing schools. This paper is based on research conducted in a purposive sample of Irish primary schools into the nature of school choice. The authors examine five aspects of the Irish national primary school system that could provide models for American educators, whose vision often stops at the boundaries of the United States: education law, school choice for all, a national curriculum framework, the role of assessment, and the role of parents and educators in the creation of new schools. While arguably the five relate directly to school choice of different degrees, they collectively weave a web whereby school systems in the Republic of Ireland and the USA may productively be compared to the benefit of both.  相似文献   

In the primary grades, literacy teachers often face dual and competing challenges. On one hand, they are expected to provide developmentally appropriate practice in a contextually-sensitive manner. On the other hand, they are often charged with using packaged literacy curricula that contains components that are developmentally inappropriate for young learners. This piece provides a case study of the impact of mandated packaged curricula on one such teacher's beliefs and pedagogy.  相似文献   

Rats were tested for spontaneous alternation in a variety of mazes differing in the angle between choice alleys. Uniformly high alternation rates were found at all angles from 330 down to 90 deg. At 45 or 0 deg, the rates approximated a chance 50%, and at angles between 45 and 90 deg the alternation rates were also intermediate. The hypothesis that the spatial distance between goal regions is the critical factor was rejected, and it was concluded that the angle between alleys is the principal factor determining alternation under these conditions. The results support the idea that alternation in the rat is basically a vestibular phenomenon.  相似文献   

高师院校学生大多没有接受系统的礼仪文化教育,礼仪知识缺乏,在大学校园仍有许多不知礼、不文明的行为,而高师院校又要实施卓越教师人才培养目标,因此从课程建设出发解决问题,高师院校应该开设“教师礼仪修养”必修课.课程目标包括基础知识目标、能力目标、对礼仪文化敬仰和热爱的长远目标.课程内容包括基础知识、个人形象、社会交往和个人发展等四大模块,构成完整丰富的内容体系.课程实施路径包括教师以身示范、营造良好校园礼仪环境等.文章对完善高师课程建设以及增强高师德育时效性具有积极意义.  相似文献   

Artmaking, when used as a form of pedagogy and approached in a socially-conscious manner, has the potential to promote agency and create a democratic learning environment for students. This study examines one such project, "The Council," created by artist Adelita Husni-Bey in collaboration with former Teen Program attendees of the Museum of Modern Art. The Council is a collection of large-scale photographs created from a series of workshops in which 13 young adults imagined themselves reshaping the museum's societal role after a major global crisis. The final photographs were exhibited in the museum's main galleries, representing a participatory, socially-engaged artwork produced from a pedagogical process. While there is a prevalence of these types of pedagogy-based artworks, contemporary art literature tends to focus mainly on the artist, disregarding the participants. Therefore, from the stance of an art educator, I examined the learning experiences of the participants as well as the pedagogical framework of the artist. The reviews from the participants were overwhelmingly positive, with many noting a significant increase in their confidence and a greater sense of agency. A liberating experience of collaboration was also stated as a common experience. These outcomes were attributed to the artist's innovative use of multimodal learning and effective facilitation grounded in Francesc Ferrer's philosophy of anarcho-collectivism and integral education, as well as critical pedagogy. This study suggests that creative methodologies can significantly enhance intrinsically motivated learning and emphasises the importance of nurturing the next generation as they envision a more equitable and just society.  相似文献   

随着无线网络、便携终端在教育中日益广泛的应用,“无缝学习”成为新兴的研究热点。近年来出现的一系列教学创新,从视频微课、翻转课堂到MOOC(大众公播课,国内简称“慕课”),都在强化无缝学习的发展趋向,使其成为数字时代学习的新常态。本文在考察无缝学习发展起源的基础上,提炼出无缝学习的三维特征,无缝学习系统的构成要素,最后分析了实施无缝学习带来的新挑战。  相似文献   

宋“式”考论——兼论唐式之性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋代前期,式沿用唐式的内容和形式。神宗元丰以后,宋式在性质、编纂体例、修订模式上都发生了重大变化,特别是在性质上,由令的细则性规定变成为法定公文程式。宋式的变化,是宋代对编敕、格等法律形式的性质、功能进行调整的结果。宋式的变化使得宋令的内容更加整齐划一,令、式分工更加明确,两者关系更加协调、合理。  相似文献   

The pedagogical approach for both didactic and laboratory teaching of anatomy has changed in the last 25 years and continues to evolve; however, assessment of student anatomical knowledge has not changed despite the awareness of Bloom's taxonomy. For economic reasons most schools rely on multiple choice questions (MCQ) that test knowledge mastered while competences such as critical thinking and skill development are not typically assessed. In contrast, open‐ended question (OEQ) examinations demand knowledge construction and a higher order of thinking, but more time is required from the faculty to score the constructed responses. This study compares performances on MCQ and OEQ examinations administered to a small group of incoming first year medical students in a preparatory (enrichment) anatomy course that covered the thorax and abdomen. In the thorax module, the OEQ examination score was lower than the MCQ examination score; however, in the abdomen module, the OEQ examination score improved compared to the thorax OEQ score. Many students attributed their improved performance to a change from simple memorization (superficial learning) for cued responses to conceptual understanding (deeper learning) for constructed responses. The results support the view that assessment with OEQs, which requires in depth knowledge, would result in student better performance in the examination. Anat Sci Educ 11: 254–261. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

地方普通话产生根源探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方普通话是方言区人们学习普通话过程中出现的一种中介语,是一种带有地方方言色彩的不够标准的普通话.其形成根源有母方言负迁移、过度泛化、训练迁移、学习策略和交际策略等.研究地方普通话产生的根源,可以使我们对地方普通话有正确的认识,对普通话教学有一定的启示.  相似文献   

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