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Building on attachment theory and infancy research, this study examines relations between maternal style and attachment patterns in early childhood. Mothers of children classified as Secure at 4.5 years were rated higher than mothers of Insecure children on positive mood, meshing, enjoyment of child, and providing a relaxed home atmosphere. In a laboratory joint task, they had a higher frequency of monitoring, planning, and affirming and also received higher ratings for providing a sensitive framework. Compared with all other mothers, mothers of Avoidant children monitored less and planned less but reported themselves in a better light on 3 temperament scales as well as a depression scale. Mothers of Ambivalent children rated themselves as the most depressed and anxious and the least satisfied with their marriages. Their interactions at home were characterized by friction. Mothers of Controlling children rated themselves as least irritable and anxious, but in the laboratory they affirmed less, enjoyed the task less, and provided a less sensitive framework than all other mothers.  相似文献   

Associations are reported among classifications of Adult Attachment Interviews (AAIs) obtained from expectant parents and subsequent classifications of their infants in the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP). Mothers' AAIs predicted infant-mother SSPs ( X 2= 41.87, N = 96, df = 9, ρ≤ .0001), and fathers' AAIs predicted infant-father SSPs ( X 2= 18.94, N = 90, df = 6, ρ≤ .005). Associations between parents' AAIs and infant-parent SSPs were lessened by the failure to predict the insecure-resistant pattern with mother and the absence of this pattern with father. Counter to expectation, infant-father SSPs were associated with infant-mother SSPs ( X 2= 3.78, N = 90, df = 1, ρ≤ .05), which could not be accounted for in terms of an overlap between parental AAIs. A secondary analysis of the data suggested that this dependency effect of SSPs may be explained by the influence of maternal AAIs upon child-father SSPs. Results are discussed in terms of intergenerational and relationship-specific influences upon attachment during infancy, the possible influence of infant temperament, and the relative influence of mother and father upon the child's evolving representations of attachments within the family.  相似文献   

While research suggests that working more than 20 hr weekly is associated with greater antisocial behavior among middle‐ and upper‐class youth, some have argued that employment benefits at‐risk youth and leads to desistance from crime among youthful offenders. This study investigates the relation between hours worked, school attendance, and employment characteristics on antisocial behavior in a sample of approximately 1,300 juvenile offenders (ages 14–17 at baseline) tracked over 5 years. The combinations of high‐intensity employment and irregular school attendance, unemployment and irregular school attendance, and unemployment and not being enrolled in school are associated with significantly greater antisocial behavior, particularly during early adolescence. High‐intensity employment diminishes antisocial behavior only when accompanied by attending school.  相似文献   

The protective role of strength of group identity was examined for youth in a context of protracted political conflict. Participants included 814 adolescents (Mage = 13.61, SD = 1.99 at Time 1) participating in a longitudinal study in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Utilizing hierarchical linear modeling, the results show that the effect of exposure to sectarian antisocial behaviors has a stronger effect on youth emotion problems for older adolescents. The results also show that youth with higher strength of group identity reported fewer emotion problems in the face of sectarian antisocial behavior but that this buffering effect is stronger for Protestants compared to Catholics. Implications are discussed for understanding the role of social identity in postaccord societies.  相似文献   

预测是阅读中的一项常用的策略,它由引发预测的语言单元、先前知识、预测内容和预测产品四个部分组成;预测策略的发生具有较为模式化的心理过程,一次独立的预测活动由五步组成;在语篇中,预测可以分为源于语篇标题和小标题的预测、源于语篇首段的预测、源于段落首、尾句的预测、分句之间以及句间预测四类。  相似文献   


This article illustrates how an attachment to a local natural resource can influence environmentally responsible behavior (ERB) in an individual's everyday life. Our study showed that 4 general (e.g., talking with others about environmental issues) and 3 specific (e.g., sorting recyclable trash) behavioral indicators reflected a single environmentally responsible latent construct. Following previous research, we operationalized place attachment using 2 concepts: (a) place dependence (i.e., a functional attachment) and (b) place identity (i.e., an emotional attachment). The influence of these two concepts on ERB was examined using a structural equation model. Data for this analysis were obtained from a survey of youth, 14-17 years of age (N = 182), who participated in local natural resource work programs. Results supported the predicted relationships. As hypothesized, place identity mediated the relationship between place dependence and responsible behavior. Place dependence influenced place identity (β = .88, p < .001, R 2 = .77), and place identity was significantly related to ERB (P = .63, p < .001, R 2 = .40). Overall, the model suggests that encouraging an individual's connection to a natural setting facilitates the development of general ERB.  相似文献   

This multimethod study of 101 mothers, fathers, and children elucidates poorly understood role of children's attachment security as moderating a common maladaptive trajectory: from parental power assertion, to child resentful opposition, to child antisocial conduct. Children's security was assessed at 15 months, parents' power assertion observed at 25 and 38 months, children's resentful opposition to parents observed at 52 months, and antisocial conduct rated by parents at 67 months. Moderated mediation analyses indicated that in insecure dyads, parental power assertion predicted children's resentful opposition, which then predicted antisocial conduct. This mechanism was absent in secure dyads. Early insecurity acts as a catalyst for a dyad embarking on mutually adversarial path toward antisocial outcomes, whereas early security defuses this maladaptive trajectory.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of maternal employment and separation anxiety on maternal interactive behavior and infant attachment. 73 mother-infant pairs participated in a laboratory free-play session when infants were 5 and 10 months of age and in the Strange Situation when the infants were 18 months of age. Maternal feelings about being separated from her infant were assessed by questionnaire at 5 months. Employed mothers returned to work before the infants' fifth month, and nonemployed mothers did not work outside the home through their infants' tenth month. Employed mothers who reported high levels of separation anxiety were more likely to exhibit intrusive behaviors at 10 months. While employment was not directly related to attachment, we found infants of high-anxiety employed mothers to develop anxious-avoidant attachments. The results suggest that maternal separation anxiety and interactive style may be important mediators between employment and later infant outcome.  相似文献   

Origins of Attachment: Maternal Interactive Behavior across the First Year   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study built on attachment theory and previous research in examining the interactional origins of the secure, insecure-resistant, and insecureavoidant patterns of attachment. Maternal sensitive responsivity, rejection, and activity were the focus of repeated naturalistic observations when infants were 1, 4, and 9 months of age; quality of attachment was assessed at 1 year. Mothers of secure 1-year-olds were observed to be more sensitively responsive at 1 and 4 months and less rejecting at 1 and 9 months than mothers of insecure infants. Mothers of insecure-avoidant infants were more rejecting at 9 months, whereas mothers of insecure-resistant infants were least sensitively responsive and most rejecting at 1 month; the insecure groups were also differentiated on the basis of patterns of change from 1 to 9 months, with mothers of resistant infants becoming less rejecting and mothers of avoidant infants becoming more rejecting relative to other mothers.  相似文献   

从《经传释词》的虚词分类看其系统观和语法观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本以《经传释词》的词类名为依据和线索,整理出《释词》个所包含的虚词词类系统,共有叹词、助词、代词、连词、副词、介词等几大类,其中还可以分成若干个小类。从这个词类系统可以看出,在系联语词并将之归类的过程中,《释词》已体现了一定的语言系统思想;能从语法意义和功能分布的角度来区分词类,这又是一种进步的语法观念。这两方面的结合促成了《释词》词类研究上的成就。  相似文献   

Children's lie-telling is surprisingly understudied among children with significant behavioral problems. In the present study, experimental paradigms were used to examine antisocial lie-telling among ethnically diverse 5- to 10-year-old children with disruptive behavior disorders (DBD;= 71) and a typically developing (TD) comparison sample (= 50) recruited from a southeastern state from 2013 to 2014. Children completed two games that measured the prevalence and skill of their lies: (a) for personal gain and (b) to conceal wrongdoing. Children with DBD were more likely to lie for personal gain than TD children. With age, children were more likely to lie to conceal wrongdoing, but the reverse was true regarding lies for personal gain. Results advance knowledge concerning individual differences in children's lie-telling.  相似文献   

青铜器是研究哀牢文化的核心实证材料。青铜器的器类识别和分期是重要的基础研究。以保山为中心的哀牢国地出土的青铜器已见30多种,分属礼乐器、兵器、生产工具和生活用器四大类,青铜器使用于哀牢社会政治、军事、文化及生产、生活等各个领域。哀牢青铜器具有明显的民族和地域特征。  相似文献   

本研究考察学龄前自闭症儿童与普通儿童在依恋行为和消极行为上的不同,以及这两种行为与母亲抚养困难感受程度的关系。结果表明,与普通儿童相比,自闭症儿童的消极行为更为显著,其依恋安全性分数也显著低于普通儿童。然而进一步将依恋行为划分成两种类型分别进行分析,发现自闭症儿童"与母亲保持亲近"的行为与普通儿童没有显著差异,其"交际行为"则显著落后于普通儿童。自闭症儿童的母亲比普通儿童的母亲感受到更多的抚养困难。回归分析表明自闭症儿童的消极行为能显著预测母亲抚养困难感受的各个维度,而交际型的依恋行为则显著预测母亲缺乏能力感的困难感受。  相似文献   

A cross-cultural replication of concordance between attachment patterns to mother in infancy and patterns of reunion responses to mother at age 6 was tested for 40 children in Regensburg, South Germany. Concordance between the 4 types of attachment status (A, B, C, D) in infancy and at age 6 was 82%. When observed in preschool at age 5, children classified securely attached (B) at age 6 were more competent in their play quality and conflict resolution, showed fewer behavior problems, and attributed less hostility in a social perception picture test compared to the insecurely attached (A, D) children. Children classified disorganized (D) at age 6 were found almost as often in the incompetent preschool behavior groups as the avoidantly attached (A) children, independent of best-fitting alternative attachment pattern. Thus, disorganization at age 6 may be considered as an insecure attachment.  相似文献   

目的:探究大学生同伴依恋与冒险行为的关系,考察自尊的中介作用。方法:采用亲密关系经历量表、自尊量表以及青少年冒险行为量表对283名在校大学生进行问卷调查。结果:(1)同伴依恋、依恋回避、依恋焦虑与冒险行为均存在显著正相关;同伴依恋、依恋回避、依恋焦虑与自尊皆显著负相关;自尊与冒险行为显著负相关;(2)自尊在同伴依恋与消极冒险行为间起部分中介作用;自尊在依恋回避与消极冒险行为间起部分中介作用,并在依恋焦虑与消极冒险行为间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

收养家庭亲子依恋关系问题一直是发展心理学和社会心理学非常关注的话题。文章介绍了亲子依恋关系的丧失与收养过程中的重建、影响依恋重建的因素及依恋重建的干预和治疗措施,以期对中国收养家庭的亲子依恋重建问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

首先,课文结构分类必须建立在对各类文体本质特征的把握基础之上。课文结构分类的依据就在于找到不同课文结构中的某种共同性。其次,课文结构分类应当具有统一的科学依据,分类要正确,要相等。通过对英语课文结构的对比和分析,作者把课文结构分为四类:叙述文、析理文、说明文、应用文。  相似文献   

Relations between Attachment, Gender, and Behavior with Peers in Preschool   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
40 4-year-old children and their mothers participated in a study investigating concurrent links between attachment and peer interactions. Security of attachment was assessed in the laboratory from reunion episodes following a 10-min separation. Focal child observations were carried out during indoor free play in preschool. Relations between insecure attachment and peer interactions were different for boys and girls. Insecure boys showed more aggressive, disruptive, assertive, controlling, and attention-seeking behavior than secure children. Insecure girls showed more dependent behavior than secure children but less assertive and controlling behavior, and more positive expressive behavior and compliance. Secure girls and secure boys did not differ significantly. Gender differences in social behavior may be accounted for by a subgroup of children, those classified as insecure, and the same attachment classification may lead to different predictions depending on whether the child is a boy or a girl.  相似文献   

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