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Six rats were placed on concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules with a 15-sec changeover delay (COD). The variable-interval schedules were varied such that the COD comprised between 25% and 100% of the average interreinforcement interval of the more favorable alternative. The obtained reinforcement rate and the rate of changing from one schedule to the other were compared to predictions of Houston and McNamara’s (1981) optimality model of concurrent choice. The pattern of behavioral allocation was consistent with the predictions of the model, although none of the animals was able to achieve optimal performance on any of the presented schedules. Observed behavior reliably tracked optimal behavior in that the ratio of obtained reinforcers to the optimum predicted by Houston and McNamara did not vary as the underlying schedule parameters was changed.  相似文献   

Pigeons responded to concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules of food reinforcement. Interchangeover times and reinforcements were recorded in intact time series during acquisition following several schedule-density manipulations. Probability of a changeover, while constant as a function of time since the previous changeover, was found to be a nonmonotonically increasing function of time since reinforcement. Autocorrelation analyses of intact time series revealed the presence of statistically significant sequential dependencies in the time series during acquisition, but not during asymptotic performance. Lag transformations of actual interchangeover times revealed inhomogeneities in the time series not shown in the autocorrelations or in the overall distribution of interchangeover times.  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked on two response keys that delivered reinforcers on a variable-interval schedule. The proportion of reinforcers delivered by one key was constant for a few sessions and then changed, and subjects’ choice responses were recorded during these periods of transition. In Experiment 1, response proportions approached a new asymptote slightly more slowly when the switch in reinforcement proportions was more extreme. In Experiment 2, slightly faster transitions were found with higher overall rates of reinforcement. The results from the first session, after a switch in the reinforcement proportions, were generally consistent with a mathematical model that assumes that the strength of each response is increased by reinforcement and decreased by nonreinforcement. However, neither this model nor other similar models predicted the “spontaneous recovery” observed in later sessions: At the start of these sessions, response proportions reverted toward their preswitch levels. Computer simulations could mimic the spontaneous recovery by assuming that subjects store separate representations of response strength for each session, which are averaged at the start of each new session.  相似文献   

Pigeons’ preference between fixed-interval and variable-interval schedules was examined using a concurrent-chains procedure. Responses to two concurrently available keys in the initial links of the concurrent chains occasionally produced terminal links where further responses were reinforced under either a fixed- or variable-interval schedule. In previous studies, preferences for the variable schedule with such a procedure have been interpreted as reflecting atemporal scaling process that heavily weights the shorter intervals in the variable schedule. The present experiment examined whetherpredictability, i.e., the presence of external stimuli correlated with the reinforcement interval, might also influence preference in such situations. When the two intervals in a variable schedule were made predictable by being associated with different key colors, preference for that schedule increased. This increase was reliable but small in magnitude and transient when initial-link responses only occasionally produced terminal links; it was large in magnitude when only one response in the initial link was required to produce the appropriate terminal-link schedule. The results suggest that preference between fixed and variable schedules may be influenced both by temporal scaling and to a lesser extent by predictability of the reinforcement intervals.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a multiple concurrent schedule with two components per session. In one component, changing schedules required the completion of a small fixed ratio on the switching key (a fixed-ratio changeover, or FRCO), and in the other component, changing schedules required only one switching response but engaged a changeover delay (COD) during which keypecks were not reinforced. Response ratios overmatched reinforcer ratios under the FRCO but undermatched under the COD. There was no difference in time allocation. In addition to these molar regularities in behavior, there were characteristic differences in performance at the molecular level. These local patterns of behavior, which can be explained within the context of contingencies created by the different changeover requirements, appear to underlie differences in performance at the molar level. Obtained molar differences in performance are not compatible with the assumption that there is a “general outcome” on concurrent schedules; and explaining these molar differences in performance in terms of the local contingencies of reinforcement is contrary to the assumption that behavior is allocated as a function of molar distributions of reinforcers.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained on a multiple schedule of reinforcement in which each component was a concurrent schedule. The concurrent schedules were programmed by the changeover-key procedure. The primary purpose was to determine if the relative behavior allocated to two response alternatives is affected when absolute changes in these behaviors occur; i.e., to determine if matching is affected when positive behavioral contrast occurs. Results showed that (1) relative behavior in the unaltered component of the multiple schedule is not disrupted when positive contrast occurs in that component, (2) positive contrast occurred when the overall frequency of reinforcement in the reinforcement-correlated component(s) was high, but not when it was low, (3) changeover behavior was susceptible to positive contrast effects, and (4) changeover contrast and food-key contrast are independent phenomena.  相似文献   

The effects of changeover delays of fixed or variable duration on concurrent variable-interval performance in pigeons were investigated in a series of three experiments. Experiment 1 compared the effects of a fixed, variable, or variable signaled changeover delay on interchangeover times and responding during and after the changeover delay. The duration of the changeover delays was systematically varied in Experiment 2, and the relative reinforcement frequencies were manipulated in Experiment 3. Interchangeover times were found to be shorter when changeover delays of variable duration were compared with those of fixed duration. Changeover delays of fixed duration produced higher response rates during the changeover delay than after the changeover delay had elapsed; changeover delays of variable duration produced such differences to a lesser extent. It was concluded that the changeover delay in concurrent variable-interval schedules of reinforcement functionally acts as a delay period to the next opportunity for reinforcement, possibly serving as a conditioned reinforcer for the behavior preceding it (the interchangeover time) and as a discriminative stimulus for the behavior in its presence (response rates during the delay).  相似文献   

Five rats responded on several concurrent schedules in which pressing a key produced reinforcers in one component and pressing a lever produced reinforcers in the other component (Experiment 1). Four pigeons responded on several concurrent keypeck treadlepress schedules (Experiment 2). The programmed rates of reinforcement varied from 15 to 240 reinforcers per hour in different conditions. Rates of responding usually changed systematically within experimental sessions, and the changes were similar for the two components of a concurrent schedule. These results imply that within-session changes in responding may not confound the predictions of theories that describe the ratio of the rates of responding during the two components of concurrent schedules. Instead, within-session changes may be controlled by a mechanism that integrates the reinforcers obtained from the two components.  相似文献   

Ten rhesus monkeys were trained on five tasks, each of which consisted of eight concurrently presented object discrimination problems. Sequences of presentation were devised to allow one, two, or three new tasks to intervene between acquisition and retention tests or to provide a 30-day period of no testing. Equivalent and proficient performances were obtained in all retention tests, and no relationship was observed between retention and the initial preference characteristics of various objects. Object pReferences did produce significant influences upon acquisition, but these effects were not as pronounced in early tasks as in later ones. An additional retention test provided support for the contention that monkeys do not necessarily process information about specific object pair discriminations. Rather, they appeared to retain a list of previously rewarded objects even when object pairings were different from those provided during acquisition. Concurrent discriminations involving many distinct objects were resistant to interference and independent of preference characteristics over long retention periods.  相似文献   

A modification of the nonlinear curve-fitting procedure proposed by Wetherington and Lucas (1980) was used to assess how well Herrnstein’s (1970) equation for the rates of responding during concurrent schedules described performance. The equation fitted some results very well, accounting for 80% or more of the variance in the data in studies that used moderate-duration changeover delays and provided the same positive reinforcers, operanda, and simple schedules in the two components. The equation fitted the data poorly in other studies. The k parameter changed with several variables; it was not as constant as Herrnstein (1974) suggested. R0 did not fit Herrnstein’s interpretation as reinforcement from unprogrammed sources. Forty percent of all values of R0 were negative, and another 23% were unreasonably large (greater than 50 reinforcers/h). The data suggest that Herrnstein’s equation is not a general theory of concurrent-schedule responding, and that Herrnstein’s interpretation of k and R0 should be modified.  相似文献   

Behavioral momentum theory provides a framework for understanding how conditions of reinforcement influence instrumental response strength under conditions of disruption (i.e., resistance to change). The present experiment examined resistance to change of divided-attention performance when different overall probabilities of reinforcement were arranged across two components of a multiple schedule. Pigeons responded in a delayed-matching-to-sample procedure with compound samples (color + line orientation) and element comparisons (two colors or two line orientations). Reinforcement ratios of 1:9, 1:1, and 9:1 for accurate matches on the two types of comparison trials were examined across conditions using reinforcement probabilities (color/lines) of .9/.1, .5/.5, and .1/.9 in the rich component and .18/.02, .1/.1, and .02/.18 in the lean component. Relative accuracy with color and line comparisons was an orderly function of relative reinforcement, but this relation did not depend on the overall rate of reinforcement between components. The resistance to change of divided-attention performance was greater for both trial types in the rich component with presession feeding and extinction, but not with decreases in sample duration. These findings suggest promise for the applicability of quantitative models of operant behavior to divided-attention performance, but they highlight the need to further explore conditions impacting the resistance to change of attending.  相似文献   

Four pigeons pecked for food reinforcers delivered by several two-key concurrent schedules. The sum of the rates of reinforcement provided by the component schedules varied from 25 to 300 reinforcers/h. The ratio of the rates of reinforcement remained constant at 1:4. The sum of the rates of responding generated by the component schedules increased with increases in the sum of the rates of reinforcement which the components provided. The increase in response rate was predicted by equations proposed by Catania (1963) and by Herrnstein (1970). But the data conformed more closely to Herrnstein’s equation.  相似文献   

This is the second in a series of articles dealing with the DIFUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION of instructional inovations. The initial introductory article to this series appeared in the April issue. Subsequent articles will deal with various special aspects of planned change in education.  相似文献   

At an early age many of us are taught not to talk about money with others in order to avoid conflict. But if you work in child care, where there are too many demands and too few resources, such evasion isn't helpful or even possible.Child Care Employee Project (CCEP) is a national resource clearinghouse providing resources. It gives assitance to those seeking to upgrade child care working conditions, status and salaries.  相似文献   

The conservation model was generalized to the variable-interval schedule by incorporating the concept of unscheduled instrumental responses, those which occur in the time before the next setup is due. Thirsty rats responded in constant-duration sessions on two 7-sec schedules that required one leverpress for 25 and 50 licks at a water tube and on a 14-sec 25-lick schedule. In accordance with the model, total licks decreased linearly as total presses increased, and the schedules facilitated leverpressing and suppressed licking relative to paired baseline levels of responding. While the matching model also gave a satisfactory fit to instrumental responding under the schedules, its two constants, representing asymptotic rate of responding and extraneous reinforcement, had anomalous values which led the model to predict that response rate would decrease as the rate of reinforcement increased, directly opposing its prediction for the constant-consumption experiments of its previous tests.  相似文献   

Achieving change in assessment practices in higher education is difficult. One of the reasons for this is resistance among those responsible for teaching and assessing. This paper seeks to explore this resistance through an analysis of staff dialogue during a major attempt to change the assessment practices at one institution. An institution-wide intervention to pilot new assessment practices was initiated, involving 35 academics across 12 departments. This paper reports on patterns emerging in dialogue about this among academics, and between academics and educational development personnel. Findings suggest that resistance is not a unitary concept, but that different stakeholders under varied circumstances express it differently; and that resistance to assessment change is particularly resilient. Implications are discussed in terms of relevance to current theories of higher education assessment and learning change management, as well as the practical considerations of attempts by institutions to engage in assessment change.  相似文献   

This study examined the associations between children's early life experiences with parents, ego resiliency and ego undercontrol, and peer group social status in a longitudinal, multimethod study from infancy to middle childhood. Participants were 129 children (52% boys) who were followed from 15 months of age to 9 years and their primary caregivers from the Nijmegen Longitudinal Study on Infant and Child Development. The measurements included observations of parent–child interaction, teacher ratings of ego resiliency and ego undercontrol, and peer‐reported social status. Quality of parental interactive behavior was associated with ego resiliency and ego undercontrol. Ego resiliency and ego undercontrol were uniquely related to preference and popularity. The findings provide insight into the developmental pathways leading to the two distinct types of social status.  相似文献   

Willingness to Pay and Preference for Private Institutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study focuses on the correlates of student preference for private institutions over public institutions in their senior year in high school, with a particular focus on the effects of students' subjective responses to tuition costs and to financial aid availability. The data for this study were drawn from a longitudinal study of postsecondary educational choice of high school students in the state of Indiana. The results indicate that in addition to student and family background and student academic characteristics, students' subjective responses to tuition costs and to financial aid availability have a substantial linkage with student preference for private or public institutions. This study suggests that family and ascribed characteristics alone do not explain student preference for the type of postsecondary institution. Students' subjective responses to tuition costs and to financial aid availability are also directly related to student preference for a certain type of postsecondary institution, independent of student family background and academic characteristics. This suggests that the willingness to pay, not only the ability to pay, plays a direct role in student college choice decisions. The implications for policy making are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生的初次就业是否成功,不仅由经济社会环境条件决定,还会受到自身职业观的深刻影响。通过对大学生职业选择的社会因素、教育因素、家庭背景等方面进行探讨,详细地分析了大学生职业偏好构成的“六大要素”,提出对大学生职业偏好进行干预的方法和建议,帮助大学生树立正确的职业观,提高就业率。  相似文献   

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