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为了帮助大一新生更好地适应大学生活,各高校几乎都会采用"学长导学"的方式。以某211高校计算机学院为例,通过实证的方式了解"优秀学长导学团"的导学意向,并提出提升导学效能的四大对策:建立专门的新生适应管理机构、多元的导学沟通平台、科学的人才选拔机制和健康的导学评价机制,构建"1机构、1平台、2机制"多重互动形成导学的生态系统,更好地服务于高校新生的大学适应这一目标,从而顺利实现其大学理想。  相似文献   

专业教师兼任班主任有着显著优势。专业教师可以给学生做专业指导,使新生学习目标明确;可以指导学生选修相关专业课程,使学生能够学到全面系统的专业知识;引导学生进行一定的创新性研究,培养学生的创新能力和实际应用能力,从而提高他们的专业学习兴趣。  相似文献   

本文对大学新生的学习目标、学习态度、学习动力、学习兴趣、学习方法、学习适应性、专业满意度、课堂行为、课余时间安排以及主要困惑等反映学生学习状态的问卷调查结果进行了分析,提出引导大学新生进入良好学习状态的对策.  相似文献   

本研究采用问卷法,对大一到大四学生专业认同和学习态度进行了抽样调查。结果表明:大学生在进行专业选择时,大部分学生较为盲目,以成绩和分数线作为选择的主要依据,进入大学后,学习专业课也是以找到好工作为主要动机。因此,高校应加大入学前专业介绍方面的宣传力度,加强大学新生的专业教育,以就业为导向,激发学生学习动力,加强专业学习课程建设,深化校企合作教育。  相似文献   

大学新生专业思想教育的思路及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专业思想教育是高校素质教育和思想政治教育的重要组成部分,是保证和提高教学质量的一个重要环节。针对大学新生专业意识模糊、学习动力不足和发展方向不明确等特点,本文指出高校管理者应切实从心理、思想和行动三个层面上进行专业思想教育和引导的新思路。笔者结合教学管理和教育实践,总结和提出了相应的具体对策和有效措施,对于大学新生的专业思想教育具有积极的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

张召永 《江苏教育》2022,(54):44-47
张召永教育名师工作室是由江苏省淮安市教育局、淮安市人才工作领导小组办公室授权成立的由15位道德与法治骨干教师组成的团队。为把工作室建设成为骨干教师成长的平台,发挥工作室的示范引领作用,张召永通过引导工作室成员过有意义的教育生活来塑造他们积极向上的精神面貌;通过规划递进式成长目标,形成鲜明的教学主张,为教师指明发展方向;通过深耕课堂,向下扎根、向外伸展,不断提升教师的专业素养。  相似文献   

通过对大学生成才学习指导课程的课堂自主选题与分组讨论资料进行统计分析,发现大一新生所关注焦点问题的主要群体性特征:首先,高校新生对于自身首要关注的成才问题有清醒、积极认识的总比例仅约40%,大部分新生对这些问题认识欠清晰甚至茫然;其次,虽然约60%的新生首要关注人生规划、职业规划方面的问题,但其中只有20%左右是头脑清醒、观点明确、理想坚定的;第三,约38%的大一新生不能很好地适应大学教学与学习新特点或不能适应大学新生活。由此,提出了高校加强新生职业规划教育和促进其全面成才的对策。  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展和学生对网络的依赖性增加,大学生网络德育工作是大学生思想政治工作的重要组成部分,越来越受到各个高校的重视,也逐渐成为大学生德育工作的重要阵地。探索建立新的网络德育平台迫在眉睫。上海交通大学探索建立大一新生的"种子"网络德育工作室,是网络德育工作的一种尝试,希望能够为网络德育工作积累经验。  相似文献   

大学新生学习状态调查分析与教育对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对大学新生的学习目标、学习态度、学习动力、学习兴趣、学习方法、学习适应性、专业满意度、课堂行为、课余时间安排以及主要困惑等反映学生学习状态的问卷调查结果进行了分析,提出引导大学新生进入良好学习状态的对策。  相似文献   

"以师为本"的"共同体"式研训是一种以课堂为基点,把研训和教研、科培活动紧密融为一体的教师专业发展新模式.该模式的主要策略有三:搭建"课堂实践"平台创新研训形式,创建"问题研究"机制引导研训方向,组建"工作室"拓宽研训途径.  相似文献   

在新一轮课程改革中,历史的学习方式必须转变,即:教师要让学生明确历史学习的目标和任务,激发学生学习历史的兴趣,增强学生学好历史的动力,正确认识和把握历史知识的特点,倡导现代历史学习的方式,注重学生学习历史的过程和方法,使学生学会学习。  相似文献   

随着网络、社交网络的日益成熟发展,学校教育与网络相结合、师生学习社交关系圈形成的新型教育模式,将是成人学习的新型模式。在校园网中建立学习型SNS社区,可为教师与教师、教师与学生、学生与学生之间的交流提供更好的平台,可以为学生营造出自主、协作的学习氛围,更好地完成学习任务,为教师打造专业平台,快捷知识和观点分享。如何利用学生的网络活跃性和群居性为教学服务,是目前学校网络建设与发展的热点、创新点。在校园网中建立学习型的SNS社区网站就是一个新的探索。  相似文献   

学术社团作为培养学生工程能力的新载体,全面贯彻了“卓越计划”的思想,丰富了学生的课余兴趣生活,也为学生更好地学习专业知识提供了平台。介绍了学生学术社团的相关概念和定义,综述了其发展现状,通过一个建设实例探讨了学术社团对学生专业能力培养的实践和意义,并对其前景作了展望。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料、专家访谈、比较分析等方法,对高校休闲体育专业毕业生就业现状进行统计分析,结果显示:目前休闲体育专业学生就业专业相关度较低,人才培养与市场结合不紧密,学生改行易业现象普遍。针对现状提出了以市场需求为导向,明确培养目标;以职业能力培养为核心,合理构建课程体系;以加强校企合作为契机,构建实习就业一条龙服务;以就业指导为重点,不断拓展就业渠道的建议供高校参考。  相似文献   

This article relates how an English teacher in an urban high school described his efforts to listen and to perceive a seemingly disaffected student in his efforts to support her learning. He observed her responding to his efforts in positive and unexpected ways that involved her increased involvement in learning in his class. This teacher described how this student had presented many challenges to his teaching and how difficult attending to her overt anger and sullenness in his class was for him. However, by doing so, he said that his perceptions and understandings of her and subsequently, another student, shifted profoundly in ways that he believed helped him help these two students learn more meaningfully in his classes. This example of open listening on the part of a teacher toward his two students opened up new possibilities for learning for all three and may indicate a cycle of transformative listening which will be defined and discussed in this article. Stuart’s experiences in a professional development seminar, facilitated by the author, where teachers’ interpretive and evaluative ideas were listened to openly by colleagues and the facilitator may have influenced Stuart in his responses to his students. His involvement in this study group may have contributed to his learning to see his students in new, unique, and fuller ways, which he said he thought helped him help these students learn better in his classes.
Elizabeth MeadowsEmail:

Laboratory work is considered essential in promoting students’ learning of science and of scientific inquiry. What the students perceive as important to learn from a regular laboratory exercise is probably affected by the teacher’s objectives. We study the extent to which one teacher’s objectives are fulfilled during lab work, and how teacher–student and student–student interactions contribute to developing learning experiences from the laboratory exercise. Do students encounter opportunities to learn in agreement with the teacher’s objectives? This explanatory single case study includes use of a palette of methods, such as pre- and post-interviews, observations and video documentation from an experienced secondary school teacher and her 8th grade (aged 13–14) students’ laboratory work. Our results point to the importance of teacher involvement to help students understand what to look for, how to do it and why. Especially teacher–student interactions during lab work seemed to influence what students perceived as important to learn. In the laboratory exercise in this case, the teacher helped the students to observe and to use their observations in their explanations. The lab work included learning experiences other than those addressed by the teacher, and the teacher’s intentions were partially fulfilled. Not only what the teacher says, but also how the teacher acts is important to help students understand what to learn from a laboratory exercise.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for engineers in fast-changing specialities requires new ways of teaching technical subjects in higher engineering education; but introducing computers as ordinarly learning tools is far from being simple. For the past 10 years, we have been exploring original ways of using new technologies to help students learn new concepts. The solutions which were experimented with in Telecom Paris by engineering students include an hypertext encyclopaedia, a multimedia network system and an intelligent tutoring system which tries to sustain ‘natural’ conversations with students. All these systems were designed for the same specific purpose: to help the students learn new technical concepts by themselves.  相似文献   

传统教育实习中,师范生与指导教师的关系多数是依附性的,这种临时性的“师徒”互动关系对师范生习得最初的职场经验有一定益处。在新的历史时期,基于教师专业发展学校平台不间断地教育实践活动,更容易使师范生与在职教师建立进一步的“亦师亦友”、相互提携的互助关系,更加有利于双方专业能力的提高,这种关系的维系至少需要互助的文化氛围、共有的价值观念、渐进的感情基础、明确的工作任务和常态的交流与评估等五个不可缺少的条件。  相似文献   

In this era of rapid change, educators increasingly recognize that students must learn how to develop and apply knowledge creatively, not simply remember what they have been told. To meet these demands, teachers need professional development opportunities that support them in a transformational process. New technologies appear to hold promise in overcoming the traditional limitations of professional development. In this chapter, we describe and analyze a program designed to provide such professional development. We begin by summarizing recurrent challenges and promising approaches to professional development organized around a set of qualities that characterize effective learning. Next, we use these qualities to describe a program that explicitly incorporates a model of teaching for understanding into the design of an online learning environment and professional development activities for educators. Finally, our analysis of this program emphasizes the Internet's unique advantages, as well as some remaining issues to resolve in online professional development for educators.In this era of rapid change, educators increasingly recognize that students must learn how to develop and apply knowledge creatively, not simply remember what they have been told. This goal requires shifting from traditional lessons based on transmitting information toward approaches that help learners build robust and flexible understanding. Such transformation of curriculum and pedagogy is a complex process for teachers who must develop new knowledge, skills and beliefs.To meet these demands, teachers need professional development opportunities that support them in a transformational process. Unfortunately, most learning opportunities for teachers fall short. They tend to be short-term workshops, focused on general topics rather than deep knowledge of subject matter and pedagogy, inattentive to teachers’ individual interests, disconnected from specific classroom practices, and isolated from ongoing support by coaches and colleagues. Formal professional development activities are often the antithesis of what is known to promote effective learning.New technologies appear to hold promise in overcoming the traditional limitations of professional development. The World Wide Web, with its rich trove of multimedia resources, interactive tools, and telecommunication facilities, accessible from anywhere on the planet, seems full of potential as a facilitator of teacher learning. Yet we know that mere access to technical resources is not sufficient to generate learning or to change practice. How might the Internet be used to support communities of reflective practitioners committed to teaching for understanding?  相似文献   

计算机语言是大学计算机类专业的基础,也是大学生的必修科目。如何与时俱进地进行计算机语言课程的教与学,帮助学生建立程序设计语言学习的思维逻辑并掌握计算机语言学习的框架模式,是计算机语言课程教学的重要目标。为了促进大学生学习计算机语言,文章以python语言为例,提出一种新的学习模式,通过MOOC平台,以翻转课堂的形式,加深学生对计算机语言的深入理解,并掌握对计算机语言的应用,从而实现对学生的深度培养。  相似文献   

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