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Elementary teachers are typically hesitant to teach science. While a limited knowledge of science content is a reason for this, limited science pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has emerged as another reason in recent research. This study constitutes two case studies of a professional development program for elementary teachers involving mentoring by a university professor. The mentor took the role of a critical friend in joint planning and teaching of science. The study examines the nature of the mentoring relationship and reports the type of teacher learning that occurred, with a particular focus on the teachers’ development of science PCK.
Ken AppletonEmail:

小学生学习展示性评定的理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、学习展示性评定的内涵与基本模式学习展示性评定是指根据学生自己给出的解决问题的过程与答案和展示的各种作品来判断、评价学生所获得的知识、技能、情感、态度等方面的一种评价方式。其核心是允许被评估者以各种合适的方式向公众展示他们的实力和对课程的理解。学习展示性评定融质性评价与量化评价为一体,注重形成性评价的作用。学习展示性评定终结性评价的作用,更加注重平常的形成性评价所提供的信息,同时也要充分发挥学期末或年级末评价对促进学生发展的作用。学习展示性评定是一种激励性评价。激励性评价不是指对学生只作肯定评价…  相似文献   

中小学教师继续教育和基础教育的发展密切相关,面对新课改对中小学教师的全新要求与挑战,教师继续教育应采取主动回应措施,保持和基础教育课程改革的同步发展。本文分析了教师继续教育课程开发的一般流程,提出了教师继续教育课程开发的举措。  相似文献   

In this writing, David Hansen illuminates the aesthetic, moral, and epistemic meaning of bearing witness to teaching and teachers by drawing upon a recently completed field‐based endeavor that included extensive school visits. Hansen shows how bearing witness can bring the inquirer close to the truth of teaching. However, the witness must undertake ethical work to ready her‐ or himself for the task. Even such readiness, which must be continuously re‐won on each occasion, guarantees nothing. The witness in the classroom must work with faith, hope, and a deep sense of the worthwhileness of teaching. Hansen suggests that the witness's practice as well as testimony regarding the work can have a valuable influence on the consciousness, and conscience, of all who concern themselves with teaching and teachers.  相似文献   

The development of a conception of critical pedagogy is itself an aspect of the development of critical rationality within late modern societies, closely connected with the role of education in developing critical rationality. The role of critique pervades all aspects of life: for people as citizens, workers and self‐determining private individuals. Late modern societies depend on a critically minded population for their viability, for the democratic management of a competing balance of interests and for a capacity for rapid renewal. These requirements put a demand on the education system for the development of critical rationality. However, its development contains within itself the seeds, not just of renewal, but of transformation or even anarchy. This is discussed in relation to three major aspects of education—liberal, civic and vocational—and it is argued that there is a tension within each that arises from the requirement of critique for their successful functioning as educational practices in liberal societies and from the implausibility of developing forms of critique that are inherently self‐limiting. Societies that espouse the development of critical rationality as a key educational aim exist in a state of tension and of uncertainty as to the extent to which it can be developed. Attempts to limit critique to consideration only of what is worthwhile are bound to be futile. On the other hand, education must be concerned with preparation for the worthwhile. Critique thus performs the important function of ensuring that our conception of the worthwhile does not remain fixed, but is itself an agent of social change. This paper explores this issue and argues that the problem of reconciling preparation for social participation with preparation for critical engagement exists in all three spheres. The problems may not be resolvable ones but should encourage continual awareness of the scope and limits of educational critique in liberal societies.  相似文献   

We describe the Science Semester, a semester-long course block that integrates three science courses and a science education methods course for elementary teacher education majors, and examine prospective elementary teachers’ developing conceptions about inquiry, science teaching efficacy, and reflections on learning through inquiry. The Science Semester was designed to provide inquiry-oriented and problem-based learning experiences, opportunities to examine socially relevant issues through cross-disciplinary perspectives, and align with content found in elementary curricula and standards. By the end of the semester, prospective elementary teachers moved from naïve to intermediate understandings of inquiry and significantly increased self-efficacy for science teaching as measured on one subscore of the STEBI-B. Reflecting on the semester, prospective teachers understood and appreciated the goals of the course and the PBL format, but struggled with the open-ended and student-directed elements of the course.  相似文献   

杜威思想是在消解二元主义中逐步出场的。在终结大写实在的过程中,杜威通过对现代科学以及小孩触摸火焰等过程的现象学分析,构建了实践实在论并由此提出了"从做中学"及其探究性教学理论,弘扬了教育的现实性。但知识学习过程并不能完全与此等同,还需要解释学与学习论等相关理论的支撑,而杜威并未清楚意识到这一点,由此导致了其理论的某些偏差:用"认识"与"认知"遮蔽了"理解"与"学习",因而他对赫尔巴特的批评就并非充分合理。  相似文献   

自身修养、语言表达、课堂组织、实践创新、专业知识以及现代信息技术应用能力,是小学数学教师应有的基本素质;重视现代教育理念的培养、形成正确的数学观、培养数学思想和数学方法、增强运用数学的能力、全面提升管理能力、有效提高信息素养,是数学教师素质培养的良好途径和有效措施.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - In this study, we examined how teachers involved in a yearlong technology integration initiative planned to enact technological, pedagogical, and...  相似文献   

小学全科教师是能全面理解小学阶段国家所开设的课程目标、价值和内容,并能担任语文、数学、科学等多门学科教学的教师。小学全科教师具有内容上的跨学科特点、能力上的综合性特征和层次上的基础性特性。培养小学全科教师有利于学生全面发展、有利于减轻学生过重的学业负担、有利于跟上世界教育潮流。小学全科教师的培养要注意明确培养目标、设计课程计划和标准、注重培养方法以及重视培养评价。  相似文献   

采用问卷测查法,本研究考察了32名小学数学专家与非专家教师①的学科教学知识。结果表明,除了教学设计思想这一维度外,两类教师在理解学生思维、诊断学生错误想法与所采用教学策略方面表现出明显差异。与非专家教师相比,专家教师更了解学生的错误想法与难点,所采用的策略倾向于从学生错误概念的本质入手,而非专家教师则直接引导学生掌握运算规则。本研究也就教师的学科教学知识与学科知识的关系进行了考察。  相似文献   

调查教师对于学情了解的一般认识以及他们在课前、课中和课后如何从4个方面进行学情考察.比较小学高级职称与非高级职称数学教师在学情了解上的现状及差异.研究发现,两类教师在认识上并不存在较大差异,但在了解方式上,具备高级职称的教师相较于不具备高级职称的教师表现出更高的多样性、灵活性和经验性,这一结论为培训非高级职称教师提供了有益的借鉴和参照.  相似文献   

研究性教学是目前国际国内普遍认同和实施的一种新的教学模式,具有超前性、过程性、应用性、体验性、整合性的特点,它是对传统的传递式—被动接受式的教育理念的革新。研究性教学和学习的实践要求是把“答案”变成“问题”,进而在对“问题”的追问中建构教学和学习的方法。把它运用于高职学前教育专业,主要包括思想动员、研读教材、确立课题、搜集资料、指导研究、成果展示与评价等六个阶段,对于激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的研究能力、创新能力、教育实践能力和养成严谨求实的科学态度具有积极作用。  相似文献   

北京培养具有学士学位小学教师之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在北京培养具有学士学位的小学教师有其必要性和可能性。在师范院校成立的初等教育城,培养新型的小学教师首先应树立正确的教育观念,即:系统融合观念、先行发展观念、主体教育观念、全面发展观念。  相似文献   

Researchers agree that science education should begin at childhood, due to its contribution to later cognitive skill development. However, in most cases only a small portion of kindergarten and elementary school activities is related to science. Given the tremendous impact teachers have on children and on the success or failure of their curriculum, teachers' efficacy belief toward science teaching (TEBTST) should be of significant concern. It is suggested herein that in order to improve TEBTST, the science curriculum should be developed not only from the perspective of the child's needs, but will explicitly consider the teachers' needs as well. Such an approach is described in this study, and is labeled as the Inquiry Events (IE) teaching method. This method involves relating to an open-ended problem situated in real life, that encourages investigation of a variety of issues—ethical, economic, scientific, etc.—which both kindergarten and elementary school teachers are accustomed to considering. The method encourages teachers to relate to these daily situations by introducing scientific questions, which they would ordinarily ignore or omit. Using the STEBI (Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument) questionnaire before and after a 4-day workshop introducing the IE method, it was found that IE improved TEBTST and increased their confidence in teaching science.  相似文献   

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