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这个故事有许多个版本,但都说明了一个真相:小心那些转移注意力的东西;不要忽略最明显的东西。有个男人在一家工厂工作了20年,每天晚上当他离开工厂的时候,他都会推着一辆满载稻草的小推车来到大门口的警卫处。警卫总是把稻草翻个底朝天,什么也找不出来,只好放行。一直到了这个男人退休的那一天,他仍然和往常一样来到警卫处,只是这次没有推小推车。他们已经做了好多年的朋友,警卫问他说,"查理,我看见你每天晚上从这里出去,有二十年了,我知道你一直在偷东西,现在你也退休了,告诉  相似文献   

<正>在日常生活中,会用到很多Don’t开头的短句,看看下面这些句子你会使用哪些呢?1.Don’t be a copycat!别学我!2.Don’t be a stranger!别这么见外嘛!3.Don’t be afraid!别害怕!4.Don’t be shy!别害羞!5.Don’t be so childish.别这么孩子气。6.Don’t be so modest  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2005,(1):F004-F004
Amanisgoingtothehouseofafriend .Itisquite  1 awayandsohetakessomesandwichesalong  2 hislunch .Ashegoesalong ,hesaysto  3  ,“Myfriendis  4 togivemeaverynicemeal.Heisgoingtogivemegoodwineto  5  .Sowhat’stheuseofthesedry  6  !”Ashesaysthis,hethrowsthemontotheground .Hegoesonandcomestoariver.Theriverhasbecomeverybigbecauseofthe  7 inthepastfewdays .Hecannot  8 theriver.Hehopesthereisa  9 totakehimover.Sohewaitsandwaits .Hewaitsforalongtime .Thenthesunbeginsto  1 0  .Them…  相似文献   

If I have a chance to study in America I'll come back to work for my motherland when I have finished my subjects. My country is not so developed and rich as the U.S., but I love her very much.Some people say "America is Heaven on earth. Laving in America is better than living in China." Frankly speaking, I agree with what they say in some sense. However, as we know, China is a developing country, which needs a large number of people of talent to build it. I'm determined to become one of these talented people. I'm sure China will get richer and richer and, sooner or  相似文献   

~~搞怪哈哈镜之Don’t Eat~~  相似文献   

In a sales company, the boss said to one of his employees, "The main remember is repetition, repetition and repetition! That's the key! If you have a thing to product to sell, keep harping on it in every way possible. Repeat it; cram it down people's throats. Even make yourself sickening and repulsive if you have to, but don't ever forget to repeat, repeat and repeat. It's the only way to get resuhs and sell our products!"  相似文献   

树里的音乐就像是在创造一个广阔的属于她的爵士乐空间,轻快,淡然,有一种特殊的亲和力。尽管采访的时间非常短暂.但是树里和音乐之间的那一份爱已然清晰地展现出来。聆听树里的音乐,宛若在聆听树里内心的声音。  相似文献   

人生路上,我们曾和许多人不期而遇;但在我们心田上留下印记的,却总是那些感动过我们的.让我们思考的人和事。  相似文献   

George and his wife had a small bar (酒吧). The bar often kept open until after midnight because people came to drink there while they were waiting for trains.  相似文献   

熊毅 《教师》2010,(13):44-45
第一课时 课型:听说课 一、教材分析 1.教学内容Don’t eat in class是新目标英语七年级下册第十二单元教学内容。本单元中心话题是  相似文献   

电脑能够执行许多类似思考的工作.却无法真正思考。真正在思考每项工作的是人.而不是电脑。  相似文献   

SDN在校园网应用的场景可以用SDN的戏称来概括"Still Don’t kNow"。SDN既可以通过OpenFlow方式实现,也可以通过非OpenFlow方式实现,两种实现方式目前均有成熟的参考案例,但SDN在校园网中尚无有代表性的大规模实际应用案例。  相似文献   

4月24日,高晓松导演的电影《我心飞翔》在“雪藏”三年后,在人民大会堂隆重举行了首映式。影片讲述了上世纪30年代湘西的一个哑女(李小璐饰)和三个男人之间的爱情悲剧,高自称影片是拍给小观众看的,特别是“小学调皮,中学早恋,大学速茫,长大后出乎意料地养活了自己并且还富余出一只眼睛看世界的人”。  相似文献   

现在最当红的新生代男演员是谁,相信其中的答案一定有李钟硕的名字,继《学校2013》之后,他再次出演学生角色,在《听见你的声音》中展现神秘能力。  相似文献   

Many years ago, a famous singer sang a song: “Five-star red flag, I‘m proud of you. Five-star red flag, I admire you ...“. At the time, I only thought that the song sounded sweet. I hked it very much, But I really didn‘t understand the real meaning of the song!  相似文献   

张兰兰 《海外英语》2012,(22):218-219
As a "Poet Laureate",Alfred Lord Tennyson has been loved and respected by critics and readers.He is famous not only for his unsurpassed virtuosity,but also the melancholy feeling in his poetry.He excels at penning short lyrics,among which "Break,Break,Break" is one of the representatives.This paper analyzes the melancholy in the poem from different perspectives,the rhetorical device of repetend,the diction and the sound.  相似文献   

Don't Touch!     
Hello, we are cactuses*. We come from the desert, but now you can see us all over the world*. We are not afraid of cold and dry. Look, there are spines all over our bodies. So don't touch us! The spines can help us stop the water from evaporating.* We can grow very tall, more than* 10 meters. And our Howers are very beautiful. They are white, yellow or pink. Do you want to make friends with us?  相似文献   

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