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At the core of higher education is the experience of students whose focus for learning is often directed towards their future employability. In this paper, we explore the intersections between two large international research projects involving over 500 students. Interviews with students yielded their conceptions of learning and work in specific discipline and professional areas. Analysis of the Swedish and Australian data sets showed the important interplay between students’ individual ideas about learning and future work with their workplace. A meta-analysis of the two projects highlights the utility of higher education for students’ future working life and suggests ways in which institutions and policy makers can critique current practice in a way that will incline curriculum and teaching development towards professional formation.  相似文献   

The growing tendency away from transmissive pedagogy to a broadly constructivist pedagogy in higher education is characterised as a cultural change which lacks a strong theoretical foundation within the culture. In this paper, learning is considered from a phenomenographic perspective, which teachers can ground in their own experience of teaching and work with to gain insights into their students' experience of learning. Thereby the theoretical foundation of the culture can successively be strengthened. The message is illustrated with the results of empirical research into students' experience of learning in groups in a project-focused induction course to a computer science and engineering programme.  相似文献   

This paper overviews the results of four studies designed to investigate the effects of collaborative modes of computer use upon children's performance and learning. All used the same type of problem solving task, couched within an adventure game format. The first of these studies provides a striking illustration of how children who work in pairs on a route planning task can show better learning outcomes than children who work on the same problem individually. The possible psychological processes mediating this effect are considered. The second study extends this consideration further and seeks to identify those aspects of verbal interaction that underpin productive paired interaction. The third study includes consideration of the efficacy of pairing as a function of the relative ability of pair members. The fourth study focuses upon the effects of working in the presence of others, even in the absence of interaction. Taken together, the results of the third and fourth studies highlight the importance of paying closer attention to the ways in which children construe the particular experimental conditions we create and their own position in relation to them.  相似文献   

中职计算机及应用专业项目课程校本教材开发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中职计算机及应用专业项目课程开发的关键是将企业的实际工作过程、工作任务和职业活动的真实场景引入到教学中,以学生能胜任的工作任务为核心单元形成学习项目或模块.对此,各学校应根据特定计算机相关职业岗位对人才知识和能力的需求,开发出符合区域经济发展特点和学校实际情况的校本教材.在校本教材开发过程中,要把握企业项目与课程转换、模块设定与教材编写两个环节,同时校本教材必须是动态的.应及时更新内容.  相似文献   

Impact on student achievement of randomly assigned students working individually or collaboratively in mixed- and matched-gender pairs at a computer on predetermined science tasks was investigated. Collaborative dyads shared a computer and screen as each operated an independent keyboard and mouse. A mixed gender control group working individually at their respective computers was used for comparison purposes. A software application was designed to facilitate collaborative work and track the quantity of text written by users and their respective use of time. A final written assessment was conducted to compare the level of academic achievement between the control group and the experimental. A significant difference in academic achievement resulted.  相似文献   

This paper will report on the development of a research program by a group of science educators at Kristianstad University, which has its roots in a longitudinal study I conducted concerning students’ developing understandings of ecological processes. Following the insights generated in this first study concerning the nature of student understandings, and the potential of the longitudinal design, a research group has developed at Kristianstad which has extended this work into related areas. This paper will describe my own work and its development, and link it with three projects that use a longitudinal design, which we have subsequently undertaken and in some cases completed. The emphasis within the paper will be on the findings generated by these studies on student learning and response to science, and the particular features of the longitudinal design that allow such insights to emerge. The paper will explore patterns of change, and continuity, as a way of appreciating the particular contributions of longitudinal studies.  相似文献   

What are the effects of group size (individuals, pairs, and quads of students), gender, and ability grouping of 245 seventh- and eighth-grade students on achievement within an environment that uses microcomputers as tools in learning science process skills? A split-plot, multivariate factorial design was used to analyze the above factors and interactions among the factors. Analyses indicated that the only statistically significant result was a main effect on ability for the two response variables measured in the study. Major conclusions included: (1) teams of two and four members working together solved problems as effectively as individuals, (2) the lessons and procedures implemented in the manner described generated a gender-neutral achievement outcome in science, and (3) microcomputer, using a file-management program and structured activities, can be used as a tool to promote student learning of science process skills.  相似文献   

Project-based learning is undoubtedly one of the best instructional methods for developing students’ broad learning capabilities, beyond teaching specific subject matter. However, experienced engineering teachers often tend to concentrate on merely teaching pupils the technical side of project work. This paper describes a programme aimed at fostering self-regulated learning among high schools pupils working on projects in electronics, control systems and robotics. The programme sought, for example, to promote pupils’ conceptual knowledge regarding the subjects they dealt with in their projects, enabling the learners to gain experience using simulation, laboratory testing and troubleshooting in a system that they were constructing. The change in project work also required pupils to document systematically all stages of system development and reflect on their learning by preparing a printed or web-based ePortfolio on the project. Outcomes of the in-service training course given to teachers countrywide and the first signs of change in project work in schools are reported.  相似文献   

Peer collaboration is a pedagogical method currently used to facilitate learning in classrooms. Similarly, computer-learning environments (CLEs) are often used to promote student learning in science classrooms, in particular. However, students often have difficulty utilizing these environments effectively. Does peer collaboration help students learn with these environments? Little research looking closely at face-to-face peer collaboration with computer learning environments exists. Utilizing a social-cognitive theoretical framework, this study investigated the relation between the conceptual-knowledge learning and the collaborative regulatory behaviors of students working with a peer as they studied about the human circulatory system using a hypermedia CLE. Fifty-four high-school students from the East Coast of the United States were audiotaped to identify the collaborative regulatory behaviors they evidenced as they studied. Results revealed significant correlations among students’ proportion of categories of regulatory behaviors and their learning gains (from pretest to posttest). Moreover, qualitative analyses revealed particular behaviors that larger-gain collaborative pairs engaged in to a greater extent than smaller-gain pairs as they learned with the hypermedia environment.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This study examined the experiences of students in an active learning group work exercise in an introductory food microbiology course involving the study of foodborne pathogens. Small groups were required to access, analyze, and present information regarding a single food poisoning bacterium. The presentations contained features and epidemiological information of the pathogen and also a review of a research journal article and a real food poisoning outbreak report involving the pathogen. Analysis of responses from a questionnaire that allowed direct comparisons to be made with other published group work studies revealed that this exercise was a positive learning experience. In particular, students noted improvements in communication, interaction, information acquisition, and organizational skills.  相似文献   

Considerable research has compared how students learn science from computer simulations with how they learn from “traditional” classes. Little research has compared how students learn science from computer simulations with how they learn from direct experience in the real environment on which the simulations are based. This study compared two college classes studying introductory oceanography. One class learned using an interactive computer simulation based on a dynamic, three‐dimensional model of physical oceanography. The other class learned by spending a day on a research ship using scientific tools and instruments to measure physical properties of the ocean directly. In classes preceding and following the simulation or field experience, students performed the same exercises regarding currents and salinity, had the same instructor presentations, and did the same homework. The study found that the field experience helped contextualize learning for students with little prior experience of the ocean while the simulation made it easier for students to connect what they learned from it to other content they learned in class. These and other findings shed light on what computer simulations can and cannot help students learn, and what concepts are best learned in the real environment. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 43: 25–42, 2006  相似文献   

工学结合是将学习与实践结合在一起的一种教育模式,学生是主体。它是以任务为导向,充分利用校内外不同的教育资源和实践环境,把以课堂教学为主的学校教育和直接获取实际经验的校外IT企业实践有机结合,贯穿于学生的整个培养过程之中。本文以江汉大学计算机科学与技术本科专业为例,积极探索这种新型IT人才培养模式。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine factors that promote success in an introductory college computer science course and to determine what, if any, differences appear between genders on those factors. The model included math background, attribution for success/failure, self-efficacy, encouragement, comfort level in the course, work style preference, previous programming experience, previous non-programming computer experience, and gender as possible predictive factors for success in the computer science course. Subjects included 105 students enrolled in an introductory computer science course. The study revealed three predictive factors in the following order of importance: comfort level (with a positive influence), math background (with a positive influence), and attribution to luck (with a negative influence). No significant gender differences were found in these three factors. The study also revealed that both a formal class in programming (which had a positive correlation) and game playing (which had a negative correlation) were predictive of success. The study revealed a significant gender difference in game playing with males reporting more experience with playing games on the computer than females reported.  相似文献   


Few studies have examined the student learning effects of integrating science with mathematics and technology. We compared a school that integrated mathematics, science and technology in grade 9 to a school in the same district that taught the three courses separately. The distinguishing feature of the integrating school was the reorganization of instruction in the three subjects to prepare students for seven group projects (involving a total of 25 h) that required the application of knowledge and skill that were shared by the three subjects, as well as learning outcomes that were unique to each. The study detected benefits for students in the integrated setting in terms of their ability to apply shared learning outcomes, student motivation, ability to work together and attitudes to appraisal of group work. Female students in the integrated school had a better understanding of selected science learning outcomes. Attitudes toward mid‐term exams were higher in the control school.


Previous research points up the educational value of opinion exchange between pupils, particularly in science tasks. However, established gender differences in expression of opinion might well have a substantial impact on such activity, and thus on learning. In order to investigate this, male, female and mixed‐sex pairs of 12‐15 year‐olds were videotaped whilst they worked on a computer‐based task that required them to predict the trajectories of falling objects. All progressed equally in understanding, but employed markedly different interactional styles. Male pairs attended to the implications of feedback for individual ideas, whilst female pairs avoided conflict, exploring instead what the problems had in common. Mixed pairs simply interacted in a very constrained fashion. The differences can be seen as a direct consequence of variation in methods of coping with conflict, compounded, in the mixed groups, by ignorance of the accepted behaviour for the opposite sex. Since male and female patterns separately exhibited characteristics central to scientific method, viz. empiricism and generalisation respectively, broader understanding of science might be served by encouraging each gender to adopt some of the behaviours more ‘natural’ to the other. Practical ways in which this might be achieved are suggested.  相似文献   

Simulations on computers can allow many experiments to be conducted quickly to help students develop an understanding of statistical topics. We used a simulation of a challenging problem in statistics as the focus of an exploration of situations where members of a problem‐solving group are physically separated then reconnected via combinations of computer and communications technology to work collaboratively on the simulation. The particular focus in this work was on trying to understand how students could use a system which allowed them to conduct variable based practical experiments in order to help them develop their knowledge and understanding of a statistics topic. We wished to develop an understanding of the virtual space created by shared simulations and video communication tools for supporting collaborative work between people at a distance. The paper reports on an experiment involving 48 subjects using this virtual space to establish the impact on their statistics understanding and to map their use of this distributed environment for learning. It establishes that the virtual space is effective for learning, and that the video conferencing condition which allows for eye contact between the pairs has some advantages for successful problem‐solving with the simulation. In addition the experimental setting provided some opportunities for exploring subjects' understanding of statistical and experimental concepts.  相似文献   


Capstone projects are common in undergraduate programmes, providing students with a culminating educational experience designed to draw on the knowledge and skills accumulated over the course of their studies. While there are many benefits to capstone projects, they are not without challenges. In particular, when these projects are conducted in groups, forming groups to optimise the learning outcomes and managing group dynamics can be challenging. In this article, we report on the analysis of data collected from 346 undergraduate business students who completed capstone projects at a Hong Kong university. Measures included students’ learning goal (mastery and performance), satisfaction with their supervisor and group diversity in relation to gender, prior academic achievement, self-report nationality and programme of study. Analysis of this data in conjunction with student grades for the project was conducted to inform improvements in design and delivery of the capstone subject to improve students’ learning outcomes. The results showed that for groups consisting of three students, group diversity in respect to prior academic achievement as measured by grade point average (GPA) is positively related to the grade achieved in the capstone project. However, diversity in respect to the nationalities in the group was related to poorer performance. Furthermore, the more teacher-focused the group supervisor’s approach was, the worse the grade achieved for the project. The results suggest that groups made up of students of different nationalities tend to have lower grades compared to homogeneous groups. In contrast, having a group with a mix of GPAs can result in higher grades on the project. While these findings have informed our understanding of group performance on capstone projects, work is needed to fully understand what underlies the diversity effects identified which will be explored with future cohorts.  相似文献   

The approach of learning science through inquiry presents significant challenges for teachers and students. In light of this, an extensive experience has been developed in which students without any previous training or specific interests have been organized into small groups to carry out scientific inquiry projects guided by their teachers. Evaluation of the experience is clearly positive, and is based on questionnaires completed at the end of the experience by the students as well as retrospective reports provided by their teachers. Despite this, some problems are presented, such as the difficulty or repetitiveness of some scientific practices mentioned by some students, or when the inquiry or the group does not work out in some cases, as mentioned by teachers. Scientific inquiry projects like the one described here could play a key role in science education in compulsory secondary education.  相似文献   

在教学过程中,结合自身的教学特点,构建“知识点+技能点+素质点”的课程能力结构,以职业能力培养为目的,重视课程设计与实际工作的一致性,把理论与实践一体化,通过以真实工作任务驱动、按项目导向进行选取、组织和安排教学内容,切实体现工学结合的职业教育特色。  相似文献   

Practical independent research projects (IRPs) are a feature of school science in a number of countries. To assess the impact of IRPs on students, a systematic review of the literature was undertaken. Thirty-nine papers met the review inclusion criteria, reporting on work from twelve countries. The review indicates that IRPs are often associated with wider initiatives such as authentic science, problem-based learning, and project-based learning. There is considerable variability in the nature of IRP work in relation to focus, models of provision, assessment, the involvement of external partners such as universities and employers, and funding, and this diversity affects judgements on the quality of the evidence base on impact. The majority of the research reviewed explored areas such as conceptual understanding, motivation to study science once it is no longer compulsory and attitudes to science, and the development of practical skills. Benefits were identified in relation to the learning of science ideas, affective responses to science, views of pursuing careers involving science, and development of a range of skills. Studies focusing on traditionally under-represented groups indicated that such students felt more positive about science as a result of undertaking IRPs. The review findings indicate that further work is needed to enhance the quality of the available evidence, to consider the ways in which IRPs can be validly assessed, to explore more fully the potential benefits for traditionally under-represented groups, and to explore more fully the potential longer-term benefits of participation in IRPs at high school level.  相似文献   

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