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任何一种语言在利用音段音位组成一个表义系统的同时,也利用一些伴随音段音位出现的语音成素来表达某些词汇、语法等方面的意义,这些语音成素被称为超音段音位,或称超音质特征.英语的重音就是其中一种.英语的重音不仅是语音结构的一部分,在由相同音位构成的词语中具有区别词义或词性的功能,而且还是语调和话语节奏结构的基础,是英语语音表达的主要手段之一.因此,英语被列为重音语言.然而,不同语言的重音表现形式不同,发挥的作用也不一样.汉语是典型的声调语言,它的重音远不如英语的重要,在词语中无辨义作用.  相似文献   

李玲 《华章》2012,(25)
任何一种语言在利用音段音位组成一个表义系统的同时,也利用一些伴随音段音位出现的语音成素来表达某些词汇语法等方面的意义,这些语音成素被称为超音段音位或超音质特征.我们说英语的时候,并不是孤立地发出一个个的音素,而是说出成段的语流.音素发音不准引起的误解在共知的语境中可以消除,但重音,节奏,语调等错误会影响人们的表达以及传情达意.在言语交际中,超音位特征比音位更重要.重音是“语调和话语节奏结构的基础”(何善芬,2002,61).英语母语者常常根据词重音预测辨别词义,错误的词重音会导致误解和交流障碍(崔智希,1995).  相似文献   

普通话音位系统与英语音位系统存在有相同的音、区别特征对称的共性。两者更存在几点差异。对两者相似又不同的音位、普通话中没有的区别特征及普通话中没有的音位(包括音质音位和非音质音位),汉语母语者不易把握。  相似文献   

音位区别特征辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区别特征与语音特征密切相关,区别特征依据于语音特征,没有语音特征就谈不上区别特征;区别特征又不等同于语音特征,它是对语音特征的进一步选择和概括。音位的对立表现为音位区别特征的对立,因而区别特征不是仅能体现语音自然属性差异的语音特征,对立、区别、选择、概括所起到的作用是区别特征的本质功能。区别特征制约于具体语言的系统性,音位的区别特征属于具体的语言工具体的方言,没有超语言或超方言的区别特征,音位理论必须保持自身体系的一贯性、彻底性和相互制约性。  相似文献   

中国传统语言学注重从结构来看待语音,把声调当作与声母,韵母并列的成分,即声母、韵母、声调共同组成音节。而现代音系学则注重从语言功能的角度来看待语音,声调也就被看成为与元音音位、辅音音位在同一层面的成分,即与音重、音长一同被称作非音质音位。而随着语音学研究的深入发展,人们发现声调除了具有区别意义的作用外,还具有修辞作用和构形作用。  相似文献   

音位、音住组合、语流音变是哈萨克语语音研究三个不同层次的基本内容。音位系统涉及音位及其变体以及音质特点等,非音质语音要素也是其内在的重要方面。音位组合结果为音节、复辅音和复元音,其类另别与音位在组配中受到的限制(组配规律)有关,而语音和谐正是重要的组配规律之一。哈萨克语音位809种相邻情况55%以上会发生语流音变,它关系到语句语音形式的真实性,本文示例性列举了7种表现及6类规律。  相似文献   

一、什么是音位音位是指某种语言(或方言)中最小的能区别语素或词的形式和意义的语音集合体。(刑公畹主编《语言学概论》这一定义也包含了以下几层意思。第一,音位是最小的语音单位。这点与音素相同,即是从音质角度对音节进行连续切分,直到不能再切分所得到的最小的语音单位。音位都是用音素来表示的。第二,音素的确定主要根据发音类型。发音特点不同,就是不同的音素,如[a]、[A]、[α]三个音都是低元音,但发[a]时舌位稍前,发[A]舌位自然,在中  相似文献   

刘燕 《中国教师》2010,(Z1):45-46
音素在不同的语言中可能起到的作用并不相同。比如,有的相似音素在某些语言中起到区别意义的作用,从而被划分成不同的音位;在另一些语言中不起区别意义的作用,它们出现在不同的语言环境中只是为了发音的方便,被归为一个音位,而它们之间的关系则被看成是同一音位的不同音位变体。因此,音位被看成是语音的社会属性。这就决定了各国的母语者对同样音素的重视程度和敏感程度会有所不同。本分分析了汉语和日语两种语言的音位系统,通过对比找出两种语言在音位上的异同,并由此分析日本留学生在学习汉语语音时的难点。  相似文献   

引言 本文着眼于北京话的声调音位,分析其在北京话音位系统中作为音位的条件和在音位系统中的地位问题。应该看到作为音位单位的声调是比元辅音大的,因为它控制一个音节,它的变体在音节外体现,而元辅音音位(除可单独构成音节的少数音位,如a等之外)的位置占不到一个音节,且变体在音节内部实现。声调音位与语素音位有特殊联系,因此本文也涉及有关语素音位的一些情况,旨在说明声调作为音位,是一种语言中能区别意义的语音单位,它在音位系统中是可以成为独立的音位的,而不是依附于元辅音音位的。 一、音位 音位,是一种语言中能区别意义的最小语音单位,是在归纳音素的基础上得来的。  相似文献   

杨凡 《考试周刊》2008,(12):31-32
语言学中的超音位特征(suprasegmental features)对语言的理解起着至关重要的作用.本文从超音位特征包含的几个方面入手,试图探讨超音位特征在英汉语中不同的表现形式和侧重层面.  相似文献   

Abstract. The main type of phonemic analysis skill considered to affect spelling acquisition has been awareness of phoneme quality. However, it is also important to find out whether other measures of phoneme awareness might contribute to literacy acquisition. Thus, the influence of phoneme length and phoneme quality awareness on spelling in Finnish was compared. The Oddity task was used to assess phonemic awareness and spelling skills were investigated by a spelling-to-dictation task. The results showed that length awareness predicted spelling better than quality awareness did. Moreover, length awareness was more strongly related to spelling of long phonemes, which specifically require analysis of phoneme length, than to spelling of phoneme clusters not involving length analysis. Additionally, only length awareness predicted children's general spelling skills. These findings suggest that awareness of length, which is a phonemic attribute of the Finnish language, is connected to children's spelling skills more strongly than awareness of phoneme quality is.  相似文献   

二合元音中前强后响元音具有渐强与渐开的语音性质,它的后滑音分为有音位价值与无音位价值两类,在广西武鸣壮语与浙江庆元、松阳话中,其音位处理上要将这种后滑音以上标的方式标出。  相似文献   

近代以来,西方诗歌音律现代新变主要表现为意义节奏更加突出和音质音律更加凸显。我国新诗接受西方现代诗运动影响,重视音质音律成为其音律现代性的重要表征。我国新诗音质律的特征表现在诉诸感官的音调特征和调协音义的情调特征方面,两方面都表现出含混性和朦胧性的审美特征。音质律建构关涉两方面问题,一是构成音质律的声音材料,如个别字母的母音和子音,如整个音节和整个字的音质;二是建构音质律的基本方式,即复现定成一定格式的声音呼应。  相似文献   

There is a wealth of evidence linking letter knowledge and phoneme awareness, but there is little research examining the nature of this relationship. This article aims to elucidate this relationship by considering the links between letter knowledge and two sub‐skills of phoneme awareness: phoneme segmentation and phoneme invariance. Two studies are reported. The first study consisted of an eight‐month longitudinal study with 56 pre‐literate children. No child within this group was successful on any phoneme awareness task unless they knew at least one letter. Letter knowledge was also a significant predictor of later phoneme completion and deletion. The hypothesis that letter knowledge is an important precursor for phoneme awareness was then investigated in a small‐scale intervention study with ten children. These children were taught letters and their phoneme awareness was monitored. It was found that letter knowledge was specifically related to the development of phoneme segmentation in pre‐literate children. Possible reasons for this finding are discussed.  相似文献   


Phonological awareness is a strong predictor of children's progress in literacy acquisition. There are different ways of segmenting words into sound sequences – syllables, phonemes, onset-rime – and little is known about whether these different levels of segmentation vary in their contribution to reading and writing. Does one of them – for example, phoneme awareness – play the major role in learning to read and spell making the other phonological units irrelevant to the prediction of reading? Or do different levels of analysis make independent contributions to reading and spelling?

Our study investigated whether syllable and phoneme awareness make independent contributions to reading and spelling in Greek. Four measures were used: syllable awareness, phoneme awareness, reading and spelling. Analyses of variance showed that Greek speaking children found it easier to analyse words into syllables than phonemes, irrespective of the influence of task variables such as position of the phonological element, word length, and placement of stress in the word. Regression analyses showed that syllable and phoneme awareness make significant and independent contributions to learning written Greek. We conclude that phonological awareness is a multidimensional phenomenon and that the different dimensions contribute to reading and writing in Greek.


This study investigated sensitivity to rhymeand phoneme among readers and nonreaders with Down syndrome (DS) and normally developingchildren. Three tasks were administered toevaluate sensitivity to rhyme and phoneme: arhyme detection task, an initial phonemedetection task, and a middle phoneme detectiontask. Results for the normally developingchildren replicated the results of previousstudies suggesting that the ability to detectrhyme is a developmental precursor of theability to detect phonemes. Although all taskswere very easy for the children who had alreadystarted to read, the nonreaders found the rhymedetection task significantly easier than eitherthe initial or the middle phoneme detectiontask. On the other hand, there was scarcelyany indication that the individuals with DSfound the rhyme detection task easier thaneither one of the phoneme detection tasks.While all tasks were very difficult for thenonreaders with DS, the DS individuals who hadalready started to read found the rhymedetection task significantly more difficultthan both the initial and the middle phonemedetection tasks.  相似文献   

The goal of the present intervention research was to test whether guided invented spelling would facilitate entry into reading for at-risk kindergarten children. The 56 participating children had poor phoneme awareness, and as such, were at risk of having difficulty acquiring reading skills. Children were randomly assigned to one of three training conditions: invented spelling, phoneme segmentation, or storybook reading. All children participated in 16 small group sessions over 8 weeks. In addition, children in the three training conditions received letter-knowledge training and worked on the same 40 stimulus words that were created from an array of 14 letters. The findings were clear: on pretest, there were no differences between the three conditions on measures of early literacy and vocabulary, but, after training, invented spelling children learned to read more words than did the other children. As expected, the phoneme-segmentation and invented-spelling children were better on phoneme awareness than were the storybook-reading children. Most interesting, however, both the invented spelling and the phoneme-segmentation children performed similarly on phoneme awareness suggesting that the differential effect on learning to read was not due to phoneme awareness per se. As such, the findings support the view that invented spelling is an exploratory process that involves the integration of phoneme and orthographic representations. With guidance and developmentally appropriate feedback, invented spelling provides a milieu for children to explore the relation between oral language and written symbols that can facilitate their entry in reading.  相似文献   

《西游记》对话中的谐音,无标记语的情形多于有标记语的。在无标记谐音中,话轮内部谐音多于话轮外部谐音。有标记谐音中,谐音元和谐音对象都不是单音节语词,这一类谐音都有相似的结构模式,可概括为:甚(甚么)AB,《西游记》中此类拷贝式结构与谐音的结合,即可形成《红楼梦》中的"什么A(的)B的"结构型拷贝式谐音。从语用角度看《西游记》对话中的谐音,有利于人们深入鉴赏《西游记》的语言艺术,有益于人们充分"发掘"和有效利用早期白话文经典著作中"蕴藏"的丰富的语言资源;在理论上亦有助于人们解释话语结构、语义和表达之间的关系。  相似文献   

The study tested phonemic awareness in the two languages of Russian (L1)–Hebrew (L2) sequential bilingual children (N = 20) using phoneme deletion tasks where the phoneme to be deleted occurred word initial, word final, as a singleton, or part of a cluster, in long and short words and stressed and unstressed syllables. The experiments were designed to test the effect of four linguistic factors on children’s phoneme deletion: phoneme position (initial, final), linguistic context (singleton, cluster), word length and stress. The results indicated that word length and stress confirmed previous findings in other languages demonstrating the universal validity of these factors. However, phoneme position and linguistic context gave rise to novel findings in the languages studied and provided evidence for language-specific effects on phonemic awareness reflecting onset-rime versus body-coda syllable structure differences. The results are discussed within the framework of universal versus language-specific constraints on phonemic awareness performance in different languages.  相似文献   

事物是处在不断变化发展之中的,词义也相应处于不断变化发展之中。而研究词义发展变化的规律是词汇研究的一个重要课题。对《说文解字》"口"、"言"、"目"部中的279个具有动词性质的词(占总数的77.72%)进行探讨,来窥探动词义项的增减情况。结论是:消亡占的比例最大,减少和基本不变次之,增加的比例最少。  相似文献   

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