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南非教师教育的历史演进与改革发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南非教师教育制度根植于南非的种族隔离制度。南非教师教育从萌芽发端、逐渐发展乃至日益完善走过了漫长的历程,尤其是南非恢复民主制度以来,南非政府就把教师教育工作的重点放在教育政策体制的改进与完善上,其间的变化与革新无不推动着南非教师教育的发展。新政府不仅采取了多种有力的措施为南非教师教育的改革和实践保驾护航,而且陆续颁布了各种政策法令,这对现代南非教师教育体系的发展具有深远而重要的影响。  相似文献   

南非教师教育制度根植于南非的种族隔离制度。南非教师教育从萌芽发端、逐渐发展乃至日益完善,走过了漫长的历程,尤其是南非恢复民主制度以来,南非政府就把教师教育工作的重点放在教育政策的改进与完善上,其间数次变化与革新无不推动着南非教师教育的发展。新政府不仅采取了多种有力的措施为南非教师教育的改革和实践保驾护航,而且陆续颁布了各种政策法令。这对现代南非教师教育体系的发展具有深远而重要的影响。  相似文献   

南非自联邦时期出现教师培养活动以来,教师教育先后经历了封闭式教师教育、开放式教师教育和大学化教师教育三个发展阶段,相应地形成了独立教育学院、大学教育系以及大学教育学院三种教师教育机构,在培养模式上主要体现为并列型、连续型和混合型等多样化模式。这既反映了南非教师教育的变革历程,也体现了南非教师教育的发展特色。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,南非中小学教师队伍存在的数量短缺及整体质量不高等问题,直接制约了南非教育的发展.其中师范生注册率下降,教师留存率低,艾滋病对教师队伍的影响,及教师质量不高等问题阻碍着南非教师队伍的发展.南非政府采取了相应措施以保证教师教育的顺利进行.  相似文献   

南非教师教育自产生以来就带有浓厚的种族隔离色彩.1994年新政府上台,取消种族隔离制度,自此南非教师教育走上了新的发展道路.后种族隔离时期,新政府对传统教师教育实施了一系列改革,出台了一系列的政策、法令,重组教师教育机构,转移教师教育责任,建立健全了一套教师教育质量保障体系和机制,并对新时期教师的能力和角色进行了重新定位.新政府的这一系列举措,凸现了后种族隔离时期南非教师教育公平、多元的特征.  相似文献   

南非教师工会是影响南非教育发展的一支重要力量。犹如一把双刃剑,南非教师工会一方面通过集体谈判提高教师待遇,维护教师权益,改善教育治理生态,协助政府推进各项教育改革等措施发挥积极作用;另一方面其内部腐败严重,丑闻不断,盲目维护教师利益和举行非法罢工等行为也会侵犯其他受教育者的权利,为南非教育的发展带来了消极影响。研究南非教师工会的历史、职能、机制和影响,对我国高校工会的改革探索具有一定启示作用。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,在南非社会民主化进程中,南非教师教育发生了急剧而复杂的变革,教师教育政策相继出台,但由于政府政策与现实相脱离,很多政策实施效果不佳,给教师造成负担.为协调现有各项政策措施,解决南非教师短缺和教师培训落后等问题,南非政府制定了<南非教师教育和教师发展国家政策框架>.本文分析了南非教师教育政策的变革,其中有很多值得我们借鉴和思考的经验.  相似文献   

教师教育信息化是教育信息化的重要组成部分,随着我国教师教育专业化建设的发展和教育信息化的进一步推进,教师教育信息化逐渐成为一个新的研究热点.本文通过整理最新文献,主要对2003-2006年间南非中小学信息技术应用基础环境及教师培训的可持续发展问题进行剖析,从发展空间、推动力量、优势远程教育环境和"Thutong"资源建设方面分析南非教师教育信息化的有利因素,并简单介绍了南非教师教育信息化的一个典型案例-EDN项目,旨在为我国教师教育信息化提供有益的参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

1994年以来,为应对教师数量的急剧增多,提升师资培训的质量与效益,南非政府颁布了多项教师教育新政策。这些新政策的颁布不仅解决了南非教师教育的多样化需求,同时建立了一个严格的管理和规范教师教育的体系。这是南非教育史上首次形成平等、多元、反种族隔离的师资培训新政策。  相似文献   

民主新南非的教育体系是在种族隔离教育遗产的基础上通过全方位的变革建立起来的。南非教师教育制度的重建是一个漫长、复杂的过程。通过调整管理体制、颁布教师教育标准、优化院校结构、出台国家政策框架等举措,南非已建构起一个以成果和能力为本位的、具有民主治理特质的、一体化、开放式的教师教育与发展体系。国家教师教育与发展政策框架的实施虽然取得了一些成效,但也面临多方面的不确定性和挑战。  相似文献   

为了保障教师教育的质量,南非构建了从教师教育机构审查、教学项目认证、教师资格认证到教师专业发展的一体化质量保障体系,并为此成立了高等教育质量委员会、教育从业者委员会和行业教育培训局等质量保障机构。无论在机构审查标准、教学项目认证标准、教师资格认证标准、教师专业发展系统,还是教师专业能力描述、教师职业规范要求,教师专业发展内涵上都颇具特色,为教师教育质量保障制度体系的构建提供了有益的国际经验。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a British Council funded Higher Education Link project involving three institutions—Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) in the UK and two South African institutions, the University of South Africa (UNISA) and Rhodes University. The link is a research and development project that has three main research strands: contextual profiling that will establish the applicability of a European teacher education project to the South African context, evaluative materials development and piloting predicated on a respect for indigenous and contextual knowledge, and impact analysis that will examine the role of multidirectional intergenerational mentoring in disseminating messages about sustainable lifestyles. The project is strongly influenced by the South African Revised National Curriculum statements pertaining to environment and an analysis of the impact that these materials have had on promoting whole school approaches to environmental education in South Africa. The link's initial purpose is to develop advanced certificate in education (ACE) course materials that will promote whole school approaches to environmental education, based on developing concepts of collaboration, pupil participation, educational process and action in schools in South Africa. Materials from the MMU‐based, European Commission funded Sustainability Education in European Primary Schools (SEEPS) Project will be adapted for use in South Africa by UNISA and Rhodes.

This paper reports on the development of the project and explores some of its activities and results to date. It documents how the project team approached the integrating redevelopment of SEEPS ideas and materials to use these resources in the design of continuing professional development (CPD) activities for ACE courses in environmental education at UNISA and Rhodes. The second section is written in semi‐dialogue form to try to reflect the nature of the discussions that occurred between the partners in the link during meetings in the UK. This dialogue outlines the conceptual and philosophical background to the SEEPS Project before examining continuities and tensions that arose in clarifying and situating guiding perspectives for CPD and whole school approaches in and for South African school contexts through the medium of teacher education. The paper also reviews how the South African team are interacting with ideas and materials from SEEPS to clarify whole school approaches to environmental education in South Africa and discusses the contexts within which the outcomes of the link will unfold.  相似文献   

As we enter the sixth great mass extinction event, an event that points to humanity’s exploitative attitude towards nature, posthumanist ethics offers a different way of engaging with the world, a way which has clear and extensive implications for the way environmental education is taught in South African schools. However, given the official curriculum and assessment practices currently in use in South Africa, can a posthumanist approach to environmental education actually work within the current educational framework of discrete discipline/subject areas and specializations? The paper diffractively engages with the Department of Basic Education National Curriculum Statement: Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement: Foundation Phase Grades R-3: Life Skills for South Africa (the phase where environmental education is most likely to take place), and superpositions this text with a research study on environmental education undertaken in Canada and key posthumanist notions as they relate to environmental education. The paper concludes with a section on the implications for teachers, teacher development, and teacher training programs (not solely in South Africa) of using such an approach in the teaching of environmental studies.  相似文献   

In 2011 the Integrated Strategic Planning Framework for Teacher Education and Development in South Africa was promulgated. This framework proposes the establishment of teaching schools to strengthen pre-service teacher education. This study arises from this initiative. A generic qualitative study was undertaken to explore the views of research participants from selected teacher education institutions and schools in South Africa on the potential of teaching schools to enable student teacher learning for the teaching profession. The key findings are that teaching schools can potentially make a distinctive contribution towards enabling student teacher learning for the teaching profession through student teachers experiencing good teaching in a model environment and through coordinating experiences in coursework and at the school. The discussion of the findings points to the distinctive potentialities of teaching schools for strengthening teacher education. The notion of hybridity and third space is invoked as a heuristic to shed light on the developing of a true collaborative relationship between the teacher education institution and the teaching school for enabling student teacher learning for the teaching profession.  相似文献   

Teacher education for a democratic society in England and South Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper considers the role of teacher education in England and South Africa in relation to education for democratic citizenship. It argues that teacher education should play a positive role in this respect but there has often been a contradiction between the structures and practices of teacher education and democratic forms of education. The paper analyses teacher education policy in both countries in the light of these arguments. It then goes on to discuss the practice of teacher education in both countries in relation to existing literature and evidence and interviews with student teachers at two universities in England and two in South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper examines some aspects of teacher education policy change in South Africa. It contextualises the changes by firstly examining the apartheid teacher education system and then mapping the changes that have occurred in teacher education in South Africa since 1994. Using a case study of the Further Diploma in Educational Management at the University of Pretoria, it provides a critical analysis of one particular current path to teacher education in South Africa, namely the ‘franchise’ public/private teacher education provision. The paper concludes by discussing the related policy possibilities and problems of teacher education policy since 1944. It highlights how institutions have stategically responded to change in a transitional context, and draws attention to the disjunction between policy intentions and outcomes.  相似文献   

南非推动义务教育均衡发展的主要机制与措施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
义务教育的均衡发展是保障"人人都有接受基础教育的权利"的重要体现,为此,南非政府通过采取许多机制和措施来切实推进义务教育的均衡发展.教育经费的均衡分配和教师资源的均衡配置,是保障义务教育均衡发展的两个重要方面.针对弱势群体采取行动和各种措施,是义务教育均衡发展得以落实的关键.通过采取各项措施,南非的义务教育均衡发展状况有了一定的进步,其主要机制和措施对我国推进义务教育均衡发展具有重要启发意义.  相似文献   

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