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Adoption theory analysis of the e-publishing industry indicates that consumer acceptance of current technology is the greatest barrier to attaining a critical consumer mass. New electronic paper technologies will soon offer a superior consumer alternative. Publishers will be faced with new opportunities and nagging issues related to new competition, content control, and protection of revenue streams requiring strategies that stress rationalization of distribution systems, cross-promotion, strategic pricing, and leveraging of new revenue sources-particularly advertising.  相似文献   

于文 《出版科学》2011,(4):83-86
通过对谷歌数字出版业务的案例研究,揭示谷歌在数字出版方面的成功经验以便深化对数字出版的理论认识,并为我国出版企业发展数字出版提供参考。  相似文献   

陈宗俊 《编辑之友》2015,(9):104-108
1949至1966这“十七年”间,新中国出版业在“为人民服务”出版方针指引下,对新文学书籍的生产进行了一系列的调控.其主要手段包括:出版对象身份的重新确认、出版社的整合与分工、几大文学出版社对新文学书籍出版的垄断等.“十七年”出版业调控的最终目的,是实现“政治—文学”的一体化.  相似文献   

The new Web generations are influencing the minds and changing the habits of software developers and end users. Users, librarians, and information services professionals can interact more efficiently, creating additional information and content and generating knowledge. This new scenario is also changing the behavior of information providers and users in health sciences libraries. This article reviews the new Web environments and tools that give librarians opportunities to tailor their services better, and gives some examples of the advantages and disadvantages for them and their users. Librarians need to adapt to the new mindset of users, linking new technologies, information, and people.  相似文献   

传统出版业的现代化之路——数字出版与传统出版的结合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱志国 《晋图学刊》2009,(3):26-28,43
随着信息技术、数字技术和互联网技术的不断发展,数字出版已对传统出版构成了挑战。在传统出版业面临生存危机的时候,我们要认清数字出版在出版产业中的地位,明确它只是技术手段的更新,出版的本质并未发生根本性的转变,它是促使传统出版现代化的催化剂,并且改变着传统出版业的经营理念。  相似文献   

音乐作品的制作与传播以及音乐图书的写作与编辑方式早已步入数字化时代,而音乐图书的出版与发行还保持着传统的渠道与模式.这就造成了音乐图书生产的时效性、读者获取图书的便利性很差,同时,音乐图书本身所具有的受众小而对音乐文献特别是乐谱文献种类需求多而广泛的特点,更说明了音乐图书数字化出版与发行的必要性.参考已数字化建设的期刊书籍网站、电子商务网站对于电子书的需求,以及专业音乐读者对于国外的免费乐谱下载网站的依赖,音乐图书出版社应及早变革,以自身独具特色的音乐图书内容为构架,建立图书出版网络化的发行思维.  相似文献   

The Arab print publishing industry is characterized by variety and complexity due to a combination of geographical and cultural diversity. This has resulted in Arab publishers facing a number of challenges, and this article aims to shed light on some of the most common problems faced by the industry—distribution, censorship and piracy—as well as examining the impact of digital books on this fledgling industry and how digital publishing can be used to overcome some of these problems.  相似文献   

Structural shifts behind the rise of podcasting have led to programming aimed at sustaining audience attention, a development coinciding with the sharp increase in engaged time with digital longform content among mobile users. This study industrially and culturally situates 3 case studies: True Murder (a pioneering precursor to This American Life producers’ Serial), S-Town (Serial’s successor that far exceeded its listenership), and Ear Hustle (Radiotopia’s experiment in subject-produced content made by two inmates at San Quentin State Prison). Each case illustrates how distinct sectors of the podcasting industry approach the production of absorbing nonfiction through transparent journalism featuring self-reflexive metanarrative.  相似文献   

张美娟 《出版科学》2007,15(1):16-19
1 大会概况 2006年11月2日至4日,由武汉大学和美国佩斯大学主办,武汉大学信息管理学院、武汉大学信息资源研究中心和新闻出版总署武汉大学高级出版人才培养基地承办,湖北省新闻出版局、湖北长江出版集团、湖北省编辑学会和武汉大学出版社协办的"首届数字时代出版产业发展与人才培养国际学术研讨会"(The 1st International Conference on Publishing Industry and Publishing Education in the Digital Age)在武汉大学隆重召开.  相似文献   

In the earlier years of the Web, libraries focused on moving services online and building digital collections, but in recent years, libraries have emerged as key players in the world of digital publishing. Librarians possess all of the necessary skills to act as digital publishers; they join the ranks of many others who have discovered the barriers around digital publishing are lower than ever. Library-based digital publishing solutions have matured to a point that the act of digital publishing could—and should—become a new core competency for the library profession. To explore this hypothesis, the researchers offer a working definition of digital publishing and assess the key roles that traditional publishers have historically offered over time. They find that librarians already possess the requisite skills to become digital publishers, and the collaborative culture of the library profession is a strength for this new role. Examples of digital publishing from two libraries at the University of California-Berkeley offer a proof of concept. Services at these libraries include the conceptualization of overall Web site strategies, a content plan that emphasizes distinctive and original material, and special projects that promote digital publishing at the local level, even as they take advantage of campus- or system-level services. Researchers find that offering library-based Web publishing services can reinforce overall information management programs and also advance the status of libraries within their respective host organizations. The comparative ease of digital publishing has opened an opportunity for librarians to follow the user as they use the Web in creative ways.  相似文献   

程艳林 《新闻界》2008,(6):81-83
随着网络技术和社会经济的飞速发展,数字出版产业在农村地区得到飞速发展,农村书业也将跨越传统图书阅读时代,迎来一场盛况空前的数字阅读革命。  相似文献   

出版业正处于传统出版与数字出版相互结合、相互交叉和相互促进的转型期,出版业技术层面的变化导致出版业在内涵、外延、组织形式、出版流程、盈利模式等层面发生了深刻的变革,传统出版业正面临前所未有的挑战和机遇.本文依据投入产出表,从上下游产业间需求与供给关系的角度研究我国出版业产业链的延伸以及新业态的形成机理,认为出版业向下游制造业延伸既有利于提高我国制造业的竞争力,也能扩大出版业需求,促进出版业发展;而建立与载体和渠道相一致的商业模式,是促进新业态形成的关键.  相似文献   

对我国出版业应用数字技术举步维艰的状况进行深入分析,就出版业应用数字技术研究、复合出版意识、特色内容开发、行业边界、资金投入方式与人才培训六个方面,对比国内外的差别,说明问题所在,提出改进建议.  相似文献   

国家数字复合出版系统工程是被列入《国家“十一五”时期文化发展规划纲要》的重要工程,也是新闻出版总署“十一五”期间在数字出版方面的第一号工程。该工程将形成数字出版所需的重要技术装备,该工程的顺利实施必将促进我国数字出版的发展壮大,进而带动整个文化产业的进步与变革。为此,本刊记者就国家数字复合出版系统工程的背景、主要工作内容及其未来影响等问题专门采访了新闻出版总署科技司负责人、“国家数字复合出版系统工程”立项工作组组长谢俊旗,以下是采访的具体内容。  相似文献   

电子书和电子阅读的出现及快速普及使图书馆界面临着挑战、挫折和机遇等不确定性因素,电子书生态系统和整个图书生态系统也在发生变化。笔者参加美国图书馆协会开展的有关数字内容以及向电子书转变这一进程如何改变图书馆等重要问题的研究,与多家出版商进行会谈,并对数字资源和电子书的使用情况进行调研。法律问题仍然是数字领域最重要的问题。在数字资源和电子书利用中,信息获取是最重要的问题之一。美国公共图书馆也积极采取策略应对各种变化和挑战,并始终坚持其发展目标,即在提高民众受教育水平、培养对阅读的喜爱以及保证公民的知情权方面发挥重要作用。此外,开放获取、版权和合理使用的法律裁决、美国数字公共图书馆、全球化知识获取的潜在可能性等问题是目前美国图书馆界讨论的热点话题。  相似文献   

论文提出商业为古代图书出版业的发展做出了重大贡献,推动了图书出版业技术的革新.商品市场的竞争机制发展了图书的内容形式和版式风格,同时,商业化也给图书出版业带来了难以克服的缺点.  相似文献   

产业政策是产业发展的重要推动力.2006-2016年,我国政府累计出台了160余项与数字出版产业相关的政策,结果是十年间我国数字出版产业年收入翻了近20倍.然而,我国正处在转型期,经济、政治、制度、社会、文化领域都在发生变化,所以无法判断政策会带来的吉登斯所说的“无意的后果”是什么.完整的政策过程除了制定和执行,还要对其绩效进行科学评价,这对决定政策去向、合理配置公共资源、实现公共决策科学化和民主化都有重大意义.文章通过梳理我国2006年以来的数字出版产业政策和产业发展实际,结合国外产业政策绩效实践经验,分析我国数字出版产业政策绩效评估现状.  相似文献   

The notion of what reference service ought to be continues to change as technology provides new ways to interact with users and alters their expectations of the library and librarians. As new tools for interaction become available, it is critical that librarians continuously evaluate their effectiveness at providing users with a valuable service that meets the needs of the community being served. By assessing tools and techniques in light of user expectations and satisfaction, librarians can come up with unique service programs that also incorporate their own knowledge and interpersonal skills.  相似文献   

检视台湾出版业数字化转型的历程与现状,指出台湾数字出版产业面临产业链缺乏有效整合以及商业运营模式不健全等困境,在重申内容对于数字出版重要性的同时,提出为适应数字时代深层范式的转变,台湾数字出版产业应树立"以信息服务为中心"的理念,以受众为导向,产制多元化的数字内容产品,并寻求产业链条的深度整合.  相似文献   

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