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Thirty-six counselor educators’ perceptions and experiences with international student trainees were examined in this online survey research. Findings support the issues identified in the literature as confronting international students and also surface some issues specific to students in counselor training. International counselor education students tend to experience more difficulties in areas related to language, clinical training, adjustment, and cultural differences. Similarities and differences were also found within international student categories involving western and non-western countries and between international and domestic students. Counselor educators in general reported favorably on working with international students. Findings support attention being given to further examine the specific training and supervisory needs of international counseling students.Portions of this article were presented at the 2003 Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Chattanooga, U.S.A. and at the 2004 American Counseling Association Convention, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.  相似文献   

游戏治疗和家庭治疗的新发展:家庭游戏治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,西方国家发展起来一种新型心理治疗法——家庭游戏治疗。文章主要介绍了家庭游戏治疗理论的提出、理论原理、功能、方法、家庭治疗师的作用以及怎样使成人摆脱对游戏的抵触心理,最后对该疗法进行了简要展望。  相似文献   

Through 23 open‐ended questionnaires and 8 individual interviews, this phenomenological study explored the experiences of Hispanic men and women (N = 23) who completed doctoral degrees in counselor education. Six themes were identified: family role models, educational support, parental expectations, ethnic identity, acculturation/cultural expectations, and intrinsic motivation.  相似文献   

团体游戏治疗:借鉴与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
团体游戏治疗将团体治疗与游戏治疗有机结合,具有很大的应用价值。借鉴国外主要的团体游戏治疗模式,对我国幼儿园和小学展开团体游戏治疗的理论与实践有启迪意义。  相似文献   

The perceptions of professional identity development from 10 counseling leaders were examined through consensual qualitative research methodology. Themes and implications include the (a) intersection of being counselor educators and leaders in the counseling field and (b) the development and strengthening of professional identity over time.  相似文献   

学校剧除了对中国戏剧的发展有重要影响以外,其实在教育上亦有独特的价值,但它的发展受制于社会传统,故而有点曲折,特别是在东方社会。在制度化教育以前,古希腊人已经注意到教育与戏剧有着极为重要的关联;夸美纽斯将演剧带入了学校教育,并在课程上给它一定的地位;杜威则赋予了它更新的内涵,由此学校剧经历了从宗教手段之一到艺术教育最高级形式的转变;如今更发展为教育戏剧,用以辅助普通学科的教学。  相似文献   

学校咨询(School Counseling)是美国学校教育制度的重要组成部分。学校咨询教师(School counselor)是专门服务于学校的专业和专职教师。美国对于学校咨询教师的培养途径和方式主要是:修习专业课程(Courses)打好理论基础;完成专业实习(Internship)提高实践技能;制作专业档案(Portfolio)做好就职准备;通过国家的专业能力测试(NCE)获得专业资格认证。美国的学校咨询专业师资培养及资格认证制度的经验与特点为我们带来了很好的启示:明确学校咨询教师的职业定位、强化理论基础和技能培养、专业资格认证细化和制度化。  相似文献   

This research investigated rough and tumble (R&T) play in two early childhood settings. Participants included 11 educators and 17 children (5 years old). The study focused on gaining an understanding of how early childhood educators and young children interpret R&T play. The results indicate that while there is perceived value in R&T related to the development of young children, educators are uncertain of how to manage the play. The results of this study demonstrate the need for early childhood programs to develop policies to guide how R&T is managed.  相似文献   

游戏治疗是通过解决情绪问题来增强儿童适应性行为的一种有效方式,家长在其过程中有着重要的作用。在幼儿游戏治疗中,家长需要根据情况采取不同的介入方式和指导策略。在间接介入指导中,家长应积极配合治疗师,跟进治疗,观察幼儿行为,适度给予孩子鼓励和支持。在直接介入指导中,可采用玩偶会谈和故事讲述等方式进行干预。家长明确自己的角色和职责定位,端正治疗心态,掌握一定的治疗技巧,有助于矫正并预防孩子的一些行为、情绪问题。  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the views of school counselors in international school settings; international schools being those that enroll students from varying nationalities (both English speaking and non-English speaking countries) and follow an American/International college preparatory education curriculum. Results were pursued in regard to three important areas: (1) mental health needs of students (e.g., coping with cultural transitions, aggression, self-esteem), (2) their own professional development needs (e.g., multicultural development, networking), and (3) their interactions with teachers, administrators, and parents (e.g., lack of knowledge of the counselor’s role, lack of trust in the counselor, lack of teamwork). Implications for supporting international school counselors are provided. An earlier version of this article was presented at the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois (2008).  相似文献   

认识领悟疗法是以精神分析学说为理论背景的心理治疗方法,它认为人们出现的心理问题是幼年期的恐惧在成人心理上的再现。通过用求助者理解的、符合他们生活经验的解释,使求助者理解、认识并相信他的症状和异常行为的幼稚性,并达到真正的领悟从而使症状消失。认识领悟疗法对解决现代人心理的问题具有借鉴和启发意义。  相似文献   

近年来,游戏治疗作为一种利用游戏的手段来矫正儿童心理行为异常的治疗方法,开始越来越多地运用于特殊教育领域。其中,自闭症儿童的游戏治疗也越来越受到研究者的关注。文章系统地进行了自闭症儿童游戏疗法的发展概述,得出其发展呈现以下特点与趋势:逐渐聚焦核心障碍;注重多种方法的综合灵活运用;逐步出现生态化倾向;以短程化的游戏治疗为主。以期为自闭症儿童游戏治疗的进一步研究及其在实践方面的合理应用提供参考。  相似文献   

台湾中小学家长参与学校教育的两大重要领域是学校与家庭,分别以学校家长会和子女学业为重心。影响台湾中小学家长参与学校教育的自然属性主要是性别和年龄,影响台湾中小学家长参与学校教育的社会属性主要是社会地位、学历与家庭收入。台湾中小学家长参与的经验和不足对大陆有以下三方面启示:加强家长与学校之间的实质性参与;激发低阶层家长参与学校教育的动机;平衡参与家长的性别和年龄差异。  相似文献   

This phenomenological study presents 11 urban school counselors’ perceptions of their graduate education in school counseling in relation to their engagement in college readiness counseling with low‐income, 1st‐generation college‐bound students. Findings from 2 rounds of interviews suggest that intentional strategies to integrate postsecondary readiness and planning into counselor education curricula is necessary to efficiently prepare school counselors to promote college access and success for at‐risk youth, thereby reducing the inequities that currently exist in postsecondary degree attainment.  相似文献   

Interest in career development and career counseling is growing in Korea. Nevertheless, neither the research nor the literature adequately address the question as to what applications can be cross-culturally transferred from career counseling centers in the United States to Korea. This study qualitatively examines the practice of career counseling in seven university career counseling centers in the United States in a search for concepts and methods that may be cross-culturally applied to Korean universities. Nine categories of data emerged in our qualitative analysis of information gathered: (a) types of systems; (b) staff; (c) services provided; (d) career assessments; (e) alumni networks; (f) workshops and outreach; (g) publicity; (h) information technology; and (i) facilities. Applications and ideas for the Korean context, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

台湾地区幼托整合政策通过政府主管机构及幼托服务提供者、师资培训及任用、设备标准及设施、教保服务内容等方面的整合,以及相关立法保障和财政经费的支持,试图实现"幼稚教育"与"托育服务"两个制度和两种机构的整合。台湾地区幼托整合政策在明确政府责任,建立支持系统,提供平等、同质、多元的教保服务等方面对大陆地区的托幼一体化具有重要启示。  相似文献   

This paper reveals the hidden voices of university students in a counselor training program who are caught in the Arab-Jewish conflict in Israel. These usually hidden voices emerged in a group counseling session, demonstrating the devastating effect that this type of stress has on Jewish and Arab Israelis alike. Implications for school counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors report results from a correlational study of 225 school counselor trainees' emotional intelligence and leadership qualities. Higher emotional intelligence correlated with higher leadership self‐efficacy and self‐leadership. The results indicate that emotional intelligence may be a relevant aspect of leadership training for school counselor graduate students.  相似文献   

The migration of South Asians to the Western hemisphere calls for a more flexible approach to integrate traditional South Asian healing resources into the practice of counseling. Through an analysis of primary textual and secondary sources, this paper delineates the Sikh model of the person, suffering, and healing. The paper concludes by drawing parallels with Western counseling theory, and a case vignette to illustrate how the Sikh spiritual tradition can be integrated with Western psychotherapy.  相似文献   

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