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现有留守儿童福利政策对应的社会主体存在能动性不足、多元共建不充分等问题。而积极福利思想作为一种发展型的社会政策理念,其倡导的激发主体能动性、多元社会主体共治共享的理念,对于当前我国留守儿童福利政策的完善有着重要的引导和启示作用。在"事后补救"的基础上引入"事前预防",加强"需求导向",激发留守儿童个体的能动性,明确各政策主体的协作关系、执行模式、问责机制,可以有效完善我国留守儿童福利政策。  相似文献   

随着美国社会的发展,儿童福利政策日趋完善,并有相应的立法作保障;其儿童福利政策经历了残补性到普惠性的过渡;在政策的实施与管理过程中,吸引了社会各界的参与。这些特点对我国儿童福利政策的不断完善具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在我国福利政策和福利行政体系不完善的情况下,通过分析我国中央和地方流动儿童政策的现状,分析影响流动儿童福利政策制定、执行等环节的因素,了解到流动儿童福利在我国尚未得到社会及政府足够重视,国家缺乏专门的流动儿童福利机制。因而,要从影响流动儿童福利的家庭、学校、社区和立法因素出发,从流动儿童中、长期发展的战略高度致力于对流动儿童福利政策的顶层设计,对人力资本的投资、就业支持和人文关怀的具体政策设计,努力构建有利于流动儿童发展的社会福利政策新模式。  相似文献   

改革开放35年以来,与我国儿童权利保护相关的法律与政策文本的演进可以划分为三个阶段:1978年至1991年为嵌入式发展阶段,儿童权利保护以救助为主;1992年至2000年为专门化发展阶段,其特征是救助为主、福利为辅;2001年至今为制度化发展阶段,儿童权利保护开始走向以福利为主。福利取向的儿童权利保护对推进我国儿童保护法治建设、贯彻和坚持国家教育改革与发展规划纲要"以人为本、保障儿童全面发展"的战略具有重要意义。  相似文献   

英国教育福利政策在其福利国家现代化进程中经历了几番变革.经典福利国家时期推行了“国家主导范式”教育福利改革,将“社会公平优先”作为政策伦理诉求;福利国家紧缩时期推行了“市场主导范式”教育福利改革,将“市场效率优先”作为政策伦理诉求;社会投资国家时期推行了“混合治理范式”教育福利改革,将“社会公平与市场效率平衡”作为政策伦理诉求其对于后福利时代我国教育福利事业发展的启示是:发挥“政府一市场一家庭”多元混合教育福利治理的合力作用;追求“社会公平与市场效率平衡”教育福利政策价值目标;将教育福利作为破解我国儿童贫困代际传递难题的根本途径等.  相似文献   

儿童政策是现代化国家力量为儿童成长与发展提供支持和保障的主要依据。我国的儿童政策始终反映了中国特殊的文化脉络和发展现实。在制定儿童政策时要立足当前儿童生存与发展现状,辨析儿童培养过程中的"家庭工具性"和"儿童工具性",强调儿童的本体性价值。在此基础上,提出儿童作为权益主体、国家和家庭作为责任主体的均衡关系。建议在我国未来的儿童政策中,坚持儿童保护底线原则的同时,全面促进儿童发展。在儿童发展责任主体层面,强调以家庭为本、国家支持的责任取向。在儿童政策发展趋势上,从补缺型儿童福利政策逐步实现向适度普惠型儿童福利政策转变。我国现阶段经济、社会发展、制度建设及公众观念现状,以及我国传统的历史和文化脉络的影响,综合决定着我国儿童政策和儿童工作的发展方向和基本价值,儿童培养目标所体现的价值是儿童政策的核心价值。  相似文献   

从历史发展的角度看,美国儿童福利对象经历了从家庭受虐儿童到残疾儿童再到处境不利儿童以及每一位儿童的转变;责任主体经历了从民间团体到政府的转变,政府主要通过立法确保福利政策实施;福利手段经历了从以经济援助为主到重视教育支持的转变;福利方式与理念经历了从隔离到融合再到全纳的转变。美国的儿童融合教育正是在其儿童福利政策的支持下得到了大力发展,我国今后也应把儿童教育纳入到儿童福利中,通过政府切实承担和落实相关的主体责任,在“大融合”的全纳理念下实现儿童福利从对弱势群体的救助到关注普惠的受教育权的转变,以保证所有儿童享有平等的教育机会、过程与结果。  相似文献   

童小军,博士,毕业于美国丹佛大学,现任中国青年政治院中国社会工作研究中心副主任。长期致力于儿童福利和儿童保护问题研究和政策倡导。2005年底回国至今,承担和完成多个国家级儿童福利和儿童保护政策试点项目。“我国在校女学生援助交际现象研究”是其代表性研究,完成于20104底。  相似文献   

流浪儿童问题关系重大,目前我国仍有数百万的儿童处在流浪境地,他们的权益得不到保障而且会影响到整个社会的和谐发展。本文通过对流浪儿童福利和救助政策现状的探究,力图找到当前流浪儿童福利政策中存在的问题,探求有效的解决流浪儿童问题的途径。  相似文献   

基于对贵州省农民工输出重点地区——毕节试验区120名在校初中留守儿童的实地问卷调查,利用阿马蒂亚.森的能力方法理论,运用模糊数学的分析方法对留守儿童的福利状况进行实证研究。研究表明,留守儿童在其父母外出务工后,经济方面得到的福利有所增加,但社会精神福利水平过低,从而使得总福利效用水平处于较低状态。最后根据分析结论提出政策建议,以期留守儿童的总体福利有所增加。  相似文献   

特殊儿童家庭教育社会支持情况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特殊儿童的正向发展有赖于良好的家庭教育。通过对四川省部分地区特殊儿童父母的调查发现,无论在客观支持还是主观支持方面,特殊儿童家庭教育所得到的社会支持,特别是中观和宏观层面的支持都比较有限,微观层面的家庭成员的支持和中观层面专业教育机构的支持是家长们的重要支持来源,而纵横交融的社会支持系统尚未形成。为此,建议在全社会尊重特殊需求人士的基础上,重视人才培养和机构设置,构建特殊教育的技术支持体系,并进一步完善社会福利和保障体系,以帮助特殊儿童及其家庭顺利发展。  相似文献   

近年来,我国特殊学生的心理健康问题成为国内特殊教育界关注和研究的重要问题之一。特殊学生的心理健康离不开家长的教育和帮助。本研究发现,特殊学生家长对子女心理健康期望的得分是:对子女社会性发展期望〉学习适应性期望〉情绪调控期望。此外,研究表明,特殊学生家长对子女心理健康的期望存在人口变量学的差异。家长恰当的期望会激发特殊学生的潜力,有利于特殊学生形成健康的心理。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to review literature about parents’ attitudes towards inclusive education. Special attention is paid to parents’ attitudes and to the effect of these on the social participation of children with special needs in regular schools. A review of the literature resulted in 10 studies showing that the majority of parents hold positive attitudes. However, parents of children with special needs reported various concerns, including the availability of services in regular schools and individualised instruction. Several variables were found which relate to parents’ attitudes, such as social‐economic status, education level, experience with inclusion and type of disability. No studies examined the effects of parental attitudes on the social participation of children with special needs. The importance of positive parental attitudes is elaborated in the discussion.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study uses administrative data to track the first re-reports of maltreatment in a low-income, urban child welfare population (n=4957) while controlling for other public service involvement. Service system involvement is explored across the following sectors: Child Welfare, Income Maintenance, Special Education, Juvenile Court, and various forms of Medicaid-reimbursed medical or mental health care. This study builds knowledge by adding the services dimension to an ecological framework for analyses and by following recurrence for a longer period of time than prior investigations (7.5 years). METHOD: We model the re-reporting of a child for maltreatment as a function of child, caregiver, service, and neighborhood characteristics using data from birth records, child welfare, income maintenance, Medicaid, adult corrections, juvenile court, special education, law enforcement, and census sources. Bivariate and multivariate analyses are presented, the latter using Cox regression with a robust sandwich covariance matrix estimate to account for the intracluster dependence within tracts. RESULTS: Key results across bivariate and multivariate analyses included a lower rate of re-reporting among children with parents who were high school graduates and/or permanently exited from the first spell on AFDC (p<.0001); and for children in families that received less intensive in-home services compared to those not receiving services, receiving intensive in-home, or foster care services (p<.0001). Higher rates of re-reporting were found for children with Medicaid mental health/substance abuse treatment records (p<.0001) and special education eligibility for emotional disturbance (p<.005). CONCLUSIONS: Caretaker characteristics and non-child welfare service use patterns had a strong association with the likelihood of a child being re-reported to the child welfare agency and should be more heavily attended to by child welfare workers. High rates of service sector overlap suggest that interagency ties and cooperation should be strengthened. The lower risk associated with less intensive in-home services compared to un-served cases may indicate under-identification of in-home service eligibility following a first report of maltreatment.  相似文献   

FINLAND is a small North‐European country with a population of about 5 million. It has historical ties with Sweden and Russia. Consequently, there are two official languages in the country: Finnish and Swedish. The education system is based on a 9‐year comprehensive school. Education is compulsory for all children between the ages of 7 and 16. Health and welfare services for children with disabilities are mainly provided within the regular services but special services are ensured by special laws. Special education services are provided at every level of education and learning environment modifications range from remedial education to individual instruction at home. In the comprehensive school about 16% of all pupils receive special education in some form. The majority of special pupils receive part‐time special education by resource room teachers. Individual and group integration has increased strongly during the last decade and more emphasis is placed in the development of individual special education programming.  相似文献   

伴随农村中小学布局调整出现了"留校儿童"以及伴随离异家庭出现了"单亲儿童",这部分农村孩子和父母或父母中一方相分离,父母的缺位导致孩子家庭教育非常薄弱甚至缺失。采取改革户籍制度、给农民工以公平待遇和增加对家庭教育知识的培训、因地制宜地布局农村中小学、完善学校教育补偿制度等措施建立农村社区儿童少年教育和监护体系,为广大农村孩子的健康成长营造一种良好的家庭环境和社会氛围。  相似文献   

住宅专项维修资金管理问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
住宅专项维修资金是房屋的"养老金",事关百姓的安居乐业和社会的稳定。但现行《住宅专项维修资金管理办法》依然存在"缴钱容易,使用难"、"监管严格、效率低"等诸多的隐患和漏洞,迫切需要在配套管理制度、办法的修订和运行模式等方面有所突破,从而使该项资金对保障住宅安全使用、构建和谐社会发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

通过分析我国农村留守儿童的现状,揭示出留守儿童问题将会长期存在并日益突显。并带有普遍性。提出真正关心农民生活,彻底解决“三农”问题,建设社会主义新农村,不能不关注这一特殊群体。提出必须从政府、社会、学校、家庭四方面人手,并注重四者的结合,解决留守儿童在生存发展中面临的问题,积极使他们得到德、智、体的全面发展。  相似文献   

Parents are key stakeholders in education and their support is pivotal to policy implementation. Through a large-scale survey, the present study investigated the validity of a structural model describing the relationship between attitude, knowledge, and perceived social norm among parents of children with special needs. Results revealed that knowledge and perceived social norm were powerful predictors of parents’ attitudes towards inclusion and the two predictors were intercorrelated. Exploratory analyses on the effect of demographic variables on parents’ attitudes demonstrated that male parents exhibited more positive attitudes towards inclusion than female parents; and parents of children at a higher grade level indicated less positive attitudes. Cultural issues of parents’ concerns about inclusive practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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