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当前我国青少年吸毒现象依然严重,本文从充分发挥学校教育阵地的作用、注重家庭教育的重大预防作用、家大毒品犯罪打击力度以杜绝毒品来源、做好吸毒青少年的戒毒和帮教管理工作、充分发挥社会整体功能来建立防范青少年染毒社会机制、增强青少年自身防毒能力等六个方面提出了防治对策。  相似文献   

对青少年吸毒现象的心理学思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青少年吸毒现象是社会重视的一个问题。本文从内外因素两方面分析当前青少年吸毒的原因,提出了预防青少年吸毒的几个原则,以及对已经吸毒青少年进行心理干预的措施和方法。  相似文献   

青少年吸毒问题已经成为社会各界广泛关注的问题之一.在青少年禁毒教育工作中,香港已经形成了一套行之有效的机制.通过介绍香港禁毒宣传和毒品教育的主要机构和设施建设的情况,分析其针对青少年禁毒宣传和毒品教育的工作特点,从而调整和改进我国大陆的青少年禁毒教育工作的思路,提出了构建关注心理健康、健全组织机构、打造专业队伍和改进教育形式的四位一体的禁毒教育工作模式.  相似文献   

现在社会上有部分青少年吸毒,分析其中原因,除了青少年好奇心强、情绪不稳定、对毒品的危害认识不足外,其早期家庭教养方式、学校教育、社会环境等外部因素也是不容忽视的原因。  相似文献   

青少年吸毒的社会心理学透析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李雄鹰  杨玲 《河西学院学报》2003,19(1):104-108,112
青少年吸毒是给青少年个人.家庭和社会都带来极其严重危害的不良社会现象。受到家庭和社会的普遍关注.本文在分析了我国青少年吸毒的现状之后。从社会心理学的角度分析了青少年吸毒的社会心理成因.  相似文献   

青少年毒品犯罪的原因及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青少年毒品犯罪已经成为目前中国一个不可忽视的社会问题。现阶段青少年吸毒现象和青少年毒品犯罪蔓延的深层次原因,包括缺乏基本的毒品常识、法制观念淡薄、不良环境的负面影响等。预防青少年吸毒和青少年毒品犯罪可行性对策,包括普及禁毒常识、净化社会环境、强化法制功能等。  相似文献   

齐齐 《中国德育》2004,(1):43-43,38
吸毒,使无数人倾家荡产,债台高筑;吸毒,使多少人妻离子散,家破人亡;吸毒,使多少人死于非命,命丧黄泉……吸毒造成的危害,人们早已有目共睹。然而,有些人却还在吸毒,甚至有些青少年也在吸毒。他们为什么会吸毒呢?  相似文献   

某门主修课没有期末考试,以一个跟踪本港新闻大事的专题报告取而代之。做这个报告要分三次提交进展情况,跨度历时三个月,算是让我体验了一把做深度报道的记者生涯。近年,香港青少年吸食毒品的比例上升幅度显著,这升势一直持续,毒祸日渐蔓延校园,且99%被呈报吸毒的青少年所吸食的危害精神毒品相较传统毒品危害更为深远。青少年吸毒问题事关香港未来,引起政府高度关注。2008年  相似文献   

青少年吸毒的原因错综复杂,而心理原因是促成这种行为的内部动因。本文分析了猎奇、模仿与从众、反抗师长、空虚无聊等几种主要的心理原因并就加强对青少年禁毒宣传教育提出了一些有针对性的意见。  相似文献   

据最新报道,我国累计登记在册的吸毒人员已达105万人,现有吸毒人员已超过74万人。令人担忧的是其中青少年就占72.2%,并且大多是在不知毒品危害的情况下,被诱骗染上毒瘾的。尽管深处内地,毒品活动并非十分猖獗,但在禁毒教育上未雨绸缪,防患于未然,也不算是杞人忧天。况且促进“禁贩、禁种、禁吸”也是教育工作者义不容辞的责任。对此,笔者就本地情况在本校组织了“毒品离我们有多远”主题活动,进行了毒品知识问卷调查。  相似文献   

戒毒者团体心理辅导的必要性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在帮助吸毒者戒毒的过程中,要最大限度地减少复发,需要在较长时间内,对吸毒者进行心理康复治疗。由于我国心理咨询业发展较晚,专业从事戒毒工作的心理工作人员非常有限,借助于团体心理辅导优势,为戒毒者生理脱瘾后的康复训练以及预防复吸干预提供一种可行的和可操作性的模式显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Chapter 9.     

Many counselors, psychologists, and social workers assist clients to take psychotropic drugs but recoil from helping clients to rethink drug use or stop taking drugs. They might fear resisting the prevailing ideology, violating “standards of care,” or contradicting physicians' advice. This article discusses withdrawal emergent reactions from prescribed psychotropic drugs and proposes a rational, person-centered approach to help adults stop taking medication. It considers assessment, collaboration with physicians and pharmacists, the client's fear of withdrawal, the importance of gradual taper, and the monitoring of withdrawal emergent reactions. For practitioners who do not personally endorse drug use, it suggests guidelines for adhering to the best standards of care and consent. It also discusses legal and ethical issues related to therapists' concerns and clients' rights. Professionals' and consumers' roles vis-à-vis medication are changing, and a large evidence base documents the risks of medications. In this context, helping clients to withdraw from medications is a corollary to ethical and legal duties to inform clients of the availability and benefits of drugs, and its limits should be framed only by the constraints of practitioner competence and informed consent.  相似文献   

Twenty-one patients of the Family Center Program for pregnant drug dependent women were studied employing tools which indicate potential ability to parent or risk of child abuse. The Profile of Mood States and Beck Depression Inventory were administered, and a Violence Questionnaire was self-administered to ascertain the presence of physical or sexual abuse in the mothers' lives. These results were compared to an assessment of parenting ability as well as general demographics and urinalyses which indicate whether the mothers were taking any drugs in addition to their methadone. Results revealed that there were strong relationships between parenting ability and abusive life events, prenatal clinic attendance, use of depressant drugs, number of children, age, and education and/or employment. These variables were also interrelated with depression, abnormal mood states, and general drug abuse. It appears that while polydrug abuse, psychological problems, and stressful life events are strong indicators of poor parenting ability, the successfully methadone maintained woman who does not feel the need to supplement her methadone with other drugs, whose life has stabilized, and who is relatively normal in her affect and mood, has a strong potential for good childrearing ability.  相似文献   

吸毒易感性的人格特质是指更能预测吸毒行为发生的特定人格特质。吸毒易感人格特质研究主要集中在感觉寻求、冲动性、低自我控制和心理障碍等方面;其中,心理障碍包括品行障碍、注意缺陷多动症、情绪障碍和边缘人格障碍等。文献显示:边缘人格障碍具有吸毒易感性的所有相关人格特质,因此,认为边缘人格障碍可能是吸毒的根源。建议今后的研究探讨边缘人格障碍的病理,这可以帮助我们更好地理解吸毒行为。  相似文献   

有限度合法化:控制毒品的可能出路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国毒品问题复燃于20世纪70年代末80年代初,现已广布全国各地。我国控制毒品消费市场和供给市场的政策并不成功。毒品有限度合法化,指使非医疗和科研用途的有限度毒品成为合法商品,通过严格控制大麻等软毒品的销售主体、销售对象、销售数量,实现滥用毒品非犯罪化,减少毒品的社会危害。控制我国的毒品,要继续加强对毒品危害性的宣传,使越来越多的人自觉抵制毒品的诱惑;改变认识上的误区,减少对吸毒人员的歧视与仇视;仿效安置自动售套机做法,提供比较容易获得的注射针具;借鉴荷兰的经验,将大麻等软毒品有限度合法化。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There were two aims in this research. First, to examine the relationships between childhood sexual abuse and HIV drug and sexual risk taking behaviors among female prisoners, and second, to examine the relationship between a marginal adult living context and HIV drug and sexual risk taking behavior among female prisoners. METHOD: The data were collected through face-to-face interviews with a random sample of 500 women at admission to prison in 1994. Differences between women who were sexually abused while growing up (n = 130) were compared to women who reported no sexual abuse (n = 370) along various demographic, and HIV drug and sexual risk taking dimensions. RESULTS: A history of sexual abuse while growing up was associated with increased sexual risk taking behaviors in adulthood. A marginal adult living situation also emerged as an important factor increasing the risk for HIV infection. Examining the co-occurrence of both childhood sexual abuse and adult marginal living context revealed a strong relationship between these two factors and HIV risk taking activities. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that childhood sexual abuse may be a predictor for HIV sexual risk taking behaviors among incarcerated women. The marginal and chaotic adult living style of these women was also associated the extent of their HIV drug and sexual risk taking behaviors. Our research suggests that the co-occurrence of sexual victimization and marginality is a stronger predictor of HIV risk than each variable alone.  相似文献   

非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)和非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)是常见的肝组织发生病理学改变的临床代谢综合征.目前,研究者普遍认为氧化应激反应的失衡是导致和加剧肝细胞脂肪化的重要原因.因此,抗氧化药物的使用是临床上治疗NAFLD和NASH的方法之一.维生素E作为一种在医学领域广泛应用的抗氧化剂,能有效清除自由基,阻断由氧化应激引起的细胞衰老,同时预防血液中脂肪氧化及沉积.因此,维生素E能否用于NAFLD和NASH的治疗受到越来越到学者的关注.本文整理近几年的临床试验结果,从单独补充维生素E和维生素E结合其它药物两方面对维生素E在NAFLD和NASH中的疗效进行概括,为探索维生素E应用于NAFLD和NASH临床治疗提供线索.  相似文献   

药物代谢存在着性别差异,性别差异对药物代谢的影响及其机制,目前国内外均还没有完整系统的结论。性别差异主要在于性激素的不同,雌二醇是雌激素的主要活性成份,是雌激素替代疗法和口服避孕药中的必要成份,肝硬化及肝癌患者体内雌二醇的浓度高于正常,阐明雌二醇对肝细胞药物代谢相关基因的影响,可以解释性别差异导致药物代谢差别的原因,从而能提高妇女及肝病患者的用药安全性。  相似文献   

影响女性吸毒者戒毒的社会、家庭、心理、生理诸因素分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
刘基  杨玲 《西北师大学报》2003,40(1):104-107
目的:探讨影响女性吸毒戒掉毒瘾的因素。方法;以242名正在戒毒所接受戒毒的女性为对象,运用编制的调查问卷进行测本。结果:影响女性吸毒戒掉毒瘾的诸因素中,生活态度和自尊水平之间关系紧密,吸上毒品与家庭环境之间不存在相关,社会环境,心理依赖和能戒掉毒品之间存在线性关系。结论:影响女性吸毒戒毒的因素中既有认知,心理因素,也有生物学因素。  相似文献   

It is clear from the foregoing, that the development of prodrugs promises to be a very effective method for treatment of diseases in the future. This approach has several advantages over conventional drug administration. Site specificity is central to the prodrug development strategy. Even though at present prodrugs are not prevalent in clinical use, in future there will be prodrugs for every known drug to make them effective in treatment. Drug discovery and prodrug development appear to be complementary for the generation of target specific medicines of future. At present the research in this area is at a nascent stage due to lack of information regarding all the enzymes or receptors most suitable for targeting purposes. As the unravelling of the microbiological details of the affected targets become clear, prodrug development will surely decrease side/toxic effects of drugs and also trigger development of more potent primary drugs.  相似文献   

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