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王晶晶  崔鸿 《考试周刊》2008,(12):178-179
在中学生物教学中,前概念在学生的头脑中留下了深刻的印象,对学生形成与掌握生物科学概念产生了极大的影响.文章通过阐述什么是概念转变,以及分析中学生前概念的特点,结合生物教学实践,初探教师如何帮助学生有效地"丰富"和"修正"前概念,建构生物科学概念的策略.本文主要对由引发认知冲突来进行生物概念转变教学的策略进行初探.  相似文献   

通过基于概念图的生物概念转变教学模式的教学实践研究表明,本模式得到师生的普遍认可,在教学实践中具有可行性。与传统教学模式相比,本模式在促进学生概念转变及形成概念网络体系方面取得更好教学成效,尤其对中等学生应用本模式的效果最佳。该模式以概念转变过程为模型,以概念图为工具,以学生的生物前概念为教学起点,实现从教师本位向学生本位,从封闭向开放,从授受向建构的教学转变,促进了学生的概念转变,为中小学教师开展概念教学提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

学生头脑中的前概念会影响学生对新概念的学习。对此,在生物教学中教师需要进行概念转变教学,以学生原来已有的概念为教学起点,通过适当的教学行为解决学生的认知矛盾,使学生头脑中的生物学概念实现从错误到正确、模糊到清晰、片面到全面的转变,从而帮助学生建构更科学的概念。基于此,以"现代生物进化理论的主要内容"的教学为例,着重探讨高中生物概念转变教学。  相似文献   

生物学教学的过程是促使学生前概念转变的过程,而不只是将信息添加到学生记忆中的过程。教师应该了解学生的前概念,认识概念转变理论。利用自然科学学习的认知过程促进学生生物学前概念的转变。  相似文献   

当代认知建构主义认为,学习是学习者通过原有认知结构与从环境中接受的感觉信息间的相互作用主动建构信息意义的过程.在科学教学中,学生认知结构中的错误概念不但会妨碍对新知识的理解和认识,而且会导致产生新的错误概念.根据建构主义的观点,学生的错误概念不可能通过传统的知识传授的方法由科学概念代替学生的错误概念,而必须依靠学生自己通过概念转变学习,实现由错误概念向科学概念的转变.因此,加强对学生的前概念尤其是错误概念向科学概念的转变的研究就成为科学教学一项新的、重要的任务,同时也是当前科学教学改革的一个新的视域.  相似文献   

王书元 《考试周刊》2013,(29):148-149
根据建构主义学习理论,前概念可以同化或顺应转化为科学概念。本文有针对性地提出了前概念转变的教学策略:了解学生的前概念;通过探究实验激发学生的认知冲突,促进学生建立科学概念;利用合作方式解决认识冲突,巩固科学概念。  相似文献   

当代认知建构主义认为,学习是学习者通过原有认知结构与从环境中接受的感觉信息间的相互作用主动建构信息意义的过程。在科学教学中,学生认知结构中的错误概念不但会妨碍对新知识的理解和认识,而且会导致产生新的错误概念。根据建构主义的观点,学生的错误概念不可能通过传统的知识传授的方法由科学概念代替学生的错误概念,而必须依靠学生自己通过概念转变学习,实现由错误概念向科学概念的转变。因此,加强对学生的前概念尤其是错误概念向科学概念的转变的研究就成为科学教学一项新的、重要的任务,同时也是当前科学教学改革的一个新的视域。  相似文献   

科学概念教学对于科学教学具有重要意义。当前,科学概念教学过程中还存在一些不符合科学课程理念的教学方法、策略,影响教学质量。本文以文献研究成果为基础,依据概念转变学习理论提出了提高科学概念教学有效性的具体操作策略:(1)探测前概念,制造认知冲突;(2)“架桥”前概念,切合科学概念;(3)加强实验创新,推动概念转变。  相似文献   

学生在学习科学课程前,头脑中存在着前科学概念和错误概念,这些概念有很强的顽固性。根据建构主义的观点,学生的错误概念不可能通过传统的知识传授方式由科学概念所代替,而必须依靠学生自己通过概念转变学习,实现由错误概念向科学概念的转变。促进学生前科学概念和错误概念转变的概念转变学习有三步教学策略:揭示学生的前科学概念,这是实现概念转变学习的前提;引发学生的认知冲突,这是实现概念转变学习的契机和动力;鼓励认知顺应,这是实现概念转变学习的关键。  相似文献   

建构主义理论和教学实践证明,前概念到科学概念的有效转变对于学生学习、构建正确的概念事半功倍。文章围绕教师如何“为概念转变而教”,从探究学生前概念、引发认知冲突、构建科学新概念三个方面对高中生物教学策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

The findings of a small-scale study concerning entry into teacher education are presented. Data were collected over four years by questionnaires completed by a total of 140 participants attending Teaching Taster Courses run annually by Brunel University from 1999 to 2002 for prospective students in secondary shortage subjects. The study took place in a period of local and national under-recruitment. Aspects such as finance and the length of training, normally perceived as barriers to prospective students entering programmes of initial teacher education, were not perceived as such. Personal qualities and individual commitment to teaching were perceived as important requirements, and, by implication, overcoming any external barriers. Implications are discussed for a range of initiatives, including flexible routes to qualified teacher status, schemes for financial support, and pre-conceptions of prospective students about their needs as learners during initial teacher education.  相似文献   

Students develop concepts of probability withut formally studying the discipline and some of their concepts are at variance with those taught in the classroom. A sruvey of 200 students in five schools in Missouri was undertaken in an attempt to learn about pre-conceptions. The results are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

现象学中的"悬置"分析框架对当前我国的课堂教学研究的创新具有重要的借鉴意义。为了创新课堂教学,在课堂教学研究中应"悬置"已有的不合理的前有、前见和前设,重视研究者的直观和体验。从而实现研究价值的以人为本、研究主体的多元参与,如此,才能更加有效地促进课堂教学的改革。  相似文献   

This article describes selected aspects of a study into geography student teachers' thinking and practice in teaching environmental topics and influences on their thinking and practice. The focus is on particular aspects of the methodology and findings related to the student teacher's thinking about teaching their chosen environmental topic at the start of their course. Reporting on methodology, the article focuses on measures for trustworthiness and credibility, an integral part of this qualitative study, and the ethical principles which were created and practised to take account of the researcher's dual role as researcher and tutor. Related to findings, the focus is on examples of the student teachers' pre-conceptions about subject matter and subject-specific pedagogy in teaching their chosen environmental topic, together with prior experiences which appear to have influenced their thinking. A short conclusion suggests implications for practice in geography teacher education.  相似文献   

Authenticity has recently become a popular term in science education. A study focusing on authenticity in the sense of making chemistry lessons better resemble chemistry practice is carried out at the University of Cologne in the Institute of Chemical Education, where prospective chemistry teachers are trained. In the long run an innovative module shall be developed, which challenges teacher students’ pre-conceptions about characteristics of chemistry practice and supports them in translating their conceptions into authentic learning environments. This paper presents the first part of the project in which course elements to stimulate reflection on students’ attitudes were evaluated. Moreover the students were given an opportunity for teacher students to create a practical activity for pupils in order to detect aspects in which the students need more support, for example possible ways for this transformation or more experience with inquiry-based learning.  相似文献   

In Uganda, curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS has largely depended on public and private media messages about the disease. Media campaigns based on Uganda’s cultural norms of communication are metaphorical, analogical and simile-like. The topic of HIV/AIDS has been introduced into the Senior Three (Grade 11) biology curriculum in Uganda. To what extent do students’ pre-conceptions of the disease, based on these media messages influence students’ development of conceptual understanding of the disease, its transmission and prevention? Of significant importance is the impact the conceptions students have developed from the indirect media messages on classroom instruction on HIV/AIDS. The study is based in a theoretical framework of conceptual change in science learning. An interpretive case study to determine the impact of Ugandan students’ conceptions or perceptions on classroom instruction about HIV/AIDS, involving 160 students aged 15–17, was conducted in four different Ugandan high schools: girls boarding, boys boarding, mixed boarding, and mixed day. Using questionnaires, focus group discussions, recorded biology lessons and informal interviews, students’ preconceptions of HIV/AIDS and how these impact lessons on HIV/AIDS were discerned. These preconceptions fall into four main categories: religious, political, conspiracy and traditional African worldviews. Results of data analysis suggest that students’ prior knowledge is persistent even after biology instructions. This has implications for current teaching approaches, which are mostly teacher-centred in Ugandan schools. A rethinking of the curriculum with the intent of offering science education programs that promote understanding of the science of HIV/AIDS as opposed to what is happening now—insensitivity to misconceptions about the disease—is needed.  相似文献   

在生理学教学实践中,可根据教学内容和专业特点。运用启发式教学法。促进师生互动;运用多样实验教学法,激发学生互动;运用校内外施教法,引导学生多向互动。通过教学互动,充分发挥教师在教学中的主导作用和学生的主体作用,提高教学质量,达到教学目的。  相似文献   

对51名护理专业学生应用SimMan仿真模拟人进行教学,并采用问卷调查形式让学生对新教学模式进行评价。2.2%学生认为新教学模式更有利于培养团队合作精神,90.2%学生认为新教学模式更有利于各学科知识的融会贯通,94.1%学生认为新教学模式更有利于与临床无缝对接。SimMan仿真模拟人进行成人护理(外护)理实一体化教学有利于提高学生临床问题处理能力,但仍需继续改进。  相似文献   

要培养学生的自主学习,提高历史教学的有效性。可从以下几方面入手:一、教师的教学能力及知识的提高是培养学生自主学习的前提;二、科学制定教学目标及教学设计,让学生有方向性和目的性;三、采用情境导入教学,激发学生的学习兴趣;四、鼓励学生提出问题,培养创新思维;五、做好教学的总结和评议。  相似文献   

因材施教是处理好中小学教学的统一要求与照顾个别差异的矛盾的总体策略。这一策略的具体运作关键在于实施班级授课制下的分层次教学和采用“一般要求加特长”办法。因材施教的逻辑结论之一是:既不能以放弃对学业后进生的培养为代价,更不能以放弃对学业尖子生的培养为代价。  相似文献   

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