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随着高等教育的大众化,德国的高等教育质量逐步下降.高等教育的质量问题其实要追溯到中等教育阶段,因此德国开始更多地从高中与大学衔接的视角来分析高等教育的质量问题.柏林洪堡大学主动创新,构建了以"与所在地中学合作"、"Abitur成绩转化为大学成绩"、"特别成绩"、"专业选择指导"为主的多学科、全过程、全方位的高中教育与大学教育衔接体系.  相似文献   

This paper explores issues arising from a detailed study of the experiences of students, teachers and lecturers in managing the transition from school to university in the study of English. It outlines some key philosophical perspectives derived from Pierre Bourdieu and considers the extent to which it is possible to apply notions of ‘habitus’ and ‘reproduction’ to the study of English at A level and at university. Through the consideration of these philosophical issues, this paper offers an insight into students' experiences of transition and some of the difficulties they face as they become accustomed to the new learning environment of the higher education institution.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - While literature on university governance in Canada has identified key challenges that need to be addressed, it largely overlooks calls for change towards...  相似文献   

Because of the premium now placed on a formal education as well as the changing demographics of American society, school failure is now more costly than ever. Given that academic difficulties experienced by children are traceable to problems in underachievement that begin during the first years of early schooling, a thorough understanding of the transition-to-school process is needed. We suggest two principal assumptions in examining this transition-to-kindergarten period. First, multiple risk factors associated with certain child, family, and child care characteristics are expected to predict early school experience, both in and out of the classroom, and, thereby, social and academic success and failure in the early school years. Secondly, it is expected that day-to-day experiences in the classroom and on the playground will exacerbate or mitigate risk, resulting in some children performing better than would otherwise be expected and others functioning worse than anticipated. Thus, a critically important problem involves the identification of child, family, child care, and schooling factors and processes which account for risk being realized or not realized with regard to subsequent academic and school performance.  相似文献   

Because of the premium now placed on a formal education as well as the changing demographics of American society, school failure is now more costly than ever. Given that academic difficulties experienced by children are traceable to problems in underachievement that begin during the first years of early schooling, a thorough understanding of the transition-to-school process is needed. We suggest two principal assumptions in examining this transition-to-kindergarten period. First, multiple risk factors associated with certain child, family, and child care characteristics are expected to predict early school experience, both in and out of the classroom, and, thereby, social and academic success and failure in the early school years. Secondly, it is expected that day-to-day experiences in the classroom and on the playground will exacerbate or mitigate risk, resulting in some children performing better than would otherwise be expected and others functioning worse than anticipated. Thus, a critically important problem involves the identification of child, family, child care, and schooling factors and processes which account for risk being realized or not realized with regard to subsequent academic and school performance.  相似文献   

USING a structured interview format this exploratory study sought the views of 73 young people with a range of disabilities regarding means for ensuring an effective transition from school to adult life for people with disabilities. A wide range of views was elicited focussing on the roles that both the school and community can play. Included in their suggestions were the need for a planned transition process, a job‐related school curriculum and structured procedures to facilitate community integration. Most importantly, however, the study has highlighted the valuable contribution made by service consumers in providing useful and meaningful information. Implications of the results of the study for future program development and research efforts are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,优质高中教育资源与广大人民群众的迫切需求之间的矛盾日益突出,加快高中学校的发展是教育事业面临的重要研究课题。长期以来,由于受计划经济体制下办学观念的影响,学校的教育环境封闭,学校的教育资源与社会经济资本很难形成良性互动,办学经费短缺以及“大锅饭”式的内部管理机制活力不足,已成为学校发展的瓶颈。然而,改革开放之后,经济体制改革在市场经济中取得的显著成果,无一不启示我们,高中教育要加快发展步伐必须适应时代的要求,渗透市场经营理念,引入市场运作模式,确立市场竞争机制。本文结合笔者几年来的学校管理工作实践经验…  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the Scottish School Leavers Surveys to investigate trends in the transition from school at a time of deepening recession. The main change observed is the collapse of employment between 1979 and 1983. The paper also describes trends in the distribution of school‐leaver employment, in its industrial and occupational composition, in patterns of movement in the youth labour market and in the role of special programmes. Some of its general conclusions challenge ideas current among some British sociologists. First, youth unemployment (at least among recent school leavers) is no longer significantly connected with patterns of subemployment or frequent job‐changing. Secondly, unemployment has not fundamentally changed the ‘selective function’ of education; credentials have retained their labour‐market value in relative if not in absolute terms. Thirdly, the recent rise in school‐leaver unemployment is very largely a result of the recession—the decline in the aggregate demand for labour—rather than of underlying structural changes that disadvantage young people; most recent changes in the transition from school to work are in principle reversible if the recession ends. The paper assesses the implications of these findings for the sociology of education, and concludes with a discussion of the possible impact of the Youth Training Scheme.  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions and concerns of current academic department chairs as they consider the transition to full responsibilities as a faculty member after the completion of a term in this leadership role. Currently, little research has focused on the dynamics of this transition process. Findings indicated that most department chairs planned to return to faculty positions and that a primary concern was reconstructing research agendas with minimal support. The discussion proposes ways in which institutions can support the return of former chairs to a faculty position that demands and rewards achievement in teaching, research, and service. These findings have implications for influencing policies and procedures relative to securing and continuing quality leadership and faculty productivity at the departmental level.  相似文献   

初高中新课程标准对语文学习的基本素养要求不尽相同,初高中教师的教育方式也存在很大差别,因此,高一学生初入高中,如果不加以衔接引导,往往很难在短期内适应高中的学习,这些都凸显了初高中教学衔接研究的重要性和必要性。分析并研究该问题,对于完善教育教学的系统性和连续性,更好地体现"以学定教"的新课改理念有着积极的意义和影响。  相似文献   

Herbert Gintis 《Prospects》1996,26(4):629-642
Conclusion I would like to close with a plea for more research on the effects of competition and choice on the functioning of the education system. Despite the large proportion of national budgets devoted to education, the issue is only very rarely addressed. One important exception to this rule is Hoxby (1994). This paper uses instrumental variable econometric techniques to determine the independent effect of the existence of choice among public schools on per-pupil expenditure, educational productivity, average student performance, student educational attainment and post-graduation wages.Hoxby found strong evidence that increased parental choice availability led to improvement on each of these measures of educational performance. Hoxby also found that the existence of choice among public schools leads to more mixing of students by social class, race and ethnicity. This mixing, she found, did not hurt the scholastic performance of any group, but improved the performance of several groups, including white non-Hispanic males, and students of parents with at least a high school degree.Original language: EnglishHe has jointly authoredDemocracy and market: participation, accountability and efficiency (with Samuel Bowles and Bo Gustafsson, 1993). He is editor ofMacroeconomic policy after the conservative era: studies in investment, savings and finance (1995) and has written numerous journal articles. He is currently co-chair with Paul Romer of the MacArthur Foundation research project on The human side of economic analysis: economic environments and the evolution of norms and preferences.  相似文献   

党的十九大报告提出"乡村振兴战略""办好继续教育,加快建设学习型社会",这为向开放大学转型中的广播电视大学提供了新的历史机遇。在新时代新环境下,广播电视大学应充分运用自身在农村继续教育方面的独特优势,创新农村人才培养模式,探索信息技术与教育的深度融合,丰富教育教学手段,为实现乡村振兴战略和办好农村继续教育发挥积极作用。这也为加快广播电视大学向开放大学转型步伐,提升广播电视大学人才培养质量提供动力。  相似文献   

本探讨了中学英语与大学英语教学的衔接问题,结合大学英语教学的特点,提出大学阶段教师应侧重由中学的教“书”向教“学”的转化。  相似文献   

高中与大学课程的有效衔接一直是各国中等教育和高等教育领域研究的核心问题之一。目前,美国已形成了AP课程、IB课程和双学分课程为主的三种高中-大学课程衔接模式。其中以双学分课程最具代表性,它凸显了长期以来美国教育倡导的追求卓越与平等合一的基本精神。本文通过对双学分课程的课程设计模式、课程质量保障以及财政资助问题的阐述,期望为我国高中新课程改革提供有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

分析了近年来高考、中考应用题命题的走势及产生这种走势的原因,提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

Mu  Lanlan  Cole  James 《Research in higher education》2019,60(8):1171-1194
Research in Higher Education - Several recent studies have successfully identified college student typologies based on individuals’ behaviors. One limitation of past studies has been their...  相似文献   

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