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本文采用文献回顾的方式,探讨了教育测试中的两个基本问题:测试的内涵及测试的目的。在本文中,测试指对学生的学习表现进行测评或评价。本文强调,测试的根本目的在于促进学生学习、促进教师教学以及促进学校的教学管理。换言之,测试旨在提高教育质量,培养优秀人才,而不仅仅局限于对学生的学习结果做出评价。  相似文献   

本文从“教育消费”和“文凭竞争”的现实背景出发,主要从管理经济学的角度,解析了通过接受正规教育取得的文凭所具有的人力资本信号、教育背景信号、个人素能信号、就业竞争力信号、薪资标准信号等一系列信号功能。  相似文献   

This article attempts to establish the scope of critical management education in a formal educational setting. It is based on an empirical study of 24 academic staffs’ experience of engaging critical management education in four UK University Business Schools. The study seems to show that there are significant barriers to and potential pitfalls in introducing critical management education in a formal higher educational setting. The problems seem to be attributable to the institutionalised assessment rules and regulations, marketisation of higher education, power embedded in the professional roles of university teachers, learning styles and cultural diversity of students, and classroom practices required to support critical teaching and learning. Critical management education requires labour intensive pedagogy, and the approach is not to be recommended to Business Schools that are constrained by resources and experiencing low staff morale, otherwise it may generates individual self-doubt and cynicism.  相似文献   

坚持教育创新加快高师院校的改革发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江泽民同志在北师大百年校庆讲话中提出了完整的教育思想理论体系,可概括为一个理论框架:教育思想、教育体制、教育手段的创新;一个主体:教育大计,教师为本,将教师是教育的主体观念突显出来;一个任务:建设有中国特色的教育体系.以北师大世纪转型为例,分析我国师范教育的功过、现状,可预见现阶段我国教师教育将走向双轨制,在良性竞争中,师范教育一定会有更为美好的发展前景.  相似文献   

罗马将军塞多留是第一个对西班牙地区的民族进行罗马化教育的人。他对当地民族的教育主要包括军事、文化两方面,他所推行的教育是以对罗马进行斗争为大背景的,他的教育活动是为军事和政治目的服务的。在客观上,他的教育使落后的西班牙民族首次接触到了罗马的先进文化.开启了当地罗马化的端倪,塞多留以古代罗马民族教育先行者的面貌永垂罗马史册。  相似文献   

Although the ethnicity-educational change nexus would seem to be of increasing interest to educational anthropologists, there has been surprisingly little effort made to systematically delineate variables or examine relationships in specific field settings. We have, for example, little knowledge of how and to what effect various ethnic groups have influenced ethnic education programs in public schools or have created and used their own nonformal educational programs outside of superordinate control. We need to determine under what conditions groups mobilizing around cultural symbols—i.e., the "old" ethnicity—as well as groups seeking to use ethnicity in resource competition—i.e., the "new" ethnicity—have sought to use education in formal schools, in nonformal programs, and by means of the media and resocialization, and so on, to help achieve ethnic movement goals for individual and social change (Bennett, 1974; Despres, 1975; Collins, 1976).  相似文献   

Norway has seen major changes in the field of educational assessment over the past decade, following the 2001 ‘PISA shock’ that stimulated reform of the entire primary and secondary education systems: new outcome-based curricula with cross-disciplinary basic skills were accompanied by major revision of assessment regulations, comprehensive government projects promoting formative assessment, national tests as a main component in a new national quality assessment system and new regulations for examinations and teacher reporting of overall achievement marks. The paper provides a historical context to the country’s prohibition of formal marking in primary education and the recent tensions determining how assessment criteria should be stated and used for formative and summative purposes. It is argued that Norwegian primary and secondary education is riddled with unresolved tensions as to the role of assessment criteria and national tests, sparked by incremental implementation of assessment policies and principles accompanying the new outcomes-based curricula.  相似文献   

毕业生问题已成为师范院校教育改革中不可忽视的问题,师范毕业生教育是师范教育的延伸,把师范毕业生继续教育纳入师范正常教育中,对师范院校教育改革和发展有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

Today's educational environment forms the stage for a host of debates, many of which centre on the use of standardized assessment in the classroom. With this push towards standardization, less time is being devoted to incorporating ‘experiential’ knowledge, or that knowledge which comes from hands‐on, travel, natural and other worldly experiences, into the learning environment. William Wordsworth and Thomas Hardy, two somewhat unlikely sources of educational insight, do have a pertinent message to add to this ongoing educational discussion. The two authors, through their personal experiences and through their literary works, draw from and examine the roles of formal education and the functions of various facets of knowledge in education. They exemplify the importance of finding a balance between formal educational experiences and informal avenues of education. Both men remind society that without the incorporation of experiential knowledge into the educational experience, students cannot reach the full potential of their intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social growth. Through an examination of the lives and works of Wordsworth and Hardy, the importance of non‐formal, non‐standardized experiences is reasserted at a time when it is of utmost importance to evaluate the components that make up modern education.  相似文献   

高等教育国际化趋势与教师角色重塑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济全球化、加入WTO和高等教育现代化的推进,使得国际化成为我国高等教育发展无可置辩的选择。国际化意味着高等教育要进行跨文化、跨国度的交流与竞争,意味着国家之间教育壁垒的破除和教育理念、教育内容、教育方法等全方位的国际整合。适应这种革故鼎新的变化,高等学校的教师必须进行角色转换,特别要重塑自己的教育理念、教育教学能力和教学方法与教学手段。  相似文献   

现代远程教育已经成为许多国家普遍采用的教育形式,是构建全民学习、终身学习体系的一种重要手段。目前我国的党员干部远程教育主要依托中国教育卫星宽带传输网、辅以中央党校卫星远程教育网,搭建一个集卫星远程教学网、有线电视网、互联网的“天地网合一”的教学平台,最大限度地实现教育资源共享,是大规模开展教育培训的重要手段,为大幅度提高学习者的综合素质提供条件。现代远程教育将成为学历教育的重要组成部分和培养各类人才的重要形式,是实现教育形式跨越式发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

Continuing education is the most universally accepted means of addressing the problem of professional obsolescence over a working lifetime. As presently practised in the majority of cases, it is not of proven effectiveness and the search for better methods continues. This paper describes the categories of formal and non‐formal continuing education, noting the role of professional societies and educational institutions in each. An alternative approach is proposed utilising the advantages of each category and the special expertise of both practitioners and educators. Joint endeavours between the two groups, through professional societies and educational institutions, offer a promosing approach, based on identified needs and structured, educationally sound activities, planned in response to those needs. The Western Australian Institute of Technology's Division of Health Sciences Centre for Advanced Studies is described as an example of the way such cooperation can be developed. It is through this sort of collaboration that problems in the implementation of continuing education can be addressed, and joint effort taken to develop effective solutions and achieve an effective programme of continuing education.  相似文献   

This article describes the involvement of Roman Catholics in the Religious Education Association during the first 50 years of its existence. It examines attitudes of Protestants toward Catholics expressed in journal articles, convention speeches, and archival material. It presents the contributions of Roman Catholics at conventions and in journal articles during this period. The article contends that Roman Catholics deepened involvement in the REA went a long way to making the association a multifaith organization. The history also documents changes in Roman Catholic viewpoints and emphases over the period of these 50 years from an exclusive concern with schooling to a broader view of the educational mission of the church and from education in an authoritarian and dogmatic spirit to one slightly more open to outside influences and cautiously willing to cooperate with other religious groups.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines two sorts of theories of teaching and learning in higher education ‐ the informal and the formal. It argues that defining the problem of how to improve the quality of higher education in terms of “theory into practice” is not useful; practice is continually informed by theory. However, there is a tendency to ignore the contribution of formal educational theory, which is experimental and forward‐looking, in favour of an essentially amateur approach to improving teaching, which is driven by institutional imperatives, rewards compliance rather than risk‐taking, and trivialises the teacher's experiences. Examples of this process are given; they include the Higher Education Council's draft advice on quality and the use of student ratings of teaching. The problem is redefined as one of bringing formal and informal theories into a fruitful relationship in order to develop, through democratic means, the practice of integrity in teaching. Some implications for the role of the educational development professional are considered.  相似文献   

It is frequently claimed that the ‘competition state’ responds to external competition by making competition increasingly central to its internal processes as well. This article discusses education reform in Singapore as departing from the opposite position. In Singapore ‘excessive’ competition in education is now targeted by policy-makers as a major obstacle to making Singapore education competitive in the global ‘knowledge economy’. Nevertheless, the consequence of education reform does not seem to be a reduction of educational competition as such, but rather a transition from an ‘academic’ to a ‘holistic’ form of competition, raising new questions of educational equity and fairness.  相似文献   

教育竞争在理论上和实践中都存在着不同程度的被误解的现状:把教育竞争偏狭地理解为升学竞争,把对应试教育和教育竞争的批评等同起来以及把竞争与合作对立起来;文章通过社会学的视角对教育竞争的定义和特征进行分析,提出教育竞争是客观存在的,要维护正当的教育竞争,并迎接“竞合时代”新的多元竞争。  相似文献   

Jo Boyden 《Compare》2013,43(5):580-600
This article examines the association between formal education, social mobility and independent child migration in Ethiopia, India (Andhra Pradesh), Peru and Vietnam and draws on data from Young Lives, a longitudinal study of childhood poverty and schooling. It argues that among resource-poor populations, child migration sustains kin relations across generations and households and also facilitates children’s progression through the life-course, thus it is fundamental to social reproduction. It reasons that formal education has greatly amplified this trend. Schooling has acquired symbolic value as the prime means of escaping household poverty and realising ambitions for social mobility. As such, elevated educational aspirations combine with systems shortcomings to stimulate school selection, school transfer and school-related child migration. The article concludes by examining the implications for children, for social reproduction and for policy.  相似文献   

Ireland has a policy of inclusive education to enable children with special educational needs to access education alongside their peers. The introduction of early assessment procedures to ensure that children receive support and resources on entering formal education has been an important strategy for delivery of this policy. This paper uses data from interviews with parents and from focus groups with professionals involved in assessment to discuss the efficacy of this procedure. The findings suggest that whilst a policy has been adopted, much remains to be done to ensure that provision of assessment and adequate resources is achieved.  相似文献   

走向高等教育强国:发达国家教育理念的传承与创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界高等教育中心的转移与世界科学活动中心转移之间存在强相关关系。世界强国首先是高教强国;发达国家走向高等教育强国在很大程度上得益于教育理念的创新。依据教育理念分野,世界高等教育分为两大体系和三种教育传统。两大体系是指罗马传统的高等教育体系与盎格鲁—撒克逊传统的高等教育体系。前者对世界高等教育的贡献是提供了职业教育理念、专业教育理念、学术教育理念(教学科研结合)、产学结合教育理念。后者对世界高等教育的贡献是提供了自由教育理念、通识教育理念、学术教育理念(研究型大学)、服务社会教育理念。三种教育传统是人文教育、专业教育、学术教育。这三种教育传统构成了大学的文化基因,教育理念的创新是文化基因的遗传和当代环境互动的产物。  相似文献   

关于电大考试制度与方法改革的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
课程考核是电大教学工作的重要环节。随着电大人才培养模式和开放教育试点的不断深入,现行的课程考核制度和方法,也不能很好地适应电大教学改革和发展的需要,必须以现代教育理念为指导,从人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点的实际出发,从改革考试制度和方法入手,全面推进电大课程考核的制度创新和方法创新,使课程考核成为全面衡量学生自主学习的有效手段,成为促进学生综合素质提高的有效措施。  相似文献   

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