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The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), an initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), was carried out in the early to mid-1990s across more than 20 countries. It was followed in the early years of the 21st century by the Adult Literacy and Life Skills (ALL) survey and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC, currently in data analysis). This article reviews the philosophical basis, theoretical underpinnings and data analysis of the original and subsequent IALS-based surveys. The purpose is to inform users of the survey data of what the surveys can, and cannot, provide. The author argues that the key use of these surveys is providing insights into population-level distribution of one form of literacy, namely a particular kind of text consumption in a developed society. He also points out the challenges regarding the use of the survey series for making international comparisons, for documenting change over time and for representing broad models of literacy. The tendency to use the survey findings for these uses is considered by the author as a misuse of the data, which leaves the potential of the IALS surveys to provide insights into the effectiveness and equity of different educational systems largely untapped.  相似文献   

The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) was designed as a vehicle to directly measure the functional literacy skills of adults across different countries. This survey was conducted as a household-based survey whereby a random sample of adults in participating countries was selected and administered a literacy skill assessment. The IALS theoretical framework was founded upon a solid base of research and statistical theory. Proven statistical methods such as Item Response Theory and Plausible Values Methodology were used in the development and analysis of the literacy test. Likewise, from the practical viewpoint, the IALS has been successfully administered in the household-survey setting. Several quality assurance steps have shown to be effective in this regard. Finally, the resultant national literacy skill profiles have provided useful literacy indicators at both government and individual levels.  相似文献   

There is no doubt of the necessity and importance of an international comparative inquiry concerning literacy. The difficulties involved in such an inquiry are also incontestable. In France the seemingly improbable results of the survey led to the French authorities – who had no doubt been insufficiently vigilant during the earlier stages of the survey – refusing to make the results public. These results highlight a number of methodological flaws that beset this vast undertaking, drawing attention to the need for better procedural precautions and a more adequate notion of literacy. This article presents a synthesis of the counter-investigations demanded by the French authorities, which justify their doubts on the IALS methods, and opens up a debate on the conception of literacy that was applied in the tests.  相似文献   

The concept and methodology of IALS obviously represent progress for literacy research. Nevertheless, this survey presents serious limitations. It prioritises the handling of data-based information as opposed to experiential and contextualized information, ranking at a higher position those who handle the first kind of information. The survey ignores how people solve problems in their life context. The competence of people cannot be understood merely through outside observation and a questionnaire situation. In the case of Poland, the interpretation of data manifests an ethnocentric Western attitude, tending to reduce cultural differences to a cultural deficit. Two IALS-inspired surveys conducted in Spain and Portugal mixed quantitative and qualitative methods in order to take into account the social relations in their cultural context. This article questions the role of research, which cannot be limited to the objectivation of reality, but should help to transform and improve it. The alternative model proposed is named "investigation action."  相似文献   

There is no doubt of the necessity and importance of an international comparative inquiry concerning literacy. The difficulties involved in such an inquiry are also incontestable. In France the seemingly improbable results of the survey led to the French authorities – who had no doubt been insufficiently vigilant during the earlier stages of the survey – refusing to make the results public. These results highlight a number of methodological flaws that beset this vast undertaking, drawing attention to the need for better procedural precautions and a more adequate notion of literacy. This article presents a synthesis of the counter-investigations demanded by the French authorities, which justify their doubts on the IALS methods, and opens up a debate on the conception of literacy that was applied in the tests.  相似文献   

The term “illiterate” that is commonly used to describe someone who cannot read or write is an absolute term, which fails to recognize that those who are deemed “illiterate” are probably in fact “literate” to some degree. The approach taken to define and measure literacy in the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) acknowledges the limitation of viewing literacy in a dichotomous way. The IALS assesses literacy proficiency along a continuum. This chapter considers some of the conceptual issues surrounding the definition and measurement of literacy proficiency. In particular, it addresses what the IALS literacy proficiency measure is and what it is not.  相似文献   

The concept and methodology of IALS obviously represent progress for literacy research. Nevertheless, this survey presents serious limitations. It prioritises the handling of data-based information as opposed to experiential and contextualized information, ranking at a higher position those who handle the first kind of information. The survey ignores how people solve problems in their life context. The competence of people cannot be understood merely through outside observation and a questionnaire situation. In the case of Poland, the interpretation of data manifests an ethnocentric Western attitude, tending to reduce cultural differences to a cultural deficit. Two IALS-inspired surveys conducted in Spain and Portugal mixed quantitative and qualitative methods in order to take into account the social relations in their cultural context. This article questions the role of research, which cannot be limited to the objectivation of reality, but should help to transform and improve it. The alternative model proposed is named "investigation action."  相似文献   

The paper evaluates the work of the International Adult Literacy Survey as reported in OECD 1997. It assesses its contribution to understanding literacy in terms of the perspective of the New Literacy Studies. It outlines this perspective as a basis for a critique that is mostly concerned with the validity of the test. Three criticisms of the survey are made: that it provides only a partial picture of literacy; that culture is treated as bias; and that the test items do not represent the real-life items as claimed. Finally, the paper concludes with an overall evaluation of what the IALS achieves in terms of its own aims.  相似文献   

The paper evaluates the work of the International Adult Literacy Survey as reported in OECD 1997. It assesses its contribution to understanding literacy in terms of the perspective of the New Literacy Studies. It outlines this perspective as a basis for a critique that is mostly concerned with the validity of the test. Three criticisms of the survey are made: that it provides only a partial picture of literacy; that culture is treated as bias; and that the test items do not represent the real-life items as claimed. Finally, the paper concludes with an overall evaluation of what the IALS achieves in terms of its own aims.  相似文献   

In all countries that participated in the IALS, there is a strong relationship between the literacy skills of youth and family socioeconomic status. This relationship is referred to a socioeconomic gradient. One of the key findings of studies that examined socioeconomic gradients within countries is that gradients tend to converge at higher levels of socioeconomic status; that is, youth from advantaged backgrounds tend to do well in any jurisdiction, while those from less advantaged backgrounds vary considerably in their proficiency among jurisdictions. This paper summarizes the evidence for converging socioeconomic gradients stemming from research based on the IALS, and discusses its policy implications.  相似文献   

The authors critically examine some of the underlying epistemological and theoretical assumptions of the IALS. In doing so, they distinguish among two basic orientations towards literacy. First, the standard approach (of which IALS is an example) subscribes to the possibility of measuring literacy as abstract, cognitive skills, and endorses the claim that there is an important relationship between literacy skills and economic success in the so-called 'knowledge society.' The second, called a socio-cultural approach, insists on the contextual and power-related character of people's literacy practices. The authors further illustrate that the assumptions of the IALS are rooted in a neo-liberal ideology that forces all members of society to adjust to the exigencies of the globalised economy. In the current, contingent conditions of the risk society, however, it does not seem very wise to limit the learning of adults to enhancing labour-market competencies. Adult education should relate to the concrete literacy practices people already have in their lives. It should make its learners co-responsible actors of their own learning process and participants in a democratic debate on defining the kind of society people want to build.  相似文献   

Judging by their literacy proficiency scores, Nordic countries stand out from others. Their consistently high scores are intriguing and make their populations interesting benchmarks for other countries that participated in the International Adult Literacy Survey. This article addresses the question of whether there are any specific ‘Nordic’ ways of planning and implementing adult education policies. Are there any features that define a common approach to adult education, one that sets the Nordic countries apart from other advanced regions in Europe and North America?Beyond the general pattern, specific sub-groups of the population are explored, and especially the groups ‘at-risk’, i.e. those that score low on literacy proficiency scales, have the least education, are old or unemployed. All Nordic countries are included in the analysis: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden participated in the original IALS survey, whereas Iceland collected comparable data on adult education participation in a separate survey.That Nordic countries have a comparatively high level of participation in adult education is a fact that leaves no room for discussion. However, if not only the rate of participation but also volume is considered then the Nordic countries appear more similar to others. What sets the Nordic countries apart is the level of public support for adult education for the low-skilled population. More generally, it would seem that public support for disadvantaged groups is the main defining characteristic of Nordic countries.  相似文献   

This article addresses the main predictors of adult education, using statistical methods different from those generally used by social science researchers. Its aim is twofold. First, it seeks to explain in a simple and comprehensible manner the methodological value of these methods (in relation to the use of structural models); secondly, it demonstrates the concrete usefulness of these methods on the basis of a recent piece of research on the data from the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS).  相似文献   

The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) is now the standard for assessing population literacy levels in industrialized countries. It uses elegant conceptual and methodological procedures to construct a `literacy' as universal across individuals and situations, and to assess individual levels of literacy ability. Central among these procedures is the conception of reading ability as information-processing skills underlying the performance of diverse documentary tasks in a `knowledge society' that ubiquitously demands these tasks. This conception builds into the knowledge of literacy a managerial or `competitive' standpoint, interested in abilities to perform prespecified tasks within ruling social relations. In further requiring that for individuals to be ranked at a given level, they must be able to `sight read' any task at that level of information-processing complexity, IALS makes tested literacy the counterpart of `flexibility' as a labour force attribute. Projects for literacy with democratic objectives require a broader conception, encompassing not only how courses of reading activity are done, but also how reading operates as moments of extended courses of action, including those aimed to develop people's capacities to control what they do.  相似文献   

This paper offers a brief overview of the framework that has been used for developing the tasks used to measure literacy in IALS as well as for understanding the meaning of what is being reported with respect to the comparative literacy proficiencies of adults. The importance of developing a framework is thought to be central in construct-based approaches to measurement. Among the things that should be included in the framework are an agreed definition of what ought to be measured and the identification of characteristics that can be used in the construction and interpretation of these tasks.  相似文献   

In the context of the UN Literacy Decade (declared in February 2003), the present paper suggests three parameters that should be considered when new tools for assessment are considered in less developed countries (LDCs), each of which poses a special challenge to international comparative literacy assessment, such as in the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS):
  • Smaller: Assessment methods do not need to be major entrepreneurial enterprises, but rather just robust enough to answer key policy questions at the national and local levels. International comparative studies often run counter to this perspective.
  • Quicker: Literacy assessments need to be completed in ‘real time’ so that results can affect policy and spending in the ‘lifetime’ of current ministerial appointments. Studies that take 3–5 years to generate results, even if robust, nonetheless fail to meet the test of timeliness.
  • Cheaper: LDCs cannot afford either the fiscal or human resources costs of deep involvement in highly technical assessment exercises. The higher the cost, the more difficult to get to an initial ‘yes’ to participate in such an exercise, and the more difficult to gather time-series data to follow policy decisions.
In sum, this paper finds that there is a very important need for improving literacy assessment methodologies and the empirical database in developing countries, especially in light of the new UN Literacy Decade. While the IALS presents interesting and important options for methodological consideration, it also has a number of inherent limitations as discussed herein. Other options exist which should also be considered, especially for poor countries, such as the smaller/quicker/cheaper (SQC) approach.  相似文献   

Images of mathematics held by university teachers of mathematics education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents data about views of mathematics collected through a national survey of teachers of mathematics education in Canadian universities. The results are compared to those obtained through a similar survey of university teachers of mathematical sciences carried out earlier.  相似文献   

注册测绘师考试对“控制测量学”教学改革的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
注册测绘师考试是我国目前开始实行的注册测绘师制度的一个基本程序,考试大纲中包含了控制测量学的教学内容。作为一个行业的认证考试,考试制度和考试大纲对于测绘工程专业教学具有重要的启示。本文探讨了注册测绘师考试对"控制测量学"的课程体系、教学内容、教学方法和教学手段进行改革的几点启示。  相似文献   

This article discusses the data obtained from an online survey of academic staff who are involved in module design and who are employed within one university. The survey was used as a baselining tool to explore the nature of current module design practice within the survey sample. Do academics consistently employ the pragmatic approaches recommended by educational developers and theorists or is module and curriculum development a more informally constructed process? By comparing the initial findings of this project with survey and interview data produced by evidence-based projects, this article suggests that module design practice is not set in stone and that we need a deeper analysis of the process of module and curriculum design in terms of social practice and socio-cultural theory in order to gain a deeper understanding of it.  相似文献   

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