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通过对多层住宅异形柱框结构的分析和比较,提出异形柱框架结构设计时应注意的问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

利用ANSYS模拟四根不同配箍率的高强混凝土轴压柱,分析了各柱的裂缝图和应力应变曲线。结果表明,随着配箍率的增加,柱的延性和承载力可以得到提高;较好的验证了文献中的箍筋作用机理。  相似文献   

异形柱在工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在大开间住宅建筑中采用轻质墙体,钢筋混凝土异形柱是增加房屋使用面积,适应变化,减轻建筑物自重,节约能源,促进墙体改革的住宅体系。  相似文献   

在大开间住宅建筑中采用轻质墙体 ,钢筋混凝土异形柱是增加房屋使用面积 ,适应变化 ,减轻建筑物自重 ,节约能源 ,促进墙体改革的住宅体系。  相似文献   

混凝土异形柱结构抗震设计中常见问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<混凝土异形柱结构技术规程>自实施以来得到了广泛应用,混凝土异形柱是一种抗震性能不佳的结构构件,在抗震设计中应尽量避免出现一些抗震薄弱环节.文章针对其在抗震设计中常出现的问题进行分析、总结,提出了设计中应注意的要点.  相似文献   

邬国清 《宜春学院学报》2008,30(Z1):174-175
本文旨在对异形柱及短肢剪力墙在结构设计中的一些问题进行探讨,重点从异形柱结构型式及其计算、短肢剪力墙结构及其计算、异形柱的受力性能及其轴压比控制三个方面阐述问题。  相似文献   

就地震区框架柱轴压比限值的问题进行分析,提出在采取适当措施的情况下轴压比限值可以适当放宽。  相似文献   

宽肢T形混凝土异型柱的有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
按不同肢厚比设计了3组计算模型,应用ADINA有限元软件分析宽肢T形截面柱在单调荷载作用下的非线性特性,分析了轴压比、水平力作用方向对其承载能力的影响,并通过对柱底部钢筋与混凝土单元的应力、应变随荷载增加而变化的情况的分析,验证了宽肢异形柱对平截面假定的适用性。  相似文献   

本文采用框架加荷系统对高强砼柱进行了反复荷载下的试验。以位移延性系数为指标,对影响高强砼柱延性的各因素进行了分析,提出了高强砼柱轴压比的限值和柱加密区箍筋最小体积含箍率的建议值,对高强砼偏心受压柱强度计算的基本假定进行了修正。供设计人员参考。  相似文献   

异形柱结构体系抗震性能初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吸取震害教训,力求抗震安全。分析了异形柱框架结构体系,CL结构体系(异性柱和复合墙板)的抗震性能,发现二者的抗震性能均较差,不适用于设防烈度为8度和小高层房屋。  相似文献   

混凝土异形柱结构在住宅建筑中的设计应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
混凝土异形柱结构体系主要用于住宅建筑和平面及竖向布置较为规则的一般民用建筑,通过研究混凝土异形柱结构的体系和布置方法以及实际住宅建筑小区工程,总结出混凝土异形柱结构在住宅建筑设计中的应用.  相似文献   

In order to study the seismic behavior of frame with specially shaped columns,the hysteretic curve was analyzed based on a quasi-static test of a two-span,three-story frame with specially shaped columns.The top layer framework curve and the corresponding resilience model were obtained from the hysteretic curve.And the stiffness and strength degeneration were also investigated.The results indicated that the stiffness degeneration is not obvious,thus the frame with specially shaped columns has high earthquake-resistant behavior.The resilience model calculated from the test can provide reference for design and nonlinear finite element analysis.  相似文献   

从异形柱大、小偏心界限破坏条件出发,导出了T形、十字形截面柱轴压比设计值的计算公式,讨论了翼缘对轴压比限值的影响,并给出了T形、十字形柱轴压比设计值取值的建议。  相似文献   

施工图是建筑装饰工程重要的技术指导文件,也是建筑装饰制图课程重要的教学内容。长期以来,由于缺乏行业标准和管理措施,施工图设计在装饰行业中极不规范,缺乏应有的深度,在高校制图课程教学中也存在同类问题。针对建筑装饰行业的现状和高职院校装饰制图课程施工图教学中出现的问题,结合建筑装饰行业逐步实行规范化管理的发展趋势,提出制图课程教学应加强施工图教学环节的把控,尤其是对教学重点的把控,并重视国家制图标准的应用,使学生真正具备建筑装饰行业施工图设计岗位的职业能力。  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints with X-shaped reinforcement,two groups of specimens with or without X-shaped reinforcement in joint core region were tested under constant axial compression load and low reversed cyclic loading,which imitated low to moderate earthquake force.The seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints with X-shaped reinforcement in terms of bearing capacity,displacement,ductility,hysteretic curve,stiffness degradation and energy dissipation was studied and compared to that without Xshaped reinforcement in joint core region.With the damage estimation model,the accumulated damage was analyzed.The shearing capacity formula of specially shaped column joints reinforced by X-shaped reinforcement was proposed with a simple form.The test results show that X-shaped reinforcement is an effective measure for improving the seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints including deformation behavior,ductility and hysteretic characteristic.All specimens were damaged with gradual stiffness degeneration.In addition,X-shaped reinforcement in the joint core region is an effective way to lighten the degree of cumulated damage.The good seismic performance obtained from the specially shaped column joint with X-shaped reinforcement can be used in engineering applications.The test value is higher than the calculated value,which indicates that the formula is safe for the design of specially shaped column joints.  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic behavior of connections composed of steel reinforced ultra high strength concrete (SRUHSC) column and reinforced concrete (RC) beam, six interior strong-column-weak-beam connection specimens were tested subjected to reversal cyclic load. Effects of applied axial load ratio and volumetric stirrup ratio on ductility, energy dissipation capacity, strength degradation and rigidity degradation were discussed. It was found that all connection specimens failed in bending in a ductile manner with a beam plastic hinge. The ductility and energy dissipation capacity increased with the decrease of applied axial load ratio or increase of volumetric stirrup ratio. The displacement ductility coefficient and equivalent damping coefficient lay between those of steel reinforced ordinary concrete connection and those of reinforced concrete connection. The applied axial load ratio and volumetric stirrup ratio had less influence on the strength degradation and more influence on the stiffness degradation. The stiffness degraded sharply with the decrease of volumetric stirrup ratio or increase of applied axial load ratio. The experimental results indicate that SRUHSC column and RC beam connection exhibited better seismic performance and can provide reference for engineering application.  相似文献   

目前,多层钢筋混凝土异形柱框架在设计计算及施工中都存在一些具体的问题有待进一步分析和探讨,异形柱框架结构的内力和位移按弹性方法计算,并考虑抗侧力结构的共同作用.异形柱的正截面承载力计算方法是将双向偏压弯矩近似化作轴向力作用在对称轴上的当量弯矩,再计算其正截面承载力,即"当量弯矩法".  相似文献   

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