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大学校长和党委书记都是公立高校的领导者。在"党委领导下的校长负责制"这一框架性制度下,大学校长和党委书记的角色存在同化现象:各群体对大学校长和党委书记的共同角色期待依次是教育家、变革领导者和政治家,并认为他们实际上都是政策执行者、变革领导者、教育家以及行政官员,他们的共同职责是学校发展的战略规划。因此,需要继续坚持和完善"党委领导下的校长负责制":进一步协调"党委"和"行政"的关系、明确党委书记的举办者身份、强化大学校长的决策执行者角色意识和加快推进大学校长的职业化进程。  相似文献   

变革型学校领导者在日常工作中可采取十项措施:一是每天视察每间教室,将援助活动延展到教室现场,鼓励教师间彼此听课和交换意见;二是开学之初,组织全体教职员工深入研讨学校目标、信念和愿景;三是促使教师从全校的角度思考和处理个人问题,  相似文献   

一个优秀的领导者不一定要在各个方面都比下属强,而在于具有调动下属积极性的能力.激励不仅是重要的管理手段,而且是一门高深的管理艺术.领导者对下属的激发与鼓励,会使他们发挥更大的积极性和创造性.因此说激励是一门激发下级战斗力的领导艺术,掌握激励的方法尤为重要.  相似文献   

<正>"校长合作领导"是与传统个体领导相对应的概念,是指在一定时期内,学校内部的校长角色不是由一位领导者担任,而是由两位领导者共同或轮流担任,他们之间的地位完全相等。"校长合作领导"的核心假设在于两位校长都具备一定的领导能力,且这种能力也是学校组织在特定时期内所需要的。西方中小学"校长合作领导"的提出令教育管理者耳目一新,它鼓励校长们变革传统的教育管理和学校领导方式,通过分工与合作的  相似文献   

校长是学校变革中最核心的领导者,是学校变革过程中一个最具影响力的要素。在历史视阈中,随着时代的变迁,校长在学校变革过程中的角色发生了一系列的变化。在当前的学校变革实践中,校长往往充当着"守门人"角色,即以"稳定的代理人"、"秩序的维护者"、"阻止变革者"和"具体事务的管理者"等实然角色形象出现。基于此,"道德领导者"、"课程和教学领导者"和"学习型组织的营造者"等多元、复合型的"变革代理人"角色,是对学校变革中校长之理想角色的期待和诉求。  相似文献   

近年来,人们对学校领导者的认识发生了巨大的变化.今天的校长要负责塑造学校,使之成为有效学习的显著标志.他们面临的挑战,是澄清自己的价值观、信仰和立场,并主动鼓励他人和自己重新设计并改进学校,人们期待校长创造条件,加强授权,并促进组织成员的发展.在我国的学校之中,校长已不仅是作为一个上级教育意图的执行者,他们更多地要承担塑造学校文化的职能,即打造学校的软实力.  相似文献   

变革领导者如何将对变革复杂性的理解转化为有意义的变革行动是学校变革的一大难题。经过40年的教育变革研究与实践,迈克尔·富兰形成了“一致性建构”的变革理论,为学校变革化繁为简提供了可参照的行动路径。基于“简复性”的逻辑理路,“一致性建构”强调抓住学校变革的关键要素,从聚焦方向、培育协作、深化学习、改变问责和重塑领导五个维度实施变革。“一致性建构”理论表明,变革领导者可以从“把握变革原则而非寻求处方”“整合领导力和集体能力建设”和“联结教学法变革与环境改变”着手,实现学校变革的化繁为简。  相似文献   

伍红林:学校变革的关键是要强化变革主体的内在力量 对我国教育改革的反思,如果聚焦于学校变革的具体承担者——变革主体,我们会发现变革中面临的诸多矛盾、冲突、胶着并非不可解决.关键是要强化校长、其他领导者及教师等变革主体的内在力量,并在变革过程中不断积聚生成的实践智慧。  相似文献   

Hay 《现代企业教育》2006,(15):24-27
我们的发现表明:创新始于企业高管,领导者提供创新的方向,并建立有利于创新的组织文化和气氛.观点是创新的动力,无论是新的观点或是已有观点,他们都在新的方法中起到杠杆作用.为了促进创新观点的产生,创新型的领导鼓励个人的高度的主动性、推行有效的多功能的团队协作和融合,以确保最佳操作在公司中的扩散和充分运用.……  相似文献   

我们的发现表明:创新始于企业高管,领导者提供创新的方向,并建立有利于创新的组织文化和气氖。观点是创新的动力,无论是新的观点或是已有观点,他们都在新的方法中起到杠杆作用。为了促进创新观点的产生,创新型的领导鼓励个人的高度的主动性、推行有效的多功能的团队协作和融合,以确保最佳操作在公司中的扩散和充分运用。  相似文献   

文章分析了生态湖州建设的五个有利条件和四个不利因素,进而指出建设生态湖州的基本对策:深化部分党政领导干部对生态建设的认识,切实转变经济增长方式,突出各地特色,发挥人民及民间组织的积极作用,以及进一步健全相关机制。  相似文献   

Teacher professional development is a key factor for transforming professional and school culture. This article describes a case study undertaken in a Spanish school during the 2007-2008 academic year. Our aim is to explain how action research methodology was applied to encourage professional and school culture towards an intercultural and inclusive approach. Our results show that the training process challenged teachers’ pre-existing deficit theory perspectives and empowered them as leaders for school change. The conclusions identify the key factors that enabled teachers to engage in critical reflection, and to implement strategies for collaborative work and community participation in school.  相似文献   

领导干部讲正气是思想政治工作的优势所在。领导干部要做到以身作则;密切联系群众,全心全意为人民服务;做批评与自我批评。领导干部讲正气了,没有做不好的思想政治工作。  相似文献   

在研究生论文的撰写方面,各高校领导的思想还应该再解放一点,应该允许研究生根据自己所学的专业,选择自己感兴趣的选题。要鼓励研究生独立思考,积极创新,用自己的话语表达自己的观点和主张,阐释自己的研究结论,创建自己的理论。要做到这一点,就必须真正贯彻“百家争鸣”的方针,为年轻人创造一个宽松的舆论环境。  相似文献   

One of the challenges facing the Early Years (EY) sector is how to encourage more male practitioners to counterbalance a largely feminised workforce. Using case studies of male trainees at different stages of their primary undergraduate Initial Teacher Training course at one university, we attempt to consider data why there is under-representation of men within the leadership strata in EY settings. Questionnaires and interviews were conducted with the male sample groups and male leaders in primary schools to gain an overview regarding gender stereotyping. Our findings suggest that male trainees enjoy working in the EY sector, but they need mentoring by strong leaders to help them overcome the perceived contextual barriers of male stereotypes in that setting. In conclusion, we consider some of these barriers of stereotypes, attitudes, values, beliefs existing and the actions needed in addressing such stereotypes if a long-lasting change is to happen.  相似文献   

在大多领导学科中,服务作为一项要求往往是用来作为评价领导者工作作风和业绩的外在标准,而未能内化为领导者,尤其行政领导者的基本素质之一.本文认为,从服务要求到服务素质的转化,既充分体现"服务"的新特征,又顺应了时代的发展要求,具有重大的现实意义,这也要求广大行政领导者在学习和实践中进一步提高其服务素质.  相似文献   

School leaders can ally with other educational stakeholders to encourage undocumented student persistence in Pk-12 schools. We explore (1) how school leaders create systems of support for undocumented and newly arrived immigrant students, and (2) how school leaders interpret and implement policies or school structures that affect student educational access. Border crossing theory guides our examination of how school leaders traverse and transgress borders that can impede students' education. This embedded case study included interviews with nine administrators working on the US-México border. The study finds that leaders expected to make a difference in students' lives by focusing on relationships and programming, committing to equity, and resisting deficit thinking about students and their families.  相似文献   

A major goal of education for Tibetans, as for all China's ‘minority nationalities’, has been to encourage patriotism towards China and to foster a sense of nationhood. This paper considers the ways in which this priority has conditioned the schooling of Tibetans since 1950. Although this priority is unchanging, the paper looks at how it varies in degree and content as political leaders or policies change. An analysis of the primary curriculum reveals the process whereby Tibetan ethnicity is recreated through selective rendering of elements of Tibetan culture, history and religion to reposition it in the Chinese national context. It argues that while in central China the ideological content of the curriculum may have diminished with economic development, in Tibet, as in other border regions, the particular blend of patriotic and moral education is likely to continue as long as the Chinese state feels threatened by outside cultural and political influences.  相似文献   

高校教学秘书是连接教务处、院系、教师等方面的重要桥梁。他的专业化程度直接影响着高校教学质量,因此教学秘书应该积极努力做到使自己成为一个专业化秘书,同时,也需要领导进一步重视,为教学秘书提供学习提高的机会,让教学秘书成为保证教学质量的中坚力量。  相似文献   

Leaders work at all levels in organizations, but few of them are truly empowered. Why don't organizations do a better job of empowering them? Four factors obstruct organizations' efforts. Most leadership development programs (a) are offered out of context of other organizational development efforts; (b) are generic and not specific to organizations' needs for change; (c) do not last long enough; and (d) are based on either a skill development model or a personal development model, instead of personal development interweaved with skills development. An effective program to empower leaders might overcome these obstacles by drawing on initial and continuing support from top management; implementing an articulated plan including training, reward systems to encourage leaders to develop others, appropriate process and outcome performance appraisal objectives, and regular channels for feedback among individuals across many organizational levels; linking process goals (e. g., building community, envisioning) to organizational outcome goals; developing mechanisms to institutionalize long–term leadership and organizational development goals; and ensuring that training addresses skill and personal areas of development as much in concert as possible.  相似文献   

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